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JagdPanther JagdPanther is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. Lost Cause
    2012-11-28 21:18
    Lost Cause
    Hey, my husband serves with the 3/1 Marines! Did three tours in Iraq too. Linda
  2. KiraYamatoFan
    2012-01-09 23:17
    Hi! I guess after all this time, I started writing fics of my own (not that I plan to be a regular writer with many projects on the table at the same time ). My idea of Toukairin's untold past as a soldier found its way to spring a brand new crossover fic of my own taking place in the MW3 storyline. Since I played the game and enjoyed every bit of the storyline, I started guessing what if WW3 spreaded in Japan under the same circumstances Europe got hit, how a few characters from YUA and 801th TTS Airbats would cross paths with various MW universe characters in their quest to stop Makarov's madness. My new Natsumi avatar is part of the first artwork I made in relation to the story.

    So far, only 6 OCs have names in the story (Lt. Nakamura, Officer Ayumi Hasegawa, Sgt. Suzuki, Cpl. Kamiya, Cpl. Ishida, and Minister Fujimura). Meanwhile, all other named characters do exist in their respective series. So, it's really a full crossover and it's easier for people to find themselves.

    If you have time to read, I already uploaded up to Chapter 7 at: A review would also be appreciated if you want to comment on the story.
  3. KiraYamatoFan
    2011-09-23 22:19
    I guess it wasn't a bad choice either to be an OC fic after all.

    TBH, I was thinking of adapting most of your story as what if Toukairin was our Delta lieutenant, integrating elements of the 1st season as references preceding the story, elements I brought up earlier, and build solid links with what people have come to know with the anime. It should be easy since I have all the first season episodes in front of me for references and you already put all the important muscles around the bones in your story. After that, I could send the "adapted" version (in a Word document) to you. Just call it a candy for Natsumi x Toukairin fans out there if they ever want some (and I'm pretty sure they do); you can post it on your account or just keep it locked at home for your own pleasure. I'm just a fan trying to satisfy myself.
  4. KiraYamatoFan
    2011-09-23 14:25
    Nice! I was reading "The Siege" and that was one hell of a ride.

    Everything was perfect although I regret Toukairin a little didn't have his name in the story (I am a big Natsumi x Toukairin fan BTW). The odd thing I wondered recently is... have you ever considered that Toukairin's very mysterious side (we don't know much about his origins) could have matched Arleigh's in your fanfic?

    While watching YUA: No Mercy Special very recently, the idea of Shouji doing undercover missions popped into my mind. What if Toukairin was born in the US, traveled a lot back and forth to Japan in his youth (no problem in acting like a local), began his service with the 10th Mountain (where his knowledge of harsh terrain comes handy for his cover as a mountain rescuer later on) and was recruited by the Deltas soon after because of exceptional abilities? Would that have sounded good to you?
  5. KiraYamatoFan
    2011-09-23 12:01
    Hi! I was browsing fanfics on and I came across someone named JagdPanther. Are you the same person?
  6. synaesthetic
  7. zebra
    2010-06-02 03:54
    Np, congratz for doing it!
  8. zebra
    2010-03-16 11:04
    No PS3 while your away from home? That is really sad <_<
  9. Sassarai
    2009-09-13 10:23
    Add a little spice to your avatar!

  10. grylsyjaeger
    2009-09-05 06:25
    The JagdPanther was my favourite armoured vehicle of WWII. Sure there were more deadly weapons out there, I just loved the look of them. Especially with the Zimmerit coating applied.

About Me

  • About JagdPanther
    Nazareth, PA
    The military, college football, anime, video games...
    Transportation professional
  • Signature
    A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite point in the future. –General George S. Patton, Jr.

    Avatar v. 37.0: Fighter Squadron 31. The VF-31 "Tomcatters."


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 21:25
  • Join Date: 2006-11-27


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