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Duo Maxwell 2010-11-06 01:16

I'm quite sure there will be Marisa skin on Lux, though :heh:.

Kafriel 2010-11-06 02:15

Lux is one of the easier players for me, her ability to mark targets for extra damage helps a lot with farming, she's got two disables (so two extra normal attacks) and a pretty cool ultimate. Most kills I've gotten so far are 17, and the hero I had guessed it, Lux :) It was a powerful Lux/Morganna combo though, so it's not like the enemy had any chances of winning after what the inexperienced me found to be excellent teamwork: light stun->tethered soil->dark stun->luminous singularity->soul chain-> explode LS and light beam if there's any leftovers.
However, solo heroes can make short work of many peeps ganging up on them too. I was playing as Nunu and left boiling blood for last as I focused on HP/mana regen, icebolt and bite. In the end I had a ~300HP heal with 10sec cooldown, a practically spammable icicle at 3 seconds and a freezing zone that killed everyone except a certain swordsman, who needed an extra icicle to die...and all of this without my mana dropping a single point or my HP going below 2k, too bad I don't remember what items I had gotten :(

Q: Can you buy skins with anything besides RP?

-Sho- 2010-11-06 04:28


Originally Posted by Duo Maxwell (Post 3333618)
That's right. At higher Elo (about 1500 or above), it's almost impossible to win with only 4 people against 5.

I'd have played Poppy more if it's not because of the official art :heh:. Thankfully I found this.
Delicious Annie <3.

:O she looks 10x better ! Kinda remind me someone in a fighting game .


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3333879)

Q: Can you buy skins with anything besides RP?

I find that Karthus is one of the hardest mage to play. If the opponent always dodge his ball of energy then you can't do much damage. He's more useful with 5v5 than 1v1.

Edit : Thought that you can with moneys as the others online games .

Duo Maxwell 2010-11-06 04:36


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3333879)
Q: Can you buy skins with anything besides RP?

No you can't.
Lux is kinda lackluster, though. Her passive doesn't make sense since most of her skills are long range, and being a squishy doesn't help either. It's impressive in laning phase (not against good lane control champion, though), but getting worse and worse as the game progress. I wish they kept her old passive before releasing, where it illuminate anyone gets hit by her ability and reveal them for 6 seconds.
Secondly, her shield is the weakest form of shield I've ever seen. What a shame that her true skill was bugged too much that they have to replace it with this one. The only thing I like about her is her ulti, and that's the only reason I spent my hard earned IP on her released day.

Honestly, there is better supporter than Lux and can hurt more than her (Morg/Sona/Janna), and if you need a mage, you're better off with Morg/Annie/Ryze or Anivia.

Tiberium Wolf 2010-11-06 05:32

It so hard to target in this game. I mean not actually target. I can't seem to see if my hero is attacking the correct target or not when you have mobs around the hero. In W3 that would only be the case if you had tons of mobs.

Kafriel 2010-11-06 07:09


Honestly, there is better supporter than Lux and can hurt more than her (Morg/Sona/Janna), and if you need a mage, you're better off with Morg/Annie/Ryze or Anivia.
I wouldn't know, my choice is severely limited, given that I've been playing for two days...(but I liked the code of Summoner, at least there's written etiquette that people ought to follow) Anyways, about Lux, her passive is a good deterrent towards potential pushers and helps a lot during the first few levels where killing creeps with attacks can take forever.

I wish they kept her old passive before releasing, where it illuminate anyone gets hit by her ability and reveal them for 6 seconds.
I think added damage beats revealing, unless you're out for blood from the get helps last-hitting and is recast everytime you cast a spell, so it's easily chainable.

Duo Maxwell 2010-11-06 07:31


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3334072)
I think added damage beats revealing, unless you're out for blood from the get helps last-hitting and is recast everytime you cast a spell, so it's easily chainable.

Good players won't let you do that. I mean, they can easily avoid your slow, and when they get hit by your binding, do you honestly think it's smart to risk it just for a mere addition 100 damages by closing your range with your enemies? T
Beside, Lux doesn't have the luxury of casting - hitting - then casting in team combat. Positioning is her utmost important problem, and by trying to attack the enemy with her basic attack just to trigger your passive, you basically save your opponent the trouble of trying to reach you. Her range isn't something to brag about, and her survivability is what you'd call squishy that will go down with just several hit from Twitch/Kog/Tris.

I don't think you have ever used Clairvoyance before, since you think reveal your enemy isn't important? That's one of the summoner spell that I would trade Flash or Ignite for. Sight is extremely important in this game, because of the existence of bush. A good team won't go to a game without at least 1 Clairvoyance.

Just trust me, Lux will be buffed, because even Shurelia/Guinsoo think she is kinda lackluster/underpowered.

Kafriel 2010-11-06 07:41

^ Can't use clairvoyance yet, too low level :) Well, I'm playing low-level games for now, so she's good for my league. Dunno if I'll go as far as buying her as my first, I've got other champs in my sight.

retards and assholes are everywhere, and LoL is no exception.
You can say that again...two games, I devided to play 5v5, and both went seriously bad. First game ended up 4v5 since one of us went afk as soon as the game started, leaving me alone to defend against two peeps, ending up in me getting killed 4 times. Then starts the uncivilized discussion "would be better if you were afk" and "you feed them and now they kill me", ending up in me running to the rescue, which I did. Then we decided to push mid, and yet I ended up being the only one there as the others were...iunno, eating popcorn at the shop? So anyways, I got ambushed by all 4 sides, died, obnoxious dude starts lolling, someone calls up a surrender vote..."who the fuck voted NO!?", enemies kill nexus, we lose. After the game, "Go play practice matches you noob, don't take us down with you!", "hope I never pair with you again" and all sorts of happy thoughts materialized in the chat room.

Second game was a lot simpler, bottom guy starts pinging till my ears bleed, others complain, he says he wants to duo lane with his pal, but Summoner 3 wants to do botand won't let them. I switch to bot and send them mid, crisis over...but then bot dude starts pinging aaaaall the time, dropping the team's morale and diverting my attention, ending in a surprise death although we were actually doing pretty well. Then bot dude starts jungling while we're being pushed back, we lose again...two of the saddest games I've ever experienced in mah life :sad:

P.S: how do you propose surrender?
EDIT2: nvm, found it...

Xacual 2010-11-06 14:36

^^ Good site for looking up builds and other info with the bonus of having a ton of skins for all the champions. Some pretty good ones with effect changes too, though of course since they are fan made expect the usual "lol nude" for the female champs.

Tiberium Wolf 2010-11-07 09:09

I specially like that Drow alike char where you send the 4th spell an arrow for dmg, stun and slow. Managed today in game hit ppl half away across the map. :) 1 of them was a kill.

Kafriel 2010-11-07 09:23

Ashe's best asset imo is her arrow spray, it's like minion-pesticide :D Her ulti's good but easily avoidable (since it is HUGE and eye-catching), although it can work wonders in assists. Today's games were much better, I actually started making some dough off the wins and the losses were good games. Who would you suggest as an L2P champ of an intermediate level?

-Sho- 2010-11-07 10:12

Use Ashe's ulti at the right time , very useful when the opponent run away.

Also Ez's one is good too and powerful if well used ;)

Duo Maxwell 2010-11-07 11:05


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3335481)
Ashe's best asset imo is her arrow spray, it's like minion-pesticide :D Her ulti's good but easily avoidable (since it is HUGE and eye-catching), although it can work wonders in assists. Today's games were much better, I actually started making some dough off the wins and the losses were good games. Who would you suggest as an L2P champ of an intermediate level?

Depend on which style you feel the most comfort, and you play solo most of the time or with your friend. If you are solo, I'd suggest just go for tank (link Amumu, Garen, Galio, etc), because at around lv 15 ~ 25 is the time you're starting to hate LoL Community. Nobody want to play tank, and it always results in 5 squishy champions getting crushed. The worse thing is no one will admit it's their fault. So most cases will come to flaming each other/quitter/afker.
If you have at least 2 friends, then I suggest just go with whatever you like.

I mostly play as AP champs, or sometimes a tank (Galio, Nasus), so if you decide to play one of them, you can ask me anything :p. Pantheon is the only physical char I'm playing

Was meeting a good Ashe, and does she awesome. Although she almost never participate in any team combat, her arrow save us many win. She kept on farming but didn't become useless, and when it reached 30 minutes mark, she wrecked the enemy team.

Kafriel 2010-11-07 11:55


at around lv 15 ~ 25 is the time you're starting to hate LoL Community.
I've noticed that at higher levels, people don't hesitate to act pro, which consists of the following:
1) Ping spam to nudge others to get off their lane.
2) Spam "noob" messages with the other team.
3) Accuse their lane partner of KSing, becomes worse when it comes to ganking.
4) Say they could have done it alone, and then complain about the lack of reinforcements xD

About my style: I've been playing tons of mages, my expertise is tanks from other games, and I suck at power attackers because I die before I can say "lolwut". I ran into a Rammus guide earlier, guess I'll start from there :)

Duo Maxwell 2010-11-07 12:21


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3335620)
About my style: I've been playing tons of mages, my expertise is tanks from other games, and I suck at power attackers because I die before I can say "lolwut". I ran into a Rammus guide earlier, guess I'll start from there :)

Play AP Galio. That's godlike.

Btw, you must have worst luck to actually has someone accused you of KS-ing :heh:. I haven't even seen that term for a very long time in LoL.

Kafriel 2010-11-07 13:07

^ Galio's a bit...pricey (6300), I get around 2k IP in 3 days :upset: Should I save up?

OceanBlue 2010-11-07 13:30


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3335699)
^ Galio's a bit...pricey (6300), I get around 2k IP in 3 days :upset: Should I save up?

You should wait until he's free and try him out. Galio doesn't play like Veigar or Annie. His attacks don't do much damage [One's for poking and another's for slowing/poking, as far as I've seen], and his other attack is a shield. What he's really useful for is tanking/initiating, since his ult allows you to do a lot of AoE damage while holding the enemy team in place for your team to whack at them. Literally, from what I've seen, people's assessment of how good you are with Galio depends on how well you can use your ult.

At least, that's what I understand from playing him for a bit and seeing him being played. I'm terrible with him though, and I'm not very good either.

Kafriel 2010-11-07 15:11

So I checked out a hardcore full throttle AP Galio guide, where the thread starter believes he is a jungle god and a natural farmer, but iunno it just seems so...hard! @_@

Just two days to the next champ rotation...

Izayoi 2010-11-07 19:34

Lux is a horrible burst(?) and a horrible support, I really don't know what to do with her. The only reason I play her is because she is blonde, moe, and is referenced to Marisa. What the hell is the shield suppose to do anyway? With 600 AP at Level 18, her shield only blocks 300 damage. I couldn't even save someone from burst by Annie.

DragoonKain3 2010-11-07 20:21

Ashe's ult really depends on your skill level with her. I've seen Ashes who shoot the arrow from fountain, and teleport near the intended target just as the arrows lands in middle lane. Or shoot from mid lane and arrow someone in a sidelane to help the jungler gank. And they do this with frightening consistency.

Oh yeah, for those who don't know, Ashe's ult is global; you don't have to be anywhere near in order to use her arrow. And best way to do it is when people don't expect it, like doing it several screens away in the fog of war, use it in bush, or when everyone is already busy with the tank initiating.

For Galio, he plays best the solo lane (ie. a side lane by himself because someone on their team is jungling). Since he should pack flash/ghost to initiate, and that he only needs to combo his Q+E to farm caster minions, it should be pretty safe assuming you only clear minions when they start creeping on your tower.

I usually go 0/22/8 with Galio, packing my usual dodge seals/quints + flat mr glyphs/marks. Chalice --> boots of speed --> Banshee's Veil --> boot upgrade depending on enemy make up --> Aegis of Legion is the item build I usually take him.

Oh yeah, don't get Ardor in the defense tree, as it doesn't stack with his passive for who knows what reason.

The way I play him is poke poke poke poke poke poke poke. When I sense the team is ready to back me up, or when the opponent is low in health or they're clumped up together, that's when flash --> ult comes in to initiate.

For Lux, yeah, she's overshadowed by Morgana. Lux is supposed to be longer range than Morg, but with her passive being a good part of her damage combo, her range isn't much further than Morg's since she needs to auto-attack in order to get it off. Plus her shield

She's fun and all, but man, I wish they implemented her W being able to stealth anyone it touches. THEN she has something over Morgana; but as of right now, apart from reducing her ult to 30 seconds or upgrading its AP to 1.0 or more, she will remain in the shadow of Morgana.

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