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Old 2009-12-06, 15:36   Link #65
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 40
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Originally Posted by Rising Dragon View Post
He's referring to the Setsuna and Tieria vs. Ali battle in the second season, in which Ali says half of his body was burned by the destruction of his Gundam Throne. A lot of people take it too literally and assume he literally lost half of his body; I take it to mean he suffered 3rd degree burns on half of his body.
Hmmm well anyway I hope if there's a new project I might actually get to enjoy it and have a reasonable discussion about it this time around, though judging by the level of maturity (or lack thereof) already present in this thread I think there's just a little to many excess emotions and opinions for this to work as a subforum when the time comes.

They are going to have to make new rules tailored specifically to the Geass forum in order to not have this end up looking like 4chan week after week. *hint hint*
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