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Alchemist007 2009-10-22 23:06

Vegetarian since birth because of religion. Hate the sight, smell, and just about the taste too. I say that about taste because during my accidental ingestions, I've had ham, chicken, and beef, and it all tasted like either a) nothing or b) blander than tofu.

synaesthetic 2009-10-22 23:08

I am curious what religion forbids eating all meat?

I know Islam and Judaism usually forbid pork, but I'm unfamiliar with a religion that forbids all meat.

yezhanquan 2009-10-22 23:09

I do believe that strict Hindus are vegetarian.

Alchemist007 2009-10-22 23:09

Brahmin Caste of the Hindu religion is not supposed to eat meat. Though I do eat eggs, much to the dismay of my grandma.

GuidoHunter_Toki 2009-10-22 23:12

I believe Sikhism forbids against eating meat as well.

Alchemist007 2009-10-22 23:13

Yea, my friend who is Sikh says that too but she as well eats eggs

GuidoHunter_Toki 2009-10-22 23:17


Originally Posted by Alchemist007 (Post 2722738)
Yea, my friend who is Sikh says that too but she as well eats eggs

Well doesn't Sikhism preach to not eat any flesh/meat, so I guess it is if you consider an egg as such.

Miyuki-ism 2009-10-22 23:29

I'm a Christian, I'm fully an omnivore.

Kusa-San 2009-10-23 00:59

Of course I eat meat but I'm careful with what I eat and I buy most of the time only white meat. Why ? Because white meat is what consume the less resource. For example, as I said in an other thread, a beef use 10.000 litre of water ! So it's important to favour meat such as chicken.

And I only buy good quality meat. In France you have differents labels such as "Label rouge" wich tell you that the meat is well raised.

Us Occidental consume way too much meat when it's not neccesary at all. We need to eat less meat espacially meat such as beef because it's not good for our environment. And when you see how they raised their beef, it's really scary.

So please, eat less meat and, if you eat meat, favour white meat !

By the way, being a vegan is not good for your health. You need to be at least a vegetarian unless you want to have some deficiency.

synaesthetic 2009-10-23 01:04

In my cooking experience I have learned that France consumes more meat than most any other European country. ^^;

And while I do enjoy a good steak, my meat of choice is actually pork. I also love fish very much. Chicken is good, but not my favorite.

Edit: Not to hijack my own thread, but "wasting water" is not possible. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Water that we drink today, was probably drunk by dinosaurs 100 million years ago. It is very likely the same water, just having gone through many phase changes.

Kusa-San 2009-10-23 01:32


Originally Posted by synaesthetic (Post 2722954)
In my cooking experience I have learned that France consumes more meat than most any other European country. ^^;

I will not be surprised if it's the case but what's really important here is how the meat is raised. With the "Label Rouge" you know that your meat is raised in free-range, eat grass etc...


Edit: Not to hijack my own thread, but "wasting water" is not possible. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Water that we drink today, was probably drunk by dinosaurs 100 million years ago. It is very likely the same water, just having gone through many phase changes.
We're talking about drinking water here and this kind of water is not infinite at all. It's not for nothing that many people think there will be war because of the water.

Tsuyoshi 2009-10-23 01:42

I eat meat. I never found anything unnatural about it. Humans are omnivorous, meaning they are capable of consuming both fruits and vegetables as well as meat. If our bodies are capable of consuming meat, there's nothing unnatural about it. At the same time, I respect vegetarian's reasoning and concern for other living creatures and how they came to be vegetarians and their refusal to eat meat. I don't find anything unnatural in that either as humans, being omnivorous, are also potentially capable of surviving without meat and can obtain essential nutrients from other sources.

Evil Rick 2009-10-23 01:42

I love meat, either a double hamburger with cheese and bacon or a beef steak with mushroms sausage and mashed potatoes. Hmmmmm...

Crap... now I'm hungry. @_@;

Kusa-San 2009-10-23 01:44


Originally Posted by Yoko Takeo (Post 2722982)
At the same time, I respect vegetarian's reasoning and concern for other living creatures and how they came to be vegetarians and their refusal to eat meat. I don't find anything unnatural in that either as humans, being omnivorous, are also potentially capable of surviving without meat and can obtain essential nutrients from other sources.

Yep but it's only valid iy you're a vegetarian (because of egg etc...) . If you're a vegan is not the same thing at all.

Alchemist007 2009-10-23 01:48


Originally Posted by Kusa-San (Post 2722968)
We're talking about drinking water here and this kind of water is not infinite at all. It's not for nothing that many people think there will be war because of the water.

Reminds me of this

I'm probably being too simplistic but I figure u can just boil ocean water and recapture the vapor which should be pure water.

Irkalla 2009-10-23 02:00

Although I have many environmentalists in my household who tend to reduce their meat cravings to the minimum, I personally just can't live without it for a long period of time. They influenced me enough not to eat beef or pork too often, but their influences also made me a bigger hate target to the animal loving vegans/vegetarians. The reason being that I absolutely love horse meat, which tends to be quite a great taboo, although it really depends where you live. Another weird one I love is kangaroo meat, very healthy.

Kusa-San 2009-10-23 02:19


Originally Posted by Alchemist007 (Post 2722993)



I'm probably being too simplistic but I figure u can just boil ocean water and recapture the vapor which should be pure water.
Well it's true that you can convert the seawater into drinking water but it's really expensive and it consome a huge amount of power.


Although I have many environmentalists in my household who tend to reduce their meat cravings to the minimum, I personally just can't live without it for a long period of time. They influenced me enough not to eat beef or pork too often, but their influences also made me a bigger hate target to the animal loving vegans/vegetarians. The reason being that I absolutely love horse meat, which tends to be quite a great taboo, although it really depends where you live. Another weird one I love is kangaroo meat, very healthy.
I don't like horse food even if in my Family we eat it very often. I prefer the taste of a beef. And yes, kangaroo meat is quite good :) I eat ostrich meat too and it's good but too tough.

Alchemist007 2009-10-23 03:04


Well it's true that you can convert the seawater into drinking water but it's really expensive and it consome a huge amount of power.
Perhaps at the corporate worldwide level. But if you find yourself out of water someday, just make a fire, get a funnel and some tubing...

synaesthetic 2009-10-23 03:11

Desalinization plants are very expensive to run, however, it's not that there's a shortage of fresh drinking water. Like everything else, it's not a resource shortage but a resource allocation issue.

Kitsune 2009-10-23 03:16

I'm carnivorous so... yes! xD

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