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Conversation Between Ray and Kirito
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 145
  1. Kirito
    2015-06-09 21:52
    Hey dude. Just stopping by to wish you a happy birthday. I hope you have/had a great one.

    I hope you're taking care of yourself. So until then, until then. Stay well and stay safe!
  2. Kirito
    2015-01-01 00:42
    Happy New Year, Rayrah!

    It's fine. I know you're busy with stuff so reply whenever you can.
  3. Ray
    2014-12-29 19:43
    Thank you! And the same to you, man! c: Sorry for the lateness, haha.
  4. Kirito
    2014-12-25 00:34
    Merry Christmas, Rayrah. I hope you have a great and happy one. I hope you're well and staying safe. Until then dude, until then!
  5. Ray
    2014-11-09 08:52
    Indeed, man. Good luck! That's the most important part, yeah!

    Mhm, aye.

    Self-study can be very difficult like that. Japanese overall seems to require a lot of time and effort to learn to be able to consider oneself "fluent". So yeah, good luck! Thank you! Her face is quite angular, aye, so that may be why. She's actually an avian humanoid and has wings coming out of her head but you can't see that. P:
  6. Kirito
    2014-11-07 20:50
    Temp works sucks but pay is pay right? It buys me my games and my food so no problems. Thanks dude. I won't let you down. It'll be tough, but if I can't believe that I will succeed then who will right?

    I know. Isn't that how we became friends? We both pretty much knew the characters, the events of the story, and everything. "Sighs" Those were really fun times. I liked the animation to, seeing Starburst Stream being animated really still sends shivers down my spine in a great way. Having a balance between recreation and mandatory needs is great for self control and monetary discipline.

    Well I've been studying it on my own for 2 years, but it never worked out. Right now I'm in a real Japanese class, 7 weeks in, and we haven't learned the tough stuff yeah. We're on "knowing and speaking in Japanese" level 1. I can read a bit of hiragana and katakana off heart, but not the rest yet. I see...sorry about that. An original character...neat, it truly reminded me of Lightning from the FF-13 series (shudders in disgust).
  7. Ray
    2014-11-07 17:37
    Yeah.. Damn, man. I guess it being temp. kind of explains it.. Ohh, that's awesome. Good luck, bro! I hope you make it; it's a tough industry. But I'm sure you're more than capable.

    Yeah.. it's a shame, though. I remember how passionate I used to feel about the series, defending it whenever I felt there was a need to do so. (The art and animation is still top-notch, though!) Yeah.. otherwise I'll end up binging on it and.. that's not healthy.

    Oh, I see. How long have you been studying Japanese for and what how good would you say you are it? Ahh, I see. Altaia, you missed a few letters From nowhere.. just some body I created. I can show you the full image if you like (it wasn't drawn by me).
  8. Kirito
    2014-11-07 12:41
    Yeah the working world is scary. I got fired so many times it's not even funny. Well most of the work I've done were temp anyways. I plan on studying Literature. I want to be a professional writer, I'm working on an LN myself. But haven't gotten past the 2nd chapter yet.

    It's cool. Sometimes people ditch a series because it grow stale or the characters don't appeal to them anymore. The people I talk to don't like SAO and I feel so alone because of it, minus one, but that's a given. You seem like a busy guy so takes him in steps and try to enjoy the stuff you like whenever you can.

    It's more like I'm just trying to study Japanese in school and at home, that I sometimes forget to log on here. Plus when a manga and LN gets updated I hop on and try to strike a conversation. Ataiia? Where is she from?
  9. Ray
    2014-11-07 11:50
    Yeah.. that's a scary thought. What do you plan on studying in university next year?

    Haha, fair enough. There's nothing wrong with liking it, I'm just disappointed the direction the author's taking it in. Plus, I only have time for things I really enjoy nowadays. :c

    Ah, really? How come? Nope, that's Altaia, my character. 3:
  10. Kirito
    2014-11-06 10:24
    Well it's fine dude. If there's something you don't wish to discuss it's fine. You have your own business and it's my obligation to respect it. It's good to have fun in school and out of it, but make sure you make the most of it before you enter the working world. I'm unemployed at the moment, but I have plans to go to university next year.

    Yeah. Most people I meet now don't bother with SAO anymore. I'm taking a Japanese course and I'm 1 out 2 people who love the series. I can agree that SAO got derailed abit, but I just like the info dumping and how combat is explained and utilized. Plus I can't leave the Blackswordman, my Namesake. Starburst Stream dude. I'll be doing that all day and all night when DFC comes out.

    I'm not much on this forum unless I'm updating a series I'm following or want to discuss things with users. Is your avatar Lightning from FF-13?

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