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Anh_Minh 2009-08-05 09:46

Well, yeah. They're in the same family, so the connection is obvious. But Yuuno? What's that damn ferret changeling trying?

BPHaru 2009-08-05 09:49


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 2560575)
So this CD is sort of a 'what the others were doing during SSX' CD? I'm curious as to what role our shafted ones will play. Minus Fate, Side F is made out entirely of the shafted ones.

I hope that this isn't part of Seven Arcs' evil plans to shaft Fate too...
Anyway so far this sound stage looks like something made just to fill C76, do we know something about the plot?


Originally Posted by Anh_Minh (Post 2560615)
... Why is Yuuno on the F side?

Probably because Yuuno is more related with Arf than with anyone else, but we have almost nothing of them after A's. Maybe we're getting a track with them in the library, but one can always hope for some Yuuno x Chrono ^^

Cuídense y sigan sonriendo :)

JINNSK 2009-08-05 10:01

@All YuunoChrono fans
Ah,trac 4 in the Side-F is クラウディア ユーノとクロノ(Cloudia Yuuno and Chrono).so I think Yuuno visits Chrono.

C76 is between 14 and 16 in this month.

BPHaru 2009-08-05 10:03


Originally Posted by jinnsk (Post 2560825)
@all yuunochrono fans
ah,trac 4 in the side-f is クラウディア ユーノとクロノ(cloudia yuuno and chrono).so i think yuuno visits chrono.

C76 is between 14 and 16 in this month.

キタ━━━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━━ !!!!!

Thank you, jinnsk ^^ (by the way, what was supposed to be cloudia?)

Cuídense y sigan sonriendo :)

Keroko 2009-08-05 10:04

It's been a while since we've seen those two have a casual conversation with each other, I wonder if they're going to give the YuunoChrono fans a tease.


Originally Posted by BPHaru (Post 2560829)
Thank you, jinnsk ^^ (by the way, what is supposed to be cloudia?)

The Claudia is Chrono's ship.

BPHaru 2009-08-05 10:07


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 2560831)
The Claudia is Chrono's ship.

Oh, you're right, I forgot.
Thanks Keroko.

By the way, are these the only confirmed characters for the sound stages? Because in the N side there is a "Nanoha to Feito" track. Maybe it's some kind of video letter like the one that Fate was writing by the end of I don't remember which sound stage.

Cuídense y sigan sonriendo :)

JINNSK 2009-08-05 10:13

very lazy translating sorry.

1.プロローグ(a prologue)
2.再会(meet again)
3.ヴィヴィオとスバル なのはとティアナ(Vivio and Subaru/Nanoha and Teana)
4.がんばって!(Hang in there!)
5.スバルとティアナ(1)(Subaru and Teana(1))
6.なのはママとヴィヴィオ(1)(Nanoha mama and Vivio(1))
7.スバルとティアナ(2)(Subaru and Teana(2))
8.高町一家集合(Takamachi family gathers)
9.なのはとフェイト(Nanoha and Fate)
10.なのはママとヴィヴィオ(Nanoha mama and Vivio(2))
11.未来予想図(A future forecast map)

1.プロローグ(a prologue)
2.フェイトとアルフ・エリオとキャロ(Fate and Arf/Erio and Caro)
3.資料いろいろ(a lot of documents)
4.クラウディア ユーノとクロノ(Claudia/Yuuno and Chrono)
5.エリオとキャロ(Erio and Caro)
6.なのはからの連絡(a call from Nanoha)
7.おみやげです(here is a present)
8.フェイトとアルフ(Fate and Arf)
9.思い出のこと(as regards a memory)

Keroko 2009-08-05 10:40


Originally Posted by BPHaru (Post 2560837)
By the way, are these the only confirmed characters for the sound stages? Because in the N side there is a "Nanoha to Feito" track. Maybe it's some kind of video letter like the one that Fate was writing by the end of I don't remember which sound stage.

Could also be a video call like the one between Hayate and Nanoha in M4.

There's a few tracks without a character hint though, so we might see a surprise appearance pop up here and there.

BPHaru 2009-08-05 10:42


Originally Posted by JINNSK (Post 2560847)
8.高町一家集合(Takamachi family gathers)
9.なのはとフェイト(Nanoha and Fate)

I hope that the first one refers to Nanoha, Fate and Vivio. I don't think that it's going to be about Shiro and company, but it can as well I suppose.

Thank you for the translation, jinnsk~

Cuídense y sigan sonriendo :)

Keroko 2009-08-05 11:43

I hope that it's about Nanoha and Vivio returning to earth for a little family reunion, with Nanoha introducing Vivio to the rest of the family.

BPHaru 2009-08-05 12:10


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 2560983)
I hope that it's about Nanoha and Vivio returning to earth for a little family reunion, with Nanoha introducing Vivio to the rest of the family.

Looking again at the tracks' titles I think that N side would be about some family moments with Fate coming back to home, along with our new long haired enforcer Teana who gets to spend some time with Subaru too. Probably there isn't going to be a serious plot here.
Maybe the Takamachi family track can be about Nanoha Fate and Vivio in Earth, but the tracks' names don't seem to hint a trip to that place.

Cuídense y sigan sonriendo :)

Nanya01 2009-08-05 12:13

Don't forget that in one Sound Stage Riot Force Six did, in fact, go to Earth while searching a Lost Logia... So... It might just be that Nanoha's going to take Vivio to see her family...

I wonder how they'll react...

Nya~n 2009-08-05 12:17


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 2560983)
I hope that it's about Nanoha and Vivio returning to earth for a little family reunion, with Nanoha introducing Vivio to the rest of the family.


LoweGear 2009-08-05 12:20

*Cue Mariel Surprised.mp4*

"AaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH?!?!?!? !!"


TheShinySword 2009-08-05 12:23

I'm gonna hope/ assume Takamachi family is at the least about Nanoha telling the family (if not visiting) about the new daughter. Why? NanoFate arguments aside I doubt Fate would be part of the "Takamachi family" Rather she'd be part of the Harlaown-Takamachi family if anything.

Besides I really really want to hear shiro's reaction.

Estavali 2009-08-05 12:34

Somehow, I'm getting the feeling that this Sound Stage is where 7Arcs dump all the non-Yagami-ke people in to make sure people don't go, "WHAT, YOU SHAFTED NANOHA/FATE FOR HAYATE?! BURN!!!!"

Well, as if those two haven't gotten enough limelight.... Ehem.

In any case, I believe Nanoha introducing Vivio to her family should be something way before the events of this disc. After all, I don't think Nanoha would hide the fact that she's now a mother from her parents for 3 years ;). Pity though, I too would love to see (or rather hear) Shiro and Momoko's reaction to the news :D.

(Though come to think of it, if they can be really cool about their daughter being a magus so long behind their back, there's a chance that their reaction to her having a kid might also be quite... muted :heh:)

*sighs and prays for some YuunoFate in the upcoming disc*

BPHaru 2009-08-05 12:39


Originally Posted by TheShinySword (Post 2561061)
I'm gonna hope/ assume Takamachi family is at the least about Nanoha telling the family (if not visiting) about the new daughter. Why? NanoFate arguments aside I doubt Fate would be part of the "Takamachi family" Rather she'd be part of the Harlaown-Takamachi family if anything.

Besides I really really want to hear shiro's reaction.

Nanoha, Fate and Vivio's family, which we call "Happy family" or "Happy yuri family", seems to be called by Japan as "Takamachi Family", so the track's title wouldn't be a problem.

Also, we so need to see this animated or in a sound track :D

Cuídense y sigan sonriendo :)

Nanya01 2009-08-05 12:41


Originally Posted by BPHaru (Post 2561090)
Nanoha, Fate and Vivio's family, which we call "Happy family" or "Happy yuri family", seems to be called by Japan as "Takamachi Family", so the track's title wouldn't be a problem.

Also, we so need to see this animated or in a sound track :D

Cuídense y sigan sonriendo :)

*Laughs* Yeah, that's what I wanna see too.

Nagumo 2009-08-05 14:46


06 姉御&末っ子コンビ
06- Older Sister and the youngest pair

Vita: Hm. It’s almost time of lunch, I wonder when Hayate’s going to get here?
Signum: Well, she said she would make it for lunch. It should be fine.
Vita: I guess… Oh, ran out of juice. Signum go get some for me.
Signum: Hey now…
Agito: Hey SIS! I DID IT! I WON!
Rein: No, no! That doesn’t count! It was unfair!
Agito: Oh, be quiet! A win is a win~! Oh hey you two, you need drink refill?
Vita: Nice, Agito! Hit me.
Signum: Did you two have another match/contest again?
Rein: Yeah, a contest to peel apples. I peeled the cleanest one!
Agito: We were competing to see who could get the longest peel! The longest one, wins~~~!
Vita: Now, now. You two doing best making lunch. Why don’t you take it to mean both of you are equally great.
Rein: Un… True but…
Agito: I’m happy to that but…
Vita: After eating lunch, we’re going swimming right? I bought that new surfboard/surf mat you wanted.
Agito: YA~~~~!
Vita: A big beautifully painted one with a window on it. If you drift/float around on it in the waves, it’ll be lots of fun.
Rein: How wonderful!
Agito: Looking forward to it/Sounds fun~~!
Vita: That reminds me, aren’t you two supposed to be cooking lunch?
Agito: Oh yeah!
Rein: We were in the middle of making it.
Vita: Well then, is there anything I can help with?
Agito: Nah, don’t bother! Signum and Sis should just relax/laze/space out.
Rein: Agito and Rein will go back and make the fruits punch.
Vita: Okay. I’ll come to check on you a little later
Signum: As will I.
Rein+Agito: OKAY!
Agito: Good grief. You’re always starting first, and stopping first. (bad translation)
Rein: HMPH! Pot kettle black! Agito is so annoying!
Agito: Ahahah~.
Signum: Considering your age, you’ve gotten pretty good at handling them.
Vita: Well, those two are real cute.

Nagumo 2009-08-05 17:16

07 はやての記念日
07 Hayate’s Anniversary

Shamal: The sun’s strong but wind is cool and feels so good. Oh, over there… Is that Hayate-chan? Hayate-chan!!
Hayate: Oh Shamal.
Shamal: Oh Hayate-chan, if you were already here, you should have hurried back home.
Hayate: Oh, I had something to do first. I’m just waiting for a call, and wanted to finish it up first.
Shamal: I see… if that’s the case, can I stay by you?
Hayate: Okay, how is everyone?
Shamal: Everyone’s just idling away the time. Unwinding/relaxing.
Hayate: Vacation/Break with everyone, we don’t get to do that often each year. Got to make it last.
Shamal: The youngest kids are really spirited.
Hayate: Hahaha. That reminds me Shamal, why tonight? Is there some kind of anniversary for someone in our family?
Shamal: EH~~~!? Hayate-chan, you don’t remember?
Hayate: Oh, um, er, sorry… If it’s something I don’t quite remember, then it must mean it’s something involving about me…
Shamal: As expected of Hayate-chan, it’s definitely/all about you. Moreover it’s that big event; it’s been a little over ten years now.
Hayate: Ten years? Um… Uh…
Shamal: Oh~… Ten years ago from today is the day when Hayate-chan’s legs were declared to be completely recovered!
Hayate: Um… Let’s see… I was in 6th grade…. That happened, and… OH! I remember, I remember! That’s right! Just ten years ago!
Shamal: That’s right!
Hayate: Dr. Ishida came by to celebrate…
Shamal: Then Dr. Ishida and our guardian/patron Admiral Letti got drunk.
Hayate: Signum and Shamal were made to drink.
Shamal: That’s right!
Hayate: Ahahah… how nostalgic ~.
Shamal: That’s the anniversary!
Hayate: Well, I guess I cleared the necessary requirements, slowly practicing how to walk. It’s not quite the day of my ‘complete recovery’. (bad translation)
Shamal: It took quite awhile to make a complete recovery… During that time, you were in school and studying magic, and doing rehabilitation and practicing walking, it was a really busy time.
Hayate: Oh not at all. During that time, Nanoha-chan injured herself/got into her accident, and at the hospital we did rehabilitation together. I just remembered it all now.
Shamal: Oh that time, she was really so~… Well, I’m glad I haven’t seen Nanoha-chan overdoing it lately.
Hayate: Well Fate-chan is staying close by and Vivio has become quite reliable/mature.
Shamal: Oh, about Vivio. She send me and Zafira a lot e-mails about seasonal events and where she and her mama went and what they did.
Hayate: She sends those to me too~!
Shamal: They’re so wonderful and so cute.
Hayate: Yes. But really, today is the day of that anniversary…
Shamal: Yes.
Hayate: The call finally came. Yes, this is Yagami. Oh, thanks for your hard work. Oh, no, no. Not all, everything is fine. Yes.
Shamal: That’s right. That’s the anniversary.

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