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You're Hot, Cupcake

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  1. Demi.
    2012-02-08 10:59
    Your club doesn't like Fate/Zero? I'd think that would be a series worth watching in a group.

    I don't really see carnival doing well in ISML. I mean, the ones that would do well are already in ISML from other sources to begin with. Not sure on Homura. I'm not really sold on her strength. I'd say the strongest she will be is Haruhi level. Top 8-12 maybe. I could see her being as weak as a mid/low-tier character, though. I'm under the assumption that Taiwan does not like voting Madoka characters and they're going to make it hard on Homura to get anywhere decent.

    Never did watch Love Plus, so no comment on that.
  2. Demi.
    2012-02-08 10:16
    Thanks for the rep. I think that was you, anyways.

    Too bad such a good movie was layed to waste by some Ova that wasn't even that funny.
  3. Pocari_Sweat
    2012-02-06 08:19
    AnimeRage Awards 2011 more like :/ (or AnimeFail Awards if I feel like being a troll)
  4. 0utf0xZer0
    2012-02-02 01:56
    I still think Azumanga Daioh also started the whole 4-koma fascination.
    Azumanga is the show that proved that 4koma could be hugely popular, however, I'm inclined to think that it was Lucky Star riding Haruhi's success that popularized the genre simply because I remember the genre really taking off afterwards.

    I wouldn't necessarily call it an acquired taste. Heck, just about everyone I know likes a few moe shows. The problem is when the majority of the comment coming out is moe or people who try to enforce their moe-only fandom on others makes those not as into it get upset very easily.
    To be honest, I can't say I've ever run into any "moe only" fans IRL or on non-anime message boards, much less aggressive ones. I did run into them on a few anime forums, but they struck me as similar to (to draw an analogy with computer gaming enthusiasts) the ATI fanboy on a computer forum who refers to those that argue with him as "nVidiots": out there somewhere, but certainly not someone I'm going to encounter if I call a LAN party this weekend. So I find your experience a bit surprising actually. If anything the opposite us true for me: I've seen stuff like Lucky Star and Macross Frontier ripped with a visceralness I simply have not seen applied to any other show on the local anime scene.

    But I differ from the normal Clannad because I utterly despise Nagisa - I watched the show and played the game for Kyou and Tomoyo. I still haven't watched After Story for that reason.
    Kyou x Kotomi OTP FTW.

    Actually, most people I know own some.
    Well, I'd be the first to admit the "rippings" came from a fairly small group. However, I do think it's safe to say that a) discussion of moe shows was seen as a "keep it to the sidelines" thing within the club and b) being a moe fan tended to lower your position within the club hierarchy.

    It's when people crack out lolis or whatever -aka things going too far - that get creepy.
    Hmmm... I tend to dislike open lolicons but I think I've met one in total, he wasn't that open about it, and I've also had some bad encounters with their opponents over the years. Most memorable, in large part because I was so new to the club at the time, was striking up a casual conversation on Moon Phase (which my club was showing at the time and which has a bit of lolicon subtext) with the wrong person and getting an earful. This was not "I find this subtext a bit squick" kind of stuff (which I think is perfectly valid and proportional with what's actually in the show), we're talking visceral, "end of conversation" stuff here.

    (And as with the hierarchy - I don't get this problem in casual groups. The response I got to screening Moon Phase for a more casual club a couple years back was overwhelmingly positive.

    K-On in anime form sold as much with young females as it did the normal fanbase target and also caused young females to play music (manga has never had that though). It had a cultural impact in Japan. I don't think social aspects matter as much as being non-offensive but not tryptophanic. Hence why Squid Girl and Minami-ke did well in my parts. K-On is too light for a lot of people but it isn't offending that many, which is why people don't knock it too much.
    K-On and its characters strike me as icons for moe fans, eastern or western. I do think the show has its merits (particularly season two), but in the end I think it sold to otaku because its fashionable among otaku. That status doesn't emerged from a vacuum, it emerges from a subculture. Maybe social isn't quite the right term here, but I'm pretty sure that K-On isn't quite the same show for people within the moe subculture as outside it because that's the subculture that embraces the iconography of the show.
  5. Akito Kinomoto
    2012-02-01 23:48
    Akito Kinomoto
    I've been horribly strapped for time as of late so I'm not in the best position to comment on anything. However from what little I've seen Rinne no Lagrange is shaping up to be mindless fun, Mouretsu Pirates is getting the pick for something unique, and Another is P.A. Works shot at horror.
  6. Akito Kinomoto
    2012-02-01 21:35
    Akito Kinomoto
    But even if Lesnar were to push the streak to 20-0, how exactly is that supposed to satisfy the older fans who are aware of the history between the two? Taker wins but as far as the storyline is concerned it would be him defeating some guy returning, not the two settling past problems. And at this point Kane might be the only option because IIRC he won their last feud while it would need an even faster moving storyline for Lesnar fighting Taker to become believable.

    You bring up a good point on who the intended audience is for Book and Nash's return and Jericho's old gimmick, but Masked Kane is a relic himself. And honestly the more I think about it the more I see him being his opponent, but I guess only time will tell.
  7. 0utf0xZer0
    2012-02-01 15:29
    I tend to buy with the specific intention of strongly supporting my A list. Particularly titles that I feel didn't get the sales they deserve, such as EF and Ikoku Meiro no Croisee (just waiting for licenses of Iriya no Sora and Kurenai...). Which actually means much of the stuff that does get very prominent limited editions doesn't fit the bill - I like Madoka and Haruhi, but they aren't series I'm particularly inclined to go out of my way to support.

    The NIS $50 per cour price point generally makes sense to me for the kind of purchases I make, at least for one cour. It's a bit high for two cour shows. (Conversely, Sentai's $36 per volume for EF makes more sense to me because EF is two cour.)

    Returning to a few of the previous topics (still too busy to answer them all):
    -While I consider Azumanga one of the greats of the moe genre, I can't help but chalk it's popularity with many who otherwise dislike moe up to the fact a lot of people encountered it before knowing what moe was.
    -Minami-Ke isn't nearly as much a moe title as some others.

    As to moe fans, most of the ones I've meet come across as fairly well adjusted (and yes, I know I'm limiting this to ones who are actually social enough for me to have met them). I would assume, however, that most aren't inclined to talk about it much for the same reason I don't talk about it much:

    1) Many of us see it as an acquired taste. It's not exactly easy to explain the appeal of EF or Clannad and I think many of us see it as a bit of a lost cause unless we see some signs of interest.
    2) I'm well aware that a guy who openly goes with cutesy merchandise is going to be regarded as somewhat strange.
    3) The attitude of some people I've met in the local scene frankly puts me off discussing my tastes around them (not just with them). I end up talking about such tastes more in casual fan groups than less causal ones, largely because of this.

    Factionalization honestly strikes me as the logical outcome.

    (I think I've mentioned it before, but there's certain moe shows were I consider the social aspect central to the appeal. K-On! Is a mild example. Something like Symphogear would be a very strong one: painful to watch alone, but a riot in the right group. And I think most of the people who I watch it with would agree with that assessment.)
  8. 0utf0xZer0
    2012-02-01 05:52
    I've always wondered a bit about the business model behind KnK and Fate/Zero is, honestly. Are there actually a lot of people who would pay R2 prices if only the releases had English subs? Seems to me like most of the potential buyers are people who would buy R2 anyway, so why bother producing such an edition?

    As for Madoka, my thoughts on the Aniplex edition are:
    1) price is too high
    2) it also shouldn't necessarily be Sentai-release cheap
    3) yes to multiple editions

    The reasoning behind this is simple: the primary purpose of DVD and Bluray purchases IMO is to supporter the creators of stuff I like. So razor thin margins aren't really desirable. Having multiple editions is, because it gives me more options as to how much support I want to give.

    Second, with rare exceptions building a DVD/bluray library actually is my preferred method of giving my anime collection a physical form - I'd chalk it up to something psychological about buying the anime itself rather than something related. It's an added bonus rather than my reason for buying, but I always appreciate good looking editions.
  9. Akito Kinomoto
    2012-02-01 02:09
    Akito Kinomoto
    Turning Undertaker's last match into a revenge fight against Lesnar would end up breaking the fourth wall or kayfabe or whatever you call it. It wouldn't be Brock Lesnar VS The Undertaker; it would be Brock Edward Lesnar VS Mark William Calaway. Then there's the suspension of disbelief itself: IE, can the audience actually be made to believe that someone they knew who went to do real fighting come back to lose at a scripted event?

    But yeah, we're stuck at this point...
  10. Dilla
    2012-01-31 21:22
    That have quite of few celebrities in there. Drew Carey, Bob Uecker, and Refrigerator Perry in there as well. I don't know what the criteria is.

    Anywhoo, here's my favorite part of the Rumble:

About Me

  • About Last Sinner
    Anime, games, women (in no particular order)
    My favourite animes:

    Your Name
    Garden of Sinners
    Last Exile
    Kimagure Orange Road
    Code Geass (both seasons)
    Crest/Banner of the Stars
    Minami-ke (first season)
    Cutie Honey
    The Tatami Galaxy
    Galaxy Express 999
    Garden of Words
    Sherlock Hound
    Now And Then, Here And There
    Welcome to the NHK
    Oregairu (both seasons)
    Aoi Hana
    Elfen Lied
    Kaiji (1st season)
    One Outs
    Bamboo Blade
    Paranoia Agent
    Haibane Renmei
    Serial Experiments Lain
    Samurai Champloo
    Azumanga Daioh
    Genshiken (1st season)
    Nodame Cantabile (1st season)
    The Sky Crawlers
    Kiki's Delivery Service
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