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Altair2223 2011-03-27 15:25

Petition to join the project
Thank you guys that have been working on the translation proyect,i really thank everyone
without you guys i wouldnt have finshed the geass route and now im on the kamine island day,and looking for the kallen ending too,ive heard that in the kuro no kishidan route you die,i hope not,bun anyway thanks
Kallen X Rai FTW
Also i wanted to know i could join the project,send me a message at
(i could not imgine another name for the emmail xD)
if you can send me the text that i would have to translate in an word doc since i cant read some of the symbols on the psp

Altair2223 2011-03-31 22:56

if you cant do the word doc thing,it doesnt matter,ill do my best,i really want to help

Eternal Dreamer 2011-04-02 10:55

...I really wasn't intending for this update to take so long, but since I decided to do three days this time, perhaps I can be forgiven.

Anyway, after careful consideration, I decided to include the scenes from Days 20 to 22 in the new Black Knights ending page I just put up, since all the scenes from here are on are exclusive to the end of the game. For now, the four scenes I've put up there go from the Battle at Shikine to when Rai awakes in his room after the battle, which include a lot of content, believe me. (It's finally been completely confirmed that Rai was the king of Britannia, even in the BK route, so that's one thing resolved.) Go check them out at the "Route Ending Scenes" page. Also, all the scenes that show up on the page will only be for the Battle Commander path, Kallen ending for now, as I need to confirm the differences with the other path and endings before I can organize it better.

I've also made some changes to the Geass ending scenes and page, like some of the dialogue and how it's organized a little. There are no major changes yet, but I'll probably be correcting a lot of the scenes there when I do my big overhaul after the BK route is done.

Finally, although this is embarrassing, I've changed the members list on the "About Project" page as well. The truth is, though some people have probably already guessed it, most of the members have silently left the project over the past year. (My fault, since I failed to communicate with them properly, and things just died out between us as messaged were no longer sent.) Right now, the only active members are me and ChaosHelix, who has been providing me with screenshots for the battles and is working on a special project for the site, which will be revealed when it is completed. (Don't want to ruin the surprise.) I'm sorry for not revealing this sooner, but I felt bad about how things went with the others and felt too guilty to remove their names until now. I hope you all can understand.

The next update will only be Day 23, as unlike the first three days, there are a LOT of new scenes to choose from at Ashford and Tokyo, so we'll see how long this one will take. (But most importantly, this is when Lelouch finally reveals himself as Zero to Rai, so that's something we can all look forward to.)

And Altair, I'll give you my next response by email later today.

ForbiddenOne 2011-04-02 21:26

Thats odd... with regards to the scene where you have a choice to use Geass on the Four Holy Blades or just give them more Alcohol, I remember waking up and finding Todoh there.. maybe thats an alternate version of the scene that takes place during the JLF route, or something.

Or maybe it has to do with how close you are to Kallen.

Oh well...

Also, I wonder what specifically caused the headache and passing out.

Eternal Dreamer 2011-04-02 21:31


Originally Posted by ForbiddenOne (Post 3555673)
Thats odd... with regards to the scene where you have a choice to use Geass on the Four Holy Blades or just give them more Alcohol, I remember waking up and finding Todoh there.. maybe thats an alternate version of the scene that takes place during the JLF route, or something.

Or maybe it has to do with how close you are to Kallen.

Oh well...

Also, I wonder what specifically caused the headache and passing out.

Yeah, since mine's a PSP version, that's probably the reason for it.

As for why he passed out, that's because he was drinking he realized afterwards.

Altair2223 2011-04-04 20:13

im still trying to find a way to be able to save the file without changing the japanese characters,but notepad still throws me a problem about something called unicode or something like that,so when i save it an open it to see how it was,the japanese characters apear as ?????????? symbols,if you know a way to fix this i can start with all of the other word files.

Eternal Dreamer 2011-04-04 20:25

Hmm, I think I know what the problem is. You use Windows, right? If so, go to this site and follow the instructions there:

If that doesn't work, send me an email and I'll try and see whether there's another solution. (And from now on, try to keep to using emails, it's faster and easier to just message each other normally for these kinds of things.)

ChaosHelix 2011-04-08 17:32

Yo! Hello everyone. I am ChaosHelix. I've been working with (if you can call it that, seriously it's mainly me talking random) ED for a while now, since I've been 'called out' I figured it was about time I showed my face here.

As for how exactly I help's complicated or maybe I just can't find the words, anyway I'm now mainly working on the 'special project' with a bit of translating as a side-dish. If you want details on either...I'll have to disappoint you, you'll just have to wait. :P For now I'll just say that they're progressing nicely.

'Til next time.

Altair2223 2011-04-09 17:14

Cool chaos,i wonder what kind of project is that one,well,i will have to wait =)

neal21 2011-04-14 21:44

there will not probaley be a lost colars

Eternal Dreamer 2011-04-15 05:36


Originally Posted by neal21 (Post 3571241)
there will not probaley be a lost colars

What do you mean? I have the game Lost Colors right here beside me?

faiz blaster 2011-04-15 05:47

He probably means a Lost Colors 2. God knows that a lot of people would like to see a continuation based on the set up of R2...

Eternal Dreamer 2011-04-15 05:50

True that. I can just imagine all the possible plot and romances in R2. (They might even give the player the chance to save Shirley! Now THAT would be enough to get me to buy the game regardless of the rest.) But, after all these years, I have sever doubts that's ever gonna happen...Sigh...

Roloko vi Britannia 2011-04-16 01:50

That would mean more Rolo and he needs to be saved in one route too its a must. I would want to see an LC 2 also, but it won't happen if it did that would be awesome. They should add a Monica and Dorthea scene seeing as how they were treated so badly in the anime.

Eternal Dreamer 2011-04-16 07:28

Ah, if only, if only...There's just so many possibilities to it all. (As for Rolo, while I was not the most fond of him, I agree it would be nice if he were saved. Besides, if Shirley doesn't die, then Rolo wouldn't need to die either. Two birds with one stone! :D)

Seriously, though, those game producer people should really consider making a second one. It's just too good of an opportunity to pass up. (Though, knowing them, they've probably already forgotten all about the game...Sigh.)

Roloko vi Britannia 2011-04-16 23:18

I haven't played the game (duh xD) so he can give orders like Lelouch or something right?? So instead of eye contact all the person need to hear is Rai's voice or something if I remember what Ar told me a while back.

So he can just tell Rolo before Rolo uses his geass not to use it. Also he can tell the Black Knights not to shoot too saving them both. =D

Edit: Even if Shirley didn't die in the anime Rolo still probably would have sadly by protecting Lelouch *sniff* Why do my favorite characters always die so tragically or have sad things said/done to them D;

Eternal Dreamer 2011-04-17 11:39

Yeah, he can make anyone obey his orders once, but its through the sound of his voice instead of eye contact.

As for stopping Rolo from using his the part where he appears at the end of the game (it was a sneak preview for R2 at the time), you try to use your Geass to beat him, but he just freezes you before you can say anything and then kills you (knife in the throat style, Thank god they don't show the graphics for that). So that might not work either in R2. :heh:

Hooves 2011-04-17 20:04


Originally Posted by Eternal Dreamer (Post 3574817)
Yeah, he can make anyone obey his orders once, but its through the sound of his voice instead of eye contact.

As for stopping Rolo from using his the part where he appears at the end of the game (it was a sneak preview for R2 at the time), you try to use your Geass to beat him, but he just freezes you before you can say anything and then kills you (knife in the throat style, Thank god they don't show the graphics for that). So that might not work either in R2. :heh:

Ah so that's how his geass works. Never played the game myself so I couldn't tell, but like you said, Rolo can merely stop time before you finish your command and then just slice you. Thanks for the information Eternal Dreamer :)

Roloko vi Britannia 2011-04-17 22:01

Well Rai needs to learn to talk faster then like a chipmunk xD

Just as long as Rolo can live happily in one of the endings I don't care he needs one bad after all he has been through D=

Hooves 2011-04-22 00:01


Originally Posted by Roloko vi Britannia (Post 3575438)
Well Rai needs to learn to talk faster then like a chipmunk xD

Another way would be to catch Rolo off-guard with something silly, then immediately go as fast as you can with saying the command o.o

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