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Hiroi Sekai Hiroi Sekai is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 2923
  1. Komaku
    2017-07-26 19:04
    Dokun dokun dokun
  2. Butter Fly
    2017-07-11 21:15
    Butter Fly
    Hey you there??
  3. Soverence
    2016-09-10 21:06
    Thanks for the happy birthday wish! How have you been? It has been awhile!
  4. Flower
    2016-08-18 12:15
    Hey there my good sir - a very happy birthday to you.
  5. Liddo-kun
    2016-05-22 06:16
    Konnichiwa everyone. Have been a bit quiet lately, but I'm not dead. >__<

    It's just because I was unable to attend Tagcom which happened about a month ago due to lack of funds, which is why I've been unable to update at the cos thread. For now, I'm just taking a bit of time off.. commenting randomly at anime threads here at Suki, taking care of my pets, as well as gathering funds - to make sure that I would be able to attend Toycon or Rampage (whichever comes first XD) at May. rawr :3

    /have a nice day. **
  6. Liddo-kun
    2016-04-04 18:41
    Hello. Second anime convention writeup for this year. ^^
    Just finished uploading pics and vids that I got from Cosplay Carnival 2016.
    Please click the link if you want to see.
  7. Liddo-kun
    2016-02-20 06:29
    Hello. First anime convention writeup for this year. ^^
    Just finished uploading pics and vids that I got from Otaku Expo 2016.
    Please click the link if you want to see.


    Oh, and also thanks to those who voted for my friend Anika. She got third place.

    The contest is now over.
  8. Liddo-kun
    2016-02-14 10:25
    Cosplay Costume of the Year 2015

    Hello everyone. Sorry to bother at this time.. but my friend Anika needs a little help.

    Umm, if you have a Facebook account and have a little spare time.. all we need is a "Like" on my friend's Akame cosplay. She is in a competition right now. And every "Like" counts as a vote. Thank you. The contest is up to Feb 15 only. ^^
  9. Liddo-kun
    2016-01-01 04:55
    Hello, and Happy New Year everyone. I hope you had a nice holiday season. ^^
    And here is one last anime convention from the year 2015. I present to you the Christmas Toys and Collectibles Fair 2015. Please click the link if you want to see. ",)

    If you liked someone, a comment on the thread is appreciated. desu :3
    Uhumm.. and thinking it over. I think our cosplay group can go on for at least one more year. I'm thankful to Animesuki for being able to post pics here.
  10. Soverence
    2015-12-29 03:55
    Late Merry Christmas to you and a early happy new year as well! Hope you have been doing well.

About Me

  • About Hiroi Sekai
    A left handed curiosity who is definitely far from normal.
    Vancouver, British Columbia
    Blogging, gaming, writing, art, music, anime, reading and tennis.
    University student extraordinaire!
    Avatar & Signature
    Ava: Makino Kanna, Sig: Hanazawa Kana
    Currently Watching
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  • Last Activity: 2020-01-15 18:05
  • Join Date: 2009-01-19


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