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FatPianoBoy 2007-06-01 01:57

I feel your pain, but the media pulls this crap all the time. They take an isolated incident and make it look like it's an impending epidemic. You'll wear yourself out if you get this worked up every time this happens.

Vexx 2007-06-01 02:49

News media around the world are known for misleading headlines --- they want to you stick around and look at the ads. Heck, even the Japanese newspapers are bad about sensationalizing crime. I've watched several Japanese papers over the years... they're really bad about reporting the same crime repeatedly but just modifying the story a bit. Makes crime look much worse than it is. Heck, our local tv stations in the States do that. I may see the same lurid "internet predator--not" story five times in a week and they recycle it all on weekends.

Tiberium Wolf 2007-06-01 02:56

Media looks always for a story that gets audiences.

In Portugal at the moment is that missing kid. Maddie! I think other countries media are giving attention too...

Takeru 2007-06-01 03:58

I'm not surprised anymore. Especially after living in Las Vegas for 3 years. Now, there you can see just how low anyone will sink.

Mr JeburtO 2007-06-01 06:56

my house in coventry is near where she lived :(

Demongod86 2007-06-01 13:36

Killed for being a good person...ugh. How sad.

Honda Boy Techy 2007-06-02 03:22

No matter where the hell you are, never let your guard down. I live in a fair sized town in Tennessee but by no means is it large. Of course people associate the southeastern united states with Southern Hospitality and kindness. Crap happens here too. A guy was stalkin this lady and finally one day he went psycho and shot her front of the Belk department store and then killed himself. Some dude in the "ghetto" got shot in front of a liquor store and the guy that killed him said "he looked at me funny". Crap happens no matter where you are.

Hell I had my own incident one time. A truck followed me home once. I was drivin home from work and was behind this Tacoma. I was behind a while and was not tail gating. At one point this douche brake checks me but I wasn't even close enough for it to do anything. I didn't let off the gas. Well I get to a redlight. He's turnin left and I go straight. I turn into my neighbor hood and see this dude turn in too and cut his headlights off. I get home and see this guy pass my driveway. I ran in and grabbed my rifle, affixed the bayonet and ran to the front door with it. Guy caught an eye full of my Lee Enfield No.4 Mk.1 with a bayonet and never came back. I kept the bayonet in my car for a week.

I still wanna go over there and teach. This story doesn't scare me none. But then again I'm a fair sized 19 year old southern boy that can whomp some ass when he has to and I'll be a bigger 22-24 year old when I plan to go so I can't exactly end up in the same situation here. When I go, I'm gonna treat it just like livin here. I'll unlock my door only when I go through it (front or back door to wherever I'm living) and lock it back as soon as I get through.

If I have a car there, the keys will never be left in it when I'm not unless I park it in front of my place real quick so I can run in grab soemthin and come back. My kinda car is targeted for thefts a lot but not necessarily in this area. Many Civics like mine have engine swaps (mine does too) and are stolen to get those engines and other parts. My car is beat up plus it's in this area so I don't worry about leavin my driver door locked too much (the lock is busted on the outside) but If I lived over in murfreesboro or in Nashville my doors would be locked no matter what. My old car I went ahead and always locked them cause it had power locks and the both locks worked fine inside and out.

Always be careful. Even though nothing ever happens in my neighborhood (nice middle class neighborhood, SUBURBAN WHITE BOY HERE!!!! :D ) I still keep my guard up at night. Usually if I take the dog for a walk at night, I have a fair sized blade in my pocket or a heavy MagLight flash light.

Damn, I rambled again, didn't I? Bad habit.

Diaboso 2007-06-06 08:35


Originally Posted by Honda Boy Techy (Post 974099)
No matter where the hell you are, never let your guard down. I live in a fair sized town in Tennessee but by no means is it large. Of course people associate the southeastern united states with Southern Hospitality and kindness. Crap happens here too. A guy was stalkin this lady and finally one day he went psycho and shot her front of the Belk department store and then killed himself. Some dude in the "ghetto" got shot in front of a liquor store and the guy that killed him said "he looked at me funny". Crap happens no matter where you are.

Hell I had my own incident one time. A truck followed me home once. I was drivin home from work and was behind this Tacoma. I was behind a while and was not tail gating. At one point this douche brake checks me but I wasn't even close enough for it to do anything. I didn't let off the gas. Well I get to a redlight. He's turnin left and I go straight. I turn into my neighbor hood and see this dude turn in too and cut his headlights off. I get home and see this guy pass my driveway. I ran in and grabbed my rifle, affixed the bayonet and ran to the front door with it. Guy caught an eye full of my Lee Enfield No.4 Mk.1 with a bayonet and never came back. I kept the bayonet in my car for a week.

I still wanna go over there and teach. This story doesn't scare me none. But then again I'm a fair sized 19 year old southern boy that can whomp some ass when he has to and I'll be a bigger 22-24 year old when I plan to go so I can't exactly end up in the same situation here. When I go, I'm gonna treat it just like livin here. I'll unlock my door only when I go through it (front or back door to wherever I'm living) and lock it back as soon as I get through.

If I have a car there, the keys will never be left in it when I'm not unless I park it in front of my place real quick so I can run in grab soemthin and come back. My kinda car is targeted for thefts a lot but not necessarily in this area. Many Civics like mine have engine swaps (mine does too) and are stolen to get those engines and other parts. My car is beat up plus it's in this area so I don't worry about leavin my driver door locked too much (the lock is busted on the outside) but If I lived over in murfreesboro or in Nashville my doors would be locked no matter what. My old car I went ahead and always locked them cause it had power locks and the both locks worked fine inside and out.

Always be careful. Even though nothing ever happens in my neighborhood (nice middle class neighborhood, SUBURBAN WHITE BOY HERE!!!! :D ) I still keep my guard up at night. Usually if I take the dog for a walk at night, I have a fair sized blade in my pocket or a heavy MagLight flash light.

Damn, I rambled again, didn't I? Bad habit.

yah I know what you mean. Poeple are under some imprestion that small town life is safe compaired to city life. (I live in a small town. but used to live in a large town) but thats a lie the only diference their is is that the chances of your neighbor being a psyco is just higher in a city. but their are the same type of people EVERY where no mater where you go. and trust me its some times the quite ones that will be the crazyest.

and Honda boy I also keep one of my 3 bayonets under my car seat just in case im asaulted in my car. plus about 7 rifle and 3 shot guns one of which is next to the front door. I also have a 150 peace knife colection and some are fairly big. Im geting ready for after WWIII when its a post apocoliptic waiste land :D

kj1980 2007-06-12 10:18


Originally Posted by 2H-Dragon (Post 971721)
Never knew the crime rate in japan is low. Kinda took me by surprise. Is train molestation considered a crime? I always had the feeling it happened a lot.

Yes it is. But if you start putting people in jail for that our jail system will become overcrowded revolving-door system like I hear it is in the US. So it's more like a 50,000 yen fine (if you get caught) and they are let go on the spot.

TinyRedLeaf 2007-07-03 21:53

BBC's Alan Johnston released from captivity
Great news!

BBC's Gaza correspondent released


BBC's Gaza correspondent released
Wednesday, 4 July 2007, 02:31 GMT

BBC correspondent Alan Johnston has been released by kidnappers in Gaza after nearly four months in captivity.

He said it was "fantastic" to be free after an "appalling experience". TV footage showed Mr Johnston, 45, leaving a building accompanied by armed men.

Calls were made for his release in rallies worldwide and in an online petition signed by some 200,000 people. The journalist was handed over to officials of the Hamas administration in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Gunmen from the Palestinian Islamist Hamas movement overran Gaza last month, expelling their rivals from the Fatah faction. Hamas' military wing had said it would spare no effort to secure the BBC reporter's release. A previously little-known militant group, the Army of Islam, claimed it was holding Mr Johnston and had released videos demanding the release of Muslim prisoners in British custody.

Sorrow-K 2007-07-03 22:21

The only word that comes to mind right now: "Wow!"

I really never thought we were going to see this day.

Vexx 2007-07-04 02:24

Long long f0cking overdue.... that splinter group were idiots to have taken one of Palestine's best ways to get their side of the story out.

Here's to Johnston's well-deserved rest and recuperation.

Aoie_Emesai 2007-07-04 02:30

What reporters do for their job ^_^. I'm glad he's bad safe and sound.

Kinny Riddle 2007-07-04 13:17

Was quite pleasantly surprised this morning when I heard that Johnston was freed and in one-piece against all odds. Of all the western journalists, he's been the only one staying in Gaza for a long time, and hence is able to report about the Palestinians' plight from their perspective.

A great publicity coup for Hamas as well after they wrestled control of Gaza from the Fatah party. With full control of the territory, they were able to apply pressure on that splinter group, which sped up Jonston's release.

monir 2007-07-04 13:31

Excellent news. In the midst of high and wired time the British are going through, this kind of news are moral booster.

-KarumA- 2007-07-05 09:03

Im glad the guy's okay, however i still have a tiny feeling that there was more going ont han met the eye, Hamas surely got a publicity stunt from this

TinyRedLeaf 2007-07-05 09:51

Well, what's going on is a power struggle between Hamas and the Fatah Movement, and naturally, Hamas is going to milk this event for everything it's worth to improve their image in the international community, particularly the Quartet.

That is but a small part of the sad politics of a 60-year-old problem. Rather than dwell on such depressing matters, let us simply rejoice in the fact that Alan got home safe and sound. :)

Tiberium Wolf 2007-08-17 17:04

Mine rescue saga
Ahhh.. It's been news in CNN for days. 6 miners missing and they can't find them. Progress seems sooooo slow to drill holes to check the tunnels. And now 3 rescuers died in underground efforts in which one was a federal mine safety officer. Man this is getting lame.

Jinto 2007-08-18 11:30


Originally Posted by Tiberium Wolf (Post 1100246)
Ahhh.. It's been news in CNN for days. 6 miners missing and they can't find them. Progress seems sooooo slow to drill holes to check the tunnels. And now 3 rescuers died in underground efforts in which one was a federal mine safety officer. Man this is getting lame.

No need to be insensitive about this. I mean just because the media is butchering this tragic event doesn't mean you can blame the miners for offering bad entertainment. (at least that is how I understand your comment)
They are people, have family... they risk their lives in a rescue operation. I really see no need to be sarcastic. Though I side with you on one thing... I would have stopped the rescue work in the mines after the first of the many small incidents that lead to the final major accident. Instead I'ld ordered more drilling equipement for more and bigger drilling holes.

WanderingKnight 2007-08-18 11:38

Earthquake in Peru.

7.9 magnitude earthquake in the city of Pisco, Peru, which happened last Wednesday. As of today, Argentinian newspapers tell of more than 550 deaths and a total of 90 000 affected, with 16 000 demolished buildings.

It's really, really sad.

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