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Nanya01 2012-01-17 20:42

Kyrie has better grapple range than Amitie, Shamal, Arf and Fate. That kick has some range to it.

Well, screw that. I like a challenge, but this game pushed OVER the line and went from challenge to FRUSTRATION! HELL! I managed to beat U-D three times (Rein, Hayate and Kyrie, the last two by time out). That was a challenge, but it wasn't super frustration!

And I beat Stern with Yuuno easily.

And Einhart wasn't too hard with Nanoha.

rxrx 2012-01-17 20:46

What mode are you playing now? Story or Arcade?

Nanya01 2012-01-17 20:48


Originally Posted by rxrx (Post 3954251)
What mode are you playing now? Story or Arcade?

Sequence 6.

rxrx 2012-01-17 20:51

Oh. Then you have just entered the Nightmare of ridiculous A.I. The CPU will get stronger from this sequence onward. Hope you don't smash your PSP when it comes to Sequence 11, the first part is hell.

Note: Heidi and Stern are nuts when they challenge you in Arcade Mode. You will get what I mean if you manage to fight them.

Sunder the Gold 2012-01-17 20:51


Originally Posted by Nanya01 (Post 3954246)
And I beat Stern with Yuuno easily.

And Einhart wasn't too hard with Nanoha.

Because Yuuno and Nanoha agree with your play preferences, because the AI sucks, or because Yuuno and Nanoha have the advantage against those two?

00-Raiser 2012-01-17 20:53

Abuse time out. Seriously, sometimes it's the only way.

rxrx 2012-01-17 20:54

More like the A.I in arcade mode is stonger than in story mode I think. I got murdered by Touma's Divide Zero Eclispe using Precia due to one mistake. Like Raiser said, abuse time-out, but I only do that when fighting U-D.

00-Raiser 2012-01-17 21:01

I can beat U-D fine enough when she doesn't have boss boost. Just gotta keep shooting at her. Melee is too dangerous if I'm not using Einhart.

So thus far I've gotten all of Nanoha, Fate, and Hayate's costumes. Hayate's actually wearing an apron in her casual outfit. Fate's swimsuit is wierd. The A version has a sarong, but the B version doesn't.

rxrx 2012-01-17 21:04

Is that so? Without boss boost, U-D is weak in cross range as her attacks are slow and thus easy to interrupt and counter. Just beware of her FBD and you should be fine. Heck, without boss boost, U-D is just a punching bag in my opinion.

Astral Corruption 2012-01-17 23:31


Originally Posted by 00-Raiser (Post 3954083)
Speaking of, though, a reminder you can get the Materials swimsuits starting tomorrow by filling out that survey. Anyone else going to do that? I don't want to be the first and screw it up :heh:

I am and can you help me with it, please?

00-Raiser 2012-01-17 23:51

All I know is that you go to and click the Gears of Destiny link. On the following page there's a text field where you're supposed to type in the code that's on the back of the game's instruction booklet. I'm guessing from there another page will appear with a survey. Have Google translate handy to help you fill it out. I think once you do it'll give you a code that use you to get the costumes from PSN.

bhl88 2012-01-18 02:01

XD I'm having problems with Levi.... how will I know that U-D would shoot left or right?

Fluegel 2012-01-18 02:13

By any chance was the BGMs from this ever ripped?

00-Raiser 2012-01-18 02:17

They're up on youtube.

Meltyred 2012-01-18 02:19


Originally Posted by bhl88 (Post 3954578)
XD I'm having problems with Levi.... how will I know that U-D would shoot left or right?

Block instead of dodge.

00-Raiser 2012-01-18 02:32


To get the code for the Materials swimsuits go to the OFFICIAL SITE, and then the Special page. There's a field on the right where you enter the code on your booklet and it'll give you the code. Forget about the damn survey (I did it and got nothing), GO THERE!!!

shinku no kage 2012-01-18 02:33

Just got my game today and thank goodness I looked into this thread, otherwise I may have never known about the DLC.:heh:

As far as attaining the DLC goes just go to the game's HP, go the "Special" section and it should take you to the screen where you'll enter the product code on the back cover of your game's instruction. Upon doing so you'll be given the code that you'll need to enter in the PlayStation Store as if you're entering a code for a PSN card. You should then be taken to the DLC page.


As far as the game goes, I'm thinking that its ok for now..I just started sequence 7 so. I'll wait to say anything more til I get more done in the game.

*EDIT* Oh dang, looks like I was beaten to the punch.:rolleyes:

00-Raiser 2012-01-18 02:38

After the fucking awful day I've had and wasting my time wondering why the survey wasn't giving me a code it's nice that something's worked out.

bhl88 2012-01-18 04:43

Stuff I did to beat story mode:

Played for 3 days straight.
I have finally completed the damn game.
Chrono: Alternate between jenga and snipe.
Vita: Giant Iron ball and homing balls are your best friend (and if they don't have super armor, gigant or rakaten when you see the whites of their eyes).
Kyrie: Rapid fire and finest cannon (same with Amitie).
Nanoha: axel shooter and divine buster.
Reinforce: just use hibiki or whatever that violet beam is. Or spam the bind when the opponent stops to attack. Also used balls+hibiki.
Hayate: alternate between long and short charges xD. Also used swords.
Fate/Levi: Guard+Full Drive and Sonic Form. Then attack from Long Range. Spark and Slash.
Einhart: simply spammed reflect projectiles.
Vivio: spammed bullets like crazy. Or beat opponent up in melee.
Stern: same as Nanoha except Pyro and Blast Heat.
Dearche: arondight. Or spam basic ranged projectile like a machine gun.
Signum: KILL IT WITH FIRE. (slash sometimes).
Zafira: kick kick kick (circle or D).
Twins: jenga (to hell). And try getting FD in.
Shamal: ......... Just try to lure to shield. I had problems using her.
Touma: silver cannon, most of the time.
Yuuno: .... Shield charge (lol wtf is a Crusader skill from RO doing here...) and run.

Long range is ones best friend to opponents you can't handle :p

FULL DRIVE ASAP (except vs UD) <- cant be blamed cause I did it and it worked.... 70% of the time, one has to note the speed of the full drive, including range. Or just dash crazy around the opponent until he has opened himself to attack.

btw is it possible to compile all of the OST is Gears of Destiny?

Meltyred 2012-01-18 10:04

I dunno if it's just me, but I found shamal to have very interesting moves, since her mini tornadoes are affected by all her other wind moves, and can have many uses...
Like use the cyclone shield to send the mini tornadoes to the enemy, and teleport to close range and watch how they enemy suffers either way if they try to combo you or block. (Since you can just grab them if they block)
Don't really think this game is hard though....

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