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W-General 2006-03-25 11:59

Here is official site
Set to open March 27

Here's a high quality comparison of godly anime and failure anime.

npal 2006-03-25 12:07

I won't comment on the "godly-failure" part. People stick to the animation too much and miss the whole point. The new animation looks better, but I didn't have any problems with the old one to begin with. Hopefully, the story of the remake will be just as good.

W-General 2006-03-25 12:12

Well, I understand how Kanon was a multi-ending game (I actually played through most of the endings myself) so I know it's a difficult thing to make into an anime.

But I think the approach the first series took was not very good..they didn't make a very good adaptation of the game.

And couple that with sub-par animation, and you have an anime that's not very good.

npal 2006-03-25 12:18

Eh... have you seen any other multi-ending game-made-into-anime? You can go watch Shuffle and see some BAD scriptwriting. After watching Shuffle, Kanon is paradise for me.

As for the animation, it's far from what I call bad. It can't compare to many anime, but it's good enough to get you going with the story.

Damn, I didn't like Akira's animation one bit, but I saw the whole thing and well... ok I didn't like Akira as a whole either, but I don't usually place much weight to the animation when judging the anime as a whole. And the animation usually doesn't prevent me from watching something.

Oh yeah, speaking of Shuffle, I direct you to ep 24, second-half. If you think Kanon is bad, wait till you see THAT :p

miaka 2006-03-25 12:23

I just come across anidb site and just read about it. The old one ( Toei version) doesn't botter me at all. The cast and story look the same by description from anidb.

monir 2006-03-25 12:25


Originally Posted by relentlessflame
The more Key stuff, the better, as far as I'm concerned. (I can already hear the people chanting "overrated" already, but not in my books. :p ) Now, I just hope that it comes straight to BluRay...

Air was overrated. Kanon is not! Depending on the animation and most importantly, the story remains the same, I'll probably be able to delete my two different fansub groups for Kanon from the hard drive. :)

Great news indeed!

npal 2006-03-25 12:29

Well, I won't be deleted Kanon (I've alread backed it up). I'll keep it for archival purposes. As for the new one, I don't care if they change the story, as long as they do a good job at it. I hope they are self-conscious enough to know whether they can produce a better story. Else, please stick to the old one, it was fine (although Nayuki is my favorite :p)

DaFool 2006-03-25 16:35

I'll probably risk being tarred and feathered for this, but anyways...

There are better things Kyoto Ani can do than this.

Kanon was good, but the old version was pioneer enough to open the floodgates to eroge anime serializations. What good would a remake do other than "Oh look, Kanon in HD! Whoopee!"

Then again, Kanon being unlicensed in the west, it just goes to show how the anime industry is more influenced by japanese eroge players, whatever opinions americans think would make for good anime be damned.

I second a preference for Planetarian anime. At least theres the Clannad movie.

Thelastguardian 2006-03-25 16:53


Originally Posted by W-General

Here's a high quality comparison of godly anime and failure anime.

Failure? How?

I love the original series-heck I even shelled out to buy the complete DVD set.

The new one, while does look better, is not that much different from Toei's. Yes the screenshot looks more detail...

However the old one was done in 2001 and this one will be air in 2007.

The original animation is not a failure.

I don't think Kyoto Ani. should reanimate Kanon either- and I won't go into details why not here :^).

That being said, I hope they will have a different plot from the original.

Leo_Otaku 2006-03-25 17:45

People who thinkk it shouldn't be remade go away ^-^

Were having fun. Ayu will get the ending because it is the best story and best character-yo. I simply can not WAIT!

We will get Saiyuri's story too I bet!

Kamui4356 2006-03-25 18:55


Originally Posted by Leo_Otaku
People who thinkk it shouldn't be remade go away ^-^

Were having fun. Ayu will get the ending because it is the best story and best character-yo. I simply can not WAIT!

We will get Saiyuri's story too I bet!

I would think it has more to do with her's being the "true" ending. That said, since it's a remake, there's a slim chance we'll get nayuki's ending this time around. While it would be interesting to see her story, I'd much prefer they stick to Ayu's ending, which they will almost certainly do.

As for the people who don't want it made, they're only saying that because they want KyoAni to do an adaptation of Clannad or Planetarian. ;) That would be nice, but all this new Kanon anime means is it'll take a bit longer.

I have nothing to base it on, but I'm confident KyoAni will do a Clannad series to be released about the same time as the movie. After all, they did AIR, now they're redoing Kanon, why wouldn't they do Clannad?

Planetarian I'm not so sure about. If anything, I'd expect another toei movie for that one.

celcius 2006-03-25 19:03

New animations are welcome but I didn't really mind the animation the first time around.

I'm fine with an Ayu ending again, but please, what they did to Nayuki was just not good.

I felt like, "Oh she's done, let's throw her away now" and they did.

Shiori too. I think her ending was different from the game. I haven't played the game and haven't really dug around to know what the stories are (I wanna read it for myself when and if I learn JP haha).

Anyway, still good news, and I really really hope for Clannad and Planetarian. *_*

Xebek 2006-03-25 19:17

Well, I think you really need to count Kazanaha as the ending becuase its not like its alternative or even a sequel, it just takes the last 5 mins of the anime and turns it into 20 minutes. Kazanaha summed up what happened to the other girls fairly well I think.

relentlessflame 2006-03-25 19:58

Speaking of Kazahana, though, I wish you could still buy it... I got into the R2 game a bit too late, it seems :p Also makes me wonder if we might see any OVAs with this remake, as Kyoto Animation also produced for Air and FMP:TSR...

And yeah, like Thelastguardian, I did like the first series a lot - enough to buy it on DVD. So, I'm eager to see what this new version brings to the table in comparison. I'm sure I'll love it too, though.

TronDD 2006-03-25 20:14! I watched Kanon relatively early in my Anime history. It's still the series that has had the most impact on me. I am sooo psyched now!

dan88 2006-03-25 20:39

Remaking a classic is usually a sure way for a studio to make money however it indicates a lack of imagination too.

Should be good but it is hard to get too excited about a story you have seen before and know the probable plot twists.

Sushi-Y 2006-03-25 23:43


Originally Posted by DaFool
I'll probably risk being tarred and feathered for this, but anyways...

There are better things Kyoto Ani can do than this.

You don't get it, that's their master plan!!1!1

Because Air was such a big hit, the big wigs down at Kyoani went:

Big Wig A: "Hmm, we have a made a good name for ourselves by animating Air, and we have a lot of support from Key fans, and I also have built a good relationship with Visual Arts/Key. There's a real profit to be had in this. Hell, let's animate ALL of Key's works!!! What came after Air? CLANNAD? Let's do that!"

Big Wig B: "Oh, but A-san, Key also had a game called Kanon, which came before Air, and Kanon was even more significant for longtime Key fans than Air or CLANNAD. Maybe we should go back and do that before moving on to their newer works?"

Big Wig A: "GOOD IDEA! ....What? There's a Kanon anime already? By Toei? PFFT screw that, we'll blow them away with our pointessly high sakuga quality!"

Therefore, once they finish Kanon, CLANNAD will come next for sure!
====================== (/end delusion

Thelastguardian 2006-03-26 02:06


Originally Posted by Sushi-Y
Because Air was such a big hit

Big hit? From what I see, Naruto and Gundam Seed and Bleach and Pokemon and digimon are big hits. Air, well it's a big hit within the otaku community.
That's doesn't amount to much in terms of money, unforturnately.

If it were truely a big hit we would be seeing Air at 20:00 instead 26:00.

This sounds like I am bashing Air for some reason... ^_^;;


/rant on
I want my Clannard TV ANIMATION!!111!!1!!
/rant off

I hope this time the series will explorer the characters' background deeper.

Sushi-Y 2006-03-26 02:51


Originally Posted by Thelastguardian
Big hit? From what I see, Naruto and Gundam Seed and Bleach and Pokemon and digimon are big hits. Air, well it's a big hit within the otaku community.

...That's what I meant. You don't see Naruto and Bleach posters everywhere in Akihabara for the same reason. We're obviously talking about two different communities here. For the audience that the anime version of Air was targeting, it was a big hit. Is that clearer for you?

Having animes like Air on afternoon or evening anime timeslots would be like putting WWE wrestling on weeknight sitcom slots: not gonna happen.

Dragnfly@Gamefaqs 2006-03-26 07:00

I thought WWE was on weeknight early-mid evening timeslots. My roomate would always have his comrades over to watch it in after supper. Oh, well.

And for god sakes let's stop the Kanon vs Air lameass crap right now. Seriously, that's the type of stuff that makes everyone look like a bunch of snivelling children.

That said, assuming the episode count is at 13 is it possible to properly fit everything in that? It's true that the last one didn't get absolutely everything but they did manage to fit a lot however you look at it.

And I also pray that they sometime make a Planetarian anime. First vbook to make me cry. That thing so needs an OAV or a movie. A TV series may be a bit too long. I'd also prefer OAV for the bigger budget. Not that they'd need to spend a fortune on VA's.

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