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Old 2006-10-01, 17:01   Link #141
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
No Back-Up (Kai Ep. 9)

Sonozaki family caretaker "Sure, please hold on. ....Oryou-san, there's a phone call from the local affairs."

Oryou: "...huh? Hello?"

Aida: "Hello Counselor Sonozaki. This is Aida from local affairs. Thank you for the ohagi, they were very delicious."

Oryou: "That's alright. Thank you for the culture festival, especially the nodategasa (a type of umbrella used for shade in Japanese tea ceremony). How much do one of those cost? We're gonna use that every year so the village council should buy one for ourselves."

Aida: "Well, we just borrowed that one from the master. If we're to buy it, domestic ones go for at least 200,000 yen. There's also ones that are made in China which is a bit cheaper, which sells for 80,000 yen..."

Oryou: "So long as it isn't rude towards the master, I don't mind if it's made in China or not. Choose the best one that you see fit, alright?"

Aida: "Well, we've asked for a sample for that 80,000 yen umbrella. Once it arrives, we'll come and show you, counselor, to see it for yourself for decision..."

Oryou: "Oh and the master told me that for the past three years, we've been using the Edo Senke (one of the schools of Japanese traditional tea ceremony). The master told me that we should start rotating and calling other masters from other schools in order to keep balance. Would the village council be able to start looking for other masters to bring in by the next festival?"

Aida: "Oh...I see. N...No problem ma'am! We'll do our best to find a tea ceremony master from a different school. ...And, uh...counselor. There's something that we'd like to ask you..."

Oryou: "Oh, my. I'm sorry about talking about the umbrella to start. So what's wrong?"

Aida: "Well, I was calling to see if counselor had heard about the thing regarding the Hinamizawa resident named Houjou Satoko."

Oryou: "Houjou Satoko-? Aaah! That little daughter of that pesty Houjous. Did she do something?"

Aida: "Uh, well...It seems that she has started living with her uncle recently, but it seems that she is being a victim of child abuse from her uncle. We were wondering if counselor had heard about this."

Oryou: "Her uncle? That Satoko? I haven't heard anything!"

Aida: "Oh, it's alright if counselor hasn't heard anything. To tell you the truth, there was a complaint regarding this submitted to our Child Protection Services. They said that it was a very strong complaint. We've got a call from the supervisor of that section who was wondering if this was a case that was heard by counselor Oryou and whether or not requires immediate action or not."

Oryou: "I don't know anything about it! Why should I break my feeble bone to help the daughter of those punk Houjous! The Sonozaki family hasn't heard anything nor have nothing to do with this matter!!"

Aida: "So there's no talk between counselor and the neighborhood councils about this or anything...?"

Oryou: "Nothing, nothing!!! What kind of talk of is this!! The Sonozaki should've heard of something when the Kimiyoshi began to indirectly take care of the daughter Houjou! Who is the person that submitted this complaint!?"

Aida: "It was a group of students...or so we've heard. ...So we can take this as a complaint that was made by themselves, and that the neighborhood councils nor counselor has any involvement with this matter, am I correct?"

Oryou: "That should be obvious ain't it!! We don't know anything! The village has nothing with regards to Satoko!!"

The contents of this conversation was stated back to the Child Protective Services.

...Basically, since there was no involvement of Oryou in this claim, they did not see any need for special action. The supervisor of the services told his subordinates that if the people who filed the claim were to come again, they should just be calm and listen to their claims and becareful not to make any verbal promises.

Aida: "Hmm...Maebara Keiichi-kun. He's a prime example of a kid who is gonna grow up to call out against bureacratic red-tape."

Last edited by kj1980; 2007-09-03 at 03:40.
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Old 2006-10-01, 17:58   Link #142
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
The Nuisance and Her Return to School (Kai Ep. 9)

It' been three days since I prohibitted Satoko from going to school.

The irritating teacher of hers named Chie called again, but I just yelled at the bitch and hung up the phone.

But that bitch just doesn't seem to give up. I can tell she's not gonna back down so easily. Then, she'll call that Child Protective Services again.

The main reason why Teppei forbade Satoko from going to school was because he feared that she'll cry for help at the school.

When the person from the Child Protective Services came to check us out, Satoko was able to go along with my coax - but that was because I was standing right next to her. But if she gets away from my supervision, she'll definitely betray me.

If that happens, then the Child Protective Services will jump right in. No, they'll probably bring the cops too because of this so-called abuse shit or whatever. ...I heard from my buddies that these city services are tied with the police.

Teppei has a long criminal record. If the cops comes in, they'll probably interrogate him for that'll likely lead him into some deep shit. Needless to say, he doesn't want any cops burdening his troubles.

All I need is money. If I could find the bank account book of my older brother and his wife, I can get out of this shitty village.

Teppei never went outside as he felt the villagers' eyes were penetrating him. But since staying inside is very boring, he frequent called over his friends to play mah-jong. But, you need four people to play mah-jong. There are times where the other three cannot make it. Hence, it was not unusual to see Teppei wasting away his hours watching the TV.

Rather than wasting time, Teppei began to search all around the house for the treasure. He could trash the place all he wants since Satoko was going to clean up after his mess anyway.

I'm gonna leave this house anyway. Who cares if I break some furniture here and there?

Teppei ripped open and trashed out the closet, removed the ceiling, turned the drawers inside out, to find the loot. Misers are devious in their places where they hide their cash. He had to undergo such extreme measures in order to find their money.

When he had finished searching the first floor, he moved his way up the stairs to search the second floor. Just as he was about to start in one of the rooms, Satoko jumped on him.

Satoko: "No, not nii-nii's room...!!"

Teppei: "What the fuck!!!"

Satoko: "Please, please not nii-nii's room...!!!"

Teppei first thought that this was where the loot was stashed because of Satoko's sudden extreme behavior. Teppei tried to kick Satoko away and tried to barge into Satoshi's room. ...However, Satoko frantically held on to prevent him from doing so.

Teppei was a bit amused at how the usually non-responsive Satoko was putting up such a resistance, but he was also a bit taken back by her firmness. Teppei had to ask why Satoko wasn't letting him inside.

Satoko: "....sniff! That nii-nii's room... Nii-nii's gonna feel sad...when he comes back...and see his room in a mess...sniff, sniff!!"

Teppei: "What, so the reason is because it's your brother's room? You don't even know Satoshi is dead or alive."

Satoko: "Nii-nii is alive!! He's gonna come back some day!! Waaaaaaan!! Please don't trash it! Please don't trash it!!"

Teppei: "...What are you saying. I ain't gonna trash it. I'm gonna clean it out. There's no reason to keep a room for someone who ain't here. That's why I'm gonna clean the room a bit."

Satoko: "No!! Noo----!!! Waaaaan, waaaaaaaaaa!!! Nii-nii, Nii-nii-!!!! Uwaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

Teppei: "Wha, what, you don't like me going into this room that much...!!"

The extreme behavior shown by Satoko caused even Teppei to step back and not try to go any further. Teppei was a pro when it comes to threatening people. If one goes a bit too far, the mouse would start to bite the cat.

Hence, Teppei figured that if he were to barge into the room despite Satoko's resistance, she would retaliate by running out of here. From Teppei's view, Satoko was just a pesty nuisance who is irritating to have here, yet also too dangerous to let go from his grasp.

Teppei: "All right, all right!! If Satoko stays a good girl, I won't go into this room. Okay? You got that?"

Satoko: "...Yes...yes..."

Teppei: "But in return, you'd better not make me angry. We don't have the resources to keep a room for Satoshi who's not coming back alright? So if you don't come back home or if you tell anyone things like I'm hurting you, ...well this room's gonna get into trouble, all right? Got that?!"

Satoko: "...Yes...yes... Thank you...thank you..."

The stash's gotta be in there. ...But if Satoko finds out that I messed up this room, she's gonna cause quite a big of a headache for me. At first I thought that I made a dumb promise with her. However, come to think of it, this isn't such a bad deal after all. I mean, I was able to put her under my control with a hostage called Satoshi's room which I could care less.

...With that in mind, perhaps this might be a good chance to send her back to school as well. If I prohibit her from attending school another day, that bitch teacher of hers would probably bring in the cops to her side.

The only reason why I didn't want her going to school was because I didn't want Satoko telling things at her school. But with this deal, I don't have to fear her betraying me, so I can send her to school.

Besides, I can start searching Satoshi's room little by little without Satoko around too.

Teppei: "Satoko. You were a good girl, so I think your cold should be cured by now. Go back to school starting tomorrow."

Satoko: "....Thank you thank you thank you..."

I've teached her that she must thank me whenever I give her pity, but whenever she starts saying that like a broken record, it freaks me out. Teppei was back to his selfish attitude.

Teppei: "Now get outta here, you little shit. ....Damn it! Shit is boring!!"

Last edited by kj1980; 2007-09-03 at 03:41.
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Old 2006-10-01, 22:58   Link #143
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
The Conduct of Being a Public Official (Kai Ep. 9)

Chief: "I see. Well, I'm relieved that the village council nor the raucous Onigafuchi Defense League isn't supporting this case from the back. Please handle Houjou Satoko's case regularly without any special treatment."

Public official A: "Yes. Knowing that the whole of Hinamizawa isn't backing this up, we can carry out this case normally."

Chief: "However, I don't like the way things are run here. As a public official, it is our duty to treat all cases equally without regards to who or whom are supporting those cases. If this case was to be carried out with special treatment, wouldn't that set a precedent of favoritism towards Hinamizawa?"

Public official A: "...I understand your concern chief, but...well..."

Chief: "The supervisor of the local affairs checked with the association of neighborhood councils, and they too had no involvement in this as well. So please tell your staff to handle all cases calm seriousness. The idea of asking what to do because it is a case from Hinamizawa itself is a questionable conduct of being a public official. It is your responsibility to teach your staff about this."

Public official A: "Yes, I'm sorry... Well, I'm relieved that the village is not backing this case."

Chief: "It doesn't matter whether or not if the village is backing this or not! Please handle Houjou Satoko's matter with care. Make sure you tell the person in charge of this case not set an irregular precedent by by providing this case with special treatment."

Last edited by kj1980; 2007-09-03 at 03:42.
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Old 2006-10-02, 14:32   Link #144
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: SoCal
The Foward of a Faded Notebook (Minagoroshi-hen)

No one knows when God will descend.

Just as one will not know when will a thief will break-in.

That is why without warning, wait for that time to arrive, making sure you will
have no repentance from infidelity, always keeping your eyes open.

Not even God knows what day or what time that will be.

So you will stay vigilant so that God can come at any time.

Constantly within yourself, believe God.
As even God doesn’t know when it will bathe Light upon you.

Do not be frugal with your endeavor.
Always be diligent.
Be passionate in your pursuit.

When will Day of Salvation come, God may not know, but that day is promised.
Until that Promised Day, I will not fail at keeping my passionate flame.


Last edited by kj1980; 2006-10-04 at 19:04.
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Old 2006-10-02, 18:10   Link #145
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Canada
Age: 38
Faded Notebook II & III (Minagoroshi-hen)

The son of God fortold his own ressurection after three days.

The sinners had soldiers seal his tomb, and guarded it to make sure his body does not revive, but that was a very foolish thing to do.

That's because the ressurection does not refer to the revival of his body, but the revival of his heart and his teachings instead.

Do not be afraid of the physical death.
If your contributions are real, you will revive without a doubt.

When that time comes, you will surpass death and gain eternal life.

And then the devil took the son of God to the cliff edge, and told him to jump off.
If you call yourself God's child, then God should protect you with a miracle, it says.

To test that would mean testing God.
Although God may test man, man mustn't test God.

To test means to doubt.
Doubt will lend your ears to the devil's words, and currupt your mind.

Do not doubt your own accomplishments.
Do not doubt your own life.
Do not doubt your own contributions.

And you mustn't test your own accomplishments by other's evaluations of it.
To test that would be the same as doubting your own life.

Hifumi. T

Last edited by Sushi-Y; 2006-10-04 at 18:36.
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Old 2006-10-03, 00:02   Link #146
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
At the End of Playing with the Individual Pieces (Minagoroshi-hen)

There's a reason why all this TIPS is in spoiler tags. You read at your own risk.


Last edited by kj1980; 2006-10-10 at 14:02.
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Old 2006-10-10, 14:04   Link #147
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
Matsuribayashi-hen Pieces

Now that you've read all the TIPS, it is time for you to move on to collecting the individual Pieces of the Puzzles.

These are listed in the Putting the Pieces Together thread, which will explain to you all the back details that led up to the events of Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni.

Have fun!
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Old 2006-12-12, 05:40   Link #148
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43



Last edited by kj1980; 2006-12-12 at 08:34.
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Old 2006-12-12, 06:03   Link #149
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
Hanyuu's reflection on her past?



Last edited by kj1980; 2008-01-10 at 03:56.
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