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Myssa Rei 2012-09-20 10:05

tarajis: I dunno, the other girl seems to be Teru's height already, so I'm assuming she's the same age as her. Also, do remember that Awai is a freshman, like Saki.

JW1 2012-09-20 10:15


Originally Posted by tarajis (Post 4360767)
I was thinking on the same line... but my theory is that blondie is Awai herself... this could explain why Awai never uses honorifics when talking to Teru and closeness between the two... could they be cousins? :heh:

That thought occurred to me, although I didn't consider the honorifics thing, that's a good point. On the other hand, from what we've seen, Awai and Teru seem a little too close for cousins.

night_sentinel 2012-09-20 10:40

@uis Here is the missing Uzusan picture.

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@Myssa Rei
Anyway, I just called the girl blondie since her hair seems light and its the natural color of fair haired individual irl, but since the manga is black and white her hair could be an assortment of light colors like perhaps silver or perhaps some sort of light blue color like Kinue. :D But for the ease of discussion I would still call the girl which is at Saki's right at the picture blondie just because. :p

Anyway, though I don't think its very probable but nether less it would be fun if Awaii is related to Teru.

Of course, being related to Teru means being related to Saki... so Awaii would automatically know who Saki is and vice versa. They might even be familiar with each other which makes me look forward to their interactions more. Consequently, if this is true, this reinforce the impression that the Miyanaga family are monsters :D

Sigh ... pity this are all just wild speculations, now I want this to actually happen.


I still think that whatever happened, Saki didn't accidentally kill or permanently maim someone... For me, Saki is just too darn sensitive that any implications that she might have have caused the death of someone even if it is not her fault and she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and with no one blaming her might push her to the depths of self-loathing or depression.

And if this theory is true, Teru clearly blamed Saki which is worse... So no heinous consequence like someone dying should have happened that can be blamed on Saki since presently Saki thinks that their relationship can actually be salvaged and Teru might be able to forgive her. And I can't really imagine Saki thinking this if Teru blames her for killing someone even on a technicality.

Anyway I like your next theory more... :p


Originally Posted by Triple_R

The woman off to the side that we can't see is a woman that Saki's dad had an affair with. The blonde-haired girl is a child that resulted from that affair. The blonde-haired girl would hence be Teru's half-sister.

Now, going off of this, there's two possibilities here:

1) When it came out that Saki's dad had cheated on his wife, and even fathered a child with that other woman, it naturally split the Miyanagas apart. Teru sided with her mother, while perhaps Saki was more forgiving of her father and tried to keep the family together, which Teru objected to given what her father did. Teru and Saki are full biological sisters, and at least part of their estrangement is due to them taking different positions in this severe family dispute.

2) Saki herself is the daughter of Teru's dad and the other woman. Teru and Saki are hence half-sisters themselves, and given the circumstances surrounding that, it becomes very easy to see why Teru would deny that she has a sister. Teru refuses to consider Saki her sister because Saki is the child of the woman that Teru blames for her parents' separation. This would be more dramatic, but also more convoluted and could raise some difficult questions plot-wise.

The two theories are sound and it actually gives reasonable explanations for both siblings point of views.

Theory number 1 is actually consistent with their given personality, Teru seems to be the type who will not take something like infidelity lying down while Saki is quite forgiving that it is very easy to see her not holding something like that against her dad. Beside this, from the pier scenery, Saki looks like she is getting along with blondie which following with this theory is her half-sibling so it is very possible that Saki is quite okay with her dad occasionally straying.

Of course the biggest weakness of this theory would be where is blondie and the other woman? Why haven't they even mentioned ?

Theory number 2 is also sound and it actually supports both the siblings perspective since technically if this theory is right both Saki and Teru is technically telling the truth. Of course if this is theory is true, then either Saki is full sibling with blondie or Saki is both half-siblings with Teru and Blondie.

Though, a problem with this theory is if Saki is actually half sibling with Teru, there must be another thing that will cause their rift because flashback Saki and Teru has a pretty good relationship.

And of course, this theory also suffers the glaring problem of where is blondie and her mom and its even worse, since at least in theory 1 we could give Teru more priority than blondie since Saki and Teru are full siblings. But if we go by theory 2 then blondie and Teru are both Saki's half sibling and would get the same priority.

scr 2012-09-20 10:57

The way things are going right now, I expect Shizu will totally thrash Saki and take Nodoka with her. After all, Shizu is more shounen main character -ish than Saki: lack of ridiculous innate power, taking training from hell (vs Koromo!), fighting impossibly powerful clique (Shiratodai!), etc etc.

Go Shizu! You're the heroine that mahjong needs!

Addendum: Have we mentioned that she has the frickin' Author Avatar in her team?

teja208 2012-09-20 11:20

From this point, it’s now easier to predict what’s going to happen in this chapter.
Spoiler for Chapter 102:

King-Slayer 2012-09-20 11:32


Originally Posted by Myssa Rei (Post 4360435)
Hate to remind you of this, but this is all prior to Saki, Nodoka, and Yuuki's trip to watch the Achiga-Shiraitodai match. And as far as we've shown, Nodoka and Saki were getting along quite fine.

Lets hope for Nodoka's sake she stays on Saki's good side. I mean we wouldn't want an accident to happen :D.

The more i see the spoiler, the more im looking forward to the chapter.

tarajis 2012-09-20 11:45


Originally Posted by Myssa Rei (Post 4360800)
tarajis: I dunno, the other girl seems to be Teru's height already, so I'm assuming she's the same age as her. Also, do remember that Awai is a freshman, like Saki.

It seems to me that blondie is just a little bit taller than Saki and blondie is wearing a hat... :heh:


Originally Posted by night_sentinel (Post 4360837)


Of course the biggest weakness of this theory would be where is blondie and the other woman? Why haven't they even mentioned ?

Another theory of mine is that blondie is now studying at Uzusan... :D
You get someone from the Miyanaga bloodline in your team then you get a ticket straight to the Nationals... :heh:


Originally Posted by teja208 (Post 4360894)
From this point, it’s now easier to predict what’s going to happen in this chapter.
Spoiler for Chapter 102:

She met the blondie from the picture and triggered those flashbacks... now she's so scared to even see Teru in the viewing hall's monitor... :heh:

Von Himmel 2012-09-20 11:46 that Awai? :twitch:

teja208 2012-09-20 11:56


Originally Posted by tarajis (Post 4360931)
Another theory of mine is that blondie is now studying at Uzusan... :D
You get someone from the Miyanaga bloodline in your team then you get a ticket straight to the Nationals... :heh:

She met the blondie from the picture and triggered those flashbacks... now she's so scared to even see Teru in the viewing hall's monitor... :heh:

Like your thoery, but if Uzusan really had that kind of player on their team, I believe someone like Funa Q ought to say something about her when conversing with Izumi. I mean, she did notice some connection between Saki and Teru.

tarajis 2012-09-20 12:04


Originally Posted by Von Himmel (Post 4360932) that Awai? :twitch:

Now that we have a clear image, I'm starting to doubt that it's a family picture... I think everyone in the picture are female... the one behind Saki has a female built and the one behind Teru seems too young to be their mother... :heh:

Saki is actually taller than blondie and blondie doesn't look like Awai anymore... :(

Myssa Rei 2012-09-20 12:18

No, it's looking like blondie is also a Miyanaga. Notice the jutting spike at the side of her hair? Only Teru and Saki have that of all the designs in both series.

tsunade666 2012-09-20 12:20


Originally Posted by tarajis (Post 4360767)
I was thinking on the same line... but my theory is that blondie is Awai herself... this could explain why Awai never uses honorifics when talking to Teru and closeness between the two... could they be cousins? :heh:

We almost think the same :heh:

but not cousins but half blood sisters or something along those lines :heh: :heh:

tarajis 2012-09-20 12:44


Originally Posted by Myssa Rei (Post 4360966)
No, it's looking like blondie is also a Miyanaga. Notice the jutting spike at the side of her hair? Only Teru and Saki have that of all the designs in both series.

I was also thinking about the hairstyle... and the one behind Teru also has it but a little too pointy... Miyanaga trademark perhaps? :heh:

scr 2012-09-20 12:46

It's most likely two families. To your left are the Miyanagas, to the right is most likely Awai and her (single?) parent.

Teru is only nice to Awai. Saki must have done something unforgivable to her that result in her disowned by Teru.

Xacual 2012-09-20 15:13

I agree with the others, the blonde girl has the Miyanaga horn which before now has only existed on Teru and Saki.

tsunade666 2012-09-20 16:25

with the so called hair style. Awai doesn't have it. So she is ruled out?

King-Slayer 2012-09-20 19:37


Originally Posted by tsunade666 (Post 4361227)
with the so called hair style. Awai doesn't have it. So she is ruled out?

not completely no. Would be something else if is indeed her though.

Myssa Rei 2012-09-21 02:28

Spoiler for Spoilered for space:

EXTREME ZOOM-IN. Looks like the other girl was peeking over the pier's edge while Saki was looking over her shoulder. My guess is that blondie did fall over, but like in Ano Hana, Saki wasn't able to do anything about it.

Also, the blow-up confirms that the girl is likely a Miyanaga relative. Hat aside, she and Saki share the distinctive sharp point in their hair, which has never been seen on any other character aside from Teru.

tsunade666 2012-09-21 04:56

^it sure has that same hair style which makes them relative ..... I see that girl falling but what's the connection with wheelchair? I don't see a wheelchair there and what's with the burning building?

arsonal 2012-09-21 06:34


Originally Posted by night_sentinel (Post 4360837)
@uis Here is the missing Uzusan picture.

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Hitoha Akitabuki, first-year. A curious name. Akitabuki is the giganteus subspecies of the plant Petasites japonicus, also known as Fuki. Hitoha of course means "a single leaf".

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