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Kazu-kun 2011-10-19 02:47


Originally Posted by Triple_R (Post 3814305)
First impressions are hard to overcome, though, and so I can't fault people for how it's continuing to stick with them in Taichi's case. First impressions is also the reason why I'll probably never like Taichi as much as I do Arata and Chihaya.

You know, I think this is a shortcoming of the story. I mean, It's a good thing his character is more realistic and better developed, but if the other characters are so idealized, then we got a problem of balance here. For instance, it's pretty obvious Chihaya's connection with Arata is way deeper than with Taichi. If there's a love triangle at some point, and I think it's pretty certain there will be, not only the outcome will be totally obvious, but nobody is going to root for Taichi anyway, and all thanks to his first impression being so negative. It's going to feel pointless IMO.

Then again, maybe the author has a really good reason for this, like and unexpected twist or something, but....

Haak 2011-10-19 02:50

It's only been three episodes. There's still plenty of time to warm up to Taichi before it gets to the big love triangle drama bit. As for the comment he made about his girlfriend, I did find that a little strange but since Chihaya didn't bat an eyelid at it I initially thought it might have been some sort of translation error and it wasn't as bad as it sounded like. Maybe he liked her at first but over time became a bit disillusioned, which is something I think is fine to admit to close friend (so long as he does the right thing and tell his girlfriend as soon as reasonably possible)

-Sho- 2011-10-19 03:23

Great episode. Couldn't help to look at Taichi's batman T-Shirt ahah.
And kids cry a lot , i don't see the problems. Specially when they have to say goodbye...

Archon_Wing 2011-10-19 03:43

We can't play cards together anymore! RAGEQUIT. :heh: Oh nos...

Well, good episode anyways. I liked it when they were trying to outdo each other and fight over cards. But I really have to wonder what will happen to them after they seperate.

Om Nerabdator 2011-10-19 04:05

hng.....another flashback so early ep3 actually any good? i want an honest opinion dont say yes just for the heck of it.
im thinking of just waiting for the FBs to be finished till i download another ep but i read that the FB in ep3 was actually pretty good and not just about how boys can bully someone for the heck of it like ep2

Shiroth 2011-10-19 04:29


Originally Posted by matty543 (Post 3814462)
hng.....another flashback so early ep3 actually any good? i want an honest opinion dont say yes just for the heck of it.
im thinking of just waiting for the FBs to be finished till i download another ep but i read that the FB in ep3 was actually pretty good and not just about how boys can bully someone for the heck of it like ep2

Try and say you want the flashbacks to end after actually watching the third episode. It was the best so far.

& the Taichi hate continues in this thread? Urgh.

fertygo 2011-10-19 04:38


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 3814483)
& the Taichi hate continues in this thread? Urgh.

The Haters feel they have benefit of doubt because he voiced by MaMiya.:p

Sol Falling 2011-10-19 05:40


Originally Posted by DragoonKain3 (Post 3814269)
For all his faults, more and more I'm getting the feeling that Taichi will be the main LI. Out of all the characters he has the most depth, and I can see he has the most room for growth out of the three main cast. Add in his current girlfriend, and you can make so much more drama with Taichi as LI than Arata.

Still, I hate him with a passion. The sting of betrayal is still fresh, and next week's return to the present will serve to repoen them. >_>


Originally Posted by Kazu-kun (Post 3814393)
You know, I think this is a shortcoming of the story. I mean, It's a good thing his character is more realistic and better developed, but if the other characters are so idealized, then we got a problem of balance here. For instance, it's pretty obvious Chihaya's connection with Arata is way deeper than with Taichi. If there's a love triangle at some point, and I think it's pretty certain there will be, not only the outcome will be totally obvious, but nobody is going to root for Taichi anyway, and all thanks to his first impression being so negative. It's going to feel pointless IMO.

Then again, maybe the author has a really good reason for this, like and unexpected twist or something, but....

As far as Taichi versus Arata. I think that both Karuta and romance wise, the story will be more balanced out and contested than expected. Essentially, the way the story seems to have been set up, in the present, Chihaya will be the only person (out of the three) to still be in love with Karuta. Taichi we already know didn't develop a true passion for the game in his childhood. But Arata's absence from the national tournaments, and his family issues foreshadowed in episode 3, seem to indicate that he has fallen out with Karuta as well. Between his poor relationship with his father, and what could possibly be his grandfather's death, I can easily imagine a teenaged Arata who's had a sour taste of reality being light years away from that bright-eyed 12 yr old kid with a dream.

But, now going back to Taichi for a moment. All I mentioned in my previous post was that he was complicated, but to go further actually the most striking thing about the tearful farewell scene between Chihaya and Arata was, to me, not the emotions of those two, but rather the fact that Taichi was almost entirely kept out of it. What that scene did for me more than anything else was to set up that even as a child, Taichi became keenly aware that he didn't share a real bond with Chihaya. And what this brings up or comes back down to is the habit that his parents have apparently instilled in him, of not getting involved in things he can't be the best in. Not just in Karuta, but it really feels like Taichi came to feel there was a certain sort of futility in his interest in Chihaya as well.

And so, really, what I see being set up here is Chihaya being set up as the perfect catalyst. Neither Taichi nor Arata will be remotely like they were in the old times. Neither Arata nor Taichi will be especially eager to jump back into a relationship with Chihaya, nor will they hold the same passion and interest for Karuta that they had previously. As such, in pulling them back together for the sake of her dream and her fond memories, not only will Chihaya be pulling Arata and Taichi back into Karuta, she will be the one pulling them towards her as well. And what does ultimately means is that each of the three's passion towards Karuta and any potential romance between them will be inextricably linked in the story. Not only won't Taichi take a chance at really loving Chihaya again unless he learns to genuinely appreciate Karuta, but I also think Arata will probably have completely buried his love of the game until Chihaya manages to personally remind him of the dreams he once had. Both Taichi and Arata might be set along a path of passion and dreams once more only through the direct actions of Chihaya. And both of them might have the potential to grow massively. As such, I think the question of who we will know we should cheer for or think will be most deserving of Chihaya's love could very much be a muddied picture.

Well, that would be apart from the part of the story where Chihaya also chases after her dream herself. I dunno how the sports shounen part of the narrative, with Chihaya being the incredible rookie protagonist on a path straight to the nationals, is gonna play out (lol). I won't lie, I could probably have fun with that too.

totoum 2011-10-19 05:50


Originally Posted by Triple_R (Post 3814201)
That being said, I honestly found Episode 3 a bit overdone in the melodrama department (I know I might take some heat for this, but I have to be honest here :heh: ).

Just so much crying, and so much shouting... I don't doubt that kids are sometimes like that, but this seemed a bit excessive to me.

Episode 3 was still a good episode for me, as I tend to prefer overacting to underacting (the former is more memorable and attention-grabbing at least), but I would have preferred it if they had dialed things down a notch or two.

Same here,I was going to call this episode "adachiesque" which is the highest complement I could give but those few scenes kept me from doing that.
Not nearly as bad as AnoHana though. :heh:


Originally Posted by creb (Post 3814243)
He's a jerk in episode one, both with the his callous attitude to his girlfriend, and his attitude when Chihaya started talking about Arata. You're free to love him, just like I'm free to think he's a jerk. :heh:

Again,saying you don't hate the guy doesn't mean you like him or think he isn't a jerk.

Reckoner 2011-10-19 14:26

I'm so impressed with this show. Sure it might have been a tad melodramatic, but it's not like we have an Ano Hana on our hands where people are just walking around crying every episode. Plus they're only 6th graders in this. Regardless it's easy to see why their friendship is meaningful, and why they took it hard having to separate.

The combination of the directing, and the production values on this show is unrivaled almost this season. That's high praise from me considering I still like Fate/Zero a little more and I'm a huge, huge Fate fan (Though not that god awful DEEN anime).

Asleep 2011-10-20 10:17


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 3814483)
Try and say you want the flashbacks to end after actually watching the third episode. It was the best so far.

& the Taichi hate continues in this thread? Urgh.

I haven't seen episode 3 yet, but I find a character like Taichi very refreshing to watch. This is what you call a character. And we have three well defined characters. This season is going to be good!


Originally Posted by Sol Falling (Post 3814568)
Well, that would be apart from the part of the story where Chihaya also chases after her dream herself. I dunno how the sports shounen part of the narrative, with Chihaya being the incredible rookie protagonist on a path straight to the nationals, is gonna play out (lol). I won't lie, I could probably have fun with that too.

That was a good post Sol Falling. It will be interesting to see how things develop.

Also the soundtrack really stood out for me. Nice music is always a welcome addition.

king12354 2011-10-20 21:08

I want a little more clarification about the game. Are there only 100 poems? So for each game, the cards are rearranged in a different order, right?

blue_sora 2011-10-20 22:36

Love it, love it, love it. When episode 3 continue the flashback I thought I will be mad ( I want the gorgeous Chihaya! One of the beautiful female characters this year and the opening and ending doesn't help) but it was great. My favourite part was their team fight with Chihaya and Taichi's frustrations towards Arata for dominating the fight.

However I do get the feeling that this episode seems a little bit rushed and they want the flashback to end this episode. To me it seems weird that Chihaya suddenly throwing a tantrum but then it does shows her frustrations on suddenly her karuta friends going away. I guess at that time her dream was simply playing karuta with Taichi and Arata than playing karuta only.

Anyway how many episodes are planned for this? If it is 24 episodes then maybe we should have a subforum, especially with all these character discussion on Taichi :heh:

Johnny 2011-10-21 02:57

I believe it's 25 episodes, but I could be wrong. I hope they don't stick that closely to the source material. That's my biggest concern...

hai_san 2011-10-21 03:18

Really nice series, music kind remind me of Honey and Clover.

Cosmic Eagle 2011-10-21 10:17


Originally Posted by Johnny (Post 3817684)
I believe it's 25 episodes, but I could be wrong. I hope they don't stick that closely to the source material. That's my biggest concern...

At the rate it's going, 2 cour seems quite likely...

Flower 2011-10-21 11:29

Finally watched ep 3 last night ... hmm ... complete and total flashback, but I don't mind. It obviously is there for a reason and is helping to set the stage for the series. Good, solid material.

7/10 vote for me for this ep. :)

Lilith 2011-10-21 14:13

Still in Ep 2
So far I like it! The character design is quite charming combined with the awesomeness of Madhouse. :love:

I'm a huge fan of Hikaru no Go, so it's nice to see another old-fashioned game added to it classic case of love triangle between loudguy-cheerfulgirl-quite guy. :heh: I guess I'm one of the few who love Tachi. <3 I find him so cute and loveable.

After Honey & Clover, Nodame and NANA I gave up on shoujo/josei/slice of life. I hope I'll stick with Chihayafuru.

creb 2011-10-21 15:45


Originally Posted by king12354 (Post 3817303)
I want a little more clarification about the game. Are there only 100 poems? So for each game, the cards are rearranged in a different order, right?

There are variations of Karuta decks with their own poems. There are even Karuta decks that use Shakespeare. For clubs and tournaments, I imagine they list what particular deck they are using, so the participants and members know what poems they have to memorize.

You could make your own Karuta deck with your own poems if you so wished.

It's possible, for the anime/manga, they will only ever use the one deck we've been introduced to, but in real life there are many different decks.

kitten320 2011-10-21 17:31

I have met a lot of bullies in my life and only a small % of them had done something good during their bullying period. Taichi is among that small and rare %. I did not approve his actions at all in previouse episodes but he had guts to admit his mistake and he is being nice and friendly now. I have to give him + points for that. Those who have never been bullied probably don't know just how much an apology and friendly gesture from a bully is worth especially if that bully doesn't bother you anymore. If that apology was just a show off, it would be worthless. But it actually works in Taichi's case, he is a nicer person now and I don't see any reason for hating him at this point.

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