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Last Sinner Last Sinner is offline

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  1. Sephi
    2009-03-18 03:39
    i have been reading quite a lot on Elitejerks.

    And decided to respec to Survival. Problem was that i didn't had a pet to use than. Was using Devilsaur. And losing BM means i can't use that pet. Went to WS hoping Rak'shiri would be there. Lucky me that he was just walking there. Did a UK, and the bow and helm dropped from the last boss. Won them both. \o/

    DPS that game was around 1200-1500. But last boss fight i did, a good 1600 DPS, that with a pet that could hardly hit anything. So if i lvl my pet up, i can probably do around 2k dps, and with my new bow, i will also get a small dps boost. So think i can do around 2k dps steady atm.

    I notice survival is a bit harder to play than BM. Getting the rotation right is a bit of a pain, will also have to arrange my macro's and hotkeys. Will need some addons to monitor things like range and dot tick. Trapdancing has been quite fun though

    Got 3 epics now, belt and bow and the neck from heroism emblems. Most important now is to lvl my Jewelcrafting(420atm) and earn some money with it. I still need a epic flying mount.
  2. RWBladewing
    2009-03-17 23:07
    Just want to make sure you do realize that a lot of your messages are actually ending up in your profile instead of mine, heh.

    We had 4 girls in guild at one point, one was terrible and got kicked, one was a drama queen and got kicked, and one just quit the game. The one that's left is pretty cool and is an anime fan though she seems to not really understand Key and thinks it's the same thing as Clamp, heh. Good healer and fits in really well, can talk like one of the guys.

    Yeah, funny that I love TTGL but hate FLCL. I just plain don't "get" FLCL.

    Still don't want to level fishing heh. Mind-numbing. Someone else in guild always seems to drop fish feast anyway. In fact someone usually drops a second one because he never sees the first.
  3. Last Sinner
    2009-03-17 19:10
    Last Sinner
    This is what the club is into and how they voted on last year.

    You either love or hate FLCL, same for TTGL. Ironically half of the TTGL crew worked on FLCL, apparently.

    Those were achievements that I can do and could quickly. Being a Mage helps. ^^

    Yeah, crazy numbers. But those DKs do good dps as do the Mages.

    Rumsey's Lager was a low chance reward from doing Fishing dailies in Shattrath. However, with the introduction of Dalaran fishing dailies in 3.1, they may put it with that one too, like they did Chocolate Cake and Stormchops with the Dalaran cooking ones. Fishing became worth it because of Fish Feast, plus once I somehow fluked getting all the 1% chance recipes, it became mandatory to get Chef. I'm only 7 Cooking Awards away at present from getting Chef.

    We have several females in our guild and they're good. Two of them are main tank and main healer for the alt raid. Couple of others are top dps in the main raid. They all have female avatars though.

    All the same, thanks for being courteous. It means something to me.
  4. RWBladewing
    2009-03-17 16:52
    Heh, thanks. Man, looking back at where I was in November/December, first in quite possibly one of the worst guilds ever, then unguilded and doing nothing but feigning death in Ironforge with the wintervolt costume to hear the gnome death sound, waiting on a bunch of guilds to reject me because they decided they were suddenly full on hunters the day I put my app in; if someone told me I'd be likely to get a black protodrake I'd have lol'd pretty hard.

    Sucks that you didn't get into that run but yeah, I'd probably have felt worse being the one to destroy the title chance instead of just missing it. Was worrying about that like crazy during Immortal runs, not having to do so anymore felt almost as good as just getting the title. I kinda wanted to try for the Chef title but the Rumsey's Lager achievement requires fishing right? I have yet to level that past 50 on any character, ever. Considering doing so with the changes coming in 3.1 though. Stuff like the squirrel thing I don't really bother with, I don't pursue achievements unless they have some visible reward as it kinda feels like a waste of time. It always comes back to "So, I am sitting here spamming emotes at a bunch of mindless computer animals or powering through lowbie dungeons I can get absolutely nothing from. Do I REALLY have nothing better to do?"

    Those are some pretty crazy numbers for your raid. Quite the opposite of mine too, we have only ONE non-alt death knight in the entire guild. Probably one of the only guilds out there that can say that. We also have 4 shaman (one is a male draenei played by the only female in the guild, I still find that funny) and 6 pallies.

    Responding quickly to something you say is just common courtesy for me, I'd feel pretty rude or absentminded if I did otherwise. Funny you should mention that I'm one of the few to initiate things though, as usually I'm completely the opposite heh. I typically never initiate anything until I consider someone a friend or at the very least get the impression that they're interested in what I may have to say. Once that condition is fulfilled though I tend to initiate conversations regularly, don't really see any reason not to and I'd think someone would feel I was avoiding them if I didn't.

    That list provides yet more evidence that our anime tastes are completely the opposite though heh. I loved Higurashi, liked Claymore, and thought Darker than Black was slightly below average at worst. Can't really say I care for the layout of that site, I prefer MyAnimeList, much more organized and tons more options. Here is my list. Most people contest my FLCL score but you said you hated Gainax so, we'll see, haha.
  5. RWBladewing
    2009-03-16 20:38
    6 minute Malygos down, will be mopping up the underman and a couple other random achievements tomorrow. Black protodrake is pretty much guaranteed by tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm pretty happy right now, heh.
  6. RWBladewing
    2009-03-15 21:34
    Surprising about that gear, seems like everyone always complains about Vanquisher, not to mention it actually does have a higher % chance to drop. KT seems to drop a pretty big variety of gear for my guild, seems like pretty much everyone has their weapons. It did take him forever to drop the caster shield though, one particular shaman would jokingly gquit every raid that it didn't drop.

    You're pretty much right about the stupidity of men in general. I still haven't heard anywhere near the amount of violent talk you have but then again I don't really associate with people in general aside from forums where I know there are people with similar interests. Will definitely say though that women aren't respected at all, pretty much every guy I've met is just out to "get some". I don't really blame only them though, as I've encountered just as many girls that encourage it (talking just crude behavior here, not outright violence) or just plain don't deserve much respect at all. Not to say I'm still not disgusted by it though, some of what you're saying is pretty much exactly what I've thought myself. As far as changing it though, not possible short of destroying society itself unfortunately.

    I'll send you that PM eventually, look forward to it.
  7. Sephi
    2009-03-15 16:42
    Finally dinged 80 after 9 days and 21 hours and 46 min

    1-60 was boring and a pain
    60-70 went by quite fast.
    70-80 felt like a eternity.

    Did 4 heroics today, even got my first epic. (belt)
    Hope i get more lucky with drops tomorrow

    Hope i can get my hunter decked out soon, and that dual spec comes soon
    So far i'm doing a measly 1.5-1.9k dps T.T That is with 3x SS 1x AS rotation. Will probably need a bit more crit and AP. So far most heroics been okish.
  8. RWBladewing
    2009-03-15 10:15
    Honestly some of those figures you're describing sound like bootlegs. The only figures I've ever heard of that need to actually be assembled are either trading figures or resin kits; the former would cost you much less than $35 and the latter would cost much more. Those imperfections you mentioned seem pretty blatant too, I have never seen anything like that on any of the figures I have purchased. You could try checking out Toyslogic or Hobbylink Japan, they are where I buy most of my figures from though I have no idea about their shipping policies toward Australia. A lot of the CC stuff is already sold out though, CC figures in general seem to be fairly rare.

    Was fairly glad Dio lived myself, he had a pretty raw deal otherwise. I was kinda surprised by him in general, when he first appears it seems like he's gonna be some sadistically evil character but that isn't even close.

    I have not actually played Princess Waltz myself, been meaning to but keep forgetting to order it.

    I have yet to get the Iris key, that's one of the few items that's still really contested among people in the guild. Helm tokens though, completely the opposite, those pretty much all go for offspecs or get de'd/vendored/whatever. I already had the helm from Malygos which is far superior by the time I had the chance to get the 7.5 helm. Not concerned at all about set bonuses, 2 piece is decent and it's easy to keep since shoulders and chest are best in slot, 4 piece is completely worthless.

    I think you need to start hanging out around some other people, heh, you bring up the whole violence concept a LOT and sound like it's really common for you to hear, yet it hasn't even been a consideration or something anyone would even think of in any of the conversations I've had with others. I'd like to think it's that such a thing is a rarity and that I haven't just been lucky, but either way, those people are SICK.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not down on myself or ashamed at all about Nagisa. The reason I don't tell people is just that I know they won't understand. It's why I quoted the word "healthy" in the last post, because it's perfectly normal to me despite what most people would define as healthy. It's apparent that you get it, though you still haven't touched upon the full extent of it, haha.
  9. Last Sinner
    2009-03-15 08:17
    Last Sinner
    Ah, k. Someone at the store said if I ever wanted to buy all 3, they would do a deal for $225 AUS, down from $270 for the combined individual prices. I want a GOOD C.C. figure above anything. I finally found a decent one yesterday that finally came in stock at the store, but it isn't stellar. Was only $35 and had to be assembled. Has C.C.'s aesthetics right, her facial expressions right, hair style right, outfit right. Unfortunately the hair is a bit faded, particularly that on the top of her scalp. There's a bit of blue spray on the kneecap section of her boots around the yellow stars - I get the feeling they shouldn't be there. But for $35, I thought it was good. Especially considering it was far more on eBay! BEFORE shipping! The ones on eBay are a joke! $200 they're reaching and they're not good at all! Man, I just want GOOD ones of C.C. and Kallen! Why is it so hard to find good ones of them?!

    Didn't know Dio lived. But I think it is kind of appropriate in a way. Luciola did want Dio to be able to live a proper life, free of Delphine's control - to actually 'live'. If Dio died at that point, Luciola's sacrfice would have been in complete vain. I think Dio feels permanently heartbroken that Luciola did that, but perhaps the scene truly reflects the death of the old Dio and the beginning of a new. Particularly since he would probably inherit the remnants of the Guild since Delphine is dead along with everything in it that was hostile. It kind of ties up a loose end, actually. It's nice to think the catalyst character actually lived for once. In fantasy series/novels, the catalyst character always dies in the final section. So it's a nice change.

    A mate of mine at the club is playing Princess Waltz and gradually getting through it. Not sure about his true impressions yet.

    I managed to get Skinning and Leatherworking above 400 today, so I crafted BoE greens and enchancements for my Hunter. Managed to get the attack power on her from the mid 1500s to the high 1800s and her crit rating from 22% to 27%. That should make a big difference, particularly since I'm now already at the levels to craft BoE blues. Pity I can't use them until 76-78. >< But yeah, after I made those changes, bought some Glyphs and picked up Kill Shot for hitting 71, things got better.

    However, the best thing for the day was winning the Iris Key from Sapphiron. Best caster neck in the game will be mine...the next time we do Maly 25. For some reason, we did Maly 25 10 minutes before Saph. >< Oh well, the neck will be mine soon. I respecced Arcane and noticed a HUGE difference. The main mage finally got his Turning Tide today, so it won't be long before I can get one as I have good standing on the Kel list for those that can use TTT. TTT and a helm are all I need now. Unfortunately, seems every DK and Druid still needs T7.5 helm, so I'm going to have to hope the Maly 25 helm drops. Since I'm no longer FFB, 4/5 T7.5 is no longer mandatory.

    You don't like lolicon and don't want to. That makes you far better that a lot of the people who attend the local anime club already! So what if you are very infatuated with Nagisa? Fine by me. Everyone has someone they're infatuated with. As long as you'd never hurt Nagisa, your tastes/thoughts are fine. No need to be afraid or conservative around me, mate. What I've heard face-to-face at the club and on the forums is beyond WTF x 9000. You're not into lolicon. You're not into women being ripped apart by machines or being murdered while naked. You're not into rape/abuse. You're not into boning characters that aren't even double digits in age (some of the comments I've seen in some of the ero-games on these forums...*shiver*) A lot of people are...and it makes me sick. Seriously, what the ex-president showed me one night on MSN....I nearly died of shock. A woman having her breasts ripped apart by mechanical arms and screaming in complete agony...I wanted to throw up and my eyes were in such pain. How could someone like that?!'re alright. You don't have those twisted thoughts. You seem to have a decent head on your shoulders and a good relative dost of morality. I don't mind if you get really dirty, kinky thoughts over Nagisa! If you've got castoff figures or H-material, that's hardly different from most anime fans. Geez, you're male. At the very least, it proves you're heterosexual and that you've got balls between your legs. Sorry if I'm a little blunt there, but I kind of am in general. Part of being Australian, haha. But Blade, don't worry. You're alright in my book. So don't be down on yourself.

    C.C. is a huge weakness for me as is Katima from Seinarukana. I have a real soft spot for strong-willed, refined women. ^^ Saber and Rin also have that vibe, as does Real Mayer from Ergo Proxy.
  10. RWBladewing
    2009-03-15 07:24
    Ah, sadly that is the swimsuit Rin that I do already have. It's actually very common here, pretty much all the American sites I go to still have it in stock. That store's price is kind of expensive too, after currency conversion it's around 35 more Australian dollars than you'd pay here, though with shipping costs, it could turn out around the same. The one I was talking about was made by Altar, it's this one. Again though, thanks a lot for looking.

    That's a pretty comprehensive review of Last Exile, probably more so than any other I have seen. I'm still not entirely convinced that the ending was really exactly as presented but it is definitely possible. I never really and actually still don't see a lot of the deep themes you do when watching it, but that's what makes hearing other people's interpretations interesting. One thing that I am adamant on as being terrible though is the Dio situation. According to the producers he was completely fine and picked up by a passing Guild ship immediately after falling out of the vanship, yet there was absolutely no indication in the series itself that anything of the sort could have happened. There was an insert in the last DVD that showed the characters at the end and from off the page you could see Dio's arm waving at them, but again nothing in the series. Not really an open-ended event to generate discussion either, just kind of "Oh by the way, Dio lived despite all indications in the series that he died, just figured we'd randomly tell you." I guess maybe it was a special surprise they wanted to reserve for DVD buyers, but otherwise, meh. As far as the names, I don't know what the actual names are, was just going off what ADV used on the DVDs: Mullen, Dunya, Anatoray, Disith.

    Yeah, Iris is the blonde one (yeah, I know I said I don't like blondes but there's a couple exceptions like her and Erika Sendo from Fortune Arterial). The red-headed girl Angela definitely looks over 18 to me too, though I don't like her at all, her eyebrows are weird and she always looks extremely pissed off.

    I don't understand the whole lolicon thing, never have, never will, don't want to. Trust me though, I am not nearly as "healthy" in my tastes as you are giving me credit for. As I said I'm not going to expand on it here, but in regards to Nagisa I am no mere fanboy.

About Me

  • About Last Sinner
    Anime, games, women (in no particular order)
    My favourite animes:

    Your Name
    Garden of Sinners
    Last Exile
    Kimagure Orange Road
    Code Geass (both seasons)
    Crest/Banner of the Stars
    Minami-ke (first season)
    Cutie Honey
    The Tatami Galaxy
    Galaxy Express 999
    Garden of Words
    Sherlock Hound
    Now And Then, Here And There
    Welcome to the NHK
    Oregairu (both seasons)
    Aoi Hana
    Elfen Lied
    Kaiji (1st season)
    One Outs
    Bamboo Blade
    Paranoia Agent
    Haibane Renmei
    Serial Experiments Lain
    Samurai Champloo
    Azumanga Daioh
    Genshiken (1st season)
    Nodame Cantabile (1st season)
    The Sky Crawlers
    Kiki's Delivery Service
  • Signature


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  • Last Activity: Today 06:47
  • Join Date: 2008-08-05


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