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Satashi 2008-01-10 22:47


Originally Posted by BPHaru (Post 1337251)

Saludos, Haru

You like Hayate route, huh? XDD I thought you wasn't reading this, Haru?

Edit: First page claim!

BPHaru 2008-01-10 23:35


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337285)
You like Hayate route, huh? XDD I thought you wasn't reading this, Haru?

I'm not reading it since it can have a bad end (Fate or Nanoha X someone else), but I'll read it if we get the good NanoFate end, that's why I'm checking the alternatives and choosing the ones that I think will lead to the desired final, since you are not going to tell me directly what I must choose for that route.


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337285)
Edit: First page claim!

Not a page claim if you selected to see 40 posts per page instead of 20
And BTW, I don't have nothing against you Hayuuno :)

Saludos, Haru

SpaceBrotha 2008-01-10 23:38


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337285)
You like Hayate route, huh? XDD I thought you wasn't reading this, Haru?

Edit: First page claim!

He doesn't need to read it to see the options :)
now, i'm also voting C

On a sadder note i think i'll be refraining from reading any new fics for a while, i already got a few of the backgrounds they have for Fate mixed up... which confused me while reading lyrical days... :(
...or it's the pain medication from my tooth removal, either way, i'll be refraining to the three satashi writes for a few days at least... :sad:

Fuyu no Sora 2008-01-11 00:33


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337285)
Edit: First page claim!

So....we're still at it with the page-claiming thing? :heh::heh::heh::heh:

What to do, what to do..... A will most probably lead us somewhere interesting but we can't really ignore Fate.... Hayate needs some checking too since she could over-exert herself and fall sick again....

I'll refrain from making a decision for now and will vote once I re-check the current status of all three girls, seeing who's the one who should get the least neglected for this choice :D

Skyfall 2008-01-11 03:03


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337010)
archive post updated, please check if there are any mistakes in your section. If you are not added yet, please PM me with the information.

(Keroko please let me know what to add on yours)

On that note, I'm going to start writing on my fics now ^^;

Fast Lyrical Days. Sorry it's not too long but I want to start on SbTB as well tonight.
Spoiler for Lyrical Days:

8/10 ? Eh Yuuno, could have rated higher if you are going to "compliment" her :heh:
I enjoyed this chapter quite a bit, and it is nice to see Nanoha feeling happy as well. Yuuno sure doesn't realize how good he has it there. As for the choices ... whoo boy, a tough call between A and B. A could lead to something interesting (and risque :p), but Fate needs some attention as well. I don't think she would care about money at all (not like she is spoiled in this aspect) and would be just happy to spend time with Yuuno. I think he should forget Hayate for now and focus on his "domestic problems" :p

Lets see ... we probably scored a lot of points with Nanoha, which means her affection should be pretty high ... since Fate is high on the affection meter as well, makes me wonder: doesn't it only get worse if we keep shuffling between the girls and boosting points with both in the long run ? One is going to have a heartbreak sooner or later ... and the later it seems, the bigger it is likely to be.

Ok ... gah. Nanoha and Yuuno make for a cute couple and i like her antics, but in the end Fate needs some attention as well, and it is not good to leave promises hanging. B

Originally Posted by BPHaru
I'm not reading it since it can have a bad end (Fate or Nanoha X someone else), but I'll read it if we get the good NanoFate end

Thats ... some pretty "interesting" take on what constitutes a good and/or bad end here, especially considering we know how actually bad things can get in this fic. I wonder if it isn't required to actually read the piece for the vote to count ..

Satashi 2008-01-11 04:31


8/10 ? Eh Yuuno, could have rated higher if you are going to "compliment" her

Acting on impulse, I reached forward and popped the top snap-buttons on Nanoha's shirt open, revealing her breast fully. "Definetlly a ten on the stroke-o-meter. SCHWING!"


How's that work for you? I think Yuuno would have gotten that slap after all with that one XD Either that or his pizza might have gotten burned >.<b

I'd really prefer it if people read the story before they voted since their vote could be entirely off ( like how Haru is trying for N/F but is actually working away from it) But everyone is entitled to a vote. that means you too lurkers! Everyone can vote, so don't hold back. The point of an interactive story is to be interactive and hopefully make some people who don't post to come out from hidings and start talking more ^^

Right now I find myself awake at 3:30 AM with a headache and can't sleep. Going to try and write some or maybe scan some doujinshi.

SpaceBrotha 2008-01-11 05:15


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337626)
Right now I find myself awake at 3:30 AM with a headache and can't sleep. Going to try and write some or maybe scan some doujinshi.

Clearly you should have some of this stuff they gave me after they took off my tooth, seems to erase most bodily feelings that resemble pain in any way... :eyespin:
...and replace it with pure crack or something, i could probably write stuff that would make even the OC thread wince a couple of times :D

Edit: and mind you, they did have an instance where
Spoiler for dunno, might actually spoil something.:
just to mention one :)

Satashi 2008-01-11 05:29


Originally Posted by SpaceBrotha (Post 1337659)
Clearly you should have some of this stuff they gave me after they took off my tooth, seems to erase most bodily feelings that resemble pain in any way... :eyespin:
...and replace it with pure crack or something, i could probably write stuff that would make even the OC thread wince a couple of times :D

Edit: and mind you, they did have an instance where
Spoiler for dunno, might actually spoil something.:
just to mention one :)

How about we tie up Fate instead?

Spoiler for NSFW text:

But since the cake is still a lie, this piece will still go un released *halo*

Liingo 2008-01-11 05:35


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337010)
archive post updated, please check if there are any mistakes in your section. If you are not added yet, please PM me with the information.

(Keroko please let me know what to add on yours)

On that note, I'm going to start writing on my fics now ^^;

Fast Lyrical Days. Sorry it's not too long but I want to start on SbTB as well tonight.
Spoiler for Lyrical Days:

An 8? Whats it out of? 100? :p

Hahah, well that was interesting, although he so should have be slapped :D

A is my vote. Let's see how far this goes. If it does infact go anywhere.

Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337626)
Right now I find myself awake at 3:30 AM with a headache and can't sleep. Going to try and write some or maybe scan some doujinshi.

Hope you get some sleep soon. You're not working tomorrow are you? That would be bad..

Originally Posted by SpaceBrotha (Post 1337659)
Clearly you should have some of this stuff they gave me after they took off my tooth, seems to erase most bodily feelings that resemble pain in any way... :eyespin:
...and replace it with pure crack or something, i could probably write stuff that would make even the OC thread wince a couple of times :D

Edit: and mind you, they did have an instance where
Spoiler for dunno, might actually spoil something.:
just to mention one :)

:dots: Hey don't point the finger at all of us........... Look to the guy who is the Hayate worshipper...

When I start writing the proper story to my OC's I'll post it here if anyone wants to read it. It'll make sense I promise :p

Satashi 2008-01-11 05:37


Originally Posted by Liingo (Post 1337676)
Hope you get some sleep soon. You're not working tomorrow are you? That would be bad..

When I start writing the proper story to my OC's I'll post it here if anyone wants to read it. It'll make sense I promise :p

Yup, leaving for work in...three hours.

And when you get any of your stories together, let me know and I'll add you to the archive and link them all so people will have an easier time reading and finding them ^^

Edit: @Eagle-chan: I changed your profile in archive, how does it look? I think I'll go with that if people think it's neater :)

Keroko 2008-01-11 06:41


Originally Posted by krisslanza (Post 1336558)
Ow, ow. Sore arm sore arm... *cough*
So I finished the 2nd chapter of School of Lyrical. It is officially my longest piece of writing ever for a chapter at 2,364 words.

Enjoy it please? ^^;

So you've placed a rude, smoking, tomboyish girl in Fate's house? Although it does seem she can be nice if she feels like it. Hmm, I wonder how much Yuuno/Nanoha/Fate triangle drama we'll get.


Originally Posted by Eagle8819 (Post 1336571)
Spoiler for And several other trimmings for neat look..:

Comatose induced memories? Funny, I've been playing with that idea recently as well. :D Now, curiosity is one of my weak points, and I'm dying to know just what happened in Nanoha's memories.


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337010)
(Keroko please let me know what to add on yours)

Will do.


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337010)
On that note, I'm going to start writing on my fics now ^^;

Fast Lyrical Days. Sorry it's not too long but I want to start on SbTB as well tonight.
Spoiler for Lyrical Days:

Blunt Yuuno is blunt. :D

Now, for options. With Nanoha saved, I'm leaning between B or C... however, Yuuno did promise he'd take Fate out one of these days... gotta stick to you words Yuuno. B


Originally Posted by BPHaru (Post 1337347)
I'm not reading it since it can have a bad end (Fate or Nanoha X someone else), but I'll read it if we get the good NanoFate end, that's why I'm checking the alternatives and choosing the ones that I think will lead to the desired final, since you are not going to tell me directly what I must choose for that route.

*scratches head* You know... not to sound rude, but could you at least try to read the chapters you're voting for? It just seems... odd to me that you can vote without even having read the story.


Originally Posted by SpaceBrotha (Post 1337659)
Clearly you should have some of this stuff they gave me after they took off my tooth, seems to erase most bodily feelings that resemble pain in any way... :eyespin:
...and replace it with pure crack or something, i could probably write stuff that would make even the OC thread wince a couple of times :D

I dunno, after close to a year of Kha-crack, there's little that can make me wince.


Originally Posted by SpaceBrotha (Post 1337659)
Edit: and mind you, they did have an instance where
Spoiler for dunno, might actually spoil something.:
just to mention one :)

That's an exageration. :p


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337668)
How about we tie up Fate instead?

Spoiler for NSFW text:

But since the cake is still a lie, this piece will still go un released *halo*

And what if I told you there is a way to get to the cake?


Originally Posted by Liingo (Post 1337676)
When I start writing the proper story to my OC's I'll post it here if anyone wants to read it. It'll make sense I promise :p

Well, you can do what I'm doing to Fall of an Empire and change it a bit. The original draft only had Vivio as a CC, as the Wolkies were part of Nighty's Saga of Saga, but to make the fanfiction version easier to read (it's usually more fun fo most people to read fanfiction about CC's then OC's), I'm introducing them to this version.

Sam the Onion 2008-01-11 09:09

Lyrical Days
Lovely chapter :D
Was Nanoha acting slow on purpose or just was so shocked it took her brains 5s to process the upcoming information? Great moment.

As for the choice, I'm feeling that Fate is in need for attention so B it is for this time even that something is bound to fail with this equal attention sharing.

School of Lyrical
I can't wait to read more of this but
Spoiler for Spoilering comments:

BPHaru 2008-01-11 10:17


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337626)
I'd really prefer it if people read the story before they voted since their vote could be entirely off ( like how Haru is trying for N/F but is actually working away from it) But everyone is entitled to a vote.


I don’t want to end up crying out of frustration again at one of your “destroy the happy family fandom” fics, so it would be better if I don’t waste my time and only read it when I’m sure that is NanoFate and not… something else.

I have asked you which is the option that will guide the story to our good final, and you haven’t told us, so it is not my fault if my option is not making the fic’s way towards the desired end, since the succession of events depends more in your mood than in the voted option, because if you want to direct the plot to a specific path you can easily do it in a world with unlimited possibilities like this one, independently of if you’re “forced” to write something specific due to the selection of certain option. Because of this reading the “fic” will not help me to lead the fic where we want, since we can’t know what you are thinking for the plot and if effectively there are possibilities for that good end.

Saludos, Haru

Satashi 2008-01-11 10:52


Originally Posted by BPHaru (Post 1337873)

I don’t want to end up crying out of frustration again at one of your “destroy the happy family fandom” fics, so it would be better if I don’t waste my time and only read it when I’m sure that is NanoFate and not… something else.

I have asked you which is the option that will guide the story to our good final, and you haven’t told us, so it is not my fault if my option is not making the fic’s way towards the desired end, since the succession of events depends more in your mood than in the voted option, because if you want to direct the plot to a specific path you can easily do it in a world with unlimited possibilities like this one, independently of if you’re “forced” to write something specific due to the selection of certain option. Because of this reading the “fic” will not help me to lead the fic where we want, since we can’t know what you are thinking for the plot and if effectively there are possibilities for that good end.

Saludos, Haru

Well, I can't really tell you how to get the ending you want. you'll just have to hope everyone votes that way.

And no, I'll never guide the story the way I want. This is to be interactive with everyone and everyone's vote is what counts. If I wanted to do my own story, I'd just simply do it XD (that's why I'm doing three fics at the same time hehe)

the best I can say is, yes, N/F is available. No, I don't mind if it goes there. But yes, Yuuno is the main character and thus his relationship is the foreground- so other relationships would be hard to get.

Sam the Onion 2008-01-11 11:23


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337898)
But yes, Yuuno is the main character and thus his relationship is the foreground- so other relationships would be hard to get.

Did this also count the ErioxCaro that was suppose to be possible or was that an exception to the 'Everybody digs Yuuno'?

Eagle8819 2008-01-11 11:27


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337680)
Edit: @Eagle-chan: I changed your profile in archive, how does it look? I think I'll go with that if people think it's neater :)

Looks okay to me. Let's see what others think. ;)

But, uh, side note... summary =/= summery. :heh:

As for Lyrical Days, I have to say the premise is...interesting. Somewhat. O_o Since I didn't read previous parts, though, I think I'm just going to see how this unfolds.


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 1337718)
Comatose induced memories? Funny, I've been playing with that idea recently as well. :D Now, curiosity is one of my weak points, and I'm dying to know just what happened in Nanoha's memories.

I'm grinning. I'm grinning reaaaaaal wide now. ^____________^

Well, I'm just going to say, think outside the box. Or rather, don't think too far...the answer might just be under your nose. =P Any particular questions you may have? Though, of course, whether I may answer it or not is an entirely different question...

That aside, I'm not much of a fic reviewer but...sometimes I either say too little or too much, which plays a hand in lack of commenting. So here goes my question to previous fic posters: Is there anything in particular you would like thoughts on?

Tormenk 2008-01-11 11:40


Originally Posted by BPHaru (Post 1337873)

I don’t want to end up crying out of frustration again at one of your “destroy the happy family fandom” fics, so it would be better if I don’t waste my time and only read it when I’m sure that is NanoFate and not… something else.

I have asked you which is the option that will guide the story to our good final, and you haven’t told us, so it is not my fault if my option is not making the fic’s way towards the desired end, since the succession of events depends more in your mood than in the voted option, because if you want to direct the plot to a specific path you can easily do it in a world with unlimited possibilities like this one, independently of if you’re “forced” to write something specific due to the selection of certain option. Because of this reading the “fic” will not help me to lead the fic where we want, since we can’t know what you are thinking for the plot and if effectively there are possibilities for that good end.

Saludos, Haru

I don't get what you mean exactly by saying "destroy the happy family fandom" fics but regardless of whether it's referring to the people who like NFV fics or by the inclusion of certain characters in a setting that would disable the image, that is a degrading remark you are throwing at the works of Satashi just because you don't want to waste your time reading something you don't like.

There's no clear option set for a single route since this is not how it works, that being fairly obvious by now, and asking for a answer regarding that serves no purpose since it might go in a completely different direction by the next decision point.
It's definitely not, as you put it, "forced", since the options were decided solely by the writer and each option thought out beyond the options alone and not after it was selected, with each and every scenario ready before the selection is done, as far as I understand by Satashi's explanation sometime back. The option that wins the most votes simply means it gets written, nothing including impulses after that.

It is evident that a fair number of people who participate in the voting as well like their NF fics but do not mistake to think that they will share your opinion of non-commital participation as well. If the ending turns out not to be your liking, all I can say is that it can be partially attributed to the single-minded pursuit which backfired in the end.

SpaceBrotha 2008-01-11 11:51


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 1337718)
That's an exageration. :p

He was doing an awfully convincing job
Spoiler for this actually is a spoiler of aurion:

:p :D


Originally Posted by Tormenk
If the ending turns out not to be your liking, all I can say is that it can be partially attributed to the single-minded pursuit which backfired in the end.

There's nothing single minded in the pursuits that are happening in the game atm... :p
first we went all around, then pursued fate, followed by hayate, people tried to wrench it over to vita but we instead went after nanoha for a sec and now it seems we're back on fate... :eyespin:

Deathkillz 2008-01-11 11:55


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1337010)
archive post updated, please check if there are any mistakes in your section. If you are not added yet, please PM me with the information.

(Keroko please let me know what to add on yours)

On that note, I'm going to start writing on my fics now ^^;

Fast Lyrical Days. Sorry it's not too long but I want to start on SbTB as well tonight.
Spoiler for Lyrical Days:

Definitely not B...for obvious "hell no" reasons. That happy yaro is happy enough eating her breakfast.

Nanoha has interest in him but my vote goes to supporting hayate. Not that I like the idea of him being ungreatful for fate chan's gourmet but the alternative leads to a worse outcome :rolleyes:

*clicks C*

On a you guys actually got the other thread

ghazghkull 2008-01-11 12:19

My vote is B


Originally Posted by Deathkillz (Post 1337975)
On a you guys actually got the other thread

Well things got out of hand, as you could probably tell.

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