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bunshin 2004-04-24 00:14

has the answers to everything

fiegmund 2004-04-24 02:20

Does anyone know who this character is?
it's a cell that an uncle got off ebay, and, while it looks familar, i cant think of who it is. any help would be appreciated...

babbito2k 2004-04-24 02:58

That's Inaho Hitomebore from Master of Mosquiton.

xxhiyanxx 2004-04-24 16:12

lol i was wondering what happened to my thread.. i'm famous! =P

tsurumaru 2004-04-25 06:50


Originally Posted by kj1980
Does the ship look like a battleship? then - Uchuu Senkan Yamato

Does the rocket go up, only to come back down again? then - Mirai Shounen Conan

AH! Future Boy Conan!

/bows to kj1980's Anime trivia knowledge :bow: :bow: :bow:

I recognised the stills but still cant remember much about the series! (Well I was only 6 or 7 at the time)

Thank you!

Rhyu 2004-04-25 19:33

whats the name of this anime?
The anime is based around newly weds who live ina apartment and their next door neighbors are married and her sister lives next to him... anyone know the name? :hmm:

LordBrian 2004-04-25 19:44

Futari Ecchi (that was an amazingly poor description, btw. ;)

Mr_Paper 2004-04-25 19:48

Futari Ecchi... Season 2.

LordBrian's right, that description of the series was really bad.

Rhyu 2004-04-25 23:26

kk well you understood what it was... but anyways anyone know and links for torrents?

roguenoir 2004-04-26 02:49

Need help identifying this series:

These two kids (probably brother and sister but don't take my word) left their house and started playing when they suddenly stumbled upon this fantasy world.. there was this marketplace in the fantasy world and maybe a castle or some place where they had fun.. I don't remember anything else..

Btw, this is NOT Spirited Away; I saw this roughly 2 years ago

babbito2k 2004-04-26 02:55


Originally Posted by roguenoir
Need help identifying this series:

These two kids (probably brother and sister but don't take my word) left their house and started playing when they suddenly stumbled upon this fantasy world.. there was this marketplace in the fantasy world and maybe a castle or some place where they had fun.. I don't remember anything else..

Btw, this is NOT Spirited Away

Doesn't sound like Spirited Away! fun?! *shivers*

It would help if you stated when you saw this - roughly how long ago - and where you found it or how you managed to see some. It sounds kind of like Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai, which is a licensed GAINAX show only a few years old.

theheckwithyou 2004-04-30 20:49

what is this
what is this is this an anime or what?

thanks in advance!

tenshiro 2004-05-01 12:17

Can't remember this anime...
I watched this a while ago on tv when i was living in sg about 3 yrs back...
it was named parallel universe or something like that...

it had mechas in it that look very much like those in rah xephon or evangelion..
if i remember right they actually came in girly colors (purple,pink) because in that world, only females could use this mechas...

anyways this school boy (yehr like rah xephon) daydreams about mechas fighting each other outside his school...and it kinda actually happens later in the anime...

but anyhows he finds himself right next to one of these mechas and tries to pilot it..

that;s all i can remember....
anyways i remember the ending was him walking with this other gurl mecha pilot who makes his lunch for him all the time..

Secca 2004-05-01 12:19

It's Dual Paralel trouble, i think. ^^

tenshiro 2004-05-01 12:21

mm thanks, dual rings a bell, think it was Dual! Parallel Universe...

Master Ran 2004-05-01 12:23

Yup. Its DUAL (Parallel Trouble Adventure)
A sorta parody of Evangelion.

Anyway, what type did you watched? the English dub or Japanese with subs?

Every 5 months or so, they broadcast it on AXN Asia.

boneyjellyfish 2004-05-01 12:41

If you need any other anime identified, please use the Official Thread for anime identifications.

kj1980 2004-05-01 15:17


Originally Posted by theheckwithyou
what is this is this an anime or what?

thanks in advance!

Partly true...if you call an original FLASH animation as an anime:

"Trouble Windows" is part of our moe~ culture to replace OSes with cute moe~ characters...It is mainly a project done by Toshiaki:

Personally, I laughed out loud when the song part: "My heart(CPU) is frail, please don't defrag or I'll breakdown"

theheckwithyou 2004-05-01 16:58

o thanks!!!!!

but why does it say that on the top where it saids 8:30-9 right before that doesn't it says every sunday? or something liek that?

kj1980 2004-05-01 22:24

The article itself is a gag where the person(s) who made "Trouble Windows" did it to made it look like an article from Newtype.

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