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SimplyEd 2004-04-06 19:22


Originally Posted by NoSanninWa
I was rather impressed by the feeling of power that Takeru's transformation exuded. Normally when a character super-jumps he bounces lightly and gracefully off the scenery. He is very different. He leaves craters in the ground and shatters trees that he jumps off of. The palpable sense of raw power is shockingly brutal.


davFunereal 2004-04-06 19:23

It's a victory from GAINAX --work went into this one. Watch it.

chamelean75 2004-04-06 19:39

It was alright. Maybe it will stray from the usual action anime genre of good guy protects girl against evil and he always wins. maybe there will be a twist.

Kagari-chan 2004-04-06 19:48

Knowing Gainax, they'll probably make it into some big apocilyptic plot line like Eva, which would be cool IMO since the opening narration kind of hinted at something of that sort.

Crimson 2004-04-06 20:00

This series looks very promising. It definately looks like another GOLD from Gainax. i'm glad that its not a fanservice series, or at least it doesn't look like it. It kinda has a Evangelion feel to it which i like, and you can tell theres going to be alot of twists and suprises in this one.

Just from the first episode i can tell Gainax has put alot of effort into this series, and i'm highly anticipating the next episode, and the other slew of anime series they are comming out with this year.


Originally Posted by Mb81
I really disappointed in this anime series. I expected a lot more serious anime series from Gainax and not a collection of nude scences in the first episode (lol).

So far, only an average series.

Dude, there was one nude scene, ONE, not a collection. You hardly even saw the girls nipples. This series so far has been serious and it definately has a dark feeling to it. I doubt Gainax will turn it into a fanservic series either.

bOcyOgl 2004-04-06 20:16

the overall animation is good, but kinda turn me off when i find out its those transform to hero and defeat monster types.

hikari is kinda scary, seems like she has a good and bad personality inside her.

and is the hero's friend going to have superpowers too ??

Tommy 2004-04-06 20:33

All I have to say is WTF! What a weird show.... But I like it. Looks like Hikari could turn out to be an evil manipulative horror in the end.

wireless 2004-04-06 20:38

I got the impression that Hikari is supposedly the one (or one of the two) responsible for the unexplained phenomena (the past 6 events of mass extinction). It was only after she cut Takeru when she got pulled away by the monster that he transformed, so I'm guessing she influences those around her to kill off species or something, I also noticed that his tranformation was mostly the expansion of the cuts to all over his body. I know im going to be wayy off but whatever :)
Hikari = KAWAII :D:D:D:D
p.s. - is it just me or does hikari look like a mini-haruka (KgNE) with long hair?

Mitsuko 2004-04-06 20:44

sounds interesting

babbito2k 2004-04-06 20:57

I got a lot less out of the first episode than a lot of people seem to have done. I can't see that the series is very good or bad either way, and I suspect it will be neither. There were a few hints dropped about this and that but nothing was explained. It would have been nice to find out a little more about what took place.

The only impression I got was a) GAINAX still remembers how to do those crazy missile trails and they are very proud of that, and b) this is not going to be any more astounding than any of the studio's other post-Anno offerings.

brightman 2004-04-06 21:12

Since this is from the staff of Mahoromatic (none of the creative staff worked on Evangelion to my knowledge) I doubt we'll be seeing that many resemblances to Eva. However Mahoromatic did have quite a few dark episodes (remember the last episode? It was so out of the ordinary), and I have a feeling that this show might resemble those a bit. Anyway, this show's been announced for quite a bit of time, so they've been working on this for a while. And it's a work that celebrates GAINAX's 20th anniversary, so I expect this to turn out well. :)

RyuHayabusa 2004-04-06 21:36

I've seen the 1st episode of it last night after a downloading it and I must say, that I loved it. It feels like a dark anime, but with light overtones, and this is my opinion, but it seems that Gainax is doing an homage to the live action japanese superheroes show with this one. Plus I like the fact that Hikari might not be who she seems after all. This one is on the must watch list now, along with Tenjou Tenge and The Mars anime ^_^. I need a break from shoujo and I guess I'm getting my wish lol :heh:

darkchibi07 2004-04-06 21:50

So this show is promising, eh? Knowing that this is Gainax's 20th Anniversary work, I expect a good amount of "weirdness" and surprises from them. I plan to download it once the Lent season is over since I gave up downloading anime episodes and AMVs.

Seiryuu 2004-04-06 21:51

Yes, this is by Gainax, the sometimes-infamous producers of EVA(you know, that show that started good and got us hooked, then, once the hooks were in, slowly peeled one layer after another off of us as painfully as possible... And then swallowed our brains whole with the movie sequel), but I wouldn't worry. After all, Gainax also produced Puchi Puri Yuushi. They don't always set out to put us into the mental hospital. Anyhow, I get the feeling that this'll be a bit like Steel Angel Kurumi. That is, this innocent will finally fully awaken to her "purpose" of destroying all, and will turn into a monster(though maybe not physically). Then, here comes the hero to make her remember that she loves life and doesn't want to eradicate it like this. Fairly standard, but I never tire of such stories.
Also, please don't bash it because it's a story that's been told before. Once you eliminate all the frills, all plots become merely mixtures of sixteen to twenty simple stories. There's only so much that the most basic skeletal plot can do. It's really what you do with that skeleton that determines if a story will be great or Eva.

BTW, has anyone noticed that the "evil" Hikari looks a lot like the "other" girl? Hikari has light red hair and blue-green eyes. The thing that seems to have killed the mega-silverfish had dark red hair and purple eyes, just like the other one in the op.

Kagari-chan 2004-04-06 22:03

Maybe it's her "other self" as the OP lyrics imply ;) it does seem to be from her point of view.

Muir Woods 2004-04-06 22:27

I just saw episode one, and I'll spill my thoughts. It is intriguing so far, and I read the posts above, so I won't complain about the plot. I'm a little bit confused though. Character designs are so-so. So okay they're cute, but do they have the personality to back it up? We'll see. But I already developed a dislike for Ryou. I thought the open/end songs were mediocre as well. But then again, J-Pop music never appealed to me. There are the extremely rare anime songs that I liked [eg. the end song of Mahoromatic (season 1), intro of Tsukihime, but that was an instrumental] :heh: . Whatever, different tastes in music.

I'll keep watching it for the sake of watching it, since this is going to be an extremely popular show. 20th anniversary work you say? Must be a "must watch".

Wandering_Youth 2004-04-06 22:44

I take it you guys are talking about the RAW right?

RyuHayabusa 2004-04-06 22:49


Originally Posted by Wandering_Youth
I take it you guys are talking about the RAW right?

Nope. The subbed 1st episode came out last night.

brightman 2004-04-06 22:59


Originally Posted by Seiryuu
BTW, has anyone noticed that the "evil" Hikari looks a lot like the "other" girl? Hikari has light red hair and blue-green eyes. The thing that seems to have killed the mega-silverfish had dark red hair and purple eyes, just like the other one in the op.

The "other" girl is Hikari's "sister" (I think) Akari... You see that bright light splitting into two in this episode... So they split into two or something... I guess we'll be seeing her sometime int he future.

Anyway, I posted this before, but in case you missed it, here's why some of the voices in this anime sound familiar if you've seen Mahoromatic:

Hikari is played by Ayako Kawasumi who did Mahoro
Akari is played by Ai Shimizu who did Minawa
Ryou is played by Fujiko Takimoto who did Suguru
Jennifer Potman (hasn't appeared yet) is played by Yumi Takada who did Shikijo-sensei
Mari is played by Asami Sanada who did Chizuko
Amika is played by Yumi Kikuchi who did Miyuki
Sakurako is played by Manabi Mizuno who did Rin
Shinichi is played by Atsushi Kisaichi who did Kiyomi
Daijirou is played by Hideki Ogihara who did Toshiya

So most of the main cast (with the exception of Takeru) is straight from the main cast of Mahoromatic. :)

davFunereal 2004-04-06 23:02


Originally Posted by Wandering Youth
I take it you guys are talking about the RAW right?


Well, bumping it over is fine too. This Ugly and Beautiful World is listed as Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai. The only version as I write this is A-E & A-Keep.

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