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Conversation Between Mr.Raw and Butter Fly
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 29
  1. Mr.Raw
    2017-08-18 06:50
    Yeah I am still here, sorry for the late response. What's up?
  2. Butter Fly
    2017-07-11 21:04
    Butter Fly
    Hey u there?
  3. Mr.Raw
    2012-10-25 02:02
    Hey hey hey! Long time no see my little Butter Fly
    Don't worry about that, I am glad to hear from you again ^^
    I have been very, very busy with College. I haven't been able to even touch Photoshop
    and I already got myself in trouble by making promises again (gotta stop doing that >_>)
    I am reallyyy happy! I can't wait for the snow to come. I LOVEE SNOWW
    Again..if you need any help with that, even if it's just one exercise, I can look into it for you.
    Oh so many questions, well here it goes ^^
    I am still studying Chemical Engineering, which is going pretty good for me....I can't do Photoshop for a while, but I did start going to the gym. Building some muscles and such hehe.
    Hmm what else...Oh I also had a dance lesson in Salsa! It was very much fun, I even got to dance with a beautiful lady
    As for anime/manga: I am finally up to date with One Piece, looking forwards to watching some more emotionally loaded animes. I read Beelzebub, Sun-Ken Rock and a few Korean manwha's. That's about it

    How about you Butter Fly? Are you still kickin at life!? Tell me more about yourself. I am interested ;D
  4. Butter Fly
    2012-10-14 01:12
    Butter Fly
    sorry about the late reply . . . . .
    how have you been???? what new have you been up to??
    winters are approaching, i guess you might be happy
    maths still bugging me as usual
    hows college going on? and all the other things like photoshopping, and your other interests??? ^_^
    Life treats butter fly very nicely
  5. Mr.Raw
    2012-06-06 07:23
    I do it too!... With all the consequences after being lazy
    Oh I love winters too, I just get soo excited when I see snow. Me love me some snowwww
    Though in Holland it's just darn cold and no snow, I hate the weather here. Now it's even raining when it's supposed to be shiny and warm. IT'S FREAKING SUMMER ;(
    Ah polynomials! That's very easy for me If you don't understand anything of it or need help with a question, just ask me!
    Updates have been dropping for now...been too busy with college D:
    I don't really have free time now..hardcore college studying and such keeping me busy =_="
    I will try to do some photoshopping in the meantime, but to actually finish a work...that won't be possible I think

    Anyways, how has life been treating this lovely Butterfly these days?
  6. Butter Fly
    2012-05-26 14:35
    Butter Fly
    Hehe. That's true. But I welcome laziness all the time
    Nice weather?? It's not at all nice during the day... only after sunset.. But I love winters So I guess I would have a good time in Holland
    Math uhmm... do you know polynomials? Its the chapter we studies before vacations.. ^.^
    Yeah, sure ^_^ I'll ve seeing your updates Have a good time making them.
    Hww...You should be making attempts to make the poster. What if people don't like it? @.@ Throw the laziness aside for a moment But not for long You'll miss it
    Yeah. M free. Having vacations here. And m gonna go out of city next week. Gonna be awesome here. I hope its the same for you
  7. Mr.Raw
    2012-05-03 10:47
    Wahahahaah too bad, lazyness always returns at times when it's not welcome (exams etc. )
    Holland literary is a cool place, haha. Wayy too cold here, better stay there with your nice weather
    I think I do, give me some examples and I will see what I can do for you.
    Thanks, much much more updates will be coming from now on. I am even going to do a collaboration with another graphic designer here on the forums . Stay tuned
    Thanks! Though it would take like 5-6 years before we even financially are ready to go
    Lazyness got the best of me and I still haven't progressed enough with the Poster. I will need the luck yes D:
    Language exam eh? I take it that you're done with exams for now? More free time
  8. Butter Fly
    2012-04-30 09:04
    Butter Fly
    Don't worry. It will be back soon :P Holland? Cool place It's windy n sunny over here. Best season throught-out the year
    Yeah, sure. Will ask you surely math problems Do you remember 9th grade sums?
    I'll check your thread soon ^.^ And congrats on coming back
    Wow. Japan would be fun. Hope you have a good time there.
    Nice!!!! I guess you're gonna be popular soon Well, good lick with the posters, I hope you impress them by your skills
    Had my language exam today, it was great Can't believe it
  9. Mr.Raw
    2012-04-25 02:42
    Woah really!? Teach me master I must say I love this point of year too, but in Holland there is wayy too much cold and rain around this time, I hate it ;(
    I have schoolexams 4 times a schoolyear. I aced them all and was the best at Mathematics . If you ever need help with Mathematics, I am ur man ;D

    I have uploaded some Cinema 4D work (combined with Photoshop) on my thread! I have finally been active and am not anymore on a hiatus

    Latest updates eh?...hmm Well I have enjoying my life a lot lately, been planning with my best friend our trip to Japan (over a few years). I have also been working a lot with Cinema 4D and Photoshop again. University is going great. And last but not least I have been asked by two people to photoshop them a poster that will be hanging all over the city, awesome huh!?
  10. Butter Fly
    2012-04-17 07:05
    Butter Fly
    My laziness is off nowadays. At my place, the things are going really nice. I love this point of year
    My annual exams are always in yeah, I was giving them in those days And how were your exams??? I aced. Except in mathematics

    Photoshop is great. But I don't remember the last I used it O.O Been too busy with other stuff

    I had gone to visit my friends. And I just another trip the previous weekend to the capital city of this country, everything is going really fine here.
    Glad to here you were enjoying your time. And what's the latest updates from you?? ^.^

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