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Conversation Between Echoes and Hiroi Sekai
Showing Visitor Messages 1001 to 1010 of 1548
  1. Hiroi Sekai
    2011-11-10 15:46
    Hiroi Sekai
    Forget diabolical, this is a straight up scandal! We need to warn Doc Brown about this.

    Yeah, perhaps it's best to separate the two groups from each other. I think Angel Beats was interesting as it was a comedy, action and a sobfest all in one, whilst the others focus more on the light comedy and heavy sobfest for a stronger effect in each. Visuals never fail with Key though.

    Oh my. OH MY. Are YOU a Tare as well? Is it problematic that I ask such a question?

    Ah, I see. Still, I'd feel bad if I didn't even mention it.
  2. Echoes
    2011-11-10 10:01
    More like devious. Maybe even diabolical?

    To me, the Kanon-Clannad-Air trilogy is on another level than Angel Beats. Mostly because Angel Beats was more silly, and the drama never drew me in to the same extent. It felt rushed, I think it could have really benefited from having another cour of episodes. Gorgeous visuals and a lot of memorable humor still.

    Yeeeeeessssss, that's what they want you do do... forget.

    Don't ever worry about that, man. I think I fell asleep like an hour later anyway.
  3. Hiroi Sekai
    2011-11-10 07:17
    Hiroi Sekai
    Yet they all somehow apply to toads. Clever, I suppose?

    I enjoyed Angel Beats quite a bit more; I'd probably daringly say the order for me goes: Clannad --> Angel Beats --> Kanon --> Air, but like you said, the margins are so small they might as well not be there. The humour was nice and hearing Hanazawa Kana's voice yet again was so lovely.

    Oh gawrsh, the tares. It's so easy to forget that so many of them walk the Earth disguised as humans.

    P.S. Sorry for not replying- I got distracted and must've left it without writing anything. >.<
  4. Echoes
    2011-11-09 21:10
    They're all pretty disgusting, I guess it's a tie.

    Ah, yeah, I've seen Angel Beats. I wasn't sure if it was one, I heard some Key writer was involved in it, but I also thought it was an anime original. If it is/does count as a Key anime, then that's definitely at the bottom of my list, with a large margin. That's not to say I didn't like it, of course. I thought it was very good, especially when it came to humor.

    I thought they were trying suppress their involuntary shape-shifting back to tare-form.
  5. Hiroi Sekai
    2011-11-09 20:56
    Hiroi Sekai
    I dunno if it's better than Rash or Zitz though. A Rash and a Zit saving a Pimple. I have good faith in the world.

    You must have seen Angel Beats, right? That was a Key anime as well, and I hear Rewrite's coming soon as well. Sayuri! I love her, what a badass.

    It's a huge conspiracy, you know they do! Why do you think they slow down and their eyes shift so much?
  6. Echoes
    2011-11-09 20:41
    That's what he gets for having such a disgusting name. It begs to be repressed.

    I don't think I've seen/played any other Key anime/games, so it's just Kanon, Clannad and Air for me. With those three, Air would be my least favorite too, but that's like saying I like chocolate better than caramel. I love both. My favorite character is actually Sayuri. Unorthodox choice, probably. But that's only if I have to pick, which I don't!

    Maybe, but I've never actually seen anyone literally read from their hand, poorly concealing it, during a speech before, haha.
  7. Hiroi Sekai
    2011-11-09 20:27
    Hiroi Sekai
    Poor Pimple, the complication of the game made me forget about him. >.<

    Definitely. I actually like being the odd one out when it comes to Kanon though; Key's got an awesome art style but it's nice to have one that's different. As good as Air was, it'd be near the bottom of my favourite Key works, since the others are just so epic as well. *shakes fist* Your favourite is poor Shiori, damn you! Have sympathy for her!

    Oh snap! Actually, that could apply to any politician, really. xD
  8. Echoes
    2011-11-09 19:54
    How could you?! Pimple was counting on you.

    Hard to beat it when it's the first anime you saw. Whichever one you see first will probably put a little bit of a damper on the next one anyhow, since you've a lot of it before by then. I liked the Air movie a lot. It wasn't as good as the series, which I find amazing, but it offered a nice and succinct version of the story with what was arguably a more satisfying ending. I'm feeling bad about picking favorites in Kanon now, they're all great, so I must love them equally.

    I'll just write it on my hand, like Sarah Palin.
  9. Hiroi Sekai
    2011-11-09 19:44
    Hiroi Sekai
    Not really, I actually forgot about the story halfway through the raging. When you get to levels like the Terra Tubes and Rat Race, you're getting into the major commitment. Those tracks though, damn. Love 'em to death.

    The characters have huge faces with giant eyes, but man, it's charming. I'll never like the 2006 version over this one since it holds such a valuable memory for me. The movie was pretty decent, nothing too special. You might think differently though. I'll find out your favourite, don't worry. My strong sense leans toward Makoto, and then Shiori

    Transomnimetrosexualism. That'll be on the test, spelling and all.
  10. Echoes
    2011-11-09 19:10
    Damn. You must have wanted to save whichever one of the disgusting toads got captured pretty bad, that's commitment! I think retro games in general are very high on the funkometer.

    I've never seen the 2002 version. With inferior visuals, a bad reputation and half the number of episodes of the 2006 version, which happens to be created by the divine combo of Key and Kyoto, I've never had the incentive. But I may try it at some point. I found Toei's "Air" movie to be a fantastic alternate take on the tale, so maybe the same will hold true for Kanon. And about the favorite character, you'll have to scrape it from my cold, dead hands!

    Well, you know. I didn't have any money, and I just had to know about transmetrosexualism. Or whatever.

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