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Conversation Between Kyero Fox and Chibiloli
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. Kyero Fox
    2015-11-26 08:54
    Kyero Fox
    Huh...Maybe? I don't remember that site but then again I don't remember a lot of stuff i did on the internet. I do remember that there was other forums where the people were even worse than here. like really SJWish before the whole GG Vs SJW/Feminazi crap.
  2. Chibiloli
    2015-11-25 18:21
    Very odd, there was a guy on the dothackers forums with a similar name to yours and title, pilot of the white glint.
  3. Kyero Fox
    2015-11-21 13:51
    Kyero Fox
    I used that here but no where else. O-o
  4. Chibiloli
    2015-11-21 06:35
    Sure you're not thw pilot of the white glint?
  5. Kyero Fox
    2015-11-20 17:12
    Kyero Fox
    Really? Where? O_o Kyero is just something i made up 10 years ago. lol
  6. Chibiloli
    2015-11-20 15:09
    Your name matches somebody's username on another forum I frequent, what is Kyero fox?
  7. Kyero Fox
    2015-11-20 08:18
    Kyero Fox
    Nnnnnnnoope, why?
  8. Chibiloli
    2015-11-20 06:01
    Are there any other forums you used to be part of?

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