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Archon_Wing 2010-12-05 18:44

I always thought SLB was a nuke. Maybe they should sign a WMD treaty.

Kallen4life 2010-12-05 19:08

well, the 5x blaster-bit version in StrikerS was pretty localized

Rein's was big, but
1) still not as big as the Movie's
2) she's Rein ..

Archon_Wing 2010-12-05 19:09

Ah, anime. They're never certain of the size of anything. :p

Bonta Kun 2010-12-06 10:27

Now my favorite peice of anime this year or probably the past 10 years or hell maybe even ever, is so far the one 22 min ep of CATSHITONE, it's simply brilliant.
What comes a close 2nd would be One Piece: Strong World which at 1 point I did consider might be better than CSO but nah couldn't do that.
Now after spending the morning wrapped up in bed cause it was snowing decided to finally watch this.
And wow that was somethign else. I'd have to say I found it better than OP: SW as this reminded me of the time I first saw this series.
I recall going into the 1st season with doubts on whether I would like it but I went through with it and initially I was like "meh" but then when Fate-chan showed up, that all changed and well thats where my love for the series really starts.

I could go on about alot of stuff like animation, story, the characters and what not but since I found it all just awesome, I'm not gonna bother and just leave it at simply "it's all awesome!"

But one thing I will comment on is the fights. OMG you just wouldn't think lolis could go at it in such epic fashion.

And my god that STARLIGHT BREAKER!

I actually don't buy many anime on BluRay or DVD, alot of it is rather expensive but you know what I do think I've got to get this on BluRay.

Laevatein 2010-12-06 14:54

My copy of the DVD arrived yesterday.

WOW... just wow!

And why do I get the idea that "wisdom and tactics" is gonna end up synonymous with "befriending"? ("n. Unleashing ungodly amounts of magic to utterly blow the target away")

Nanya01 2010-12-06 15:10

Sorry, last message was too flamitory.

I saw it.

*Shakes head*

Didn't like it.

Even the Starlight Breaker got nothing but a yawn from me this time around.

Demi. 2010-12-06 15:46


Originally Posted by Laevatein (Post 3379381)
My copy of the DVD arrived yesterday.

WOW... just wow!

And why do I get the idea that "wisdom and tactics" is gonna end up synonymous with "befriending"? ("n. Unleashing ungodly amounts of magic to utterly blow the target away")

The first thing I thought of when I heard that was, "wisdom and tactics my ass"

Kallen4life 2010-12-06 15:55

bruteforce rules, j00 ^^

they pretty much need basic 'tactics', dunno what the hell wisdom means here (this ain't philosophy class people), willpower is a given, but then it's mostly who can tank more and whose beam is fatter

Laevatein 2010-12-06 16:33

BTW, I turned on the commentary, and it's being done by Subaru and Teana. No subs for the commentary on the DVD, unfortunately - any chance of someone doing them?

Demi. 2010-12-06 16:38


Originally Posted by Laevatein (Post 3379510)
BTW, I turned on the commentary, and it's being done by Subaru and Teana. No subs for the commentary on the DVD, unfortunately - any chance of someone doing them?

It was posted somewhere, I can't recall where. I'll post it if I remember.

Though it was basically Subaru/Teana fawning over Nanoha and Erio/Caro fawning over Fate.

Takamura Mamoru 2010-12-06 16:41

I liked the one whole "wisdom and tactics" bit quite a lot because it puts emphasis on the fact that what makes Nanoha such a powerful mage is mostly being skilled and tactically smart.

It usually gets overshadowed by her beamspam, so some people tend to think she's just a powerhouse who beats her enemies with superior firepower.

And for me, a character who wins with skill and wits is more interesting than one who wins with power. Usually, anyway. I'd like to believe Nanoha is such a character.

It's also shown in the manga, where Chrono & co are wondering why Nanoha is using such excessive amount of magical power, since it'd be smart to save some for a final attack.

At the end it's shown that Fate has more magical power than Nanoha left.

And bam, what happens? Starlight fucking Breaker.

Demi. 2010-12-06 16:46

It's just that Nanoha can tank so much damage, the wisdom and tactics wouldn't do her any good is she wasn't ridiculously sturdy. Throw Fate's strongest attack at Nanoha, and she leaves unscathed, leaving Fate drained -- throw Nanoha's second strongest attack at Fate, and she uses everything she's got to stop it, while Nanoha's perfectly capable of still unleashing something 10x's more destructive than before.

I don't know how they measure magical power, but it seems like bs to me.

And I don't even want to talk about the manga. Nanoha was sliced and diced so many times and just kept coming back for more. It's got to be demoralizing when your attacks dont seem to be slowing her down, lol.

Nanya01 2010-12-06 16:49

I like the Movie Manga, myself.

As for how they measure...

"Hey, Vegeta! What does the scouter say about her power level?"

"It's... AAA."

"There's no way that can be right!"

aers 2010-12-06 16:59

.. I believe it was mentioned in the.. Light.. Novel.. version.. that Nanoha has freakishly high natural defense, or something.


Rising Dragon 2010-12-06 17:24

This is what happens when you have the Immovable Object as your teacher.

Archon_Wing 2010-12-06 17:29

Nanoha's simply the determinator.

Kallen4life 2010-12-06 17:34

SLB doesn't use HER energy, hence she can use it

it brings up a different point though .. why does NOONE EVER in the entire series think to use ambient left-over magical energy for their own SLB's .. or use it for ANYTHING ?


I liked the one whole "wisdom and tactics" bit quite a lot because it puts emphasis on the fact that what makes Nanoha such a powerful mage is mostly being skilled and tactically smart.

It usually gets overshadowed by her beamspam, so some people tend to think she's just a powerhouse who beats her enemies with superior firepower.

And for me, a character who wins with skill and wits is more interesting than one who wins with power. Usually, anyway. I'd like to believe Nanoha is such a character.
valid points, but I don't think Nanoha actually demonstrated them (well, maybe saving that SLB for last could count, I dunno) .. the best situation I can think of is Chrono beating Fate (when he was helping her train post S1), despite her pretty much always being stronger in raw magical power

but I have to admit I enjoy DBZ/Bleach style 'power-fights' as well .. they're usually awesome and spectacular

Anh_Minh 2010-12-06 17:56


Originally Posted by Takamura Mamoru (Post 3379522)
I liked the one whole "wisdom and tactics" bit quite a lot because it puts emphasis on the fact that what makes Nanoha such a powerful mage is mostly being skilled and tactically smart.

It usually gets overshadowed by her beamspam, so some people tend to think she's just a powerhouse who beats her enemies with superior firepower.

And for me, a character who wins with skill and wits is more interesting than one who wins with power. Usually, anyway. I'd like to believe Nanoha is such a character.

It's also shown in the manga, where Chrono & co are wondering why Nanoha is using such excessive amount of magical power, since it'd be smart to save some for a final attack.

At the end it's shown that Fate has more magical power than Nanoha left.

And bam, what happens? Starlight fucking Breaker.

Definitely a case of "tell, don't show" there. They say that Nanoha uses tactics, and that Fate's got a significant speed advantage. They show Nanoha tanking whatever Fate throws at her to the point that tactics don't really matter, and that they both fly at roughly the same speed.

Archon_Wing 2010-12-06 17:58

Nanoha basically took advantage of the situation. Time was on her side; Fate's situation's pretty hopeless-- even if she wins against Nanoha there's nothing to stop the TSAB from going in and arresting her. Fate was fighting on desperation and could only aim for taking out Nanoha quickly as possible. Add to her recent flashbacks, and Nanoha easily has the mental advantage

For this reason, Nanoha had no need to compete with Fate with beamspam or getting the upper hand. It would just leave her vulnerable (though sadly, they left out a fight that had that in the series) ; as long as she plugged any holes in her defense she was in good shape. Look how little she fires compared to Fate in the last fight at the start. Basically it was already over once she tanked Fate's super move. Unlike Fate, who resorted to the big guns right away, Nanoha wore her down with a weaker divine buster and then took out her trump card out.

Not exactly a genius thing, but Nanoha did outplay Fate completely.

Kallen4life 2010-12-06 18:04

true that, though tanking all those spells of Fate's should drain her as well & the gamebreaker is still this I think

SLB doesn't use HER energy, hence she can use it

it brings up a different point though .. why does NOONE EVER in the entire series think to use ambient left-over magical energy for their own SLB's .. or use it for ANYTHING ?

I'd give Nanoha a better chance of tanking a Fate-version of SLB if that existed, but I think the outcome would still be the same - both drained and the one who whips out a shiny nuke, despite being drained - win

now Yuuno - he could tank an SLB perhaps :)

in StrikerS she did a cool 'tactic' - the sneaky Wide Area Search - surprise for Quattro .. but other then that it was ABSOLUTE power-play, hit everything in sight with pink until it stops moving, going as far as CastingFromHP

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