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DingoEnderZOE2 2004-08-26 14:10

Ohhhh So I guess there are some Japanese who are embarrassed by playing a role in a Ero-game or Hentai Anime.Thats kind of surprising. I was wondering why I couldn't find any voice actress names in some of my games. Now I know the answer.

Izzy 2004-08-26 21:06


Originally Posted by brightman
No... That would be Tohru Furuya...

But he IS voiced by Tomokazu Seki who's done an equally impressive list of roles. (and I guess both happened to voice a main character in Gundam too...) bad on the grammar....

"I think someone mentioned in this forum long ago that he looks like Pegasus from Saint Seya"

I hope that corrects the missunderstanding :heh:

kj1980 2004-08-26 23:15


Originally Posted by DingoEnderZOE2
Wait a minute so the name of Akane's voice actress in my Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien instruction Manual is a Pen name or something? Or was that a fake name or something?

And I refer you to this thread:

There are many factors why seiyuus use fact the seiyuu name that you know might not be their real name at all!

Here in Japan, many talents have gei-mei - a name that is amusing and interesting to remember. For example, there was this one famous talent who recently passed away that every Japanese people knew whose name was Ikariya Chousuke. However, "Ikariya Chousuke" was his gei-mei (talent name) spelled いかりや長介, while his actual name was "Ikariya Chouichi," spelled 碇矢長一.

Seiyuus are not an exception. Some may keep their own name. Others, would change their name so it "sounds" interesting to remember.

Hmm, a bad example would be some guy who has a great song, but the record company finds his real name to be rather boring, like John Smith. So the record company gives him a kick-ass name like Elvis Bon Jovi. While his driver's license and birth certificate still says "John Smith," he is now know to the world as "Elvis Bon Jovi."

So, a seiyuu name that you might know, may not be his/her real name...which you won't know. For instance, Kawamura Maria (I guess Americans would best know her as Naga from "Slayers"). "Kawamura Maria" is her gei-mei, and her real name is Kawamura Shigeyo.

So, going back, yes it was obviously known that Uehara Tomomi = Mizuhashi Kaori. You can alterate Akane's voice within your brain (nounai-henkan) to Rosetta in "Kaleidostar" (to me, it was the other way around - Rosetta alterates to Akane). But then, there is no guarantee that even Mizuhashi Kaori is her real name...perhaps she maybe married and no one knows that, so her surname might be different now.

But for now, Mizuhashi Kaori is her "front name" that she uses in "normal" anime, while Uehara Tomomi (and countless others she has used such as Nanoda Sanae and Tsukishima Rio) was her "back name" that she uses in ero-related anime and games...

Some seiyuus choose to use their name for both worlds. For instance, Ueda Yuuji and Seki Tomokazu uses their name without change "Akane Maniax." On the other hand, others separate their usage for "front" and "back" like Hoshi Souichiro, who goes by the pseudonym "Aiba Tsuyoshi" as Shirogane Takeru in MuvLuv. There are numerous reasons that one can think protect their image, because they were "advised" (meaning, "you'd better change your name or else we'll fire you) from their talent-production agency, or just for the fun of it.

So I wonder why all of sudden Mizuhashi Kaori decided to drop her Uehara Tomomi facade?

Takemi_Ikazuchi 2004-08-27 00:58

It doesn't quite make sense doesn't it, since most of the otaku already know her alias

I think she intends to notifiy some people within the industry, which may not necessarily know about it.

Balmung 2004-10-21 23:25

Hi there!!!
Ermm.. wanna ask fans of Kimi ga Nozomu Eien fans here, is this anime hentai?? cause i just watch til 3rd Ep but scared it will contain nudity or some contents not suitable for below 18, as my bro and sis also watching it, and we all think it is an interesting anime.... ARRRRR... i almost cried during the end of Ep 2.......

kj1980 2004-10-21 23:30

What constitutes as "hentai" does not necessarily comply with what we call "ero-anime" or "18-kin anime."

I have no idea how strict your country's ethical standards for TV broadcasts, but I assure you "Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien" is well within bounds of TV censors according our national standards to not be considered as an ero-anime.

If it were, it wouldn't be broadcast in the first place.

kujoe 2004-10-22 03:20


Originally Posted by Balmung
Ermm.. wanna ask fans of Kimi ga Nozomu Eien fans here, is this anime hentai?? cause i just watch til 3rd Ep but scared it will contain nudity or some contents not suitable for below 18, as my bro and sis also watching it, and we all think it is an interesting anime.... ARRRRR... i almost cried during the end of Ep 2.......

Well, I don't know how strict your family is when it comes to parental guidance but just to inform you, there will be "mature content." Take note, that I did not say porn, nor would I ever categorize it as R18 material, but be advised that not every soccer mom will be pleased when she catches her little children watching such things.

No offense man, but even I let my younger cousins watch this series and even they had the maturity to take such content seriously. If a number helps, I'd say PG or PG13. And that's pretty normal if you ask me.

Takemi_Ikazuchi 2004-10-22 23:03

I would consider this PG-17

Balmung 2004-10-23 01:58

Hoho... thanks for all of the guidance!! (^_^) I have watched til Ep 6 already!!!

Sephirpth 2004-10-23 08:50

You know, it wasn't 3 days before I watched KGNE (for the 10th time; I ;love it) and it was then after that I though that the Producers of the series owed us a continuation. It wasn't until last night after work that I figured it out that my wish came true ^^. SO technically I already knew that this would happen. Sometimes I feel like I can draw a future to reality.

andrew632 2004-11-02 13:38

The content in Kimi ga Nozomu Eien is nothing worse than you could see on primetime network television in the United States. It's something that could air uncensored on Cartoon Network.

DarkCntry 2004-11-02 15:38

Actually, even Adult Swim would have to edit specific scenes and possibly modify a couple more to fit within TV-MA standards for network television. Nudity is still a bit iffy as Adult Swim hasn't had a show that deals with it yet, so who knows if it would be edited for that specific content.

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