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Chiaki_chan 2012-07-13 20:01

but everyone will love them

Lord of Fire 2012-07-13 23:35

Yui is getting more and more awesome. Her poker face is awesome, and I loved how she knew what Kyouko was up to.

Akarin's status as buttmonkey has been established once again. I guess she indeed got too much screentime last episode.

And seriously, they couldn't think of a black fruit for Yui? I guess they never heard of blackberries. Yeah, I know, it's part of the joke, but still...

ninryu 2012-07-14 11:09


Originally Posted by Lord of Fire (Post 4253149)
Yui is getting more and more awesome. Her poker face is awesome, and I loved how she knew what Kyouko was up to.

Indeed. Yui is my favorite, she's so gorgeous.

King-Slayer 2012-07-14 11:49


Originally Posted by Random Wanderer (Post 4236914)
Ayano is one of the most adorable things ever when she's being all tsundere for Kyouko. Anyone who doesn't support her has no soul.

LOL i agree with you since Ayano is my favorite. Though i don't really like Kyouko, if Ayano wants her then i support it.

vansonbee 2012-07-14 21:08


Originally Posted by poisui (Post 4254535)

Whoever did that, are true fans that goes the distance -_-

Chiaki_chan 2012-07-14 23:06


Originally Posted by poisui (Post 4254535)

loool :heh:

technomo12 2012-07-15 02:56


Originally Posted by poisui (Post 4254535)

thank you dood for making my day

Chiaki_chan 2012-07-15 03:44

I'm looking forward to episode 3!


there are seven volumes of the manga? there will be yet?

Kitsu Breaker 2012-07-16 05:02

From people who still donīt read Yuru/zero
The girls are the best servan, better than the Loosers of Natsuverso

EroKing 2012-07-16 12:39

Random Wanderer 2012-07-16 13:04


Originally Posted by Kitsu Breaker (Post 4257236)
From people who still donīt read Yuru/zero
The girls are the best servan, better than the Loosers of Natsuverso

I also highly reccomend that doujin. A crossover between Fate/Zero and Yuruyuri sounded crazy even to me (and I didn't even watch Fate/Zero), but it ends up working incredibly well. It's 13 chapters of pure amazing.


Originally Posted by TheEroKing (Post 4257772)

Squeeeeeeee! Adorable Ayano is adorable!

Midonin 2012-07-16 13:29

Yuru Yuri Quaver 03 - Embarrassing Boobs Are Forbidden

Akari's getting smarter. But that UFO is out for revenge. If next week begins with Akari being abducted, I wouldn't be surprised. Though this was clearly a SakuHima episode, Akari's suffering continues. And as Chinatsu's story shows, even though we haven't seen into Akari's mind in a fortnight, it's clear that her dreams of power continue, and probably will long into high school and beyond.

But, SakuHima. Of all the characters in the show, these two have a really great dynamic. The whole thing was still funny, but also kind of sad. Sakurako's really out of her element without Himawari, and Akari just can't keep up with her. And there's the "Toshino Kyoko!" everyone was waiting for, even if it was said in a pouty and kind of subdued manner. Chinatsu's pixellated chocolate left a lot to the imagination, and it's scarier that way. Probably turned out like Sera's cooking in KoreZom; it's amazing it wasn't eating through the box.

And, of course, sisterly love, from both the Ikeda and Akaza families. We didn't see the results of Akane's chocolate, but when a lot's left to the imagination, it's __________er that way. I enjoyed this one. The segments were distinct enough, but still linked, and SakuHima were in top form.

tezu 2012-07-16 14:20

I was really amused by Chinatsu's present for Yui and Kyoko. Yes, Yui, we all wonder how Chinatsu manages to create horrifying things like that when she actually tries hard to make things perfect...

As a HimaSaku fan, I naturally liked this episode more than the entire first season (the first half was simply excellent). But as much as I LOVE SakuHima - Sakurako's tantrum is too exaggerated to be funny and sweet (I guess this is the downside of seeing things animated, anime always takes things to the extreme). For God's sake, Himawari only neglects her for a short time and she's already throwing stuff and rolling around on the floor. And after all this, she still treats Himawari like her servant. Am I the only one who facepalmed when there was this super-sad music playing in the background? Reminded me of that episode where Kyoko lost her memories and everyone was moping around (also a horribly dramatized scene).

The ending gave me the creeps...incest pairings always do this to me. The only good thing about Akane is Hocchan's voice, but I didn't even get to hear her voice! ;_;

P.S. I don't know if this has been posted already, but Oomuro Nadeshiko is going to be voiced by Saito Chiwa :kisskiss:

Julio C 2012-07-16 15:14

That was a damm hilarious episode! The UFO part was just funny. So far it's the best episode of season 2.

Chiaki_chan 2012-07-16 15:21

Akarin ~ savior of the world does he resists any UFO very funny

Sakurako and ... jealous ... I hope one day she realizes she's in love and never take more like a servant.

lol and Akane!! the only one that thought Akari for the chocolates but when damage have not heard even just to say: "Akari-chan?"

Kanon 2012-07-16 15:24

Oh ho, a valentine's day episode. It proved once again that men do not exist in the Yuruyuri verse. I would have loved to see what Chinatsu's chocolate and scarf looked like, but as Midonin said, it's probably better left to the imagination. I'm happy Ayano managed to give her chocolate to Kyoko thanks to Chitose's help (who was rewarded for her support). Akari gave chocolate to everybody, but didn't receive any *... forever Akarin ;_;

*except from her lovely sister whom I hope to see more of very soon.

The bulk of the episode was dedicated to Himawari and Sakurako, and since I love these two, I enjoyed it very much. I had not fully realized how close they are until now. They're almost like a married couple already. Their relationship is akin to Yui and Kyoko's.


Originally Posted by tezu (Post 4257885)
As a HimaSaku fan, I naturally liked this episode more than the entire first season (the first half was simply excellent). But as much as I LOVE SakuHima - Sakurako's tantrum is too exaggerated to be funny and sweet (I guess this is the downside of seeing things animated, anime always takes things to the extreme). For God's sake, Himawari only neglects her for a short time and she's already throwing stuff and rolling around on the floor. And after all this, she still treats Himawari like her servant. Am I the only one who facepalmed when there was this super-sad music playing in the background? Reminded me of that episode where Kyoko lost her memories and everyone was moping around (also a horribly dramatized scene).

The ending gave me the creeps...incest pairings always do this to me. The only good thing about Akane is Hocchan's voice, but I didn't even get to hear her voice! ;_;

It was exaggerated, but I thought it fit Sakurako's character quite well. She takes any kind of emotion to the extreme.

I was also disappointed we didn't get to hear Hocchan's voice. I'm happy Akane finally showed up nonetheless. I think I'm going to love her :D

Chiaki_chan 2012-07-16 15:26


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 4257954)
Oh ho, a valentine's day episode. It proved once again that men do not exist in the Yuruyuri verse. I would have loved to see what Chinatsu's chocolate and scarf looked like, but as Midonin said, it's probably better left to the imagination. I'm happy Ayano managed to give her chocolate to Kyoko thanks to Chitose's help (who was rewarded for her support). Akari gave chocolate to everybody, but didn't receive any *... forever Akarin ;_;

*except from her lovely sister whom I hope to see more of very soon.

I was also disappointed we didn't get to hear Hocchan's voice. I'm happy Akane finally showed up nonetheless. I think I'm going to love her :D

I love it already (after seeing it in a few chapters of the manga)

Utsuro no Hako 2012-07-16 17:07

For an episode with hardly any Kyoko in it, this was pretty good.

(And by good, I mean lots of Akari suffering.)

vansonbee 2012-07-16 17:58

Just saw #3 and I have seen no men at all through the show... Someone correct me, but I believe, I saw Yui dad in season 1, when her little cousin (or niece) left after the holiday.

This episode wasn't my favorite at all, to much focus on Sakurako & Himawari. I thought it would be good to focus on them once and a while, but it turned out bad :(

Ayano - mistress
Yui - wife
Kyouko - hubby

so the mistress is on the same level as the wife? lolz, shared chocolates

WHAT BUGGED ME, was the eating placements. I think, I have watched enough anime, to know that middle school kids don't eat together like elementary school children anymore... or is this part of the "yuri world"?

Random Wanderer 2012-07-16 18:18

Tsundere couple is fun.

Valentines day... clearly the idea of giving chocolate to boys never crossed the minds of any of these girls. It's all about giving chocolate to yuri crushes.

How is it that the things Chinatsu doesn't try hard on come out normal, but the things she puts real effort into are so horrific that they can't be shown on television? Does she actually think that's the way they're supposed to be? There's something really warped under that girl's cute exterior...

Ayano is Ayano... but her Toshino Kyoko was weak. Needs more volume! Doors must be thrown open to the cry of TOSHINO KYOKO!

Ha! The demon has returned. I'd forgotten about that side-effect of chocolate. Shame on me. Chizuru didn't seem to mind...

And a wild Akane appeared! ...Run for your life, Akari.

The preview looks like all sorts of fun next week. Too many interesting things to pick and choose.

Myssa Rei 2012-07-16 18:52

But there are men in Yuru-Yuri. They're simply NOT important in the narrative.

Well either that, or they're second-class citizens only useful for their role in procreation.

Either way, they're not worth the screen time.

Hiroi Sekai 2012-07-16 19:18

Akane?! Is it really happening?

I'm so ready for Yui Horie.

Midonin 2012-07-16 19:22

Presenting the forgotten rakugo comedienne, Yuruyuritei Akarin.

Random Wanderer 2012-07-16 19:27


Originally Posted by papermario13689 (Post 4258225)
Akane?! Is it really happening?

I'm so ready for Yui Horie.

She's there, but no talky. I suspect they'll dangle the lure of her presence in front of us for most of the season without her actually doing or saying much of anything.

KyriaL 2012-07-16 22:05

An episode that features more of Sakurako and Himawari? I'll accept it with open hands! But who doesn't miss Kyoko's extreme energy throughout?

Hiroi Sekai 2012-07-16 22:19


Originally Posted by Random Wanderer (Post 4258235)
She's there, but no talky. I suspect they'll dangle the lure of her presence in front of us for most of the season without her actually doing or saying much of anything.

Yeah, I have that feeling too. It'd be a sin to note that Yui Horie is the seiyuu and then NOT use her though. It's not a matter of trolling, that's on the level of informing the world that you've got the cure to cancer, and then go into hiding for the rest of your life instead of revealing it.


Gah, I'll go get my Yui Horie fill from Toradora or something for now.:heh:

Chiaki_chan 2012-07-16 22:57


Originally Posted by Random Wanderer (Post 4258235)
She's there, but no talky. I suspect they'll dangle the lure of her presence in front of us for most of the season without her actually doing or saying much of anything.

it could be but I doubt it because having seen the chapters of the manga I have seen the passage or Akane shows up and where she "talk" so do not worry about the next episodes will talk Akane
:eyespin: ;)

Endless Soul 2012-07-16 23:24

As usual a very entertaining episode. Completely hilarious moments, such as Chinatsu's creations are so bad that they have to be censored, and Sakurako's jealous tantrums.

Poor, poor Akarin.:)

Endless "Bun bazooka!" Soul

Chiaki_chan 2012-07-16 23:55

here's a gif I made a gif from 2 different that I find on the internet

Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)

Jmko 2012-07-17 00:47

Poor Akkarin didn't receive any chocolate. She seems to do a lot for everyone else and always sweet no matter how she's treated.


Originally Posted by Chiaki_chan (Post 4258500)
it could be but I doubt it because having seen the chapters of the manga I have seen the passage or Akane shows up and where she "talk" so do not worry about the next episodes will talk Akane
:eyespin: ;)

Akarin's sister looks dangerous, how much does she show up in the manga?

Chiaki_chan 2012-07-17 01:02


Originally Posted by Jmko (Post 4258601)
Poor Akkarin didn't receive any chocolate. She seems to do a lot for everyone else and always sweet no matter how she's treated.

Akarin's sister looks dangerous, how much does she show up in the manga?

for now in 4 Chapters and I saw

wingman32x 2012-07-17 02:42

Watched episodes 2 and 3, and thought they were pretty good. They're being pretty generous with the Sakurako and Himawari screentime so far. It's a nice change and I'm a fan of them, but I'm more into the other pairings. I'm happy for their fans, though.

Also, the yuri elements are a lot more noticeable this season. Characters seem to be a lot more aware of it compared to the first season IMO.

I'm really liking it. Seems to be improvement across the board for the most part.

teja208 2012-07-17 03:00

Smart move from Chinatsu asking Himawari to help her with knitting and cooking NOT KISSING.

Sumeragi 2012-07-17 06:41


Originally Posted by vansonbee (Post 4258115)
WHAT BUGGED ME, was the eating placements. I think, I have watched enough anime, to know that middle school kids don't eat together like elementary school children anymore... or is this part of the "yuri world"?

You haven't watched enough. There are plenty that shows such placements. Even I ate like that into my high school years.

That being said, something we should all remember about Chinatsu: Never get her fired up when she cooks.

DXMichael 2012-07-17 10:36

One of the few shows I truly look forward to in the week :p

The show definitely seems to be focusing on trying to tell us who would be best with who as a yuri couple. I just hope all the humour content doesn't get overrun with all the yuri content :heh:

mangamuscle 2012-07-17 16:06


Originally Posted by Chiaki_chan (Post 4257951)
Sakurako and ... jealous ... I hope one day she realizes she's in love and never take more like a servant.

I think that because she REALIZES she is deeply in love with her that she *talks* to her like if she was her servant, to feel she has control over her, I suppose as the relation goes further she will desperately try to please her.

Chiaki_chan 2012-07-17 17:13


Originally Posted by mangamuscle (Post 4259750)
I think that because she REALIZES she is deeply in love with her that she *talks* to her like if she was her servant, to feel she has control over her, I suppose as the relation goes further she will desperately try to please her.

but as the saying puts it himself: "who likes ... punishes well"

maximilianjenus 2012-07-17 17:49

She's just S, nothing weird with that.

tsunade666 2012-07-17 19:22

Episode 03 is simply YuruYURI fest and seeing Akarin's big sis in the end just makes it the best of this season yet.

ThereminVox 2012-07-17 19:50

This may be the only show where they could potentially sell more BDs by advertising that the blu-ray version adds MORE mosaics to Chinatsu's creations.

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