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duckroll 2011-09-06 07:22


Originally Posted by MisaoFan (Post 3756778)
I can't see who the promotionnal flyer says "2 cour" but I only saw "1-cour" on this flyer.

The part that mentions 1 cour is the part that says the major merchandising push will begin half-way through the system, about the time the first cour finishes.

Iby 2011-09-06 10:28

Here I'll start posting translations.
1) A person with the "Mark of the King" can read the genetic code of another and retrieve this weapon.
The weapon takes a shape that reflects the personality of its 'sheath' (i.e the person it was taken out from). (credits to karice67)
2) What is "Void"?
The abilty that Shu's received.
Different goods can be extracted from the bodies of others according to their personality.
The item that's drawn from Inori is sword.
This ability (power) has some kind of intimacy with a partner, and Shu doesn't (can't) get along with various partners.
(from Animplex producer Ooyama Ryou)
3) Ties to fight with Void
"Ability of the King" is an ability to retrieve weapons from a fellow generated by "Void" using his/her genetic code.
With this gained power Shu was involved in a battle.
""Void" is a power to draw human's nature (tru self). From some people powerful weapons may come out, from others - something like kettel (lol) so it won't be useful in fight. In addition, if the relationship with each other becomes stronger, the some elements of the drawn weapon will be reinforced (enhanced/strengthened). The deeper the bonds tying the stronger you'll be."
4) Fantastic/Original "Void"
"To draw a realistic human drama using artificial unusual setting" by Yoshino-san.
Compared to a fastball in the high road story, setting is almost like a curve ball where weapons drawn from the human bodies is "Void".
From weapons that look like sword to that which looks like plastic bottle to battle with, "Void" will widely vary.
How will Shu use what he received?(...)
5) "Frind(-s) is/are weapon(-s)"
In using "Void" more effectively, reltionship with the partner who's Shu using important.
In such meaning "friend(-s)" is a keyword here. In addition, according to Yoshino-san "What are friends is what is you yourself", so this work is going to be a key to this universal question (question? what question?).
With the power of friendship and compassion of mentality Shu and everyone will face the heart troubles! (oh my, this translation is really shiiit).

Arabesque 2011-09-06 16:55

Glad to hear that the show is going to be 2 cour. Should give them ample time to do what they want ... hopefully.

Originally Posted by duckroll (Post 3756754)
Winter noitaminA = Guilty Crown and Black Rock Shooter

And the lesson(s) to be learned here is that any attempt to create a time slot for anime that tries to target a larger audience is doomed for failure, and that nothing beats the desire to make more money.

Good game noitaminA. You might have sold out at the end, but your heart was in the right place at the start.

On a more optimistic note, I think that the upcoming winter line-up will be pretty successful for them financially. Not to mention I wanted this to happen anyway, BRS getting a TV anime and GC being two cour I mean (just not on this time slot and not at the same time), so I guess the viewers are the ones who won in the end.

Originally Posted by Iby (Post 3756986)
From some people powerful weapons may come out, from something like kettel can come out (lol)

What sort of personality (or genetics) must you have for a kettle to come out? An old man personality? A decedent of a tea making family? :p

Suzuku 2011-09-06 17:17


Originally Posted by Arabesque (Post 3757282)
Glad to hear that the show is going to be 2 cour. Should give them ample time to do what they want ... hopefully.And the lesson(s) to be learned here is that any attempt to create a time slot for anime that tries to target a larger audience is doomed for failure, and that nothing beats the desire to make more money.

Good game noitaminA. You might have sold out at the end, but your heart was in the right place at the start.

Eh, I don't see it as being that simple. Part of the reason why they started to fail is because they tried making stuff that didn't appeal to a wide audience. Josei/weird stuff =/= appealing to wide audiences. I get where you're coming from since Yamamoto stated they needed to start branching out due to revenues from ratings not being enough anymore, but that doesn't necessarily mean their productions can no longer attract wide audiences. Sure, BRS in itself is otaku oriented, but we have no idea what type of anime it will be. Going by the OVA it will still be shoujo-like. Furthermore, I'd say something like Guilty Crown can appeal to a wide audience, it's just of a genre that has its own base, just like every other show in existence. Just because the show will attract nerds because it's sci-fi doesn't make it a sell-out. I just don't buy the idea that noitaminA has sold out because it's doing more than just token Josei adaptations now. imo they're being even more bold now than they were before by producing so many original anime and even giving them 2-cour runs now.

Arabesque 2011-09-06 18:04


Originally Posted by Suzuku (Post 3757298)
Eh, I don't see it as being that simple. Part of the reason why they started to fail is because they tried making stuff that didn't appeal to a wide audience. Josei/weird stuff =/= appealing to wide audiences.

I don't know about that, since it looked to me like the slot had been having more problems after Eden came around, and the general target of the slot started to change, the split in the programing, more otaku centric shows etc.. Generally, the Josei titles were the ones that put them on the map and brought with them the reputation the slot had. Shows like Antique Bakery, Honey & Clover, Toshokan Sensou managed to attract a lot of people, and heck Nodame Cantabile could be seen as the most successful title from the old era. Of course its not simple, since a lot of the decision to move to the more core anime fandom target is mainly so that the slot wouldn't die, but at the process they managed to go against the very core of why it existed in the first place.

Originally Posted by Suzuku (Post 3757298)
I get where you're coming from since Yamamoto stated they needed to start branching out due to revenues from ratings not being enough anymore, but that doesn't necessarily mean their productions can no longer attract wide audiences.

Of course it doesn't mean that the shows they make wont attract a wide audience, Guilty Crown has enough elements to appeal to all sort of different demographics, but it's clear which one they want to watch it (or in this case, but it and any related merchandise).

I can understand why they made this move, and I certainly can sympathize with them a bit when they have to make sure they make enough money to keep making these shows ... but that doesn't mean I have to like it when there are two shows that don't resemble anything the slot built it's reputation around (in fact, shows that the slot made it's reputation being different from them) going to air at the same time.

I don't mean to sound negative. I know it must look this way, and I keep re-writing this at least twice so that it doesn't come off this way. Like I said, I wanted Guilty Crown to be a longer show, I wanted BRS to get a TV anime, but having both at the same time makes it seem like they just said ''F it, let's not hold back and just drop whatever resemblance we had to the old programing''.


Originally Posted by Suzuku (Post 3757298)
Sure, BRS in itself is otaku oriented, but we have no idea what type of anime it will be. Going by the OVA it will still be shoujo-like.

It could be anything really, but it's still going to always retain that otaku orientation, regardless of what they make the story about.

Originally Posted by Suzuku (Post 3757298)
Furthermore, I'd say something like Guilty Crown can appeal to a wide audience, it's just of a genre that has its own base, just like every other show in existence. Just because the show will attract nerds because it's sci-fi doesn't make it a sell-out. I just don't buy the idea that noitaminA has sold out because it's doing more than just token Josei adaptations now. imo they're being even more bold now than they were before by producing so many original anime and even giving them 2-cour runs now.

Sold out was strong wording on my part. I agree that it's good that they are allowing for more anime originals and giving them more time to develop, but I think that them going all out with the sci-fi/otaku core audience front makes me think that they had already dropped any sort of guise about their older standards.

jzmagic 2011-09-06 21:29

2 seasons, awesome. This looked too good to be only 1 season.

Iby 2011-09-06 22:24

By the way their last best selling work is AnoHana (which I really didn't like).
New art with Tsugumi

faythz 2011-09-08 09:58

fertygo 2011-09-08 10:55

The "gundam" vibe is very strong in this one :uhoh:

kyouray 2011-09-08 11:41

New PV :
Very promising.

Kakkou 2011-09-08 11:59

The PV looks fantastic. The music was good too. I'm really looking forward to this.

dark998 2011-09-08 12:07

Now Im truly hyped, gotta love lengthy PVs with nice music and lots of action/movement. Inori looks fantastic.

Iby 2011-09-08 12:36

That was just EPIC!
Also ryo's style is very recognizable (at least anyone who've heard the ending of Bakemonogatari could identify familiar tone of the second track).
Dunno what to do: just start translating this PV all by myself or to wait for the english sub...

On the last seconds:
オープニング主題歌 (Opening Theme)
「My Dearest」 by supercell (I believe it was the first track)
エンディング主題歌 (Ending Theme)
「Departures ~あなたにおくるアイの歌~」 ("Departures ~The love song sent to you~") by EGOIST (I think you now who's that now).

Horse 2011-09-08 13:13

Why hello there Hiroyuki Sawano! I did not know you were doing this show!

ryo is only doing the songs.

If it wasn't high already my excitement just went o9k.

Iby 2011-09-08 13:25

Yeah, I've just looked through the promo again...
主題歌・挿入歌: ryo
音楽: 澤野弘之
So opening & ending will be done by ryo.
I really liked music in AnE so this is good news for me)

Student no.0 2011-09-08 13:29

Wow that PV was so awesome. The music was just spectacular! This just became my #1 most anticipated show of the fall season.

Kanon 2011-09-08 16:39

Wow... that PV was spectacular. My expectations for this anime increased tenfold.

That PV had some of the best animation I've seen from I.G in a long time. And boy does Inori look gorgeous!

Reckoner 2011-09-08 16:45

Man how epic can this Fall season be? I mean for real?

jzmagic 2011-09-08 17:45

Fantastic PV, I'm really looking forward to this one.

karice67 2011-09-08 17:56


Originally Posted by Iby (Post 3759302)
「Departures ~あなたにおくるアイの歌~」 ("Departures ~The love song sent to you~") by EGOIST (I think you now who's that now).

It's not Kayano Ai though. It's a new, 17-year-old artiste known as 'chelly' (チェリー), who was selected by ryo (supercell) from ~2000 hopefuls.

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