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Kazu-kun Kazu-kun is offline

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  1. Flower
    2017-02-21 20:32
    The manga is about 125 chapters or so jsyk ahead of time.

    You have prolly heard of some source readers lamenting about the studio of choice for the adaptation some time ago. For myself I also think the manga is much better. The adaptation is not bad on the whole, but (again) I kinda get tired of the standard Shaft styles of presentation.

    Anyhoo, definitely think the manga is worth a read, and imnsho is one of the (30 or so) series I enjoy and look forward to the most.

    Okay, shutting up now - sorry to go on and on about it. ^^
  2. Flower
    2017-02-21 17:27
    Not sure if you have already read it or no, but one of the best told "mini arcs" in terms of school bullying occured for me in the Sangatsu no Lion manga ... I have a feeling it might not show up (or get dealt with as thoroughly as other chapters being adapted are being thus far) in the current anime adaptation, but if you like the anime and have not read the manga you might enjoy those chapters.
  3. Triple_R
    2016-10-16 12:37
    I thought you made a good post on the Izetta thread. A little sad you deleted it - I was planning to reply with agreement.
  4. Triple_R
    2016-10-01 22:17
    For what it's worth, I'm also more interested in Izetta than Fine. Fine is nice enough, but Izetta is (literally and figuratively) where the magic lies, imo.
  5. Triple_R
    2016-09-27 14:07
    When Love Live Sunshine let me down, Freyja lifted me.

    That's basically what my considerable forgiveness towards Delta comes down to, lol.
  6. Liddo-kun
    2016-09-04 06:51
    Good evening. Hmm, that was two years ago.. but I just had to reply to your post at Robot Girls Z thread. Anime is funny, started it a few days ago. ^^
  7. Triple_R
    2016-06-02 20:02
    You were right about Ikoma and Kotetsujo no Kabaneri. Man, were you ever right...

    What's your trick for figuring out this sort of stuff, Kazu-kun? Just never get your hopes up and assume that "the rules of anime" will always be followed, even when a different approach would be so much better?

    As much as I like Hai-Furi and Kabaneri, your criticisms of them make me realize that anime creators badly need to think outside the box more and add more nuance into their writing and
  8. Triple_R
    2016-05-25 18:38
    For what it's worth, you've convinced me to try out more AKB0048. I'll probably share my take on it with you once I have a few more episodes under my belt.
  9. Last Sinner
    2016-03-19 05:53
    Last Sinner
    Your comments regarding the Erased manga give me hope/relief in the knowledge that there were some people who understood what the purpose of this title was. Thank you.
  10. Diluc
    2016-01-27 21:11
    Who is the bride in your avatar?
    I feel recognized her but forgot from which series

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  • Join Date: 2006-04-13


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