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Anh_Minh 2009-06-10 12:48

Especially if he didn't have ketchup on hand.

Shadow Kira01 2009-06-10 13:39


Originally Posted by Echoes (Post 2445685)
Man finds dead rat in loaf

That couldn't have been good for his appetite.

If this occurred in some under-developed nation, the man would most likely react excited as that he only paid for the bread and it came with meat, something to go with the bread. However, this took place in North Ireland and thus, the normal reaction to the case would be outraged or disgusted as that may possibly ruin his appetite for buying malt loafs in the future. More over, the guy has the every right to sue the malt loaf manufacturer for compensation of his appetite or whatever good reason he can come up with.

Anh_Minh 2009-06-10 14:10


Originally Posted by AnimeFan188 (Post 2444638)
"The French Military moved to close down a large
Bit Torrent tracker in what is the first recorded use
of a nation's armed forces under the control of the
entertainment industry."


Just to be clear: the slightly more serious (French) article I read didn't mention anything about national security. While the arrest was made by the gendarmerie, who are, indeed, military, it doesn't really mean anything.

Vexx 2009-06-10 14:18


Originally Posted by Anh_Minh (Post 2445842)
Just to be clear: the slightly more serious (French) article didn't mention anything about national security. While the arrest was made by the gendarmerie, who are, indeed, military, it doesn't really mean anything.

yeah, that inflammatory hyperbolic text be quoted seems to be virally romping through the blogosphere and picked up by all the morons who don't RTFA.
The reality (that the French version of the RIAA was being fast and loose with their gushing) is more reflective of the situation.

I will say this notion of going after someone for LINKING sets very poor precedent but then we already know the entertainment corporates hate the internet anyway since "its never been good for anything" (SONY).

Mystique 2009-06-10 18:26


Robo-chefs have shown off their cooking skills at the International Food Machinery and Technology Expo in Tokyo.
Just a little fun from robocity Tokyo :p

Man... after seeing all that, I'm kinda craving for some Okonomiyaki now ;_;

ClockWorkAngel 2009-06-10 20:38

I hope it never gets to the point that a robot makes our food in such way.

However its quite cool to see how some robots are being "advanced".

mg1942 2009-06-10 23:03

It must be a very slooow news day for MSNBC...

Kamui4356 2009-06-10 23:18


Originally Posted by mg1942 (Post 2446632)
It must be a very slooow news day for MSNBC...

It was clear from the start that he wasn't taking the interview seriously, and was just trolling her and using the TV time to get some publicity for his book and website. I'm really suprised they aired that. Even if it was "live" they usually have a delay. Someone didn't do a very good job screening their guest. :heh:

Vexx 2009-06-10 23:34

Wow... that little exchange was pathetic and not really even related to the purported purpose of the interview. He's a real twit and she should have cut the interview off and gone to a "Nice Boat" about 10 seconds into it. OTOH... letting it go to conclusion provided some insight into Palin supporters I suppose.

Shadow Kira01 2009-06-11 14:17

Tadpoles, fish fall from sky across Ishikawa Prefecture


The Yomiuri Shimbun

KANAZAWA--Tadpoles and small fish have fallen from the sky across several cities in Ishikawa Prefecture recently, leaving local residents in the dark as to the cause of the phenomenon.

Some people said the fallen objects might have come from the beaks of flying birds, while others surmised that a gust of wind might have swirled them up together with water. However, the actual reason behind the phenomenon remains unknown, leaving citizens of the prefecture looking up and wondering what might fall from the sky next.

On the evening of June 4, a man noticed the sound of something plopping onto the ground at a parking lot of the Nakajima citizens center in Nanao. When he looked back, he saw tadpoles scattered upon a car and on the ground.

According to Kiwamu Funakura, 36, an official at the center who went to the parking lot at the time, about 100 tadpoles, each two or three centimeters long, were found to have been scattered around an area measuring about 200 square meters. While it was a rainy day, Funakura said it never occurred to him that the tadpoles had fallen from the sky. Also in the city, Takeshi Kakiuchi, 62, a member of the Nanao Municipal Assembly, found six tadpoles on his car and on the ground around his house, located four kilometers from the center's parking lot, Monday morning.

In Hakusan, about 70 kilometers southwest of Nanao, between 20 to 30 dead tadpoles were found on a car windshield and other places in a parking lot Saturday morning, with some reportedly having lost their original shape.

Meanwhile, Yukio Oumi, 78, found small dead fish around his house in Nakanotomachi. On Tuesday evening, he found 13 fish, apparently crucian carp each three centimeters long, on the back of his truck and the ground.

According to the Kanazawa Local Meteorological Observatory, it has no information that any whirlwinds occurred on the days when the tadpoles and small fish were found. "Birds such as herons or umineko [black-tailed gulls] that had these tadpoles in their mouths or gorges might have dropped them because they were startled by something while flying," said Kimimasa Tokikuni, the head of the Ishikawa prefectural branch of the Japanese Society for Preservation of Birds.

All the locations where tadpoles and small fish were found are located near rice paddies in which tadpoles live. So, it is possible that gray herons and other waterfowl, which are in the middle of their breeding periods, tried to take them as food for young birds, according to Tokikuni.

"Small-scale wind gusts, which couldn't be observed by the meteorological observatory, might have occurred in limited areas and such winds might have swirled up water and the tadpoles at the same time," said Susumu Aiba, professor at the Kanazawa Institute of Technology.

(Jun. 12, 2009)

Kyero Fox 2009-06-11 15:32

Yall hear the news on Candle jack last nig-

Dilla 2009-06-12 03:17

This guy really hates his neighbor.


Rochester man flies Nazi flag after dispute over leaf-blowing

ROCHESTER — Any World War II veterans visiting Chestnut Hill Mobile Home Park should prepare themselves for a shock — a Nazi swastika is fluttering defiantly from a flagpole on Riley Street.

The homeowner, Erlon Johnson, has several poles in his front yard, and displays a Support Our Troops flag and a Stars and Stripes, on either side of the flag of the Third Reich that, to many Americans, still gives great offense.

Johnson, 75, says he was in the Korean conflict, asserts he is patriotic and that the Nazi flag is not intended as an insult to the armed forces, but rather, is intended to irk a neighbor with whom he had a leaf-blowing dispute two years ago.

"I sent off to North Carolina and got a lot of flags," Johnson told the Rochester Timeslast week. "If there was an Osama bin Laden flag I would fly that."

Asked, last Thursday, if he would be flying the Swastika on D-Day (two days hence) — a day when many American and Allied troops lost their lives storming the Nazi flag on the beaches of Normandy, Johnson said he was unaware D-Day was coming up and would substitute the flag on that day. On Saturday, June 6, Johnson was flying the Confederate Flag in place of the Swastika — the controversial German flag was hoisted back up his pole this week.

Included in Johnson's flag collection, and flown on occasion to bug the neighbors are a Skull and Crossbones and a Hammer and Sickle.

"I was flying the Confederate Flag one time when a guy came by selling meat off the back of a truck. He saluted it," recalled Johnson.

Neighbors from Riley Street, despite their contacting the Rochester Times three times recently about Johnson's flags, were unwilling to speak on the record.

Park Manager Kevin Grondin was unavailable for comment.

However, World War II and Korean conflict veteran, Lt. Col. "Mac" McLean, USMC (Ret.) pointed out, during a visit to Rochester this week, "It is his democratic right to fly it, but others have the right to protest its presence, too."

MrTerrorist 2009-06-12 12:39

Basic anatomy 'baffles Britons'

Well that is rather embarrassing.

X10A_Freedom 2009-06-12 13:01

Pornographic videos flood YouTube

Only posting because it is apparently an organised spammage from 4-Chan members which would make it remotely related to our hobby.

sa547 2009-06-12 15:32


Originally Posted by X10A_Freedom (Post 2449377)
Pornographic videos flood YouTube

Only posting because it is apparently an organised spammage from 4-Chan members which would make it remotely related to our hobby.

Here they go again. Just to tell the world that the Internet is their playground.

Vexx 2009-06-12 16:22


Originally Posted by sa547 (Post 2449546)
Here they go again. Just to tell the world that the Internet is their playground.

More like playground thugs... weapons like this can be used for good *or* evil.


Basic anatomy 'baffles Britons'

Well that is rather embarrassing.
... o.O

Mystique 2009-06-12 19:07


Originally Posted by MrTerrorist (Post 2449351)
Basic anatomy 'baffles Britons'

Well that is rather embarrassing.

Yay, I passed the BBC test 3/3, there's hope for me!! :D
It depends on who they asked and if it's a lot of middle aged people who're fairly healthy then things like the pancreas are gonna baffle a few.
Kidney's would be tricky by the fact that they used a backview of somone as a trick.
As for the heart and lungs, I cannot excuse those dumb asses, but it's a basic test from a London uni, so doesn't quite cover the UK ;)

Originally Posted by X10A_Freedom (Post 2449377)
Pornographic videos flood YouTube

Only posting because it is apparently an organised spammage from 4-Chan members which would make it remotely related to our hobby.

Wait wait.
Someone posted this 2 weeks ago and I remember replying to it (my usual 2, 3 paragraph posts) cause someone was getting ticked off with pulling vids of youtube and there was a mini discussion in the news thread about what youtube now needs as 'offensive' and the amount of stuff that's getting pulled down.

It got caught up in the 'US heathcare' news when the rest of you guys where debating but when I went to back track, it had disappeared.
I check my posting history and cannot see it either, so was wondering if admin/mod were once again playing god there and moved/deleted it somewhere without notice. :confused:
Gonna look again in my posting history to see if i can find it, but I'm sure a few of us were discussing about this some weeks ago.
It just kinda suddenly vanished :uhoh:

SaintessHeart 2009-06-13 00:40


Originally Posted by Vexx (Post 2449606)
More like playground thugs... weapons like this can be used for good *or* evil.

Well IMO it is pretty much non-news. The philosophy of youtubees is "don't like it, don't watch it." There is something called the freedom of choice which is rarely used, these people think about are halfwitted and questionable morals nowadays.


Originally Posted by MrTerrorist (Post 2449351)
Basic anatomy 'baffles Britons'

Well that is rather embarrassing.

PLEASE tell me that none of those questioned are working or being educated in the medical sector!

Tiberium Wolf 2009-06-13 08:57

I think the fault is the education system. Come on! You don't actually need to know where all the organs are. But from those results it completely sux. Something wrong in GB. And I think it would be worse if ppl weren't given a multiple choice question.

Narona 2009-06-13 13:17


Originally Posted by MrTerrorist (Post 2449351)
Basic anatomy 'baffles Britons'

Well that is rather embarrassing.


It reminds me when journalists asked to some people on the street to put the names of popular countries (like france, usa, canada, UK etc.) on a world map, and the result was ... o.o

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