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Ascaloth 2007-03-29 09:05


Originally Posted by Nightengale (Post 880488)
Because his personal distaste of overly sweet moe is an open fact?

Though I think the whole bad pot for mecha + moe is a bit taking it badly though. I don't have high hopes for Idolm@ster, but mecha has argubly tapped and molted itself into every possible genre there is, and has each own achieved a level of success. Remember Gunbuster? Fans today may not think the original Gunbuster girls as moe, but perceptions change over time.

Either way, each one has their own preference in anime. Kaioshin's vocal dislike on undiluted moe is apparent, just like how some people think harems > reverse harems with gender bias preference or hate mecha. Considering the type of series Lucky Star is, Kaioshin has every right to be worried, and it's not like he's not giving it any chances...unlike you. :P

You got me. :heh:

Personally though, I really don't see why there is a need for certain people to be so vocal about what they hate; if you don't like something, just simply don't freakin' watch it, is my philosophy. Personally, I feel that people harping on their dislikes gets old, then it gets downright irritating, and finally I end up going no-holds-barred on the offender. I mean, the way I go HARUHI-MODE at DanielSong39 for almost everything he says should speak volumes about how irritating I find that kind of behaviour to be. :heh:

Although yeah, actually I'm fairly in sync with Kaioshin-kun on this one; give me diabetic-level moe, and I'll drop it like a hot brick too. But in my case, I'll already have been long gone spending my time usefully, by the time Kaioshin-kun gets halfway with stamping it to death. :p


Originally Posted by Nightengale (Post 880488)
Lucky Star's director, Yamamoto is apparently the series director of Suzumiya Haruhi, whatever that role is. Still, I believe that at the very least, Lucky Star will hopefully retain the sharp, witty storyboarding of the general Kyoto Animation fare, even if it may not possess the consistent sakuga quality. Personally, I like Kyoto Animation more for their sharp, quick yet fluid storyboarding flow of scenes which worked very well for Haruhi and Fumoffo, and some parts of their other series.

If I remember correctly, I think it means that he directed certain episodes of SHnY, and wasn't in charge of the whole deal. But yeah, as long as KyoAni retains its standard high storyboarding level, I won't even care so much about their other strength of hyper-sakuga either.

Still, I don't have as much time to blow on entertainment as most others here, so I tend to blow it on stories with at least some significant substance to it. An adaptation of a 4-koma with no standard storyline to speak of just doesn't do it for me; that's why, unlike CLANNAD TV, I'm not jumping on this bandwagon from the start. I'll be waiting for the blurbs before I decide whether to start on this one.

Kaoru Chujo 2007-03-29 12:49


Originally Posted by Nightengale (Post 880488)
...Lucky Star's director, Yamamoto is apparently the series director of Suzumiya Haruhi, whatever that role is. Still, I believe that at the very least, Lucky Star will hopefully retain the sharp, witty storyboarding of the general Kyoto Animation fare, even if it may not possess the consistent sakuga quality. Personally, I like Kyoto Animation more for their sharp, quick yet fluid storyboarding flow of scenes which worked very well for Haruhi and Fumoffo, and some parts of their other series.

According to Japanese Wikipedia, Yamamoto Yutaka's 山本寛 title was "series director," using the word for director that is used for episode directors rather than overall directors. He directed some episodes, wrote some episodes, and storyboarded some episodes, and is listed first, ahead of Ishihara, in the lists of people who did each of those things. He did all three jobs on episode 00 and on the concert episode.

And as Hirano Aya mentioned in her blog, he created (and directed) the ED, which was possibly the first thing to bring SHnY the adulation it eventually received. And he wrote the lyrics to God Knows and Lost My Music.

He also storyboarded and directed episodes of AIR, Fumoffu, TSR and Kanon. For what it's worth, here's his picture, with Hirano:

And I notice that Lucky Star and SHnY have the same art director, Tamura Seiki, so the backgrounds should be of the same quality, whether or not they have the same amount of detail.

Kaioshin Sama 2007-03-29 14:37


Originally Posted by ascaloth
Really, Kaioshin-kun. What you've said here can apply to almost anything else. Why are you picking on one particular genre?

Yes I know that's true as well. It's easy to make a mecha show, design the robots, the factions, the pilots and the weapons, but difficult to execute it in a that's actually good (See GSD and Sokou No Strain for examples of poor execution and mixing)

The reason I pick on Moe is that not only is the market somewhat saturated with it, but a lot of people seem to think its an invincible ingredient (just visit any anime blog that takes itself seriously and you will see) and I'm just pointing out the faults in order to bring a moderate view to the issue. I don't like anything in large doses such as certain mecha's overuse of certain weapons or plot devices, but I see far more of Moe in almost lethal doses, and that's why I'm upset by people pointing out its presence or saying the most Moe of Moe series needs more of it, like its a cure for what ails a poorly written plot or crappy characters (Shuffle anyone). It's no more useful or no less of a patch for weak series than Fleshy Fanservice or Mecha Eye Candy such as the Hi-Mat attack in Gundam Seed really. That's what Moe is to me a patch or mortar to hold the right series together and make it more appealing to fans, but like a mortar if you get to much of it becomes a stain and you can't see the strength anymore. Lately I see more stains than strengthed series.

Moe's a subgenre at the absolute most prominence and not a full-fledged genre, that's why I'm pointing out that this is meant to be a comedy. I didn't find the characters particularly cute when I was reading it, moreso quirky. Really there isn't much of a moe problem at all, but some people brought up the subject of Moe and I had to give my two (or in most cases 25) cents on the matter.

Looking at the picture above I swear Aya Hirano looks different in everyone of her pictures. Depending on how much makeup she has on she can look either like a creepy looking fresh-faced 18 year old or a creepy looking semi-worn looking woman in her 30's or 40's. No matter what though she still looks just a wee bit creepy in an "I'm hiding something" way. She must be on the IMF team and that's how she keeps changing here appearance.

Vexx 2007-03-29 14:47

I'll admit combining "funny" and "cute" (I'm not sure moe applies here that strongly based on the manga I've read so far) works for me.

The manga ranges from subtle to droll -- if KyoAni and their director can translate that to the screen, then the series should do well. If KyoAni raises the bar for "slice'o'life, funny, cute" --- great... though I speculate what we'll get is something in the same magnitude of funny like (AzuDa, I.M., bits of PPD) but with some really magnificent animation.

Watching the I.M. OVA lately though... I'd say I.M. raised the bar (at least with OVA) so it'll be interesting to see what KyoAni pops out. The manga art is quite cute but it is pretty static (almost a "talking heads" comic). Adding movement and energy is almost completely on KyoAni's head. :)

Kaoru Chujo 2007-03-29 16:03

>>Kaioshin: Creepy is in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I love pics that are unusual and non-staged. There are some of other seiyuus in my seiyuu gallery. The current pic of Hirano Aya was taken when she was in the middle of getting her hair dyed. And it was taken with the wide-angle lens of her cell-phone camera held at her own arm's length. Of course that will look different from a large-format camera in a professional studio.

You're trolling, anyway, knowing I'm here to rise to the bait. Many people think she's beautiful. If you don't, fine, but it's hardly very courteous to make a point of attacking a woman's appearance -- or another person's avatar -- in such loving detail. I keep wondering why it bothers you so much.

One thing I agree about is that she has to be putting on a front much of the time. She has been in show business since she was nine, and in the media since she was 14. As for being worn out, I'm sure she is, just from the amount of work she does. One reason I switched to this avatar is precisely because she looks comparatively lively and real in it.

relentlessflame 2007-03-29 19:55


Originally Posted by Skane (Post 879984)
Is KyoAni trying to hint at something? :heh: This is the second time they have inserted some "Shuffle!" references. :heh: Are they planning to make their own version of that franchise? I can see it happening, especially since Sugita Tomokazu is already voicing Rin. :heh:

Delayed answer, but it's probably just Kadokawa. The Shuffle Manga ran in Kadokawa's Comptiq magazine, which is also where Lucky Star runs. Also note that Kadokawa's actively marketing Shuffle Memories DVDs at the moment. All the little references like that you saw in Haruhi also had to do with Kadokawa. A little bit of subtle or not-so-subtle cross-promotion on their part. :p

Kaoru Chujo 2007-03-29 20:11

After our discussion yesterday, I thought I'd take a look at the threads for upcoming shows on 2channel. I just made a quick sweep so I probably missed a lot, and I don't know what the significance is, but it's at least parallel to ours here.

Lucky Star is on its 7th thread (6000+ posts), while Nagasarete Airandou is on its 28th. Strikers 12, Hayate 12, Xenoglossia 8, To Terra 4, Claymore 2, Shining Tears 2, Kono Aozora 2, Kaze no Stigma, Kaze no Emily, Darker than Black, OverDrive, RabuKon, Cazador, Touka Gettan, Wellber, RomeoxJuliet, SkullMan, KissDum, Bokurano -- all 1. Idolmaster Xenoglossia already had an anti- thread, so it must be a big deal, lol.

But of course that figure for Nagasarete Airandou (over 27,000 posts) is the big shocker. I guess they like their harem shows. And it does look like it could set a new standard in that regard: a guy who is shipwrecked on an island inhabited only by girls, who are supposedly all desperate for a guy.

Newprimus 2007-03-29 20:46

Airantou is practically radioactive with moe and moe characters, so it's not surprising it's famous with 2channel. :)

Furudanuki 2007-03-29 22:00


Originally Posted by relentlessflame (Post 881317)
Delayed answer, but it's probably just Kadokawa. The Shuffle Manga ran in Kadokawa's Comptiq magazine, which is also where Lucky Star runs. Also note that Kadokawa's actively marketing Shuffle Memories DVDs at the moment. All the little references like that you saw in Haruhi also had to do with Kadokawa. A little bit of subtle or not-so-subtle cross-promotion on their part. :p

Oh, yes! Episode #2 of SHnY, when Haruhi whipped out the magazines with Shuffle! on the cover while trying to explain moe to Kyon and Mikuru (same VAs as Shuffle!'s Rin and Kaede). It was undoubtedly cross-promotion from Kadokawa, but it was still funny as hell for those in the know. A true golden moment of "fanservice" in the original non-ecchi meaning of the word. :) It's a great clip to use as an example when explaining to new anime viewers that "fanservice" does not necessarily refer to panty shots and bouncing mammaries.

relentlessflame 2007-03-29 22:13


Originally Posted by Furudanuki (Post 881471)
Oh, yes! Episode #2 of SHnY, when Haruhi whipped out the magazines with Shuffle! on the cover while trying to explain moe to Kyon and Mikuru (same VAs as Shuffle!'s Rin and Kaede). It was undoubtedly cross-promotion from Kadokawa, but it was still funny as hell for those in the know. A true golden moment of "fanservice" in the original non-ecchi meaning of the word. :) It's a great clip to use as an example when explaining to new anime viewers that "fanservice" does not necessarily refer to panty shots and bouncing mammaries.

Yeah, absolutely. Both of Kyoto Animation's Key shows also have lots that sort of fanservice (for Key stuff). I love that sort of fanservice in anime and, of course, it makes for really good trivia. :p

Kaioshin Sama 2007-03-29 23:07


Originally Posted by Kaoru Chujo (Post 881001)
>>Kaioshin: Creepy is in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I love pics that are unusual and non-staged. There are some of other seiyuus in my seiyuu gallery. The current pic of Hirano Aya was taken when she was in the middle of getting her hair dyed. And it was taken with the wide-angle lens of her cell-phone camera held at her own arm's length. Of course that will look different from a large-format camera in a professional studio.

You're trolling, anyway, knowing I'm here to rise to the bait. Many people think she's beautiful. If you don't, fine, but it's hardly very courteous to make a point of attacking a woman's appearance -- or another person's avatar -- in such loving detail. I keep wondering why it bothers you so much.

One thing I agree about is that she has to be putting on a front much of the time. She has been in show business since she was nine, and in the media since she was 14. As for being worn out, I'm sure she is, just from the amount of work she does. One reason I switched to this avatar is precisely because she looks comparatively lively and real in it.

No not the avatar, the other pictures of her you posted in comparison to others. She does looks so different in a lot of them in the same way Madonna looks different inbetween her pictures. The changing hairstyle and makeup is a part of the game though I suppose. In fact if you weren't hear to clarify what her current appearance was I would have absolutely no idea what she looked like. I never said she looked ugly, that would be a horrible and unkind thing to say, just kind of creepy. Then again wide angle camera shots make anything or anyone look kind of weird. It's the type of photos and the lighting. Here, for example, have you ever seen the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry is dating this woman who looks stunning in certain lighting and creepy and worn looking in another, that's kind of what I'm getting at here.

On topic though, you can expect to see a lot of references and parodies in this I can assume. It's all about the Video Games and Bishoujo games as far as I can tell. I really can't see how it won't be fun.

Ascaloth 2007-03-30 09:03


Originally Posted by Kaioshin_Sama (Post 880888)
Yes I know that's true as well. It's easy to make a mecha show, design the robots, the factions, the pilots and the weapons, but difficult to execute it in a that's actually good (See GSD and Sokou No Strain for examples of poor execution and mixing)

The reason I pick on Moe is that not only is the market somewhat saturated with it, but a lot of people seem to think its an invincible ingredient (just visit any anime blog that takes itself seriously and you will see) and I'm just pointing out the faults in order to bring a moderate view to the issue. I don't like anything in large doses such as certain mecha's overuse of certain weapons or plot devices, but I see far more of Moe in almost lethal doses, and that's why I'm upset by people pointing out its presence or saying the most Moe of Moe series needs more of it, like its a cure for what ails a poorly written plot or crappy characters (Shuffle anyone). It's no more useful or no less of a patch for weak series than Fleshy Fanservice or Mecha Eye Candy such as the Hi-Mat attack in Gundam Seed really. That's what Moe is to me a patch or mortar to hold the right series together and make it more appealing to fans, but like a mortar if you get to much of it becomes a stain and you can't see the strength anymore. Lately I see more stains than strengthed series.

Moe's a subgenre at the absolute most prominence and not a full-fledged genre, that's why I'm pointing out that this is meant to be a comedy. I didn't find the characters particularly cute when I was reading it, moreso quirky. Really there isn't much of a moe problem at all, but some people brought up the subject of Moe and I had to give my two (or in most cases 25) cents on the matter.

Fair enough, but I still say of this post of yours what I said of your previous post; that if you replace "Moe" with "Mecha", it still holds true in every way. And don't pretend that Mecha doesn't suffer from the same fanboyism that Moe does; I mean, heck, Idolm@ster Xenoglossia is probably the best example of Moe fanboyism at its worst mixed with Mecha fanboyism at its worst, although since it isn't pretending to be anything but camp, I can be relatively lenient on it even though I'm not touching it with a ten-foot pole.

I do understand where you're coming from; you just hate it when uninformed fanboys just come along and throw in unintelligent comments, no? I hate it too, and if you take a look at my post history, you'll see that I don't suffer them gladly either; DanielSong39 and npal should know very well what I mean by that. But ultimately, my philosophy on them is; the onus is on you to treat them as the fools they are.

I mean, if they simply won't stop posting dribble, then they simply won't stop posting dribble; as long as you've managed to make them look like the fools they are, personally I think it's fine to just stop there. After all, who else are you trying to convince by rehashing points that you've made previously? I mean, the majority of us here can see unintelligent bias for what they are by ourselves, thank you very much. No need to overreach yourself here needlessly, you know what I mean? ;)

On another note, for someone who professes to be formal with names to a fault, I'm surprised you're letting me get away scot-free with using the '-kun' suffix after your name. :p

Kaioshin Sama 2007-03-30 12:03


Originally Posted by Ascaloth (Post 882080)

On another note, for someone who professes to be formal with names to a fault, I'm surprised you're letting me get away scot-free with using the '-kun' suffix after your name. :p

That's because its not my real name to begin with and the sama is part of the user name and not a real title. You should see me bug out though when people mispell or misprounce my real name (Which believe it or not is mispronounced and mispelled more than my last name which is french and ends with a silent x). I've mentioned my real name but a few times here. I think it may even be in my public profile.

NeoSam 2007-03-30 13:02

A site from Kadokawa Shoten for Lucky☆Star:

Ascaloth 2007-03-30 20:18


Originally Posted by Kaioshin_Sama (Post 882214)
That's because its not my real name to begin with and the sama is part of the user name and not a real title. You should see me bug out though when people mispell or misprounce my real name (Which believe it or not is mispronounced and mispelled more than my last name which is french and ends with a silent x). I've mentioned my real name but a few times here. I think it may even be in my public profile.

Ah, I see. So I guess that means I have a free hand in calling you whatever I want then? Kaioshin-chan, for example? :p

Theclow 2007-03-30 21:52


Originally Posted by Ascaloth (Post 882720)
Ah, I see. So I guess that means I have a free hand in calling you whatever I want then? Kaioshin-chan, for example? :p

I think Kaioshin-chin suits him better.
Anyway back on topic, this look promsing, but even after reading the wiki I'm still having a hard time trying to figure our if the main character is a boy or a girl.(The wiki says she's female, but....she looks male. :eyespin: )
(Feel free to throw slings and arrows at me)

Ascaloth 2007-03-30 22:01


Originally Posted by Theclow (Post 882792)
I think Kaioshin-chin suits him better.
Anyway back on topic, this look promsing, but even after reading the wiki I'm still having a hard time trying to figure our if the main character is a boy or a girl.(The wiki says she's female, but....she looks male. :eyespin: )
(Feel free to throw slings and arrows at me)


Alright, alright, let's show poor Kaioshin a little more respect, shall we? We have to use an appropriately respectful suffix for I move that from now on, we should address him as Kaioshin-oneesama.


Newprimus 2007-03-30 22:13


Theclow 2007-03-31 00:29


Originally Posted by Ascaloth (Post 882802)

Alright, alright, let's show poor Kaioshin a little more respect, shall we? We have to use an appropriately respectful suffix for I move that from now on, we should address him as Kaioshin-oneesama.


No, more like...Kaioshin-oneechin :D


Originally Posted by Shinova (Post 882812)

That's too cute...while we're on the topic how come I don't get a suffix? :p (Bring on your worst!)

Sai the Dreamer 2007-03-31 01:02

Who else finds it amusing how quickly we shafted from Lucky Star to Kaioshin's suffix? :p

Anyway, perhaps this is a baseless assumption, but I have this feeling we're going to be getting the next Haruhi, popularity-wise. :heh: Am I crazy?

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