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Xion Valkyrie 2012-01-09 05:41

It's been a while since I found a manga that literally had me ROFLMAO'ing.

The art is great and the action scenes are way beyond my expectations. Maybe UFOTable could animate this next =D

Kanon 2012-01-09 07:57


Originally Posted by ReddyRedWolf (Post 3939472)
Wait a new Fate/Kaleid manga thread? Hurrah!

New chp out.

Poor Bazett Luvia did charge the bill. Considering this and Carnival Phantasm Bazett always ends up with odd jobs. Illya, Kuro and Miyu are intimidated to buy by this ice cream seller.

We also get the plausibility Shirou is Miyu's brother. How that works I'm not sure. For what little she revealed she was sent overseas after her father died.

Oh Issei appeared too.

The Bazett part was hilarious. I love how proudly she announced that she was just "an ordinary ice pops vendor" at the moment. She's so intense :heh:

Tatsuko was a riot in this chapter as well, but it's nothing unusual for her.

I don't know about Miyu being Shirou's sister. For starters, there's no reason she would remember him while he doesn't. Secondly, she must have been what..2 years old? when Shirou was adopted by Kiritsugu so it's unlikely she'd remember him. However, given how much we are being teased about her backstory, she is bound to be related to a character from Fate, I just can't see who. Ithekro's theory about her being from an alternate universe seems the most likely to me right now.

ReddyRedWolf 2012-01-09 09:59

One theory is that she is Fate Stay Shirou's sister that probably died and summoned in the Fate Kaleid universe. Though that sort of magic is what Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg can do. The Kaleidostick can only transfer knowledge and abilities from a alternate version of a user using Prism Trance.

Ithekro 2012-01-09 16:32

Hmmmm. Miyu is the one character that is not in any Fate series, so one must weight the options (aside from author insert). Her description suggests she is Shirou's sister, though we don't know when or how he was adopted by the Einzberns. But Miyu's story would seem to follow Shirou's normal story were his adopted father eventually dies leaving him under Taiga's care. But here, that adopted father is still alive...though he's not shown himself back home yet.

Hmmm, I wonder what Miyu's reaction would be if Kiritsugu returned home? Would he remind her of her father?

Yet we still have the birthday clue. Miyu and Illya have the same birthday (though Miyu has never celebrated it before...which is odd). Having the same birthday is sort of rare. If Miyu sees Kiritsugu as her father and Shirou as her brother...than wouldn't that make her another version of Illya? The piece missing is Kiritsugu. But then if that was true, wouldn't Miyu recognize Irisviel as her mother? Or was there a different twist in that world? Hisau Maiya?

But only if Miyu sees Kiritsugu as her father. If she doesn't, than somehow she's Shirou's blood sister...and that still throws the birthday question around.

Especially since Illya (at least in Fate/Stay Night) is older than Shirou by a year or so. While here, Illya is clearly much younger, being a middle school student, and a baby ten years ago (as oppose to a tiny eight year old as she would appear in Fate/Zero)

Illya, Miyu (and by default Kuro) are the oddities here. Everyone else seems more of less the same given the situation.

ReddyRedWolf 2012-01-09 19:22

Hmm... Miyu is Maya's daughter? As far as I now Maya was pregnant before Kiritsugu found her but that doesn't seem to gel well with the history in this universe.

GDB 2012-01-09 19:45

So, with Shirou helping Issei out in what appears to be the same way as the normal FSN universe, is this hinting that Shirou is aware of his ability to Trace and is actively practicing it while no one else is aware of him doing so?

ReddyRedWolf 2012-01-09 20:09


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 3940381)
So, with Shirou helping Issei out in what appears to be the same way as the normal FSN universe, is this hinting that Shirou is aware of his ability to Trace and is actively practicing it while no one else is aware of him doing so?

Well Illya living a normal life till Ruby came along indicates she is out of the loop about magic and all that.

Iri and Kiritsugu were deliberate on that sealing her memories. The maids are in it too.

On the flip side Shirou doesn't know Illya is a magic girl and Rin and Luvia are magicians.

Ithekro 2012-01-09 20:16

Everything appears to be the same in the universe, save for that Illya is younger than normal, and there hasn't ever been a Holy Grail War. The mages and all that are still there. (well and bcause there was no Holy Grail War, some people are alive now).

Yet the Heroic Spirits....or their cards, exist and the Mage Association wants them for some reason. Because no one summons magical servents, the wands were made to give use Magical Girls....Rin and Luvia at first (lulz, like they can work together without complcations) and now Illya, the mysterious Miya, and my default Kuro (who I suppose it like a magical servant....but not).

GDB 2012-01-09 20:22

I suppose I'm just hoping/grasping for straws that, at some point, Shirou shows up all Gar-like for at least one page tracing and such to protect someone.

ReddyRedWolf 2012-01-09 20:25


Originally Posted by Ithekro (Post 3940414)
Everything appears to be the same in the universe, save for that Illya is younger than normal, and there hasn't ever been a Holy Grail War. The mages and all that are still there. (well and bcause there was no Holy Grail War, some people are alive now).

Also Rin's mother being a foreigner means it isn't Aoi. Sakura doesn't seem to be her biological sister. So maybe Sakura is Kariya and Aoi's daughter.

Ithekro 2012-01-09 20:38


Hmm... Miyu is Maya's daughter? As far as I now Maya was pregnant before Kiritsugu found her but that doesn't seem to gel well with the history in this universe.
Maiya is a guess. Looking for things that might fit based on things around the time Miya should be born in this universe...assuming she is from this universe at all. Trouble is we know I guess nothing about Shirou's real parents.

Where does Rin mention her mother? I've not found that yet. I figured Sakura wasn't biological...or at least if she was, something different happened (since there is not color in those panels we can't really tell if Sakura has purple hair, and if she does, why?)

As someone would say that "Genetics don't work that way".

Come to think of it...I wonder about the rest of the Fate/Zero human cast. We only really know about Irisviel and Kiritsugu...even though he's not appeared directly with Illya in the present. Most shouldn't be all that important in the story, but Rin's family and Kariya are sort of important (if Sakura is use again...otherwise it is background just to get Rin and Luvia to fight over Shirou for laughs). Also Waver Valvet. He's not important, but he's life would be a little different without a certain servant.

Besides, this author seems to like oddly placed cameos.

GDB 2012-01-09 20:43

As far as Miya goes, remember what Caren said about her. She called her an "accident" in the same vein as Kuro being a "miracle".


Originally Posted by Ithekro (Post 3940444)
Where does Rin mention her mother?

Forget the chapter, but at one point Luvia insults all of Japan and the Japanese, and Rin says something along the lines of "Hey, don't forget I'm half Japanese on my father's side."

As for Waver, we've seen him. He's Zelricht's assistant or otherwise in a similar post at the Clock Tower.

ReddyRedWolf 2012-01-09 21:03


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 3940457)
As far as Miya goes, remember what Caren said about her. She called her an "accident" in the same vein as Kuro being a "miracle".

Well that would be depressing given a certain context.

Another possibility is that Miya is an accident in the same vein as Neco Arc who was summoned by Zelretch.

GDB 2012-01-09 21:10

That's my interpretation of an accident. Given the context of the other two girls being compared, not being wanted by her parents isn't exactly what one would think.

Ithekro 2012-01-09 21:23

Save that is seems like it was Luvia and suppose Rin had to go though some procedure to get her into Illya's school, the same one they went through to get Kuro into it.

One has to wonder just what Sapphire did to get a new master before Luvia arrived. Ruby just barely managed to get bound to Illya before Rin showed up. Miya shows up by the time Illya has her first mssion...and Miya is quite skilled right at the start, while Illlya is a cluster of nerves and reactions. Miya is also quite cold to about everyone. So wondering is about all that we have. There are so many....rules to the universe that includes familiars and the like. And so many possible alternates. Plus Ruby is connected to Sapphire. Could they have reacted a familiar based on Illya?

ReddyRedWolf 2012-01-09 21:44

Ok here is another theory. Miya is Shirou's sister. Being an "Accident" means she was sent away as only one successor to being a mage is the reason.

For some reason similar to FSN Shirou here due to some trauma doesn't remember. But that means Miya should be older than 10. Hmm... That doesn't work right.

Anybody with a better one?

Ithekro 2012-01-09 22:25

Well...she's presented at first like a Mary Sue. Miya is way more intelligent than her classmates. She's faster than Illya (the present fastest in track), and has better cooking skills than maybe even Shirou. But even so...logic suggests she has an origin someplace.

Shirou is still adopted by Kiritsugu in this world. I don't think they give a time for him to be adopted. Nor do we know what happened to his family in this timeline.

We know Ruby takes a blood sample, physical contact, and a full name to make a contract. Than opens up alternate realities to make Illya a magical girl. Sapphire, as far as I remember, doesn't go into detail about how she found Miya, nor does Miya talk about it in particular (that I recall).

Miya appears for the first time at Illya's school the day after she appears the first time as a magical girl in front of Illya (capturing the "Rider" card). Illya thinks it is too predictible....Illya watches too much magaical girl anime. Therefore, even though Miya is Illya's age, she was not enrolled in Illya's school until after she became a magical girl. She was probably also in Japan at the time since that is where Luvia and Sapphire had a falling out. Sapphire seems much more willing to talk about stuff than Ruby, but they both seems to keep stuff from others. Is there a chance they used Illya's blood to summon another verson of her and implant that on say, a cat, to create a familiar? But Miya doesn't seem to have the power of the grail inside her like Illya seems to still have. It is a mess.

So far we have, same birthday as Illya. Thinks Shirou looks like her brother. She was overseas at somepoint. Her father died and her brother went away.

That points, oddly, to her being Illya. Aside from the same birthday, Illya in Fate/Stay Night...Shirou is adapted and becomes her brother. She goes overseas to live in Europe. Her father dies. She comes back to Japan. It was just the three of them since Irisviel was dead by then.

It is just a matter of timing. I don't know the details of when or how Kiritsugu left Illya (the why I assume had something to do with Irisviel and the war) and took Shirou with him. I know Kiritsugu died about five years before Fate/Stay Night and Shirou was alone....or rather in Taiga's care. Illya was with the Einzberns and I guess would have had issues with Shirou for taking daddy away. But if Miya is a version of this Illya...why does she look different...and why is she so cold. Even F/SN Illya smiled a lot. That is why I'm thinking familiar...probably because of seeing Len in Carnival Phantasm...the "emotionless" familiar.

But we are still in the dark I guess.

"Accident" meaning something that wasn't suppose to happen. Kuro would be a "miracle" because she's basically an unbound servant/clone I suppose. Miya might be something like that as well, but with Sapphire she's had unlimited she's here to stay...were Kuro could vanish. So it isn't a "miracle" that Miya is still around...just an "accident". At least I think that is how it works?

But that too is likely grasping at to speak.

hinode 2012-01-09 22:43

It's pretty much a lock that Miyu's origins are magical in nature, somehow. Kuro stated as much in 2wei chapter 8, and Miyu never contested her on that point.

Miyu being a homunculus or something similar would make a lot of sense; it'd explain her initial parody sue-level intelligence and speed, as well as her underdeveloped social skills. Like Ithekro, I find her shared birthday with Illya too suspicious to be a coincidence - that makes no sense if she's merely Shirou's biological sister, or some clone/AU counterpart thereof.

At this point, my best guess is that she's some alternate-universe equivalent of Illya, who got pulled into a different dimension somehow and put into a homunculus body with altered memories.

(Incidentally, one more difference between Prisma Illya and FSN - homunculi! Sella and Leysritt are almost certainly human here; they don't demonstrate any of their inhuman specialized homunculi abilities and clearly have human lifespans. I suspect Irisviel's just a regular human as well. She definately wasn't made to be a Grail vessel in this timeline since Illya was slated to be the original one, but it's possible she's just much less modified and thus closer to human. Illya's the only one who's pretty clearly still been modified, but even with her the process seems to have been different, since she's aging conventionally here.)

Thess 2012-01-10 00:28


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 3940457)
Forget the chapter, but at one point Luvia insults all of Japan and the Japanese, and Rin says something along the lines of "Hey, don't forget I'm half Japanese on my father's side."

I thought that was a subtle jab that the Tohsaka paternal grandmother might have been an Edelfelt even in an AU?

Terminator98 2012-01-10 01:25

It was said somewhere (Character Material I think) that during the 3rd Grail War, the Tohsaka candidate beat the Edelfelt older or younger sister I think (can't remember). Either by them afterwards falling in love and Marrying the Tohsaka, or having her Thaumaturgical Crest stolen... The Edelfelt sister gave the Tohsakas the Gandr spells (which would explain why Rin can use it as well as Luvia).

So yeah, there's definitely a relationship between the Tohsakhas and the Edelfelt.

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