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  1. KrimzonStriker
    2019-02-13 12:05
    Same, had to peel back a couple of 4chan posts but I got enough consitency amongst them to get the gist or what happened, and I'm generally satisfied and feel pretty vindicated on all fields from the theory being more or less correct and on which ship finally seems to have won out in the end

    That's what I've been telling you, this whole alternate canon is BS in my view and we might as well just call it a recanon or new canon personally, with only one real change to be honest and even then that change was really inconsequential as I thought Shirley would be.

    Anyway, new trailer has dropped, posting a link for you to check out
  2. KrimzonStriker
    2019-02-10 16:58
    Hey, thought I'd throw in a cool music promo from the Ed song of the Ressurection movie while I'm at it. Seems like an appropriate song and I'm basically humming it whenever I look at something Code Geass related now Also want to recommend that new Gen:lock series by Rooster Teeth, I'm really starting to dig it personally and I love the voice cast they got for it as well, including Japanese Spike Spiegel of all people
  3. KrimzonStriker
    2019-02-09 21:41
    Let's hold until we both see for ourselves, some stuff is weirdly contradictory here and there from the spoilers though I do understand the gist of it. Still, it'll be better once we can see it for ourselves on release. All I will say right now is I'm feeling better from where we left off in our arguments on the forums for how he could have survived after R2, all the people who decried the theory back then are currently freaking out it seems
  4. KrimzonStriker
    2019-02-09 13:48
    He's ALIVE Dann!!

    Also opening from the first scene of the movie was released with some fan subtitles to boot. Seems one of my fears for a certain character not showing up were realized however, RIP to them
  5. KrimzonStriker
    2019-01-22 03:45
    For the format I don't disagree, but it also isn't some complete reboot like Legend of the Galactic Heroes: New Thesis, and more along the lines of the Gundam OVA to anime transitions. True that, I got the impression if it hadn't been for Shirley's death Lelouch wouldn't have destroyed the Geass Order outright but taken it over with C.C. instead.

    About that only one who honestly hasn't appeared in any teaser or trailer is Xing Ke, kind of worried they potentially made his illness/impending death actually relevant and he might not show up which would be sad They looked more like adapted models to me, making a bigger focus on the insect form given that canon on the back. If it was another model sure but I recall how difficult the Alexander was and why it was an elite unit testing model so we'll see. Yeah, a lot of people were confused by that promo, but I think it makes sense. Also my theory on nerve gear piloting by Shario seems to be more likely cause he's in a wheel chair in another trailer I found while whipping Suzaku.

    I don't particularly think it conflicts, Deikun was well past the end of his youth and suffering from extreme paranoia, doesn't mean he didn't start off as the bright and optimistic activist history would later portray him as and I personally thought it gave Char more character growth in that he had to learn to accept his father upon discovering the truth of the Newtype theory. Yeah, not looking forward to that prick after CCA, even if he probably dies cause that'll just bring pain to Bright and make me hate Hathaway even more... reminds me that I should watch NT whenever that finishes now btw.

    I'm just saying that between those brief scenes, Jeremiah's 'improvements' and V.V. calling Rolo an experiment (and all those kids in test outfits) plus his Geass' physical flaw (which is the only one we know of unlike with the other Geass' we know got contracts) it was always my impression his was artificial. But yeah that stuff is still super confusing, mostly cause they left it vague on purpose, so I hope we finally get more answers on Geass' nature with this movie personally. Lelouch's character at that time struck me as a person who would do whatever it takes for the sake of the world, so that the sins and sacrifices weren't for nothing, and I do mean whatever it took whether it be living (as he made Suzaku do) or dying, and if there was an obvious potential flaw in his plan he'd look for ways to address it. But again, movie's coming out soon so let's table this debate and see what happens

    That's great news, replacement tooth surgery seems to have gone well on my end too. Got to go in for a deep cleaning and examination next week but otherwise I'm glad to put that episode behind me It might just be me being used to mandatory ecchi in a lot of other series but I kind of appreciate they don't dance around it personally and own what they're doing Anyway, glad you seem to enjoy it so far. Mostly I just like the characters alot better, a more straightforward and still interesting plot line compared to Qwaser. And yeah that might work but given the disposition of some of the science focused villains I do think it a nice contrast to have science and magic opposed to one another like that (Or the MC using magic in scientific ways).

    Well anyway, I've seen the latest TPN episodes and they're really on point so far I have to say. Good to hear about Broly, cold front over here is keeping me inside recently though so I'll see about tracking it and MHA movie down later. Oh yeah I did, thought I'd let it release a few more episodes so the actual story gets told and criticism can die down and people move on already like with Goblin Slayer <_<
  6. KrimzonStriker
    2019-01-03 18:31
    That's not my point Dann, I agree that can't be helped but again I see no reason on my end to distinguish the two formats and to not use the anime to fill gaps to essentially the same story in order to make overrall narrative sense rather then just for the convenience of the movies, especially when said movies leave such offscreen gaps out on purpose or have cut transitions of little consequence. It's entirely rationale though given the flaws we've both picked at with the Zero Requiem plan and the consequences we see play out in the Re;surrection movie already, and I think it totally in character for him to mull such a possibility ahead of time. Mostly cause he was distracted with big picture items or Nunnally but between Shirley, Kallen, and C.C. they all had plenty of moments of interest on his part which shows his potential for it. I never said Lelouch would pursue it actively, just that it's a possibility I would consider having just worked out that way. Again we'll have to see, I wasn't being serious about a huge romantic focus as I was just addressing your own point about if they did do any type of said romantic focus at all in this film. Okay good good, his name is in the title so I was fairly confident that was the case but nice to have confirmation

    Ah, sorry to hear that then, hopefully the upcoming years proves to be better in that regard but hang in there Dann Gah, I was hoping that wouldn't be the case but if they caught it maybe they can do something about it before it gets that far, what kind of medical do you have btw? I know the health care system is in a bit of limbo right now but even still surely your insurance can do something right? Ah cool, sounds like things will be interesting on that front for 2019 at least. It's just a feature for power ups and only the main character ever actually does it so far, so just consider it standard ecchi for the most part, and there aren't that many breast sucking series in general so I always considered it a novelty to have personally But for the most part think of it as just a more fantasy ecchi version of Gunka no Baltzer like a I said. Anyway, I'll PM it to you now if that's your take on it, let me know your thoughts

    This is just what the link to the interview I read said, that he was aiming for 20 to 30 volumes of total and when it was published last summer we were at just 10 volumes released. I know we both prefer to wait so the story develops but you just seem to have a lot of back log Dann, and maybe catching up to where you only have to worry about a weekly or monthly update chapter might be easier to manage was all I was suggesting. Looking forward to that, I just have to track down the My Hero Academia movie now, I'll also probably wait until I watch Season 4 before continuing on to the manga as well.
  7. KrimzonStriker
    2019-01-03 18:29
    Which is fine and makes sense for that format but nevertheless is not a good story or narrative reason, you yourself pointed how inconsistent some of the cuts are like Kallen's romantic feelings and devotion to Zero. So I see no reason to even consider some of the other minor alterations as real changes aside from Shirley being alive due to Jeremiah's warning quite frankly cause doing so has no consequence. And as I've said if they wanted an AU they should have made an actual AU with a drastically different story instead of just telling the same one and even reusing most of the existing animation from the anime series to do so. Exactly, though in my view it's not 'another' version but simply an updated version instead. Indeed, though I felt the narrative flow and more extended backstory of the anime helped explain the BK's overreaction as well, and again I just feel better about Lelouch beating the snot out of them later for it but to each their own Likely not so let's put that to rest, this has just been my take ever since R2 ended and then they just kept piling on with the Code Geass spin-offs afterwards to keep the franchise going/relevant until then, but again that's just me. I mean just given the adhoc nature of restarting the series from almost scratch in R2 speaks to more then timeslot to me but also they didn't have a concrete plan for a season 2 in place period, and I just remember that being part of the ongoing blog review and forum debates when R2 was just getting started.

    Hmm? If we're just talking the characters who've appeared in the Resurrection trailers it seems like the majority are back, starting with the first preview involving all the Black Knights, most of the chinese federation characters minus Xing Ke, and the student council minus Shirley but we'll see I suppose. I'm just saying that whole insect feature had a complete backstory for its failed offshoot sixth generation development in the Akito OVA's so it's not something you can casually disregard is all. Could be both, the sand gets in a way but I'm sure we'll see it in action soon enough to find out since I think one of the antagonists (Green jacket vest man who wears a similar visor to Shario) pilots it. Still want nice happy series I see Dann, well I think a feels anime like Violet Evergarden might also do you some good so do keep it in mind to watch, at least before the movie comes out

    You're acting again as if it would be a total remake instead of just updating the existing storyline, I mean this isn't the Legend of Galactic Heroes New Thesis Dann, they even use a lot of the same Gundam 80's artistic design for Origins after all Yeah I went through it as well, will like that anime version of the Origin OVAs but I am NOT looking forward to Hathaway's Flash... <_<

    I don't blame you as a lot of the mentions were from brief cameo-esque scenes which the first season of Code Geass especially loved. but this is where obsessive rewatchings helps, cause I've managed to catch and stitch all such intricate web weaving The words failed experiment seems pretty explicit to me plus there were flashbacks of exactly that with Rolo being hooked up to all kinds of machines and the like which just reinforced that artifical message to me. Geass powers don't seem to have any hard rules to me, I mean I'm not even bringing up all the weird stuff from Akito... <_< Again I'm just pointing out how it all comes together, especially Shario's suit design which I'm pretty sure has tubes sticking out of the back into the machine like with the Siegfried's nervous system setup when we see him piloting which only a Code related person could ever use... Of course we don't have a lot to go on but I think we can at least agree there's a lot of Geass shenanigans going on with this movie and our antagonist country in particular. I don't know why you wouldn't at least concede the possibility Dann, I mean Lelouch almost ALWAYS had contingencies and plans, it's what he's always done in this franchise Well I imagine him coming back is really only a possibility, not a gurantee which was reinforced by Marianne's own comments I believe, which is why I think it's considered an 'in case of emergency break class' kind of situation and why he would feel regretful. That being said I feel that both the movie trailers and the movie ending for C.C. reinforce the notion of such a contingency on his part, one because C.C. said in the trailer she still had a promise that I made, not Lelouch made, and the second being that at the end of the third movie she was actively weighing options of either waiting for Lelouch, or of just roaming through time. The words I promised and waiting to me suggest collaboration on her part and not active initiative, but we'll see I suppose.
  8. KrimzonStriker
    2018-12-26 00:00
    I feel it does work because the only excuse Tanaguchi ever gives for anything about his changes is that he had no time like with the anime and needed to condense things to reach the same endgoal in this different format, and again because I think the AU argument between the movies and anime are BS, to where anything not explicitly changed like Shirley's death is discounted for me Well that's my point Dann, just that again Lelouch is able to extract a lot from seemingly minor lines and vague comments in order to pull off many of his elaborate schemes, Geassing the collective unconscious from a few lines by his father's exposition being just the most blatant and related since Marianne was also there. Except they both made those sacrifices to die for the sake of the world, so if it's still for the sake of the world which the situation in Re;surrection shows it would be, then I think it equally likely both would be willing to live for the world as much as they would have died for it. He likely could only do it for himself I feel because it would have to be via Geass related means which Euphie never had herself. Meh, Lelouch creating such complicated plans is par for the norm in this series Dann, which is why I think it works fine. Well she was always in on things cause she was the only normal on the Student Council who had an inkling/idea of what was going on with Lelouch thanks to the encounter with Jeremiah,which elevated her slightly above ignorant Milly and Rivalz so perhaps they just wanted to resolve that aspect I think while skipping over her whole death arc. You might be able to make that argument except for the fact that Lelouch kept reeling in (intentionally and unintentionally) and building his harem throughout the series with the girls he was actually interested or invested in both before and after said gag episode. Forget the 108 and focus on the main 3 (C.C., Kallen, Shirley) + 2 (Milley and Kaguya) with a past reference to even him and Euphemia before Suzaku entered the picture (and them being related I guess ). It's gotta be at least an emotional reunion for his Love Interests if and when he does come back I feel Dann And he might come back sooner in the movie then you might think, the more I rewatch the trailers. The head blonde lady says how amusing that 'you fellows have died once again.' making me think she's talking to both Lelouch and Suzaku given the plural form since both had died literally and on paper at the end of R2/the movies thus making them fit that line the best.

    Really, not even a trip to your family in Illinois or vice versa at some point? I went out with my own family for a small dinner at a great udon place tonight myself for instance and will likely join a bigger family gathering to count down the New Year later Kay, let me know when some free time comes up for you and I'll send them over, hopefully you can push at least some of the ones I've recommended to the top of that backlog so I can get your thoughts and opinions of them to chat about No really you should definitely read it for yourself and see how different Shinju just feels in general Dann, I definitely think it'll help get you out of any previous funk Seikon might have left

    As of August we're only about halfway or even a third through Neverland at ten published volumes though so we've still got a bit left to go through Dann, don't wait too long alright? Yeah basically, it's the reverse for me in that I finished the Academia anime and still need to catch up on the manga now
  9. KrimzonStriker
    2018-12-25 23:30
    I'm doubtful they will but we'll see. And before that they wanted to still kill her off you told me Dann, but couldn't make it work so they shoehorned her in, so that doesn't sound like an AU to me. An AU is when you make a massive directional shift from the previous story, anymore then FFVII remake is supposed to be some kind of AU from its original or how Advent Children and its Final Cut versions don't somehow count as a sequel for both the Remake and original. To me this is more of a recanon, like how Gundam Origins retells essentially the same story but shifted certain aspects and events around to fit better or expand upon certain things and thus all the UC sequel series still apply. You mean those Black Rebellion OVA's I take it, well that was really all just a summary and they tried to fit everything into one episode so the mess was expected I was honestly fine either way with that change, I thought most of the BK were angry enough with Lelouch to jump the gun themselves personally and why I was more able to root for Lelouch's Britannia against them when they fought Again yes, that is to me ass covering because there was always going to be pressure for this sequel and they quite frankly opened the door for it with how they originally ended the anime given the lingering questions and controversy afterwards, and they wanted to have their cake and eat it too without pissing off people on either side of the fanbase which is why I call it asscovering cause again they regurgitated the same damn story which makes my point in my view. Can't wait to see how it happens then I feel rather strongly that I remember the debate after R1 had ended and I joined this forum leading up to R2, about how they originally planned to end at R1 and had to scrap everything to come up with a story for R2 as well, but again that's just what I'm recalling so who knows but I'm fairly certain there was explicit mention as well about a more definitive finale version for episode 25 had R2 not been greenlit.

    Well there you are, I'm sure if Funimation really wants to go the dubbing route they'll manage to do it, I mean they dubbed Akito all the way by 2017 as I recall, but if they don't we'll just make do. Akito btw proves my point about offscreen stuff still being canon I feel, cause I noticed one of the knightmares in the Ressurection trailers uses the insect form of the Alexander You watched Violet Evergarden btw, Netflix even dubbed that special OVA as well. A really great series that I'm looking forward to seeing more of hopefully

    No, cause Origin DID have Zeon and a ton of pre-series backstory to boot along with those rumors about the original series remake as well, though until it is reanimated it isn't quite canon Dann. The enemies are just too much of a letdown for me Dann, I'm sorry, space pirates and Jupiter mind control slaves are just not people I'm going to take seriously after the Char, Zeon, and the One Year War in general, they have to rise up and meet that standard that was set. But yeah if we never see someone who can match Zeon in the UC then I'd also rather we just focus on AU's as well, hopefully some new project is in the works in that regard as well given IBO seemed to do pretty well I felt.

    Jeremiah's canceller abilities are actually more code related, back in Season One Bartley and the others tried to grow C.C's cells in him to replace his brain damage and simulate her regeneration abilities which was why Jeremiah and later V.V could use their nervous system to power the Siegfried, and his canceller was mechanically installed (his canceller eye is clearly robotic just fyi) Also Rolo is explicitly mentioned as being a failed experimentation by V.V. himself as I recall during the assault on the directorate. And I'm just saying Shario is wearing a very intricate jump suit that reminds me of Jeremiah's Siegfried plus carrying that visor around with him during his data analysis of Suzaku and determining the nature of the live Geass on him. Plus that one old guy in the latest trailer talking to the blonde lady covered his eye in a Geass like manner I felt. I'm just saying, however these Geass powers came about, it seems to permeate throughout this country. Lelouch can have all the faith he wants but he's also a person who always tries to prepare for the worst which is completely in character for him and why I say it's a contingency plan Dann. And all Lelouch asked C.C. was what she would do while he dies in general, not about when or how she needs to break his 'in case of emergency glass' And do you recall what would make her smile Dann, why that being him coming back to her as was their last exchange with one another onscreen
  10. KrimzonStriker
    2018-12-16 21:53
    We actually have Lelouch's side of the conversation with Rivalz in R2 though and if I put the two together it basically matches up perfect to the one with Shirley quite frankly, so again given how insignificant that relationship and Shirley's role was in the films I'm gonna disregard any greater meaning behind it since Rivalz did have the conversation as well. Meh, it's my headcannon Dann, I like Mao too much to let him go and I don't buy the 'difference' between the anime and the films remember? Lelouch has done a lot with obscure knowledge and mentions remember, like when he Geassed the entire world based on one remark from Charles How is this muddling up the sacrifice from a pragmatic standpoint Dann, they're still doing this for the sake of the world and as their atonement, why is it okay for just Suzaku to live on to shore it up alone while pretending to be dead and not Lelouch? And I say Shirley served her defunct purpose and is gonna get pushed to the side, with a good chance of never showing up, but we'll see True. And pfffttt Dann, Charles differed from who he was a great deal if you look back on his flashbacks and see the timid and scared kid he was with V.V. being the one to take the lead. Also meh on the date thing, V.V. mentions Charles never really changed much until Marianne showed up so I imagine he was as indifferent to all his other wives until Marianne in turn. Err, the struggle of his various love interests and Lelouch unintentionally building his harem has always been a part of the franchise I felt, Kaguya even signed off on it . Again don't see it since in my scenario he's going Zero full time and no one but C.C. and maybe Kallen could cope with that kind of involvement but we'll see. That could work though I expect Lelouch to look more globally with Suzaku minding Britannia with Nunally, since Lelouch of all people REALLY can not afford the public limelight.


    I'm working through the holidays as well Dann, but even I'm planning to take a break at some point to celebrate. True, though I usually look for something more dramatic but with a lot of fluff potential and invigorating story which is why I really enjoy Kono Oto Tomare Though I did get really into It's Hard to Love an Otaku, both the anime and manga, for similar humor reasons as well Well I feel the same about the Kono Oto anime too but we might as well give both a chance before rushing to judgement. I added Kono Oto alongside the Altair mentions before, but it's okay if it slipped your mind Dann. Do hope you add Shinju no Nectar to your list as well, it's a little shorter then the other two since it came out only two years ago so hopefully it's easier for you to catch up on quicker? I find it a funnier and less depressing version then Seikon no Qwaser actually, like how I WANTED Seikon to often be in fact rather then all its complex and weird relationship dynamics. Anyway, I'll send you the links after January in any event.

    Yeah, I'm excited for that too. The anime trailers I've seen for Neverland look good actually so if you're interested I don't think it'd be a bad idea to start there and give it a look so you can get introduced a bit to the series as a whole, to save some time. Highly recommending that you do since I want to move on to some new 'mainstream' series for us to discuss, ie Neverland and Hero Acadamia at some point

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    Samurai Champloo
    Spice and Wolf
    G Gundam
    Gundam 00 Season 1
    Code Geass Season 1
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    By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.

    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, if you want to test a man's character give him power." - Abraham Lincoln


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