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View Poll Results: Tate no Yuusha/Shield Hero - Episode 8 Rating
Perfect 10 1 10.00%
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7 out of 10 : Good 3 30.00%
6 out of 10 : Average 1 10.00%
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4 out of 10 : Poor 1 10.00%
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Old 2019-02-26, 12:38   Link #1
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Tate no Yuusha/Shield Hero - Episode 8 Discussion / Poll

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Old 2019-02-27, 10:33   Link #2
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I'm a little disappointed with this episode, it didn't have that much of a impact to be honest. The entire fight with the dragon was almost like a crawling in my skin moment and it was done right away. At least the aftermath was a good one that is helping the relationship of Raph, Firo and Naofumi strengthening their bond.

For the next episode.
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Old 2019-02-27, 10:44   Link #3
Mystic Musician
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Was it even intended to be a fight?
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Old 2019-02-27, 11:00   Link #4
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Originally Posted by Kuroageha View Post
Was it even intended to be a fight?
Spoiler for ..:
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Old 2019-02-27, 11:38   Link #5
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I didn't really mind it over all. It was more focused on the guy's internal rage, which is kind of appropriate: this point is about him finally giving in to that dark side we've been seeing glimpses of since literally the first episode, so having a lot of it just show him lost in a blurry storm facing off against a barely-recognized spectre instead of the dragon itself kind of shows this. That said, I'd have preferred if they jumped back and forth perhaps, show his perspective then jump out and show Raphtalia calling to him as he's engulfed in flames, then jump back in to show how little he can hear and how lost he is before jumping out to actually show Raphtalia leaping in and grabbing him to pull him back to reality, rather than just having it all happen in his mind and then he wakes up to see Raphtalia fall from the cursed burns. This animation staff needs at least one more person to produce better work on the fights for sure. This may not have been a really huge fight, but since it awakened a power that we'd been building up to for so long you'd think they'd be at least a little more serious.

Also, looking at the manga version of this, I notice they're cutting out some of the Shield's continued suspicion:
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Old 2019-02-27, 13:34   Link #6
Kana Hanazawa ♥
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Naofumi making accessories for Raphtalia and Filo was cute. Too bad he hasn't given them to them yet.

The whole dragon thing was pretty bad. It's a good they all did it in one episode. Imagine if they had ended it on Filo getting eaten as a cliffhanger only to reveal a week later she was completely fine and all that blood was actually just vomit
Obviously I didn't buy her death, but I thought she was at least gravely injured. I felt cheated as a result and it would have been worse if they had done it that way. Who thought ending this on a gag was a good idea?

I thought Raphtalia's reaction to Filo getting eaten wasn't strong enough. She remained too cool-headed. I know she was needed to bring Naofumi back, but have her cry at least.
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Old 2019-02-27, 21:06   Link #7
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Spoiler for Episode 8 Comments/Feedback:
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Old 2019-02-28, 07:26   Link #8
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"Daughter Zone - The anime"
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Old 2019-02-28, 19:48   Link #9
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yeah. it felt really low risk with the purpose of showing off the cursed shield. hopefully it'll play a larger role later on.
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Old 2019-02-28, 20:51   Link #10
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I liked the visual of the zombie dragon being obscured and Naofumi seeing Myne instead. Though I wish he also saw the other people he hates, since in the novel his hatred was directed at several parties during this incident.
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Old 2019-03-03, 19:52   Link #11
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Not much discussion this week. Taken a bit for me to focus enough on it to write my impressions, as well.

Was nice to see Naofumi making the jewelry pieces for Raphtalia and Filo. Spending time at night when the others are sleeping to work on it, I'm not sure if there's supposed to be any implication about his sleep patterns, or just wanting to make sure they don't find out about the presents until he's done. While the latter is obvious an allusion to the parent-child relationship he seems to be maintaining (something akin to dad putting together the bicycle on Christmas Eve for the kids to find in the morning), I also realized that Naofumi really doesn't seem to have been doing much sleeping at all since the start of the story.

The only real sleep he seems to have had was at the end of episode 4, where he just collapsed and passed out on a stone floor for the entire night. Probably related to why he always seemed to have bags under his eyes back in the early episodes — he just never got any real sleep. He was more likely to spend the night making medicines, generally being a workaholic. Likely also related to the fact that he was robbed in his sleep at the same time as he got falsely accused. That would add a little extra paranoia about the risks of what could happen if he falls asleep.

Anyway, he seems to be getting more sleep now, but still seems to have that tendency to work more than sleep. I have friends of my own that I know basically get by on only 4 hours of sleep per day, and as unhealthy as that seems, I think Naofumi has likely shifted to that sort of schedule.

Of course, the group is still camping out in the wilderness, and likely sleeping in shifts to keep safe, so that makes his behavior more reasonable. But the focus of his character is definitely more on the workaholic side.

Naofumi continues to provide medicine for various villagers. In a fantasy setting like this, there are a lot of amenities that we take for granted that aren't as easy to get for commoners. A single village probably can't support a doctor or alchemist, most of the time. The village they arrived at was fortunate to have the doctor and nurse helping out, but they were barely able to do anything. Even Naofumi's boosted medicines only helped alleviate the symptoms, and that was far more than what the doctor could manage.

This is the sort of background that many isekai/games ignore. It's like people wanting to travel to the past, and forgetting that they don't have things like toothbrushes and toilet paper.

Anyway, just like Motoyasu's gift of the magical plant, Ren's killing of the dragon was a gift right up until it wasn't, well after he had gone. In fact, while Naofumi thought that Ren might have just 'forgot' because he was treating it like a game, I'm not even sure we can go that far in blaming him, since there were plenty of adventurers who showed up in the village to collect parts and generally dispose of the corpse. In other words, Ren killed the dragon (the hard part), and then wasn't greedy about collecting the remains, but left it to other adventurers, who are likely part of the natural cycle of dealing with monsters (ie: scavengers who collect materials to sell to merchants, etc).

Further, the fact that the other adventurers quickly gathered at the village to collect the dragon materials shows that they also didn't feel like there was any impending threat from the dragon being left like it was. Either this is not normal, or dragons just don't get killed often enough for this to be a well-known issue.

Moving on to the dragon: The dragon 'awoke' pretty much the moment Naofumi arrived. While it's possible that there was something like a 30 day resurrection timer or something like that, that seems incredibly coincidental. More likely, it is explicitly because Naofumi — or more precisely, the Shield — arrived that triggered the zombification to activate. Alternatively, it had already become a zombie quite a while back, which was the cause of the diseased wind, but there was just nothing motivating the zombie to actually move, so it just lay there, bored.

~ Minor aside: We see the XP gains from Filo running over the monsters on the way up to the dragon, and this time Filo is getting the XP boost. I wasn't sure about it before, but the comments people made about the party member who got the killing blow getting the XP boost appears to be valid.

~ Minor aside 2: Naofumi can't determine the dragon's level. It just shows as ??. I would normally expect this to imply that the creature is significantly above the characters' levels (eg: level 80, compared to the group being slightly below level 40), though it does remind me that we've seen that one other time: The old lady that Naofumi gave the medicine, that first time. That was odd because other people he met later were marked as just "human" with a level (eg: level 7).

So, after they got hit with the poison breath, we see a couple other things. Filo had lost about 1/4 of her health at that point, and Raphtalia had lost about 1/3 of her health, with her health bar turning purple (presumably: poisoned). We also see some little markers next to their names that look like teardrops, or shields, or stylized skulls. We'd actually seen those same markers earlier on, where I'd thought they were some sort of buff, but now I think they are poison markers. When first seen, Raphtalia and Filo had lost a minuscule amount of health each. When Raphtalia has two markers, her health bar is purple, probably indicating a second tier of poison.

Now, moving on to Filo getting swallowed. A lot of people commented that the hot springs bit last episode was just filler, and worthless fluff. However I'm reminded now that, even aside from the character development it was working on, it helped establish the stronger bond being formed between Raphtalia and Filo. I think that helps support events here, in the effect it has on Raphtalia, which in turn ties the entire group together in the apparent impact on them.

And back at the village, we see more on their state of health. Naofumi is down about 60% (along with almost all of his SP/MP used up), Raphtalia about 75% (with another marker next to her name that I assume means 'curse'), and Filo is down about half.

We also see the money reward, and there's a little interesting there. Naofumi is given 5 gold coins and 250 coins of unknown denomination. It doesn't look like silver (銀), but I can't imagine what else it might be. Either way, Naofumi was supposed to be paid 500 coins for the job, and 5 gold + 250 silver implies that 1 gold is 50 silver, rather than the 100 silver I thought it was. It does make a bit more sense in terms of exchanging payments (you don't want large gaps between high-value coin increments), but may slightly shift how some parts earlier in the show were interpreted (such as the cost of the werewolf).

Also, they didn't gain any levels from beating the zombie dragon. They're still 37/39/38, just like before the fight. I think they were gypped, given that the zombie dragon was such a high-level creature.

And finally, glad that they're learning lessons from their fights.
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Old 2019-03-04, 00:27   Link #12
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It would be kind of awesome if the "Savior of the Heavenly Fowl" is more popular among the citizens of the kingdom then the other Heroes are, especially when he ends up cleaning up the messes they leave behind, although I guess for all we know the other Heroes are doing their part to help people .

I wonder how on-point Raphtalia's comment about Naofumi deliberately trying to make people hate him is. Is it a coping mechanism to make sure no one can take advantage of him again? A holdover from how he still has difficulty trusting people? A deliberate attempt to downplay his status as a hero so no one assumes he'll take care of their problems for them? A little bit of A, B, and C? Although for all his apathetic airs the first thing he thought of when facing the dragon was that it would eventually attack the village, so he's definitely not as heartless to others as he projects .

I'm curious if Naofumi will be able to find a way to master the "Curse Shield," since it seems like it gives him access to a lot of power, albeit very destructive and potentially dangerous to the people around him. It also feeds off and exaggerates his hatred and loathing, which probably isn't the best thing since it stands the risk of setting back Naofumi's character development even more .

But if the Opening and this episode indicates anything it's that Raphtalia will probably be the key to Naofumi being able to control, or at least regain control, of himself while in that state .

For all this hype the Cursed Shield, Filo still just one-shots the dragon on her own. She's really growing into the new Team MVP .

I didn't think it would come up before, but it's interesting that, just like in a game, there are tiers (or in Naofumi's case, shields) that you can only access after reaching a certain level. Which kind of sucks for Naofumi since his level up rate is slower then most of the people around him .

It's nice to see how much being with Raphtalia and Filo has changed Naofumi for the better, to where he has people in his life who he can rely on and genuinely care about, as well as being able to legitimately feel happy again .

Poor Raphtalia and Filo both getting shot down by Naofumi at the end. At least him making some jewellery for them shows he's this close to throwing the girls a bone
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Old 2019-03-04, 01:34   Link #13
The Green One
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Filo does seem to be just stupidly strong. Still it doesn't seem like she knows how to fight yet. Sure if her hits connect she's going to waste you but it seems like she leaves openings.

Raphatalia's strength seems harder to judge as she hasn't had many noteworthy feats that really stand out. She certainly not weak, and it looks like she can keep up ok. It'll be interesting to see what happens when she has a chance to show her stuff. The most noteworthy thing so far is her cloaking technique so she could go assassin style DPS. Filo seems more of a front like DPS burst type.
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Old 2019-03-04, 12:43   Link #14
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I believe they said the adventurers who went to collect dragon parts died though. Naofumi was possibly the first enemy the dragon corpse couldn't immediately kill or damage to the point of inevitable death. I'd say that yes the dragon probably awoke on account of Naofumi, but not because it reacted to the shield specifically. More likely it was long in its undead state and either recognized him as a powerful individual and therefore awoke to fight, or it had some way to recognize him as a Hero and therefore connected him to the Sword Hero that killed it, thus inciting its grudge to full-on rage.

Anyway, while I understand Ren possibly thinking it OK if he'd stayed long enough to know that adventurers would harvest the remains; after all, other series have done something similar, like in Smartphone Touya agreeing to give all of the juvenile dragon's remains to the villagers. However, since all the adventurers who went for it died, I get the impression he just killed it, got the reward and left without bothering to ensure that it would be properly dealt with or perhaps helping to break it down so it'd be easier to harvest. Gigantic corpses are difficult to deal with at the best of times, and even if you have adventurers coming to take pieces, they're likely to do no more than that: take pieces small enough for them to carry and leave the remainder of the giant corpse alone. Not to mention that once the meat starts to rot the rotten parts wouldn't be harvested, meaning that it'll just be left there to spread any disease that breeds on it.

Naofumi didn't leave the previous village until he'd given them a plant that would provide food without making them food, and it seems here he didn't leave until the corpse's body had been fully dealt with; the others seem to be very much of the idea that they only need to stay until the quest is cleared, not until they can confirm that the situation is completely dealt with, which is definitely their gamer's mentality.
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Old 2019-03-04, 16:38   Link #15
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I agree that your conclusion makes sense, but only if you assume that the adventurers started dying immediately. However the story from the doctor was:
Originally Posted by Doctor
In order to see the dragon's corpse and gather materials, many adventurers came to our village. That certainly did help the village flourish.[1] But one day, an adventurer collapsed, and more followed.[2] The dragon's flesh must have begun to rot and emit some kind of poison.
  1. The adventurers were at the village long enough that it could be described as helping the village flourish. That implied a certain amount of time had to have passed.
  2. "One day" an adventurer collapsed. That is, the effort to harvest parts from the dragon had to have been going on for a period of time before it began to rot and poison the area.

Ren most likely did leave shortly after killing the dragon, but even if he had stayed a couple days, there's no indication that his conclusion would have changed.

Caveat: If the people treated Ren's words the same way that other village treated Motoyasu, who believed no harm would befall them despite knowing the legends surrounding the seed that Motoyasu brought them, then perhaps Ren simply told them everything was taken care of, and there wouldn't be any more trouble, and they believed that at face value despite possibly knowing of the potential harm it could bring. It's not inconceivable, but since it wasn't brought up the same way it was with Motoyasu's incident, I find it unlikely.
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Old 2019-03-04, 17:34   Link #16
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Fair enough. But still any knowledge or logic would typically tell a person that anything less than an army of adventurers working together wouldn't be able to clear out the dragon's body within any reasonable length of time. The thing was larger than most whales, and dealing with an intact whale carcass washed up on a town's shore can be a very big issue to deal with even in this day and age (I still have a video somewhere of one town's attempt to deal with it using explosives, which naturally didn't work out quite as planned).

If this is a town really close to the capital or some other big city, it'd make sense to assume enough people could come in time, but from the number of stops made along the way it seems more likely that it's rather isolated (not to mention a dragon would be more likely to nest in an isolated area going by common standards); it'd probably take a good while just for the dragon's death and harvest requests to circulate, plus more for adventurers to begin gathering. I'm just saying he should've thought a bit more about the situation he left behind before running off. That said, I imagine the villagers could've possibly put more effort in to dismantling the corpse themselves before it rotted, unless the forest is exceptionally dangerous for anyone besides armed adventurers to enter.
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Old 2019-03-04, 17:36   Link #17
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Naofumi has been traveling about a month now based on what Firo stated. If that remains 30 days since she hatched and we presume Ren went to kill the dragon, including travel time, it has to have been around maybe 20 days since he killed it. Considering people were visiting to see the dead dragon and harvest it for parts, they had at least half that time to clean it up and before the miasma started drawing in stronger monsters. If the quest to kill the dragon was given by the village themselves, then that's really on their shoulders, but I had to wonder if the corpse was impervious to magic because they should have burned it or froze it before it got to this point.

Motoyatsu's excuse is that he's an idiot being manipulated, but if the quest was to kill the Dragon then Ren did what he was asked to do and these people were profiting off of it so that's on their shoulders. Mind you, they seemed to have realized this and were getting ready to call in the knights to handle the clean-up, but they waited too long.
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