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Cereal 2006-11-25 01:49

C.C will win LULU !

Darkside 2006-11-26 05:31

Lelouch is such a badass.

Timeless Enigma 2006-12-02 03:01

I think there's are several good characters, but one of them really stands out for me.

She is Kallen Stadtfeld. One of the main reasons is her seiyuu Ami Koshimizu. She has great voice acting and I think she pulls off Kallen's character perfectly, from her demure Britannian character to her true nature, the feisty terrorist. I think she does both of these voices very well.

But Kallen also reminds me of a Fllay Allster from Gundam SEED (I may be one of her only fans). Actually, maybe it's just her two-facedness and her hair. I think Cecile Croomy also resembles Fllay (in appearance only). But you got this great-looking girl who can give someone like Jeremiah "Orange" Gottwald trouble in a mech. She also has great character potential. I hope her importance increases over the course of the show, I consider her the "heroine" of Code Geass

antheonoileo 2006-12-02 03:56

I dun hate good characters (I like both Naruto and Syaoran) but I'm sick of Suzaku. His ends is good, his mean (peacefully and from inside) seem good too, but what he is doing in reality ? I dunno why he is still considered (by others and himself) good one when he still willing to be a solder killing people (It doesn't means that a solder is bad but being a solder here to protect what/whom? Plz count, how many people did he save and kill - not to mention that it is only god - the producer's will that he is not ordered to kill much more, like other nightmares). Back to ep1, he did save the woman (or with her child ?) but he is one of those who are responsible for the death of many others, not to mention that if Lulu didn't involve by threatening Clovis, many others would have been killed after his Lancelot's victory (though Suzaku then would still be considered innocent again as he hadn't directly kill them, lol)

Though some people may not like Kira Yamato, he is still more understandable than this Suzaku (at least, what he does is defending, but for Suzaku, it is attacking. See the difference ?)

Vote for Lulu and C.C. I really like others, but if then I'll have to vote for at least ten ^_^

Ashlotte 2006-12-04 22:21


Originally Posted by Sonhex (Post 747153)
But the big question remains: just who the hell is voting for Lloyd?

*raises hand*


And how can you not like lloyd...He just intrigues me I guess. I still havent gotten a real good feel for just what he thinks about whats going on along with what exactly his goals are.

I just cant help but feel theres more to him...Maybe not but we'll see. ;)

Animeblue 2006-12-08 20:57

Lelouch for me

W-General 2006-12-11 20:26
A result is out.


Suzaku is too high. Damn yaoi fangirls fujoshi

Cal-Reflector 2006-12-11 20:48


Originally Posted by W-General (Post 766376)
A result is out.


Suzaku is too high. Damn yaoi fangirls fujoshi

Well, considering more than three-quarters of the Japanese fansites are dedicated to SuzaLulu, Suzaku scoring high is inevitable. Sad, maybe, but that's how it is. I'm surprised Suzaku isn't number two actually.

Karen's higher than CC is what surprises me. One steamy shower-scene from three months ago shouldn't give her that much mileage, and the nude-sleep scene should've come in too late to affect the outcome.

cheesie 2006-12-12 01:01


Damn yaoi fangirls fujoshi
I don't know, I've taken a look at the yaoi fangirls (and guys) user pic gallery and they look pretty sizzling hot to me. XD


Well, considering more than three-quarters of the Japanese fansites are dedicated to SuzaLulu, Suzaku scoring high is inevitable. Sad, maybe, but that's how it is.
This reminds me of Iruka placing in the Top 5 in every single Naruto official popularity poll, all because Kakashi x Iruka is the most popular pairing in Japan. XD



Well, considering more than three-quarters of the Japanese fansites are dedicated to SuzaLulu, Suzaku scoring high is inevitable
Number of Japanese fansites:

Lelouch x C.C: 38
Lelouch x Karen: 25
Lelouch x Nanaly: 16
Lelouch x Millay: 6
Lelouch x Suzaku: 573 :twitch:

Um, wow, I see what you mean. :bow:

coldwarm 2006-12-12 01:05

Anyways... I regretted not voting for Arthur the cat! It is almost beating Euphemia, gogogo arthur.

demon_god04 2006-12-12 19:48

I decided to limit myself to one male and one female character for this poll, mostly because so earily in the series I'd probly pick all the good looking female characters :p :heh:

Male : No question it has to be Lulu, love how his character is playing out so far and any guy who can still be badass having a nickname like Lulu is a plus in my book. :heh: I was tempted to vote for Suzaku because he makes for a nice foil for Lelouch. Although sometimes his naivete gets grating sometimes, especially when hes contradicting himself. Changing the system from the inside is an admirable goal but he said it himself, when you are part of an organization you must put the ideals of the organization before your own, especially when you are in the military.

Female : Kallen by a long shot for me, ignoring my inate obssession for redheads, I like the contradicting personalities she plays and the seiyuu does a good job of voicing both roles. None of the other girls have had that much exposure yet though Millay would be a second choice for me simply because of ep 6 :heh:

Akuryou 2006-12-13 00:35

#1 ~ Lelouch: 2006 is the year of awesome main characters, like Lelouch and Kyon. Lelouch bears the barrier of something like "anti-hero", and strategists, badass strategists, are really cool. Even cooler with the power to control people. Like Kyon.

#2 ~ Cornelia Li Britannia: To fight from equal to equal a strategist, we need a rule-breaker. And she is awesome at that. Oh, yes.

#3 ~ C.C.: Mysterious, and sexy. Seems to be really smart, almost as smart as Lelouch it seems. Awesome main chracters need awesome supportive characters, don't they?

Runner ups would be Karen and Nanali, and perhaps Mr. Emperor.

cheesie 2006-12-13 01:04

I respected C.C (was quite intrigued by her, really) until a) she turned into a Pizza Hut mascot b) it's becoming quite clear she's becoming more and more objectified. Fan-service much?

God, Sunrise, at least have the decency to treat her on the same level as other Sunrise anime girls, where even though they all have their share of eye candy, C.C shoving her groped ass forward, which all but spells out mindless pandering, is just too much in my book.

evil|plushie 2006-12-13 01:15

Are we talking about the same C.C who threatened to shoot Lulu, and then later saved Lulu as well as managing to outwit him in a verbal battle? Oh yeah, that spells sex object right there....

cheesie 2006-12-13 01:35

I didn't say she's a sex object, I said she, to me, is becoming objectified. Then again, when has that not been the case for other anime female characters? (I won't go into it here) C.C has great potential to shape up into a great character, she's snarky, anti-Belldandy, quick-witted. I liked how she's not stereotypical and all that (maybe she's a little too perfect, but anyway...) It's stuff like this that makes me unsure what the hell was Sunrise smoking on.

That, or perhaps I'm just too conservative. :eyespin:

evil|plushie 2006-12-13 01:42

I'd call that sunrise advertising to the otakus. we all know they like fanservice.

Ori 2006-12-13 04:02

I didn't realize this vote allows multi votes, oh well too late for me now.

I voted for CC b/c she is the only female on Lulu's side that is not being manipulated by Lulu in the show (minus in that fanservice picture, but I don't think that counts).

If I knew about the fact I can vote for more than one person I would also vote for Lulu and Cornelia Li Britannia too. Lulu because, well let's face it, he is pretty cool even if he is a manipulative jerk 90% of the time. And Cornelia because, she also outsmarted Lulu.

Owaranai Destiny 2006-12-13 10:08

Pretty obvious who leads. :D

What's there not to like about Lelouch? He's probably one of the better protagonists so far, neither flat nor self-righteous. In fact, his purpose for his intentions made me ponder whether he was the real villain in this right instead, and so far he certainly hasn't showed the "ZOMG l33t piloting skills" shown for a main character of a Sunrise mecha series (Yes, I'm talking about Kira Yamato).

C.C is another unconventional character. She certainly differs greatly from all 'android girl' types that come out of that typical metal shell that houses them at the start. Spunky, yet able to retain a mysterious aura around her and not to mention a pizza lover. Looking cute certainly does help too. ;)

My last choice would be Cornelia so far. Surprising as it might be.

1) She looks hot. :p
2) She seemed more...human despite her earlier countenance. Despite having a hardened exterior, you can tell from recent episodes that she's actually somewhat reasonable in comparison to Clovis and soft in the inside when it comes to Euphemia. Not a typical character as well, for sure.

Xamdou 2006-12-13 19:22

Lelouch Lamperouge / Zero :D

Pakxenon 2006-12-17 04:10

1. Karen. Episode 3.
2. Lelouch. No questions asked.
3. C.C.. Pizza Hut supports the Rebellion!!

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