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Kafriel 2010-12-02 14:35

People going over to look for you means that they won't be farming either, but added to that, their lanes will be empty;so, notify your team to push the mother out of the respective lanes till your tails leave you alone. If the others are really good at dragging you around, go dual lane instead...unless you got Shaco or someone just as good at mind-raping and can easily steal a kill out in the forest. At any rate, having a counter-jungler is counter-productive, especially if your chaser is a carry.

Shaco is free currently, so just play him until you are satisfied.
Shaco and Sona are freaking OP! Sona has insane support and Shaco's burst can go well beyond 2k in 6 seconds...not to mention the jacks and free flash/stealth/100% crit.

OceanBlue 2010-12-02 14:57

Kafriel's right. Although it may be frustrating for you, that's 2+ people not farming in return for 1. You kinda do have to depend on your team, because your itemization and skills are made for jungling, not killing champs.

I don't think having a counter-jungler is counter-productive though. It's easy enough for Nunu to buy a ward, ward blue, gank me when I'm there, and steal the blue buff. That makes it almost impossible for me to level when I'm using Rammus or Amumu because they take up so much mana. Plus, it leads to first blood, etc. Having our blue warded is so annoying when I jungle.

Kafriel 2010-12-02 15:32

^ ANYONE would kill you if they've warded blue and find you half-beaten to death...but a counter-jungler is supposed to disrupt your training as a whole, i.e. their goal is to keep your minion kills as low as possible, which would be counter-productive assuming they spend a lot of time chasing you around the jungle.

OceanBlue 2010-12-02 16:17

I guess I just mean counter-jungling then. I don't mean someone who dedicatedly harasses you.

Also, edited last post. Sorry, my bad.

Duo Maxwell 2010-12-02 22:29


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3373003)
Shaco and Sona are freaking OP! Sona has insane support and Shaco's burst can go well beyond 2k in 6 seconds...not to mention the jacks and free flash/stealth/100% crit.

Sona is still strong, but I don't consider her OP in anyway. It's just the other supporters just falled hard with all those nerf, which bring her to higher place than before.
Shaco is OP is new to me :heh:. It's been a long time since I heard that.

Kafriel 2010-12-02 23:38

^ Alright, maybe he's not OP in the bad sense of the word, but he's the fastest assassin I've seen so far (mind you I have yet to meet some champions though).

Sona is still strong, but I don't consider her OP in anyway. It's just the other supporters just falled hard with all those nerf, which bring her to higher place than before.
I'd say Janna is doing well even after her nerf, but Sona's got a mass disable, and literally everything a player could ask: bonus damage, healing and MS, take your pick...the only thing I find balanced on her is the 2sec CD on her auras, and the fact that her passive deals fixed damage.

Duo Maxwell 2010-12-03 01:19

The only good thing about Shaco is he can start ganking at lv 2. After that he just gets weaker and weaker. Currently the one that I consider dangerous assassin is Akali. The good Akali can kill you before you understand what's happening.

Sona may need a nerf to her Q's range, because currently she's a supporter that can deal huge damage.

Kafriel 2010-12-03 09:03

Sona hax, her lore says she's mute, but in-game she's got a few cries :P
As for Shaco, he's the most common pricey champion I've met so far, and most people can gank with little or no fail if they got a disabler nearby. Three fast skills for medium to large damage each as well as a bit of fear make him a very capable assassin, unlike most I've played/seen so far (Evelyn, Kat, Jax, TF, out of which Jax has sucked the most in all the games I've faced one). Of course, this is talking from experience, which is limited to the past three weeks or so~

Kana Futayo 2010-12-03 09:34

Sona is mute. She can only talk to her summoner telepathically.
Most Shaco's I met are good and yeah, they gank at level 2 after getting Lizard.

Duo Maxwell 2010-12-03 10:04

Apparently Pantheon is the new OP champ. Seriously? 6% more damage for his HSS bring him to "OP realm"? I've been playing him since the day he gets nerfed, and it doesn't that much different for his early game. The different is swapping between Spear and HSS only.

I'm hating the LoL community now.

OceanBlue 2010-12-03 11:09

It's because everyone plays carries, and they get mad when they realize that their early game sucks.

I think champions like Pantheon should be encouraged. That way, carries don't get to just sit there and farm the entire time.

Also, how scary is ranked? I want to try it, but with ~280 games, I don't know if I should yet.

Kafriel 2010-12-03 11:56

Ranked is one style I won't be playing for at least 6 months...You can't really call Pantheon OP, his survivability is average at best, and as a melee with little farming capability, he isn't scary unless you let him be.

She can only talk to her summoner telepathically.

I'm hating the LoL community now.
Yeah I just had a 3v3 with a troll quitter on the other side and a ragequitter right after. I was asked by the remaining player who had to face a 1v3 to report them, is quitting mid-game a viable reason for it?

Duo Maxwell 2010-12-03 13:20

Afker, leaver without legit reason, trolling, all of them should be reported.

Originally Posted by OceanBlue (Post 3374313)
Also, how scary is ranked? I want to try it, but with ~280 games, I don't know if I should yet.

Do not try solo ranked unless you really have faith in LoL community. They play like their life depends on it. You will get flamed for making a slightest mistake, and in some case, it's not even your mistake to begin with.

I only have 6 solo ranked games. Most of my ranked games are premade 5 mans team.

Kafriel 2010-12-03 13:47


They play like their life depends on it.
I shall restate my previous line: I'll stick to pubs 4evah :heh: What's the difference between normal and ranked besides counting deaths and a separate score table?
Stupid question: where/how do I file a report?

OceanBlue 2010-12-03 14:03

I just lost against Garen, Vlad, Alistar, Trundle, and Sion. All of them built tank. What could we have done? We did have a mediocre team composition for it though [Lux, Sona, MF, Malphite, and Trundle].

Kafriel 2010-12-03 14:11

Tanks got grades too (for example you can't compare Alistar or Garen to Vlad, because the latter uses up his HP for his own ulti and escape skill, and is susceptible to exec.blade and ignite, while the other two can take buckloads of punishment and remain in a battle for a kill). So, start off by picking on the weakest, and make sure you get a proper initiator (Malphite or Trundle, that is, with Lux, Sona, the other tank and MF as follow-ups). Suffice to say, it's ALL about teamwork. If your mates just run into every brush they see and get ganked, you can only hug your tower...speaking of which, funny story: I was playing as Swain (epic champion btw) and was defending mid->bot, so I check every brush there is before engaging blitzcrank, but the second he starts fisting me, 4 dudes jump out of nowhere, group flash style. Oddly enough my ultimate kept me alive for 4 seconds of ceaseless pummeling, on my first time playing him 0_o
But yeah, that's me. In your case, bad matchups are just bad. Although, tanks really only shine if you let them grow (both in items and level), so what is done early game will be the deciding factor as to whether your Sona can shave 1/3 of their HP while Lux and MF take care of the rest, or whether you'll all get CC'd and die in a long minute of anguish.

OceanBlue 2010-12-03 14:48

We couldn't do any damage to them early game, to be honest. I was laning with Malphite and no matter how much I harassed [And Lux is very good at harassing], Alistar would heal their lane while Sion would stun and chip. Our other duo lane was trading kills, etc.

It wasn't even that we were getting CC'ed, since Lux has her snares and Malphite has good CC. It wasn't due to our team face-checking bushes; our Sona had Clairvoyance. Our team wasn't terrible at all. They just had so much life that we couldn't kill them even when they tower dove, and they had enough damage output to kill us.

I thought that they would be destroying us early game, but we might be able to get our carry itemized well enough to clear their team, but by then they destroyed all of our inhibitors.

Well, hopefully that doesn't happen again. Or, hopefully, I can get myself Kog'maw.

Kafriel 2010-12-03 14:57

Never seen an Alistar besides the practice training tbh, dunno how well he can support and tank...but, with Sona, Lux and Trundle you should be able to hold your ground against them. Aaaanyway, best thing I can think of would be helping MF level and carry fast enough to triple-kill them, but you'd really be putting the pressure on one summoner. Must play moar, exp comes with struggles!

Duo Maxwell 2010-12-03 22:17


Originally Posted by OceanBlue (Post 3374493)
I just lost against Garen, Vlad, Alistar, Trundle, and Sion. All of them built tank. What could we have done? We did have a mediocre team composition for it though [Lux, Sona, MF, Malphite, and Trundle].

It's really hard with your team comp. I once won against full AoE team and once against full tank team by pushing and backdooring, because we just couldn't win any team fight. I massed buying wards and place it everywhere, so they couldn't stop my team's Shaco, and while they are busing chasing that Shaco, we're splitting up and pushing. Of course I was Malzahar, so when they pushed, we managed to stop them with only 4 people.

In this case, no saving. Everyone takes care of their own life, and when they chase one of you, the others should know they must pushing. If any of your team member get caught, just think he/she is already dead :heh:. You should minimize casualty as less as possible, and since they are tank team, if they split up, they can't really kill you guy individually.

Tank team is annoying, but isn't invincible. Just don't engage them head on.

@Kafriel: To report, right click on player name at the summary board after each game.
The different between ranked match and normal match is banning/picking.

Kafriel 2010-12-04 03:16

^ Thanks for that~
Oh, about tanks: Swain is an awesome counter-tank, he can amplify damage, root, deal 2 kinds of dot and his ult is AA (so it goes through Rammus' taunt) and also heals him a good amount too. Of course, having Vlad with me turned things redically (hemo+torment=LOTS of amp).

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