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Old 2023-04-29, 20:02   Link #21
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Spoiler for S2 Ep5:

Last edited by FlareKnight; 2023-04-29 at 20:22.
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Old 2023-05-01, 15:09   Link #22
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Yep, definitely not "Fairy Tail in space".
"I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it" (Charles R. Swindoll)
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Old 2023-05-06, 21:08   Link #23
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Spoiler for S2 Ep6:
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Old 2023-05-13, 18:07   Link #24
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Spoiler for Ep32:
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Old 2023-06-13, 19:38   Link #25
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Should this thread be moved to the "Current Series" forum, since new episodes are coming out?
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Old 2023-06-17, 20:24   Link #26
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Who knows. Would probably be reasonable.
Spoiler for Ep37:
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Old 2023-07-22, 13:15   Link #27
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Kleene wanting to stay with the crew is very sweet, even if her brother has no intention of staying longer than they have to. Though it sounds like the reason Kleene lost her emotions are pretty involved and not something he's interested in talking about .

I guess the good point for having extra crew around is having them able to man the ships and protect the ship while the main crew is on the ground .

So there are robots that weren't hacked and have been suffering just like the humans? Well, and getting targeted by Poseidon Nero's Commando Team Beast! That poor little bot !

Good to know Couchpo won't eat glue at least .

Ugh, a slime guy? Ew. Especially when he's threatening Pino. Luckily Shiki's gravity powers can just lift everything up and he can try to slam a tree right into the dude. Better yet, when he rips the slime off the others, the girls' tops get ripped and exposes their chests. Which is a given for Rebecca, but pretty nice view with Homura as well .

Rebecca with the leaf bikini and ponytail is quite the sight .

Smoke separating everyone? Time to settle into their fights! Rebecca's got cool beauty glasses smoke lady, Homura's got the slime guy, Weisz is going to have to fix this hacking before their own robots fall prey to it, while Shiki has to fight half-machine Orc and his metal arm. Shiki is trying to stick up for his dad and his robots but has a hard time defending him after seeing what's happened on this planet. Not to mention the machine gun to the face !
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Old 2023-08-05, 12:48   Link #28
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Rebecca ran from one problem to another. It's bad enough she's got a bitter bespectacled baddie after her but now she's a human in a city of human slaves .

Having mist/gas powers seems pretty versatile until you realize you can just as easily be sucked into a vacuum...once Rebecca Cat Leaps back in time with the password for said vacuum. And then she just Aoneko Kicks her into space! Lucy would be proud .

I guess I'm not surprised Rebecca is trying to cover up more though I'm not sure if she'll be able to cover the cost of the cardigan and vacuum .

So Rebecca doesn't just time leap into different world lines but she can actually rewind time for a few minutes. It's a pretty OP power minus the physical and mental aftereffects from overusing it. Though I like how she still comes up with a fun name for it and has to demonstrate her future knowledge to Pino because she's just spunky like that .

Treating the fans (and Shiki!) to Homura bathing! And also a sweet friendship moment as Shiki confirms he'd rather his friends get their wishes from Mother rather than his own .

We finally check into what Weisz and Hermit are doing and they're sassing each other as much as usual. Not sure what to think of Hermit biting into Weisz though .

Ugh! I never wanted to see Muller again. The last thing Hermit needs is to see the guy who used and abused her so much and nearly prevented her from ever bonding with people again. And what a hypocrite...he hated robots so much but now he practically is one and serving a robot master in Ziggy just so he can experiment on humans. What a piece of @#$% .

Although things aren't going well there. Weisz gets shocked, Hermit gets chained up, and even Kleene is reacting to Muller's presence .

Justice and his team makes short work of Beast Squad One! I guess the Interstellar Union Army aren't all show. It's just too bad Justice recognizes Shiki's connection to Elsie and only cares about using him to find her. Homura gets caged and Shiki may have just picked a fight he's not ready for .
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Old 2023-08-06, 13:46   Link #29
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Well Justice is a...well better not say that here. What a pain in the rear though. He must have lived in a really comfortable bubble if Elsie is the greatest evil in the universe to him. Obviously they are going to play into some misunderstanding where Justice blames Elsie for some great tragedy. One she was probably caught up in but wasn't really responsible for.

But regardless, going around kidnapping and killing according to his moods. Hope he is at least actively living with the realization that his name is a total joke.

Rebecca might want to be careful about ability spamming since if she goes too far and leaves that world she's not going back. But I suppose it is good to have a good idea of her limits. Really going to try and surpass the abuse Lucy could take in Fairy Tail. Since technically Rebecca can be taken to near death and then use her ability to go backwards to before she took the damage.

While having Hermit and Weisz hanging out is fun, not so much when you throw Muller into the mix...That guy is a total psycho. Hopefully this duo can overcome the situation and put him down for good. Sucks that Hermit is going to have to face and try to overcome her trauma at a time like this. But she'll almost certainly have to. I expect Weisz to step up, but it can't just be him.

At least the Hermit and Weisz ship is cute as hell. Even having her play up into being infected for a moment before going for a pretty legit bite . Of course she goes with the whole "if I'm infected take me down" thing. But no chance Weisz would actually do that. Whatever it would take to bring her back to her senses is exactly what he'd do.
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Old 2023-08-12, 13:33   Link #30
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Shiki really got unlucky. Not only is he dealing with someone who immediately writes him off as a criminal for his association with Elsie and being part of an unregistered ship, but Justice has the ability to kill him with impunity after writing him off as "evil" .

Justice went full Jellal! Complete with blue hair! They couldn't resist having Daisuke Namikawa say "Grand Chariot" again. Shiki didn't stand a chance !

Well, at least Creed isn't immune to Homura's charms. He has good taste. Now if he could just let her out of that cage...though I guess that's what Elsie's Princess guards are for .

Get those tentacles off hermit Muller you piece of @#$%! Although at least knowing about Wiesz future self makes him take his attention off of her for a second .

Elsie arrived just in time! It's Erza vs Jellal 2.0! And somehow despite how hard they're going at each other and the obvious bad blood between them you can still cut the sexual tension with a knife .

So Elsie and Justice (or James as she still calls him) were royalty from their home planet betrothed from a young age. They were actually sweet kids back then. But Elsie saw the corruption in the system and exposed it, causing a war that ended up dooming the nation and everyone they know and loved. Even if Elsie still feels that loss, she still feels she did the right thing, not thinking Justice's solution of working within the system would've made any difference. And that puts them at the current impasse that cause them to try to kill each other .

Ah yes, stabbing each other in mid-kiss. That's more hardcore than even Erza and Jellal ever got .

Nice job pulling out Arsenal, Weisz! And giving Hermit the emotional support she needs! Too bad Muller is a sore loser and makes sure to have the robots go on an even bigger massacre against the humans with poor Rebecca powerless to do anything but save one poor little girl .

But now Shiki's met a new face (voiced by Kazuhiko Inoue!) a true gravity Magimech master named Xenolith who taught Ziggy, and is powerful enough to hold the entire planet in the sway of his gravity. This is probably going to be a very important meeting for Shiki .
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Old 2023-08-14, 22:05   Link #31
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Yeah, still seems like Justice is just a total jerk. Guess he can talk on and on about how he was going to change his world for the better from within...yeah good luck with that. He was getting married to a Princess to cement his nation being taken over. I really doubt he was going to have such incredible political powers to change that society. And yeah...I doubt he would have gotten that authority anytime soon.

Now he's just being a jerk that goes around and kills anyone he doesn't like.

The Hermit and Weisz were again strong parts of the episode. Good on him for helping bring Hermit back to her senses. No shock that her trauma and PTSD was keeping her from thinking straight. But at least she was reminded that she's got friends and those close to her. A huge step up for Weisz to outright call himself her friend.

Good for Shiki that he's met someone uniquely qualified to teach him about his ether gear and help him get a lot stronger. Obviously this isn't exactly time for a training arc. But maybe he can pick up a few things.
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Old 2023-08-19, 13:19   Link #32
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Shiki is running the gamut of emotions from meeting Ziggy's master Xenolith, especially when he finds out he was once a man who lost his physical body and is now stuck in a robot. Xenolith is also a little more jovial than I expected, particularly when talking about Ziggy as a student or how wild he was in his youth (particularly with the ladies) .

I love how Elsie's battle damage to her outfit includes exposing her cleavage. And it seems like she and Justice separate to carry on their battle another day, though Elsie seems like she wouldn't mind kissing him again. Meanwhile Justice is getting lightly scolded by this Holy woman (Aya Endo!) with her massive rack for going off an obsessing over his ex-girlfriend .

Thank goodness Creed is honorable enough to save Homura from getting stepped on by his giant comrade. At least they're not as bad as Justice. And it seems like Creed might be developing a little crush on Homura? Not that I blame him .

Rebecca looks so cool riding on that bike and saving Homura !

Oh that poor, poor girl. Her robot companion was the little sweet one that the gang tried to help before she got destroyed .

Kleene freaking out? Time for Sister to strip, don a form fitting bodysuit, and dive deep into her mind to fix her! And in doing so she's able to bring comfort to Kleene in the most heartbreaking moment in her life .

Man, Mueller is a real piece of work, it's one thing that he's so depraved and messed up but that's before he reveals what he did to Jinn and Kleene and how he killed their parents and tortured Jinn in front of Kleene to the point of emotionally breaking her. It's enough to make Weisz ticked off and he doesn't even like Jinn and Kleene .

Laguna with the back up! And Weisz blowing up Mueller was even more satisfying than an Arsenal beatdown! Totally worth it for impressing Hermit and making her blush! And she makes Weisz blush in kind .

I'm glad Hermit got the last hit in on Mueller, not only tricking him into giving her exactly what she needed to fix everything but also delivering one satisfying final punch straight to his face! She deserved that .

Well, the robots are back to normal and the planet isn't going to blow up...but there's still so much messed up that happened that I'm not sure there's any chance of fixing it .
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Old 2023-08-20, 15:22   Link #33
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"Unlike you guys we don't kill for no reason." One second, I just need a moment here...PFFFFT . Guy might want to check in with his boss that goes around killing people for no reason all the time .

Honestly, this was a good episode. Really gave some time to handling things with Hermit and Weisz.

The show definitely doesn't mind going into truly horrific situations at times. What a horrifying backstory for Kleene and her brother. No wonder the girl was broken that severely. I suppose credit to Jinn that he didn't actually go insane. Obviously was willing to sink to lows himself to get what he needed, but I get it. Thankfully things look somewhat promising when it goes for Sister's treatment. There's no undoing the past here. But at least can erase the memories of that trauma. Give Kleene a chance at living a good life again.

As if we needed more reasons to hate the existence of Mueller. What absolute scum. If that guy could find a way to be a more disgusting blight on the universe he probably would do so.

Will focus on the good stuff. Good on Hermit for handling the last part there. She needed to face this absolute monster herself and settle things. And managing to make use of him to save lives is the best thing she possibly could do.

Cute moments as well between Hermit and Weisz as that ship is looking really promising. Kind of fitting too that Weisz delivers the final blow not as Arsenal, but as just himself. It's obviously him either way, but a good reminder that he's more than a power suit. And in fact he could do more with his bare hands than he could with Arsenal's powers. Love that smirk over that finisher not being fitting for the persona of Arsenal. But honestly Hermit liking him plenty this way . Plenty cool just as he is and the one person she trusts to deal with her if the worst should ever happen. Not that it's a job Weisz as he is would ever want to fulfill.
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Old 2023-09-02, 14:10   Link #34
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I know they're trying to have a relatively serious conversation about Ziggy and Oracion Seis...but I can't take my eyes away from Elsie sitting on her chair wearing little more than bandages !

Oh, so Couchpoo is staying on the ship? I forget Mosco helped kidnapped her. But hey, if he can chow down, he's good people in her book .

Poor Aruna. Mii-taan wasn't just her friend, she was all she had left. But it was a sweet scene of Witch comforting her, even taking off her helmet to be more open with her .

Never expected to see Weisz and Jinn have a moment, but the real big deal is Kleene! Sister managed to excise her traumatic memories of Muller and she's now a normal girl, able to express herself for the first time in years. And her smile is so, so, precious and cute. Not even her brother can resist getting emotional .

Creed down bad for Homura? Can't blame him. Though they have more pressing things to worry about than the Eden's Zero Crew...though I wonder who Holy (in her not too holy outfit) is after ?

Poseidon Nero gathers his Oceans, our next round of baddies, and there are some hotties in the group for sure. Though the real threat is Shura, Nero's psychotic adoptive son, who gets left in charge when Nero's Ether-powered dice tell him to not do anything but leave it to Shura. Yeah, this can't end well .

So Ziggy was trying to kill Xeno so he wouldn't train Shiki so he'd be strong enough to beat Ziggy? Well, that makes this training arc more pressing than ever .

Sorry Creya, you were unlucky enough to be the weakest member of Oceans and a robot. We barely got to know you. Seemed like a nice bot too .

Let's not just make it a Shiki training arc, let's get everybody in their! Especially Rebecaa in those workout clothes! Even Kleene is joining in, with her brother not too far behind her! Now they're proper members of the crew and practically friends with Shiki! Also Witch being an actual Witch !

Bondage training? I think everybody's mind went where Weisz' did, but that's for him only, the rest get tied up and have to learn to use their Ether while bound and getting hard light cubes thrown in their faces. Poor Jinn having a moment with his sister before she gets a cube to the face and Rebecca trying in vain to protect her moneymaker (not that it makes her much money as it is) .

Oh snap! Did Ziggy hack into Xeno's body or the VR simulation to take them down before Shiki could get powerful ?
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Old 2023-09-02, 19:42   Link #35
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I can get being entranced by Homura. But there's something about that guy doing so after he shrunk her down and was holding her hostage. It's not happening dude. Give it up while you can shake it off as a passing thing.

Honestly it's really nice to see Kleene so free of trauma. Definitely took a little getting used to since obviously that's a huge difference. But it's nice to see her doing ok. Seems to be having fun and I like that she wants to join the crew with her brother. I mean they don't really have anywhere specific to go anyways.

No shock that Shura couldn't pick up his father's Ether powers. He clearly never took those dice seriously. The gravity thing has worked for him so far. I do wonder what Nero saw in those dice. That his son is doomed? Hard to say since he'd follow the dice regardless. So it could say things will be fine or it could be saying his whole empire will fall. Anything is on the table.

I do wonder what will happen with Ziggy making his move. Everyone being tied up is problematic. Though Jinn is free so in theory he can free them all in a hurry.
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Old 2023-09-09, 18:57   Link #36
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Don't you just hate it when your Big Bad Grandpa interferes with your training sequence and tortures your Best Girl? Although I guess Xenolith knew the best way to motivate Shiki was threatening Shiki, because it's enough to get him to activate his Ether even when restrained. Good thing it was fake though .

"Girl captivated by gravity" - The way Rebecca got so defensive at the implication she has the hots for Shiki is practically admitting she IS interested in Shiki .

Not that I don't mind Rebecca pulling action moves while naked in the bath, naked Witch is quite breathtaking to behold. And of course she keeps the helmet on...and is prepared for some naked training !

Xiomei! Complete with Xiomei in the tub! I love how she can smell all the future action and is positively salivating while skipping over the drawn out training arc. It's good to have a narrator who isn't afraid of fanservice or of speeding the plot up when necessary .

I love how Jinn has just become a guy who yells all the time, especially around any guys close to his sister .

Oh hey, some actual Rebecca bondage. Bonus points for her being naked in the bath while bound and naked Sister to boot !

Well, Xenolith is getting on in ears, so probably safer for him to stick behind and take care of Aruna, as well as bringing her close to another bot like Mii-tan. I hope they stay safe .

What was Ziggy up to without the Four Shining Stars? Why were their memories wiped past the Sakura Cosmos? And how does it all pertain to Shiki? Although watch out, Ziggy's upgraded to a proper Demon King form !

Good thing Couchpo is sticking around for the great food on Eden's Zero, because Rebecca could use some advice and editing tips. She doesn't even film any of the good stuff! Just don't get in the way of Couchpo and her food .

It's probably reasonable to want to avoid all the dangerous antagonists lurking in the Aoi Cosmos...but they might not have a choice when Shura (who doesn't look half bad in a suit) is planning to bring Judgement Day to all machines in the Aoi Cosmos .
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Old 2023-09-09, 21:25   Link #37
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Yeah, I suppose the Ziggy thing being a fakeout makes sense.

Too bad for Weisz. Not only was he put in the hilarious bondage but he missed out on Rebecca getting that later . It is good that she's getting a lot of support and training though. Her power is the most insane of this group, but she's just getting started. If she doesn't want to be jumping to another timeline or something she needs to get as strong as she can right now.

Lot of mysteries to be sure though. What is it about Shiki that has Ziggy so fired up here? What was Ziggy up to without his Four Shining Stars? Why did he erase their memories? Will we get any of these things answered before the season is over!?

Shura's definitely on a rampage. And of course the main cast are going to be extremely passionate about that declaration. Though I think Ziggy is still the main focus that needs to be taken down. If they can deal with Ziggy then it'll be easier to get everyone to chill out after dealing with Shura. Though that would mean letting Shura's "cleanse" unfold in the meantime. But focusing on Shura would mean letting Ziggy get even more people killed with his plans. It's a lose/lose scenario whatever they do next week.
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Old 2023-09-16, 14:16   Link #38
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Shura's declaration is pretty serious, especially when he's blatantly lying about other robot outbreaks just to justify destroying all of the robots in Aoi Cosmos. But how do they stop him? Looks like Laguna has an opportunity for the Edens Zero crew .

Who is taking advantage of who? Ziggy thinks he has a chance with the All-Link, but Shura knows he's dangling a carrot for Ziggy .

If you've got to visit a desert planet, you've got to dress the part! Like having Rebecca and Homura dress like belly dancers and rocking those outfits .

Laguna lead the team into a trap! Well not an intentional one, but it seems like there's no love loss between Laguna and his former comrades in the rebel group Oasis. I never expected he was a former resistance fighter though .

Where'd the giant cat come from!? And he's Rebecca's biggest fan!? And he actually put down financial support money towards her channel!? Wow. All that effort and Rebecca finally found someone who appreciates her work and it just so happens to be Goodwin, leader of Oasis. And she can totally talk him into listening to them despite his issues with Laguna .

Hey, don't be interrupting Mosco's cartoons! Even if showing the public reaction to Shura's anti-robot stance is actually kind of relevant. Also Labilia has an opinion because I guess we needed to fit her in at least once this cour .

The army has found Oasis' hideout! Perfect chance for Oasis to mount a counterattack and the Edens Zero crew to earn their respect by backing them up and saving robots in trouble .

What's a kid doing driving an armored car!? Good on Rebecca for saving him even if it just got her a punch to the face .

I love watching Homura deflect bullets. And now Pino can better control her EMP .

So, Poseidon Nero, there's obviously chaos going on in your domain...maybe you should stop this? Oh, your Emperor Dice are telling you to just leave things as is? Um...okay .
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Old 2023-09-30, 20:02   Link #39
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I wish Rebecca was kicking me in a bellydancer outfit...but I'll settle for a glimpse of her panties .

Good thing they've got a giant beast cat guy throwing ships around while geeking out over Rebecca on their side .

Weisz with the wheels! Rebecca with the chaingun! Jinn, Kleen, Mosco, and the Edens Zero with the air support !

Oh hey, Orc! Didn't expect to see him again. Too bad Shiki's trained since their last fight and takes him down in one hit. Too bad he still tried to kill them all with the bomb .

Wow, that was such a Superhero moment with Shiki lifting the bomb up. We even had the love interest crying out his name at him seemingly sacrificing himself...good thing Hermit reduced the bombs' effectiveness though .

It says something when the rebels are more cognizant of mercy and the gravity of war than the people they're fighting against, and more liable towards mercy .

So Jinn has some personal investment in this fight? Something to do with a princess? Either way, Weisz still isn't his biggest fan .

Rebecca looks best in a skintight bodysuit. Homura's even back in her leotard !

So while the Union army lead by Justice is distracting the bulk of Shura's forces, Edens One will slip in and take out his robot genocide device, with the rebels acting as additional distraction. Sounds like a plan to me .

Kleene is like the only one who is nice to Mosco .

Couchpo is a ride-or-die friend .

Really leaving off on the best moment as Edens Zero charges the planet and having Xiomei tease us all the stuff we'll see in season 3 .
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Old 2023-10-01, 17:30   Link #40
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Credit to Edens Zero. They sure know how to ramp up the drama! That was one heck of a heavy "preview" to the war ahead. I mean seriously it looks like this mission is going to be a crazy and wild disaster! What are the odds that Rebecca isn't going to have to time leap again here?

I do think that the main cast are being a bit naive. They are so focused on Shura and that makes sense. He is a major threat here. But they should 100% be considering the fact that Ziggy is probably going to make his move during all this! What's the plan after Shura goes down presuming Ziggy doesn't attack before they get there?

Obviously they can't ignore this situation. Shura's provocation was as effective against them as it should be against Ziggy. But geeze, this is a gamble.

Season 2 was honestly fantastic. Really heavy and intense moments. They really nailed it. Can't wait to see Season 3.

Also...I really hope we finally get some news about that new Fairy Tail season .
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