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Conversation Between janfive and Hiroi Sekai
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Hiroi Sekai
    2011-09-07 15:07
    Hiroi Sekai
    No problem I only uploaded it in packs before because I didn't realize MediaFire would allow unlimited uploads. I'll keep adding to that page, be sure to check back if you're wanting other songs.
  2. janfive
    2011-09-07 10:45
    Thanks!!! Personally I prefer this source so I won't have to download in bulk.
  3. Hiroi Sekai
    2011-08-31 23:07
    Hiroi Sekai
    Hey, me again.

    Just thought I'd let you know that I've uploaded all my songs to my MediaFire account and are available for download. I'll always be adding to this page as well, as I find more music.
  4. Hiroi Sekai
    2011-08-18 04:54
    Hiroi Sekai
    Wow, a late reply from me.:P

    Hopefully you enjoy them
  5. Hiroi Sekai
    2011-08-01 15:32
    Hiroi Sekai
    All 5 parts have been uploaded, here are the links

    Hope you enjoy

    P.S. Should mention that the collection opts out "The Beatles" and "K-ON!" as this was originally for a friend who already has these songs.
  6. Hiroi Sekai
    2011-07-31 18:28
    Hiroi Sekai
    I dunno if you got the message on the thread but I'm uploading it 5 parts to 4shared. I'd really love to share my music with as many people as I can, so I'm not abandoning it at the very least
  7. janfive
    2011-07-31 18:21
    Lol, was about to thank you for your "fileai" collection, but I think you put it down for being too slow. I would have liked to hear your music collection. Got 3% for half the day but I'm willing to wait.

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