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iCK 2014-08-15 09:26


Originally Posted by ImperialFlameGod8190 (Post 5215914)
Thats where you have a slight mistake. You're thought process is 100% correct but the problem is this. You can compare them its just flawed because we still arent clear on two major things.
1. The true nature of the gifts that any of the group possess (The original gifts not the presents they got later).
2. There's also no clear indication of just how close anybody is to mastering the gifts.

once those things are more clearly defined then all will be clear its been the basic premise of the argument that we've had for the better part of 5 pages. Right now izayoi is stronger but once the gifts are all completely mastered and made clear there's no easy way to determine what can happen.

I wouldnt worry too much about that.

I think its clear to know what's gonna happen.
Asuka and Yo's gifts are already defined and understood. Meaning someone somewhere had to have it in the past. (possibly their relatives or parents)
If it's Yo's dad, we can consider he was close to mastering it because he was old and passed it on to Yo...
But they were still wiped out by Azi.

Izayoi's gift is unknown, meaning the AUTHOR can put whatever power-up he wants into it. Izayoi is the first one to have that gift, which is why its considered to be unknown.

Answer my one question, Izayoi who is not even powering up, is still leagues above Yo and Asuka, while they've been receiving powers up. And it's not always their own gifts that are even being leveled, its just new gifts they're winning/given. (They reached the maximum potential and the author is throwing gifts their way to try to catch up to Izayoi.
Not once did I read Asuka and Yo have more potential than izayoi. Shitoyasha, has stated multiple times on how much unknown potiential he has, while she has never said anything about Yo and Asuka, meaning they are probably close to mastering their gifts.
Also by mastering, do you mean by full knowledge of it and complete understanding of usage? Because so far, it seems like Yo and Asuka have mastered their gifts and their power-ups are from other gifts not their own gifts themselves.

The ony way they can be stronger than Izayoi is if the author completely down-shifts his gift.
Other than that based on theory and guesses, Izayoi is and will always be stronger.

Echizen777 2014-08-15 09:58


Originally Posted by iCK (Post 5215932)
I think its clear to know what's gonna happen.
Asuka and Yo's gifts are already defined and understood. Meaning someone somewhere had to have it in the past. (possibly their relatives or parents)
If it's Yo's dad, we can consider he was close to mastering it because he was old and passed it on to Yo...
But they were still wiped out by Azi.

Izayoi's gift is unknown, meaning the AUTHOR can put whatever power-up he wants into it. Izayoi is the first one to have that gift, which is why its considered to be unknown.

Answer my one question, Izayoi who is not even powering up, is still leagues above Yo and Asuka, while they've been receiving powers up. And it's not always their own gifts that are even being leveled, its just new gifts they're winning/given. (They reached the maximum potential and the author is throwing gifts their way to try to catch up to Izayoi.
Not once did I read Asuka and Yo have more potential than izayoi. Shitoyasha, has stated multiple times on how much unknown potiential he has, while she has never said anything about Yo and Asuka, meaning they are probably close to mastering their gifts.
Also by mastering, do you mean by full knowledge of it and complete understanding of usage? Because so far, it seems like Yo and Asuka have mastered their gifts and their power-ups are from other gifts not their own gifts themselves.

The ony way they can be stronger than Izayoi is if the author completely down-shifts his gift.
Other than that based on theory and guesses, Izayoi is and will always be stronger.

I don't know about Yo since I am not up to date with the spoilers but Asuka's Gift permits her to empower the other Gifts to Divine class, she needs Gifts powerful enough to withstand her spiritual power.

lulu_lulu 2014-08-15 11:48

if asuka got a hold on "another cosmology" gift and able to control it
yo have "another cosmology" gift from some eudemon

that way maybe the three of them can battle each other on the same level

lulu_lulu 2014-08-15 11:52


Originally Posted by iCK (Post 5214995)
A gift that is classified as "Unknown" would easily have A LOT MORE potential than something like Yo's gift...

Because it's unknown... So we don't know what it does other than his gift to destroy other gifts. <--- That might not even be his only move..

sorry but a gift with ability to copy also have unknown potential since it can copy anything except thing that not from earth like the bunny

iCK 2014-08-15 12:04


Originally Posted by lulu_lulu (Post 5216071)
sorry but a gift with ability to copy also have unknown potential since it can copy anything except thing that not from earth like the bunny

Her gift probably couldn't even be able to copy Izayoi's gift, Izayoi's gift is unknown, so why are all these rules being applied to it?

He is supposedly the savior of humanity, not Asuka or Yo.

The fact that it is unknown, just makes it in a different league, what is their to argue.

Even if it was fully trained/mastered, or whatever you say, Unknown will be Unknown. Much like infinity....

Xellos-_^ 2014-08-15 12:08

Yo doesn't actually copy gifts. She can mix and match and create new gifts.

While Izayoi's potiential is unknown, Yo's gift is virtually unlimited.

Echizen777 2014-08-15 12:11

About Izayoi and his potential, isn't Aurora Pillar precisely his true power? We don't know all his secrets and he doe'snt master it completely but it is a hint too. Asuka needs to rise her spiritual power and have better Gifts and she will be able to fight anyone. These 3 Gifts have the potential to make them totally overpowered if they become stronger but I am convinced that even after this Izayoi will stay the strongest.

lulu_lulu 2014-08-15 12:17


Originally Posted by iCK (Post 5216084)
Her gift probably couldn't even be able to copy Izayoi's gift, Izayoi's gift is unknown, so why are all these rules being applied to it?

He is supposedly the savior of humanity, not Asuka or Yo.

The fact that it is unknown, just makes it in a different league, what is their to argue.

Even if it was fully trained/mastered, or whatever you say, Unknown will be Unknown. Much like infinity....

oh sorry about that , yo gift is copy eudemons or beast and izayoi not beast so she cant copy it
but from what I read from previous page (I forget which page :uhoh: ) dystopia is eudemons that posses "last embryo"

what if yo able to master it ? and mix it with other power ? since yo power is like creator of all living things

Dragoon Luna 2014-08-15 12:51

I am slowly beginning to feel sorry for Asuka and You. We are heavily comparing them to Izayoi, and the more I read the more I feel sorry for them as they will never be able to match with him nor fight alongside them.

Izayoi will forever remain alone.

And the girls will never be able to do the one thing they desire: help Izayoi. :heh:

XFire 2014-08-15 13:44


Originally Posted by Dragoon Luna (Post 5216136)
I am slowly beginning to feel sorry for Asuka and You. We are heavily comparing them to Izayoi, and the more I read the more I feel sorry for them as they will never be able to match with him nor fight alongside them.

Izayoi will forever remain alone.

And the girls will never be able to do the one thing they desire: help Izayoi. :heh:


If Yo had been able to maintain her Garuda form for longer, she could have at least helped Izayoi run away.

bakato 2014-08-15 14:01


Originally Posted by Dragoon Luna (Post 5216136)
I am slowly beginning to feel sorry for Asuka and You. We are heavily comparing them to Izayoi, and the more I read the more I feel sorry for them as they will never be able to match with him nor fight alongside them.

Izayoi will forever remain alone.

And the girls will never be able to do the one thing they desire: help Izayoi. :heh:

Alright. I think we needs to clear things up.

1. Izayoi is currently, as of volume 10, the strongest of the 3.
2. You people keeps spouting stuff like potential and all. The hard truth of the matter is that the potential of these problem children's gifts are all equally unknown.

Izayoi's was made by Canaria to take out the demon lord who destroyed Arcadia, which included Yo's dad, and was probably even stronger than Azi Dahaka. The aurora pillar he created to escape the Baron was said to be the first step.

We've got hints about Asuka's gift here and there.


—I, Kudou Asuka, should have had sisters. —I ran alongside my dead sisters. —I silently watched myself say “Trick or Treat” as I laughed gleefully with them.
Yo's is by far the most baffling. According to Shiroyasha, Genome Tree may not even be her true gift.


This is only speculation, but the reason why Kasukabe Yō was able to weaponize one of the strongest species, “Great Garuda” would be most likely because there is a known parent Divine Spirit. The relationship between Parent and Child, in other words a family tree exists, so Genome Tree can weaponize the Garuda using that condition. In other words, it can’t weaponize a beast that doesn’t have a family tree that incorporates a different species.

Anyway, the price for using the powers of the Great Garuda being the loss of all attained powers is absurd. Besides, a Gift does not disappear for no good reason. Perhaps, a power besides that of Genome Tree has intervened.

Or perhaps the row of words that appeared inside Kasukabe Yō’s head during volume 4 may have a relationship to the true identity of this Gift.

In other words; at this point, we don’t understand anything!

Xellos-_^ 2014-08-15 14:09


Anyway, the price for using the powers of the Great Garuda being the loss of all attained powers is absurd. Besides, a Gift does not disappear for no good reason. Perhaps, a power besides that of Genome Tree has intervened.

bakato 2014-08-15 14:16


Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ (Post 5216197)

Is that a fact or speculation?

Xellos-_^ 2014-08-15 14:18


Originally Posted by bakato (Post 5216204)
Is that a fact or speculation?

fact, vol10.

Bladedknight 2014-08-15 17:09


—I, Kudou Asuka, should have had sisters. —I ran alongside my dead sisters. —I silently watched myself say “Trick or Treat” as I laughed gleefully with them.
I was actually wondering about this fora while. Maybe Asuka was meant to have sisters, but she and her sisters' souls merged together, and that dream would have been Asuka peering into her soul.

bakato 2014-08-15 17:17


Originally Posted by Bladedknight (Post 5216327)
I was actually wondering about this fora while. Maybe Asuka was meant to have sisters, but she and her sisters' souls merged together, and that dream would have been Asuka peering into her soul.

This kinda reminds me of the Fates from Greek mythology.

Dragoon Luna 2014-08-15 18:34

IS there any information released about Volume 11 yet?

....I just had a thought of Asuka being one of the Fates...though WHICH fate I am not sure....:heh:

BionicMeerkat 2014-08-15 22:44


Originally Posted by Dragoon Luna (Post 5216364)
IS there any information released about Volume 11 yet?

....I just had a thought of Asuka being one of the Fates...though WHICH fate I am not sure....:heh:

Like spoilers and such? None that I know of. Just got the illustrations up courtesy of zechs.

Also, heads up to everyone, if no delays arise we will be getting chapters from magref soon.

Also, I was amazed to see all this activity, yet not a single email notifying me of this huge discussion. Sadness :(

prokit 2014-08-16 05:55

Normally most fictions shows your MCs power from the start and let them obtain new one along the adventure or hidden away or lose it and trying to get it back (mostly we all know what are their power and what those power do even its name)

But this guy, he threw in the power of MCs and is keeping it as a secret showing only what those power can do and just a little bit of it

And that is all we know ATM. It is like he want thing to go this way: "Yo guys we only show you this much so we can milk your money using curiosity" (well this is not really what i wanted to write but you guys get the idea)

ImperialFlameGod8190 2014-08-16 06:52


Originally Posted by prokit (Post 5216783)
Normally most fictions shows your MCs power from the start and let them obtain new one along the adventure or hidden away or lose it and trying to get it back (mostly we all know what are their power and what those power do even its name)

But this guy, he threw in the power of MCs and is keeping it as a secret showing only what those power can do and just a little bit of it

And that is all we know ATM. It is like he want thing to go this way: "Yo guys we only show you this much so we can milk your money using curiosity" (well this is not really what i wanted to write but you guys get the idea)

The real beauty is they've managed to do something that very few shows at the moment that i can think of can do. They've managed to make a pure action story with an almost non-existant romantic aspect and perhaps just as shocking very little fanservice which typically runs rampant in most anime and stories so far. You have a powerful MC that if u go by anime aspects is unstoppable and through the LN he never really has a moment when u think this guy will win easily and you really dont have that in a lot of stories perhaps just as nice its not plot armor that gets him wins its pure utter power

I'm actually a bit shocked they havent had announcements for a second season for this anime.. YET

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