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JustRob 2009-08-22 02:31

Yeah and I never liked it. With Naruto at least it's a little BELIEVEABLE since we saw all the hard training he went through, but Sasuke just keeps getting stronger and stronger God knows how. He's never spent time training in his life, maybe with Orochimaru only. Yet he seems to be on the same level of Naruto and Kages. He just gets all his strength basically out of nowhere and that's what pisses me off.

Gin 2009-08-22 02:36


Originally Posted by JustRob (Post 2596825)
Yeah and I never liked it. With Naruto at least it's a little BELIEVEABLE since we saw all the hard training he went through, but Sasuke just keeps getting stronger and stronger God knows how. He's never spent time training in his life, maybe with Orochimaru only. Yet he seems to be on the same level of Naruto and Kages. He just gets all his strength basically out of nowhere and that's what pisses me off.

Didn't Sasuke spend the whole time skip training with Orochimaru? And Sasuke was the quickest learner in his class so he probably learnt twice as much as Naruto, especially since Orochimaru knew so many jutsus, all he had to do was watch Orochimaru and he grew stronger.

Endrance 2009-08-22 02:41

Based on who was training him its entirely believable that sasuke got even stronger i mean with the potentially hundreds of jutsu and techniques and physical ability orochimaru had, with his sharingan sasuke could pretty much pick up on them all quickly

Gin 2009-08-22 02:46

And Orochimaru probably forced Sasuke to do some intense training because he was planning on taking over Sasuke's body, so naturally he would want it to be as strong as possible.

JustRob 2009-08-22 03:18

We've already seen that Sasuke has surpassed Orochimaru, but I disagree it's believable that Sasuke knows so many jutsu. Don't forget Kakashi's little lesson about elemental affinities. That applies to Sharingan users just as well. Besides, it's safe to say Sasuke was at his absolute limit while fighting Itachi. Yet after that fight he got even more powers. How? Did he train? Nope, they were given to him on a whim.

james0246 2009-08-22 03:52


Originally Posted by JustRob (Post 2596825)
Yeah and I never liked it. With Naruto at least it's a little BELIEVEABLE since we saw all the hard training he went through, but Sasuke just keeps getting stronger and stronger God knows how. He's never spent time training in his life, maybe with Orochimaru only. Yet he seems to be on the same level of Naruto and Kages. He just gets all his strength basically out of nowhere and that's what pisses me off.

Why would we see Sasuke's training? Arguably, up until he gained the MS, Sasuke was the exact same power level for all of Part II. So, what was to train? Unlike Naruto who entered Part II at barely Chuunin level (and consequently had to level up exponentially to actually stand up to his opponents (which is actually a story device to allow Kishimoto to explore the Naruto world - i.e. through Naruto's training, Kishimoto can lay ground rules for the Narutoverse))), Sasuke was already a Jounin-level character from his re-introduction up until his fight with Itachi (he is definitely an elite Jounin-level character now, with the ability to grow even stronger in just a few battles (as so long as he can master the MS)). It's not like there was some sudden power-up in-between the Deidara and Itachi fight (his 2 real fights in Part II up until Kirabi and now). No, Sasuke in the Itachi fight was as powerful as during the Deidara fight and the skirmish with Naruto or Orochimaru. Consequently, there was no need to see any active training (there was always hints of training, but Sasuke's actual training is never really shown that much).

As for the MS, similar to the regular Sharingan, it's probable that only life or death situations can activate the various techniques inherent in the doujutsu. Consequently, the only real training on Sasuke's part would be during battle.

That being said, Sasuke gaining the MS was not on a "whim". An entire section of the plot is solely about the MS, how it is acquired, what its powers are, what Madara can do with it, and why Madara wants Sasuke to have it. So, there was nothing spontaneous about it, and, realistically, the vast majority of Naruto fans will have realized years ago that Sasuke would gain the MS eventually anyway (it was the proverbial gun on the stage - it had to happen eventually, and Sasuke had to, somehow, surpass (not powerwise, but by attaining the doujutsu without killing Naruto) Itachi when he gained the ability).

In the end, just think about it this way: One day, not too far in the future, Sasuke will lose to Naruto. No matter what power-ups you may believe Sasuke has gained (fairly or unfairly) nothing will allow him to actually win in their last battle against each other. Sasuke must learn his lesson, and Naruto is the only one that can teach it to him. So, we should all be begging for Sasuke to have even more power-ups, because that will only make his fall all the sweeter, and Naruto's dominance all the more powerful :).

Apollian 2009-08-22 04:41

did Sasuke go Super sayian on the last page?....sorry I mean Super Uchiha!!!!!

Frenchie 2009-08-22 05:09

Because Narutobi is awesome.

Gin 2009-08-22 05:12


Originally Posted by El_Frenchie (Post 2597000)

Way to amazing for words, I'll give you cookies when I can.

noven 2009-08-22 05:17


Originally Posted by El_Frenchie (Post 2597000)

Lol, kinda makes you wonder what happened in the panels prior if this is for NaruTobi.


Frenchie 2009-08-22 05:22

Yeah there's a lot of jokes about the panel going on.

But I mean, come ON. the guy just popped out of nowhere, if I was Naruto, I'd probably have crapped my pants right when he started talking.

wtfftw 2009-08-22 09:25

naruto is still a fake ninja no wonder that he didnt see tobi appear. I need to believe naruto is sannin level yet cant see tobi coming yet Kakashi and woodman can? freaking ridiculous.

No wonder people like JustRob saying stupid crap like sasuke getting stronger. Sasuke was already Strong as a Kid. The guy has Sharaingan man he can freaking predict naruto/kyuubi movements and yall is crying about him killing some stupid samurai's when he pawned 1000 ninjas without even sweating.

Im off this forum again too many kids hating a character over crap

Then again it was a nice chapter good pace in the story. Zetsu made me go like WTF funny. Danzo being exposed yet no one is bother by it so all in all it was a nice chapter.

AuroraFlash 2009-08-22 09:28


Originally Posted by james0246 (Post 2596929)
So, we should all be begging for Sasuke to have even more power-ups, because that will only make his fall all the sweeter, and Naruto's dominance all the more powerful :).

Before, you have already been a member of the Hall of Fame, but now, with this awesome, no, godlike comment, it's no longer the Hall of Fame, it's the Hall of James!


Originally Posted by El_Frenchie (Post 2597012)
Yeah there's a lot of jokes about the panel going on.

But I mean, come ON. the guy just popped out of nowhere, if I was Naruto, I'd probably have crapped my pants right when he started talking.

I wonder if I got it right, but I think it was a trap from the very beginning. In fact they awaited him, didn't they? Kakashi and Yamato seemed just so... prepared.

SpyderSidiouss 2009-08-22 10:28


Originally Posted by El_Frenchie (Post 2597000)

lol@ naruto laying on the floor like a little kid. Very nice job on the colors :).


Originally Posted by JustRob (Post 2596754)
If Sasuke wins they need to rename the manga Sasuke and it would basically lose its interest since if Sasuke can deal with a Kage then he can take the other Kages too meaning he can take over the ninja world himself.

Yeah Sasuke is gettin way too much love

so, going by this, do you know how many people can take over the ninja world? why would they have to call it "Sasuke", call it "Kage-Level Ninjas Who Can Take Over The World"(since thats all the story is about right?). Almost everyone in the Kage summit can "take over the ninja world", I guess they'll have to calll it "Gaara and his super friends". Oh wait they could have called it "Akatsuki" too... Ugh, I can see why they said fuck it, and left it as "Naruto".


Originally Posted by JustRob (Post 2596775)
That statement alone is a sad fact, I still think it's ridicilous how kids from the new generation can compete with longtime long experience kage level people. But I guess it's needed for the plot, eh?

Did you think the naruto vs. pein fight was ridiculous?


Originally Posted by JustRob (Post 2596754)
He's never spent time training in his life, maybe with Orochimaru only. Yet he seems to be on the same level of Naruto and Kages. .

What about when he was really young and was shown training everyday to show his father his potential? How about how exited he was when he became old enough to join the ninja acadamy (or whatever that was)? What about when he was doing training exercises and tests WITH naruto, like walking on water, climbing trees, and the forest of death? What happened to his private training session with Kakashi, one of the deadliest Jounins? Shit, they trained so much they were almost kicked from the competition for being so late... And, "maybe" with Oro only? We've seen short scenes of him during that time, and all he spoke about was training; like he literally never spoke about anything else, it was always "lets get back to training".... I don't understand how you can type up something like this really....

Ero-Senn1n 2009-08-22 10:35


Originally Posted by JustRob (Post 2596825)
Yeah and I never liked it. With Naruto at least it's a little BELIEVEABLE since we saw all the hard training he went through, but Sasuke just keeps getting stronger and stronger God knows how. He's never spent time training in his life, maybe with Orochimaru only. Yet he seems to be on the same level of Naruto and Kages. He just gets all his strength basically out of nowhere and that's what pisses me off.

What? Do we read the same manga? Sasuke did more extensive training than Naruto, in fact he bet his life on defeating Itachi. First he accepted that he has 10% chance to live if he wants to evolve into level 2 cursed seal. Second he trained for 3 entire years under Orochi, knowing that if he does not surpass Orochi he will have to die, because Orochi will take his body. Even then he trained secretly and has created jutsu that not even Orochi knew of, Orochi would have shit his pants if he knew about Kirin, that jutsu is pure genius. And third: he goes from battle to battle, mostly fighting alone, as it was stated the best powerup for a ninja is to fight real battles and not only training. If you look at Sasuke's great battles, he fought twice as much great opponents as Naruto did. His path to greatness is much smoother than Naruto's. Naruto had one very fast and huge powerup: the sage training. If something is unbeliveable then it's how Naruto managed to train himself to almost Pain's level in the short time while Pain was traveling to Konoha.

And finally, Sasuke was acknowledged from the beginning of the story as a genius who has great potential and has the legendary bloodline, also the MS and EMS powerups were added to the story many chapters ago, that is the power of his clan and not specific to Sasuke.

What is unbeliveable is that Naruto after 3 years of training with Jiraiya was so weak that he couldnt handle a broken down Deidara, he couldn't even get the bells from Kakashi without using tricks. And in a few day's time he got huge powerups, before it wasn't even hinted that something like wind-rasengan or sage mode could exist, contrary to the MS where Itachi said it hundreds of chapter ago that Sasuke has to obtain it in order to become really strong. Naruto trained a few days both before Kakuzu and Pain fights, and a magic powerup happened :D

Before the timeskip when they were both genins Sasuke could use 2 elements while Naruto none, if i remember correctly it is said that jounins are the ones that can already use 2 elements or more.

Endrance 2009-08-22 10:38

Exactly Pein in my opinion is above kage level to a degree so wouldnt naruto defeating him be ridiculous as well

SpyderSidiouss 2009-08-22 10:49


Originally Posted by Endrance (Post 2597391)
Exactly Pein in my opinion is above kage level to a degree so wouldnt naruto defeating him be ridiculous as well

Their posts don't make sense because they're holding Sasuke to a different set of rules than naruto; which is why we get so many contradictions like this one you just pointed out. In other words, naruto is allowed to achieve certain things that Sasuke isn't for some reason.

Cub-Sama 2009-08-22 11:22


Originally Posted by Endrance (Post 2597391)
Exactly Pein in my opinion is above kage level to a degree so wouldnt naruto defeating him be ridiculous as well

Just to put the finishing touches to end JustRob's arguement:

Naruto literally just sat there and focused on nothing for his power up to Kage level and over Sasuke.

Doesn't make Sasuke training for 11 years and 3 of those years with sharingan with 2 of the best minds Konoha could offer.

I think Madara is going to tutor Sasuke and train him because Naruto has gotten 3 teachers (Jiraiya, Kakashi, Fukusaku) and Sasuke has only had Kakashi and Orochimaru. However I'm just wondering how Madara can get Sasuke to shut up about revenge long enough to teach him (because Itachi said that Madara was his tutor and Itachi was beyond Kage level even with his sickness)

Hunter 2009-08-22 12:07


Originally Posted by JustRob (Post 2596825)
Yeah and I never liked it. With Naruto at least it's a little BELIEVEABLE since we saw all the hard training he went through, but Sasuke just keeps getting stronger and stronger God knows how. He's never spent time training in his life, maybe with Orochimaru only. Yet he seems to be on the same level of Naruto and Kages. He just gets all his strength basically out of nowhere and that's what pisses me off.

Like when Naruto learned Tayuu Kage Bushin within an hour, powered up to fight Neji by being thrown off a cliff, learned the Rasengan within a few weeks, suddenly became about weightless Lee fast off panel, had KB retconned in order to learn Wind manipulation and FRS within a week and surpassed Jiraiya and probably Minato in another few days by bathing into frog oil?
Similarly Sasuke was shown training everytime he hasn't been shown fighting, that means during nearly all his flachbacks, during the wave arcs, during the Chuunin exam, after the Chuunin exam, after the timeskip, etc. Of course it wasn't as intensively shown as for Naruto since he is not the main character but he also has been presented as someone who train nearly all the time.
But yeah both their growth aren't believeable because, well, they are shounen main characters and realistic growth of strength isn't meant to be the forte of the genre. Quite the opposite.

That said some people are a little late here, Sasuke already had what it took to at least stand his own against Kage level opponent more than an hundred chapters ago.

ragnos007 2009-08-22 12:32


Originally Posted by Whitemoon648 (Post 2596649)
I think he is just gonna dodge. No one can put off amaratsu. Even Jiaraya had to seal it away.

It is all too fishy.

I have a feeling that Raikage could be fast enough to dodge it. He was even too fast for zetsu, who i'm assume is very quick considering he can record stuff like he did with the sasuke/itachi fight and commenting on how itachi should be faster.

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