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GundamAce 2012-01-07 01:00


Originally Posted by Megabyte117 (Post 3935988)
Many thanks for the wonderful summaries! Sounds like this is more of a treat for those already familiar with the original version, but the additional characterization for select characters along with extra explanations/information seems like it would've been nice to have regardless. I know you occasionally inserted your thoughts on the changes, but what were your overall thoughts on the remake as a whole?

Any chance this could get a port? Perhaps to the Vita? Anyone know how the sales have been?

It's very hard for me to describe my feelings, because I view the remake in several different ways- as someone who's already finished the original, as someone wondering how it would be for new players, and as someone who's judging it on it's own. I need a little time to sort my thoughts and properly convey them.

I plan to post what I liked, what I was indifferent to, and what I didn't like at some point in the future, at least.

I can at least say the new version is miles better than Code_18 was. Despite the bad changes, I think the writing team they used for this version was way better than the writing team for Code_18 (and to make matters odd, this version only had one writer and two scenario writers, while Code_18 had one scenario writer and five writers!)

vaden 2012-01-07 02:20


Originally Posted by GundamAce (Post 3936018)
I can at least say the new version is miles better than Code_18 was. Despite the bad changes, I think the writing team they used for this version was way better than the writing team for Code_18 (and to make matters odd, this version only had one writer and two scenario writers, while Code_18 had one scenario writer and five writers!)

I could see Code_18 as a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth, or rather trying too hard to achieve the right "feel."

Spamamdorf 2012-01-08 12:08

Hey that was a good present to come back to after the holidays, thanks for doing all this Ace, it was definetly a good summary of the game, also I was wondering if you ever find some spare time whether youd be able to try and see if you could upload a pic or two of these 3D models you talk about, I mean for example you said You's looked bad and Takeshi's looked good but you know I'll take your word for it and all but that kinda piques my curiosity a bit you know?
Spoiler for Ever 17:

Kite22 2012-01-09 01:49

Spoiler for Ever17:

Spamamdorf 2012-01-09 07:43

Spoiler for Ever 17:

EDIT: On the subject of the manga, a new one was supposed to be due today, or do the japanese characters at the end of chapter 4 say something along the lines of "to see what happens next buy the game!"?

winkel 2012-01-11 01:13


Originally Posted by GundamAce (Post 3936018)
I can at least say the new version is miles better than Code_18 was. Despite the bad changes, I think the writing team they used for this version was way better than the writing team for Code_18 (and to make matters odd, this version only had one writer and two scenario writers, while Code_18 had one scenario writer and five writers!)

Why compare the two? I thought code=18 had its own independent unrelated staff for everything. At least Ever 17 remake had some old staff in it.

Speaking of the writers, in the end, who are they?

dsp2003 2012-01-11 06:46

After seeing this "official" Ever17 fanfic game on my fellow's x360 and reading GA's description, I am grateful that it will never be ported to PC. It's a completely different story, an impostor on steroids, which shouldn't have been born.

Now I'll go and pretend this "version" has never existed in the first place. Too much has been butchered I loved the story for and too many fancy-pantsy stuff has been added. It's a $&%@# fake.

More rage here.

P.S. Disregard that, it seems the BGM remixes and piano versions of main character themes are the only decent thing in the freakin' whole fanfic-remake.

Spamamdorf 2012-01-11 07:47

Well it's good to see I'm not the only person who thinks that way, and that I'm a bit more moderate in my disaproval :P howevr in your little link you also say that you think the manga was "fanfic garbage" or something like that, and really now, I actually liked the manga just fine, there weren't exactly that many changes in it or anything so it was easy to read almost as if it were the original ever 17 story (and Takeshi's faces just kept getting better and better every panel) it may have declined later but from whats there it seems fine, and the story here (while it does have it's flaws) is not quite as bad as you make it out to be, if you just think of it as what you called it (a fanfic) and think that really it has effect on the quality of the last game and is not "canon" (at least in my mind) then there's no reason to get THAT upset about it, facepalm a bit sure but really now XD

GundamAce 2012-01-11 08:24


Originally Posted by winkel (Post 3942444)
Why compare the two? I thought code=18 had its own independent unrelated staff for everything. At least Ever 17 remake had some old staff in it.

Speaking of the writers, in the end, who are they?

For which game? Ever17 or Code_18?

I was actually wrong: Ever17 had the same scenario and writer: Shichiro Yamada. There were two directors, not scenario writers.

Code_18: Scenario Writer: Chabou Higurashi (who, I am said to say, actually had worked on Never7 as one of the writers, and wrote a novel adaptation of Ever17, which was panned.)

Code_18: Route Writers: Osamu Murata, Yasuyuki Mochida, Mayu Gunta, Nayuta Gunta, Kosuke Fukushima

Jade Magatama 2012-01-12 01:33


Originally Posted by Spamamdorf (Post 3939659)

EDIT: On the subject of the manga, a new one was supposed to be due today, or do the japanese characters at the end of chapter 4 say something along the lines of "to see what happens next buy the game!"?

Nope, thankfully it isn't ~ Chp. 4 ending text: With hope in their hearts, they head to Zweite Stock!
If you're keeping up, it ends at roughly around where Tsugumi Route Part 9 leaves off in Ace's summary.
That said, Chapter 5 will be out on Famitsu by tomorrow, most likely.

(Chp. 3's practically done and Chp. 4 is almost done. Slowly but surely ~)

Spamamdorf 2012-01-12 22:46

oh does it? Thats good, its just that I seem to remember the first chapter saying that new chaps would be released the first Friday of every month so I figured that it was sposed to show up (but it sounds now like it's the 2nd one, close enough)

dsp2003 2012-01-15 06:20

You think it's impossible to turn 16:9 image into normal 4:3? 30 minutes in Paint Shop Pro 7 proved the opposite. ^_^ Enjoy your new wallpaper.

Spamamdorf 2012-01-15 15:45

So thats the new Lemu is it? Looks pretty cool I have to say I wouldnt mind taking a vacation there XD

gn_X00 2012-01-15 17:23


Originally Posted by Spamamdorf (Post 3950463)
So thats the new Lemu is it? Looks pretty cool I have to say I wouldnt mind taking a vacation there XD

with the accident?:)

Spamamdorf 2012-01-15 18:58


Originally Posted by gn_X00 (Post 3950592)
with the accident?:)

Hey if that means I could meet the boss of bosses Takeshi and pretty much the hottest girl ever Tsugumi then sure I'd go for it :P

EDIT: Come to think of it heck I might just get immortality out of this deal if I went so there is literally no reason for me to say no XD, Lemu has an accident? Sign me up! XD

gn_X00 2012-01-15 19:28


Originally Posted by Spamamdorf (Post 3950706)
Hey if that means I could meet the boss of bosses Takeshi and pretty much the hottest girl ever Tsugumi then sure I'd go for it :P

EDIT: Come to think of it heck I might just get immortality out of this deal if I went so there is literally no reason for me to say no XD, Lemu has an accident? Sign me up! XD

Let us meet there in 5 years.:p
And make sure to wait in a place that isn't broken from the first breakdown:D

Spamamdorf 2012-01-15 21:47


Originally Posted by gn_X00 (Post 3950744)
Let us meet there in 5 years.:p
And make sure to wait in a place that isn't broken from the first breakdown:D

*brofist* It's a plan, we'll meet at the chicken sandwich shop next to the Lemurian ruins XD that place was safe just make sure not to be late or you might get caught on the first floor XD

Terminator98 2012-01-16 00:51

Spoiler for End Game related discussion:

gn_X00 2012-01-16 01:36


Originally Posted by Terminator98 (Post 3951215)
Spoiler for END GAME:

I think we need a spoiler tag?
Spoiler for :


Originally Posted by Spamamdorf (Post 3950955)
*brofist* It's a plan, we'll meet at the chicken sandwich shop next to the Lemurian ruins XD that place was safe just make sure not to be late or you might get caught on the first floor XD

Spoiler for :

Spamamdorf 2012-01-16 07:37

Spoiler for Cure:

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