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pff 2014-07-04 17:44

Guardians sounds boring, generic and p.c

Warriors are badass and awesome. And no, guardians doesn't make more sense in the slightest. That's why in japanese they are still seishi.

I always liked that they were exactly warriors. That was also why the manga was so successful with girls and boys - for the first time female characters were badass warriors who kicked ass, and not just heal, protect main character etc. And with guardians they are reduced to that trite shounen position for females again.
Can they kick ass? Haha, no, no, they are girls, they only defend, heal, do cutesy stuff, worry.


PreSage 2014-07-04 17:46


Originally Posted by elior (Post 5170800)
you joking right you call those cgi attacks of precure made better then this cgi sailor moon transformation ? i dont think it can be worse then this

Oh my gawwwddd...that...that...just kills any and all who sees it. :twitch:

minaku 2014-07-04 17:47


Originally Posted by pff (Post 5171319)
Guardian sounds boring, generic and p.c

Warriors are badass and awesome. And no, guardians doesn't make more sense in the slightest. That's why in japanese they are still seishi.

I always like that they were exactly warriors. That was also why the manga was so successful with girls and boys - for the first time female characters were badass warriors who kicked ass, and not just heal, protect main character etc. And with guardians they are showed in that trite shounen position for females again.
Can they kick ass? Haha, no, no, they are girls, they only defend, heal, do cutesy stuff, worry.


A name can't change the fact that they burn, rip off, and melt demons. They can be called princesses, butterflies, healers and still being bad ass if they can kill monsters in such violent ways as in the manga.

Faerie 2014-07-04 19:00


Originally Posted by pff (Post 5171319)
Guardians sounds boring, generic and p.c

Warriors are badass and awesome. And no, guardians doesn't make more sense in the slightest. That's why in japanese they are still seishi.

I always liked that they were exactly warriors. That was also why the manga was so successful with girls and boys - for the first time female characters were badass warriors who kicked ass, and not just heal, protect main character etc. And with guardians they are reduced to that trite shounen position for females again.
Can they kick ass? Haha, no, no, they are girls, they only defend, heal, do cutesy stuff, worry.


Unsure where you get the idea that guardians heal, defend and do cutesy stuff whereas warriors fight?
A guardian would be pretty unsuccessful if they just stood around healing and defending... Can't really protect or defend anything if you're not killing it.
Maybe you're thinking of classic trinity healers or something.

And indeed, they are per canon said to be guarding their solar system/home planets/earth in particular.
Synonyms for guardian (per Oxford Dictionary): protector, defender, preserver, champion, custodian, warden, guard, keeper; conservator, curator, caretaker, steward, trustee, supervisor

The word "warrior" is somewhat unfitting given their role, and in particular if you consider the origin of the word.
Via Oxford Dictionary:
Middle English: from Old Northern French werreior, variant of Old French guerreior, from guerreier 'make war', from guerre 'war'.

They do not "make war" or fight for the sake of it, they rather watch over and protect their home system when necessary. The term "guardian" hence seems more fitting.

Anyways, it's the word used in the official material. If they (Naoko) felt this was the correct (intended) translation, I don't really see the issue.

Triple_R 2014-07-04 19:08

Yeah, I'm with Faerie on the guardian/warrior discussion.

Sailor Moon doesn't dream of military conquest, last I checked. Not does she strike me as loving the thrill of violence for its own sake. She just wants to protect the people and places that are important to her. So yeah, "guardian" probably fits her a bit better than "warrior", though I wouldn't have a major problem with either term.

Well, except "warrior" often makes me think of a certain pro wrestler, and I'm not sure if that's who I want to be thinking of when I think of Sailor Moon. :heh:

Baldurkai 2014-07-04 19:12


Originally Posted by pff (Post 5171319)
Guardians sounds boring, generic and p.c

Warriors are badass and awesome. And no, guardians doesn't make more sense in the slightest. That's why in japanese they are still seishi.

I always liked that they were exactly warriors. That was also why the manga was so successful with girls and boys - for the first time female characters were badass warriors who kicked ass, and not just heal, protect main character etc. And with guardians they are reduced to that trite shounen position for females again.
Can they kick ass? Haha, no, no, they are girls, they only defend, heal, do cutesy stuff, worry.


Just a side note depending where you're taking your guardian definition from it can have multiple meanings, however generally similar things. But nonetheless guardians are equally as badass and can kick ass very easily and efficiently.

In addition to what faerie and minaku have said the sailor moon girls do all sorts of killing, melting, slaying cutesy stuff which is probably more than what any typical warrior would do in a lifetime...

Is that not badass enough? Do you want them to have some sort of super universe destroying special power too? - I'm sure one of them does but need confirmation on that ^^^

Anyway guardians are badass in their own way equal to that of any warrior.:mad:
And what lead you to believe a guardian was a "shounen position for females"? Saint seiya characters are like guardians and they do all that badass awesome stuff you said warriors do....

Kismet-chan 2014-07-04 19:21


Originally Posted by pff (Post 5171319)
Guardians sounds boring, generic and p.c

Warriors are badass and awesome. And no, guardians doesn't make more sense in the slightest. That's why in japanese they are still seishi.

I always liked that they were exactly warriors. That was also why the manga was so successful with girls and boys - for the first time female characters were badass warriors who kicked ass, and not just heal, protect main character etc. And with guardians they are reduced to that trite shounen position for females again.
Can they kick ass? Haha, no, no, they are girls, they only defend, heal, do cutesy stuff, worry.


Who cares if it says guardian or warrior?

As both minaku and Faerie said, the duties of one of those roles isn't mutually exclusive from the other. You're doing nothing but provoking a needless argument of semantics. Whichever word is used won't change the fact that they're strong women who protect humanity via the method of kicking ass. They don't need a single, specific word to reflect that.

At the end of the day, whatever Naoko calls her work is what I'm calling her work.

GDB 2014-07-04 19:28

I'm just calling it Sailor Moon either way. Who cares what words they put before it? The number of people who will actually call it as such are minimal.

JagdPanther 2014-07-04 21:14

Well, just signed up for a Crunchy Roll account... not that long to go. :)

Bad or not, it's more Sailor Moon.

Frumix 2014-07-05 00:39


Originally Posted by pff (Post 5171238)
Why the thread says "guardian" and not "warrior" as the actual title is? Quite a big fucking difference.

This is the title chosen by Naoko Takeuchi.
Been for over ten years.
I think as far as complaints about SMC, now that I've read this I feel that I've seen it all.
God damn it people.

minaku 2014-07-05 01:20

I can't believe how extremely excited I am right now. Despite the fact I don't like some of their creative decisions, I count the seconds. Lol, just an year ago when they delayed it for the first time I thought they won't do it all, just like the movie of Rose of Versailles - after multiple delays Toei abandoned the project, despite they even had a trailer for it. But Sailor Moon Crystal, for good or bad, is reaching us today. I hope we are going to fall in love with this characters again.

Sakuya 2014-07-05 02:44

I cannot wait too, nostalgia here we come! Waiting for good feels. Meanwhile, the blu-ray & DVD release schedule has already been announced.

The first volume will be released on Oct. 15 and will include episodes 1 and 2. There will be 13 volumes for the series and each will have a regular edition DVD/blu-ray and a deluxe limited edition blu-ray with all the pictured goodies.

Pellissier 2014-07-05 05:11

The series should be currently airing so from now on move on the new thread in the Current Section.

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