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ars89 2012-03-08 17:35

So i still don't get what Daath is. So there some organization that wants to cause another apocalypse?

Trudinh 2012-03-08 17:56

im soo confuse, can someone help me.

This is what i know so far as of this episode:

-Mana found the crystal
-shu mother died after giving birth
-mana some became the queen of the crystal
-shu void borrow people strength which is their void
-mana is shu real sister. (edited)

mana was never a crazy bitch.....

anything else im missing from this episode?

Manic 2012-03-08 18:34


mana was never a crazy bitch.....
really, you got that from this ep?

i got the opposite feeling, she's been a crazy biatch since the beginning. Her mother is dying but she just has this crazy grin on her face dreaming about screwing her unborn brother.

ArcApollousa 2012-03-08 19:15


Originally Posted by Trudinh (Post 4043566)
im soo confuse, can someone help me.

This is what i know so far as of this episode:

-Mana found the crystal
-shu mother died after giving birth
-mana some became the queen of the crystal
-shu void borrow people strength which is their void
-mana is shu real sister. (edited)

mana was never a crazy bitch.....

anything else im missing from this episode?

Spoiler for Answers:

Trudinh 2012-03-08 19:17

@Manic dude, she touch the meteorite, she was the first to touch it. and it say she going to turn into "eve" and find an adam mate, which shu was chosen. mana changed when she touch that meteorite.

guess we wont the real mana. the mana before she touch the meteorite.

AkumaPrincess 2012-03-08 19:22


Originally Posted by Trudinh (Post 4043566)
im soo confuse, can someone help me.

This is what i know so far as of this episode:

-Mana found the crystal
-shu mother died after giving birth
-mana some became the queen of the crystal
-shu void borrow people strength which is their void
-mana is shu real sister. (edited)

mana was never a crazy bitch.....

anything else im missing from this episode?

Mana, at age 5 was okay for her mom to die, as long as she gives birth to her baby brother that she wanted to make her Adam. I call that creepy and crazy.

What I wanna know is why would their father leave 3 children on a island alone? He knows that his daughter is crazy and would want to mate with her brother.

I have issues with that all together. Did he think Shu wouldn't believe her or that she was waiting to make her move. There could've been some many things that could've went wrong in that situation.

Manic 2012-03-08 19:23


mana changed when she touch that meteorite.
well we pretty much knew this, but the way ya said it in ur posts it sounded like u thought she was never a nutcase

Otani-kun 2012-03-08 19:40

Souta's never gonna die, is he?

Azn 2012-03-08 19:47


Originally Posted by Otani-kun (Post 4043666)
Souta's never gonna die, is he?

Nope. Especially not if he's not coming along to fight. We'd need Shu to die before giving back the Void.

That meteorite basically ended up creating a giant family problem that could potentially destroy the world.

Trudinh 2012-03-08 20:10

yup, and daath, who is he???? y is he still young. and how do he know all about this meteorite.

Shadow5YA 2012-03-08 20:13

I don't get why they're doing all of this to provoke Shu and get him to level up. He obviously doesn't want to make meteorite babies with Mana.

Arya 2012-03-08 20:25

It's late so I keep it short.
Spoiler for ep 20:

SagaraSouske 2012-03-08 21:01

Here is what I think. Meteorite and Virus is alien life form. Daath is also of the same origin. It may be the research Shu's father is doing triggered the aliens from arriving earth in the first place. The whole event is a test thrown against humanity.

Mana is no longer human once infected. Since Shu being the first embryo infected, it naturally became her choice of Adam since they both are essentially true hybrids, although in different ways. Where as Mana is dominated by the alien virus and had personality altered due to the exposure, Shu is essentially a successful integration of alien virus in a human new born. One could say Mana is the failure and Shu is the success and thus Mana wants to merge with Shu.

I predict Shu/Inori(from inside Mana) will change Mana at the end and allow them to determine the future. Shu will die but Inori will live on and transform the virus from a curse to a blessing to mankind.

tsunade666 2012-03-08 21:21


Originally Posted by SagaraSouske (Post 4043751)

I predict Shu/Inori(from inside Mana) will change Mana at the end and allow them to determine the future. Shu will die but Inori will live on and transform the virus from a curse to a blessing to mankind.

This actually reminds me of the op where Inori was alone in the field with flowers. From the beginning of the song with the virus was everywhere and consuming Shu to the ending of the song where Inori tried to kiss Shu was he was not there anymore and alone in the field of flower. The virus could be transformed in harmless or useful thing if it can be really controlled just like what Kurusu proposed in his research.

The episode was range from good to BAD >.> really why added the part where Souta and Shu make up :uhoh: Shu should go along that I can't forgive you for killing Hare :frustrated: but they make up in the end :uhoh:

Allium 2012-03-08 21:29


Originally Posted by SagaraSouske (Post 4043751)
Shu will die but Inori will live on and transform the virus from a curse to a blessing to mankind.

Why do I get a Madoka Magica vibe from this?

OK, never mind...

Well, at least we've got some of the pieces of the puzzle. Shu and Mana are indeed biological siblings and Gai was some illegal immigrant who got involved in Keido's experiment. I wish they had shed some more light on Daath; I don't get Yuu or even Keido's motives.

I'm seeing the Souta hate all over here, and while most of us would like him to suffer a terrible fate, it's very unlikely that he would die, at this point. There's that awkward handshake, yes, but I see it as more of a farewell from Shu to Souta. So many horrible things happened in between them, and Shu apparently didn't want everything to end with those hard feelings remaining behind. (And terrible writing is a signature of GC, anyway :heh:.)

I can't see how everything will end in another two episodes, though. It just seems so fast...

ArcApollousa 2012-03-08 21:38

well i guess shu needs to survive in order to keep shouta, ayase, etc. as he ia still holding their void

SagaraSouske 2012-03-08 22:05

He can prob transfer them to Inori before he dies.

Triple_R 2012-03-08 22:07

I can see what they're going for in this episode, and on the whole, I really like it. The overall plot concept behind this anime is probably very good, if not excellent (unless there's something truly impossible to swallow thrown out in the last two episodes). Guilty Crown's writers really did have an ambitious and somewhat creative story that they were aiming for. Like Allium, I'm increasingly getting Madoka Magica vibes from this anime, and I think that reflects the ambition in its storytelling and possible themes.

However, some of what they're going for in this episode doesn't work as well as intended due to how certain previous episodes came off.

When I put on my fanfic writer's hat, I completely get why they had the Shu/Souta make-up scene. I think that the idea here is to have this signify how the periods of "Brutal Dictator" Shu, and "Reckless Fool" Souta, are now water under the bridge, and their characters will hopefully make clean breaks from that. Basically, I think that GC's writers just want the viewers to put that all aside for the last two episodes, and to accept that the old feuds between harsh ruler Shu and his back-stabbing friends and followers, are a thing of the past.

But some viewers won't necessarily be able to accept that, or be willing to let that all slide and be forgotten.

Am I myself willing to led that all side, and swallow it? Probably just barely, but I can understand why other viewers find it hard to.

Now, as for the backstory between the major adult cast members - I sincerely found that great. Kurosu Ouma and Shuichiro Keido honestly make me think a bit of Reed Richards and Victor Von Doom (of Fantastic Four comic book fame). I loved the handling of their respective characters, their friendship, their professional rivalry, and Keido's refusal to accept Kurosu winning that rivalry.

Gai and Keido's broader antagonist motivations are a bit hard to grasp, but their backstories are good, and I love how they tie in so comprehensively to the backstories of many major protagonists in this show.

Also, imo, Mana is a good creepy antagonist to fill the void left by Segai. She seems kind of crazy to me, so I can live with her motivations being a bit weird.

My main worry for GC going into the last two episodes, is is that they might be a tad too predictable. Everything has been set up pretty neat and tidy for Shu to rush into the antagonist's HQ, and proceed to take down Sir Gai, Keido, and Mana (if necessary). While I do hope for a (mostly) happy ending for Guilty Crown, I hope that the writers have at least one more surprise waiting for us. Otherwise, the ending might be a tad anti-climatic.

Still, I once more have to commend the overall ambition showed in the broader plot of this anime. GC has significant flaws and misses in how certain details of that broader plot were executed, but the overall story concept is one that I find excellent. Now, I eagerly await the ending.

9/10 for Episode 20.

serenade_beta 2012-03-08 22:26


Originally Posted by Trudinh (Post 4043638)
@Manic dude, she touch the meteorite, she was the first to touch it. and it say she going to turn into "eve" and find an adam mate, which shu was chosen. mana changed when she touch that meteorite.

guess we wont the real mana. the mana before she touch the meteorite.

With no doubt, she was a nutcase since she was little.
The "real Mana"? Even if you bring up something not even you know about...
And as you can see in this episode, Shuu (nutcase)'s dad was a nutcase, so the nutcase gene must have passed on.

Master_Yoma 2012-03-08 23:11

22ep and there a flashback at the end

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