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Conversation Between Hiroi Sekai and Luna91
Showing Visitor Messages 111 to 118 of 118
  1. Luna91
    2010-10-02 03:59
    Lol i suppose I'm glad your good at what you do, i'm sure that would make you enjoy it a lot more And the blogs been bookmarked
    I love the K-On banner in the forum, basically i just love the K-On girls
    Hehe thats funny, i can never be bothered to take those things in the first place
  2. Hiroi Sekai
    2010-10-02 03:20
    Hiroi Sekai
    Yeah, since our economy's terrible right now, accounting is a great career to have in this time^^ Plus I seem to have a small knack for it too^^

    Thanks for the compliment^^ The blog's really new:
    But I try to post when I can Usually I'm on AS forums or Channel Otaku forums: (maybe one day you could join, we have a live chatbox so it'd be wonderful to chat with you^^)

    And yes, I shouldn't pay attention to those, but it bugs me the tiniest bit XD
  3. Luna91
    2010-10-02 03:12
    Wow, i know so many people doing that That sounds like an awesome blog, nice name
    No problems Hehe i never pay attention to those things
  4. Hiroi Sekai
    2010-10-02 03:08
    Hiroi Sekai
    I'm studying accounting as my major, while I do computer/art/writing as minors.^^

    The blog's kind of the foundation for my big time project: Channel Otaku^^ The blog's about anime, gaming, manga, movies, and any sort of entertainment

    The competition is going to be like ISML, but with our own formula^.^ We've got a small team and such and it's starting January 1, 2011

    And thank you for the nice words! I actually don't know what to think of myself, because all the personality tests I take contradict each other^^ (I'm left handed, and I'm not right brained^^)
  5. Luna91
    2010-10-02 02:56
    Oh yeah, i'm loving my time off. What are you doing at uni?
    Wow that is quite a lot. What do you blog about? And whats the competition for?
    You sound like a very creative person, i'm jealous, i want those skills! lol
  6. Hiroi Sekai
    2010-10-02 02:51
    Hiroi Sekai
    Sure thing, that's perfectly okay^.^
    It's always good to get some time off of Uni, isn't it? I know how that feels^^ And it's good to hear that you get some time with your relatives too

    I'm very busy like usual: I've got a blog, forum, competition, fangame, personal novel, and drawings to attend to every day^^
  7. Luna91
    2010-10-02 02:47
    Hey paper mario! (can i call you that..?)
    Luna-chan is fine Thanks for the friendship.
    I'm doing great actually. I'm on holidays from Uni which is lovely, and my relatives have just arrived for a couple of days so its really nice to see them as well.
    How about yourself?
  8. Hiroi Sekai
    2010-10-02 02:45
    Hiroi Sekai
    Hello, Luna-chan! *sorry, had to use "chan" as the greeting so it sounds like Seto no Hanayome:P*

    How are you doing? Thanks for accepting my friend request^^

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