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Rising Dragon 2008-09-07 03:41


Originally Posted by Slick_rick (Post 1874385)
Out of pity...

It was still a point in Shirley's favor, and I'll take a small victory when I can get one.

The CluClu/Kalulu fans are no better, seeing how they try to find small victories in every single interaction in the pairing as well.

Black Eye 2008-09-07 03:41

Kyaaaa they kissed :love: :love: and nannully is back :love: :love: , can’t wait to watch the episode .
Although I’m happy about the kiss but I Can't help but feel worry about kallen's fate now……

TheDisruptiveOne 2008-09-07 03:41


Originally Posted by Var (Post 1874367)
Yup. It's her, and that's the Tristan Twin. Glad I know where this is going.

lol, Kallen is a slut if she moves onto Gino in the span of an episode. :heh:

Sprite_Coke 2008-09-07 03:41

preview for 23 here, :) i got first view (it said views: 0 when i got on it)

LIL_BUNNYFUFU 2008-09-07 03:41

for the spoiler tags can people refrain from putting fake stuff in there plz

fruitcage 2008-09-07 03:42

I think the whole Geass plot is dead. CC has become a side character, unless she play some kind of role in EP23, the preview shows her doing something. We are probably about to enter the Final Arc of the whole storyline. Not sure of the direction though.

Lolipopo 2008-09-07 03:43

She left her BK uniform...

Bah, Gino is now a friend, nothing really bad IMO.

"You always push away your loved ones" was the CC's line.
This is exactly what he is doing with Kallen. One more time.

ROFL at CCLelouch; Those two are dead. I don't even believe in them anymore, the only romantic(and deadly)ending I can see is with Kallen, but not really happy..

I can't help but believe in Lelouch's death now -_-

-KarumA- 2008-09-07 03:43

Spoiler for the blood:

Freya 2008-09-07 03:43

Was that space? Or just the radar?

Diedrupo 2008-09-07 03:43


Originally Posted by Witacume (Post 1874382)
Sudden come back of ShirleyXlelouch if Lelouch dies?
That would be crazy and not only that it might actually work. lawls.

I think what he meant is that Shirley is the one that Lelouch actually loved out of all the girls he's known. There's a reason she was listed as his "lover" among the things and people he would lose (in the korean blog spoilers). He obviously didn't love her as much as she loved him, but he did show that he considered it in the hat episode when he expected her to kiss him after she asked him to close his eyes.

Sprite_Coke 2008-09-07 03:43


Originally Posted by morbosfist (Post 1874388)
Quote the original post. It's the head of the Tristan Twin with Kallen, in her regular outfit, in the background.


Originally Posted by Sprite_Coke (Post 1874398)
preview for 23 here, :) i got first view (it said views: 0 when i got on it)

OMFG split second later, there's another person standing by her. Yellow hair!!!!!!! Schneizel??? Gino???? Then again, I've been imaging yellow hairs in the preview for quite a few episodes now. (Blam the graphics)

Narona 2008-09-07 03:44


Originally Posted by Black Eye (Post 1874393)
Kyaaaa they kissed :love: :love: and nannully is back :love: :love: , can’t wait to watch the episode .
Although I’m happy about the kiss but I Can't help but feel worry about kallen's fate now……

Me I feel sorry for the shirley fans, because many people (c.c. fans and kallen fans) often said that her kiss wasn't a true kiss (because one sided), and Now, it's the same with kallen. What the fans will say now?

Kaioshin Sama 2008-09-07 03:44


Originally Posted by -KarumA- (Post 1874387)
Spoiler for Lulu's plan:

Called it. :cool: But yeah ain't happening that easy.


Originally Posted by fruitcage (Post 1874403)
I think the whole Geass plot is dead. CC has become a side character, unless she play some kind of role in EP23, the preview shows her doing something. We are probably about to enter the Final Arc of the whole storyline. Not sure of the direction though.

I think that's what most people including me wanted anyway. There's really no point left in focusing on any Geass stuff (as in it would pretty much just slow the story down) as the previous arc was the climax of all it's related storylines. I'm thinking it's straight up mecha combat and strategizing from here with perhaps one final hurrah for the Geass at the very end.

Slick_rick 2008-09-07 03:45


Originally Posted by Skyfall (Post 1873989)
Welcome to the discussion thread for Code Geass R2, Episode 22.

Thread Guidelines
  • Raw requests and offers are not permitted anywhere on this forum.
  • Spoilers about future events must not be posted in this thread.
    If you need to reference something that would spoil a future event, reply directly with a private message.
  • Discuss your expectations of the episode if it has not aired yet.
  • Be polite to your fellow forum members.
  • Please try to keep the discussion on topic.
Note that because Code Geass is licensed, the following apply as well:
  • Asking where you can find Code Geass downloads.
  • Providing links to Code Geass downloads.
  • Discussing Code Geass fansub groups (past or present).
  • Asking for help downloading Code Geass.
  • Asking for playback help for Code Geass episodes.
These rules applies to fansubs (in English or any other language) and raws alike.

Spoiler Policy
  • Any spoiler that reveals future events, even under a spoiler tag, will be deleted.
    Spoiler tags should still be used where appropriate.
  • Adding a Spoiler tag: highlight your spoiler and click the button found
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  • Posting prohibited spoilers may result in a ban.
    Note: Reporting a post does not mean the poster will be banned instantly.
    The Moderators will use bans if warnings are repeatedly ignored.
New additional guideline for spoilers:
Anyone who posts spoilers that should not be posted outside of the spoiler thread will be granted a very special 1 day ban infraction.
Any repeated case will grant the usual "spoiler infraction" which will result into the 3 days ban.


Originally Posted by -KarumA- (Post 1874376)
you say that to the spoiler policy mister, as long as now RAW is out its appropiate to use them afterwards do whatever you want

Please show me where it says that? Episode threads work different than a show doesn't have subfolders.

Sprite_Coke 2008-09-07 03:45


Originally Posted by Sprite_Coke (Post 1874412)
OMFG split second later, there's another person standing by her. Yellow hair!!!!!!! Schneizel??? Gino???? Then again, I've been imaging yellow hairs in the preview for quite a few episodes now. (Blam the graphics)

Omfg I hope this doesn't lead to Gino X Kallen fans to rise.....

fruitcage 2008-09-07 03:45


Originally Posted by Sprite_Coke (Post 1874412)
OMFG split second later, there's another person standing by her. Yellow hair!!!!!!! Schneizel??? Gino???? Then again, I've been imaging yellow hairs in the preview for quite a few episodes now. (Blam the graphics)

Its Gino, Green Cape.

Rising Dragon 2008-09-07 03:45


Originally Posted by Narona (Post 1874414)
Me I feel sorry for the shirley fans, because many people (c.c. fans and kallen fans) often said that her kiss wasn't a true kiss (because one sided), and Now, it's the same with kallen. What the fans will say now?

Let's put it this way... the Shirley and Kallen fans can nurse their wounds together now. Camaraderie, if you will.

-KarumA- 2008-09-07 03:45


Originally Posted by Sprite_Coke (Post 1874412)
OMFG split second later, there's another person standing by her. Yellow hair!!!!!!! Schneizel??? Gino???? Then again, I've been imaging yellow hairs in the preview for quite a few episodes now. (Blam the graphics)

Spoiler for wrong:

Sports72Xtrm 2008-09-07 03:46


Originally Posted by -KarumA- (Post 1874387)
Spoiler for Lulu's plan:

Spoiler for response to spoiler:

LIL_BUNNYFUFU 2008-09-07 03:46

so what am i hearing about kallen and gino who is gino?

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