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Xander 2010-12-03 23:26

It's not entirely unrelated, technically, but it's true that this isn't the best place for it. Ironically, I've said so myself.

The issue seems to be that whenever speculation about a currently non-existent sequel comes up it inevitably brings back discussion about the ending. Which, in turn, leads to further repetition because that possible sequel would be at least tangentially related to the ending and its interpretations. And thus the cycle starts all over again. That has happened without my involvement and it has also happened with me. I'm just fond of making verbose posts.

Nonetheless, I suppose it's better to apologize and shut up for the time being.

Frankly, if no new information comes out by the end of next week or so then there's little or nothing to talk about.

I'll just throw a more appropriate question out there, however: Given what little we know so far, what do you really expect from Code Geass Gaiden?

Lost Cause 2010-12-03 23:34

No need to apologize, I for one (and probably the only one!) have enjoyed this debate!

faiz blaster 2010-12-04 01:43


Originally Posted by Xander (Post 3375228)
It's not entirely unrelated, technically, but it's true that this isn't the best place for it. Ironically, I've said so myself.

The issue seems to be that whenever speculation about a currently non-existent sequel comes up it inevitably brings back discussion about the ending. Which, in turn, leads to further repetition because that possible sequel would be at least tangentially related to the ending and its interpretations. And thus the cycle starts all over again. That has happened without my involvement and it has also happened with me. I'm just fond of making verbose posts.

Nonetheless, I suppose it's better to apologize and shut up for the time being.

Frankly, if no new information comes out by the end of next week or so then there's little or nothing to talk about.

I'll just throw a more appropriate question out there, however: Given what little we know so far, what do you really expect from Code Geass Gaiden?

I kept away from this thread due excessive trolling, but since things seems to be coming back to the right track I will donate my piece of mind about it.

Lets go by the numbers:

1.Expansion of background: the history and status quo of regions left mostly untouched in the original work should be worked on. The EU's territories are a given, but I would also like to see more on the Middle East (Area 18) and the Militarized Zone of India.

2.New machines: frankly, it would be great if all factions were given completely new Knightmares for this project, but I will be satisfied if they at least develop a few customized units.

3.Spotlight shift: I don't think that I even need to mention this, but since this is a SIDE STORY, the main characters of Code Geass should be kept as much away from here as possible. On another hand, minor characters that didn't have much chance to shine before could be given greater roles in here. I personally wouldn't mind seeing on the secondary Knights of Round (Nonnette, Luciano, Monica and Dorothea) and the Valkirye Squad.

azul120 2010-12-04 03:41

While I apologize for derailing the thread, I don't appreciate it being called a troll.

faiz blaster 2010-12-04 16:27

I wasn't actually talking about you....

Vallen Chaos Valiant 2011-01-05 04:32

Moetron have some small pics from Feb Newtype that showed the male and female protagonists.

Hyuga Akito is the main character, a Japanese national who went into exile in Europe after the invasion by Britannia. Fighting for the Europeans. Uses a Katana. Personally I have a feeling he might be based on the old Suzaku prototype when Suzaku was still the protagonist.

Layla, the blond female who is Akito's direct superior.
(I wonder if she might be the owner of the feminine Knightmare frame we saw before?)

The stained-glass window in the background is intriguing. It has a Geass Symbol on the top. Is the guy in the window meant to be Lulu? Or someone else?

We would need full scans to find out.

Bonzo 2011-01-05 08:56


I'm perplexed, it seems a imitation of Valkyria chronicle 2, similar clothes....about the knightmare, if they're in the european army, the kmf mecha we seen in the past preview is totally out-of-place, europe kmf were still simple "toys" in the 2018, and the anime period is 2017.

mechalord 2011-01-05 09:17

It's probably just a side story. Geass will most likely play a role but not as much as it does in the main series. A member of the Geass cult similar to Rollo could play a main role.

Anyhow, Code Geass's first season was one of the best anime serials I've ever seen, if not the best.

R2 was the Matrix Reloaded/Matrix Revolutions of the Code Geass franchise. It should be completely retconned. R2 was stuffed w/ recycled filler from season 1. Characters like Milly were thrown to the side. It was just a jumbled mess of side stories and aborted subplots creating plot holes everywhere. Suzaku and Kallen were MIA for most of the season while characters like Rollo and Sherry gained more prominence. Schneizel was missing up until the final 2 episodes and didn't live up to being Lelouch's rival. Too many episodes were wasted on recycling storylines from the boarding school just to keep the boarding school an element in the story. I also hated how everything they had worked towards to for 2 seasons was thrown away for the final 2 episodes. Oh yeah, Lelouch built this army and now he's going to flush it down the toilet along w/ his entire organization to make himself the evil emperor of Brittania. Then he's going to play bad guy for 1 episode and then get killed in the next. We're going to cram 26-52 episodes of story into 2 episodes Made us watch 50 episodes to see Lelouch lose and start over as a fake bad guy, rebuild an army, and then get killed in like 5 minutes.

Xander 2011-01-05 10:34


Originally Posted by Bonzo (Post 3423323)
....about the knightmare, if they're in the european army, the kmf mecha we seen in the past preview is totally out-of-place, europe kmf were still simple "toys" in the 2018, and the anime period is 2017.

We don't know which side the KMF design belongs to. Still, that's a fair point.

Though if they are Britannian-made, those could be stolen or captured machines the EU has incorporated into its forces instead of being entirely local machines. It's not exactly a difficult or unreasonable concept to begin with. Even the Germans, for example, used a lot of captured enemy equipment during WWII.

As for the character designs and brief character descriptions...they're alright. In any event, this proves the project isn't cancelled but moving forward into 2011.

GundamFan0083 2011-01-05 12:14


Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant (Post 3423088)

Moetron have some small pics from Feb Newtype that showed the male and female protagonists.

Hyuga Akito is the main character, a Japanese national who went into exile in Europe after the invasion by Britannia. Fighting for the Europeans. Uses a Katana. Personally I have a feeling he might be based on the old Suzaku prototype when Suzaku was still the protagonist.

Layla, the blond female who is Akito's direct superior.
(I wonder if she might be the owner of the feminine Knightmare frame we saw before?)

The stained-glass window in the background is intriguing. It has a Geass Symbol on the top. Is the guy in the window meant to be Lulu? Or someone else?

We would need full scans to find out.

Akito looks like Lelouch and Xingke had a love child. :D
While Layla reminds me of a Shirley/CC mating.

But seriously, thanks for the link to the images.
The Gaiden ought to be very interesting indeed.

Roloko vi Britannia 2011-01-05 19:31

lol yeah Akito does look like Lelouch's and Xingke's love child and Layla looks hot. I can't wait for them to reveal more cast all I can say is just give me a person who looks similar to Rolo and cast Takahiro Mizushima to voice them that would be epic.

Garigari-kun 2011-01-05 22:01

Which do you prefer..

Renya or Akito? ^^,

Roloko vi Britannia 2011-01-05 22:43


Originally Posted by Garigari-kun (Post 3424284)
Which do you prefer..

Renya or Akito? ^^,

hmm I don't know yet since I haven't really sat down and read Renya. So I say I'll just wait until Code Geass: Akito comes out to see which one I like better personality wise. When it comes to looks though I prefer Hyuga Akito.

Lost Cause 2011-01-06 22:06

Finally some news about the new Geass anime! About time too as I was beginning to think it was moribund! An Akito does look HOT!

Tetsu Aero 2011-01-09 19:36

Well they have caught my attention. i wonder what the plot will be :)

ChildrenOfTheMind 2011-01-10 23:32

Yes please come out soon!

rinichan 2011-01-11 03:07

Does anyone understand this images???

they said its a code geass timeline from Last months Newtype.

images shared from code geass lj community and from this person

wredsa 2011-01-11 17:29

I wonder when they would release the OVA

konart 2011-01-11 18:29


Originally Posted by wredsa (Post 3433721)
I wonder when they would release the OVA

We still do not know will it be an OVA or TV series

Xander 2011-01-11 18:46


Originally Posted by rinichan (Post 3432902)
Does anyone understand this images???

they said its a code geass timeline from Last months Newtype.

It's a timeline of the most important Code Geass-related news and announcements during the year 2010, obviously published before the latest batch of Gaiden information we received earlier this month. I wouldn't think it has anything particularly new, going by what the pictures tell us, aside from summarizing previous updates.

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