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Strife212 2012-06-16 18:31

First episode I've been really disappointed, the two fights were butchered. It's simply poorly planned, as you can tell by the fact they had to cut the OP out.

And instead of using Emiya they used the same song, again.

Kirarakim 2012-06-16 18:32


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 4209869)
save 6 billions.
To Grail-kun, world peace = killing 6 billion people.

It actually reminds me of one of my favorite X-Files episodes..Mulder wishes for world peace and when he looks outside no one is left.

Of course he didn't actually have to make a decision to kill anyone.

DragoZERO 2012-06-16 18:48


Originally Posted by Strife212 (Post 4210037)
First episode I've been really disappointed, the two fights were butchered. It's simply poorly planned, as you can tell by the fact they had to cut the OP out.

And instead of using Emiya they used the same song, again.

Whoa... whoa. Butchered? No, that's going too far. It was probably shortened and abridged, but not butchered. What little we did have was awesome. And I'd rather a shorter fight with plot than a longer fight without plot.

I say they did well with what little time they had.

Triple_R 2012-06-16 18:55

"Butchered" is probably too strong a term, yeah.

But I think that ufotable can be rightly faulted a bit here. Again, because of the loli-Rin episode. You only mess around with that sort of stuff when you have time for it and all of the important plot/subplots, imo (and King Arthur vs. Sir Lancelot seems pretty darn important to me).

All the same, Fate/Zero is still the best anime show of 2012 so far, imo.

Kirarakim 2012-06-16 19:03

If anything the loli Rin episode should have been included as an extra for those who bought the BR set. It does seem like a time waster now and that one episode could have been used to expand on other things.

sento 2012-06-16 19:09

Kotomine vs. Kiritsugu was just exactly as in the novel, it was never a long fight.

The only thing they skipped was Berserker, but if they add 5 minutes in the BD as they will probably do, then is not a problem.

Strife212 2012-06-16 19:11


And I'd rather a shorter fight with plot than a longer fight without plot.
But they cut out all of Lancelots lines, and thus the entire story of why he was angry with Arthur.

Kotomine vs Kiritsugu was ok but they didn't really show the use of Avalon.

chaos_alfa 2012-06-16 19:13


Originally Posted by Strife212 (Post 4210093)
But they cut out all of Lancelots lines, and thus the entire story of why he was angry with Arthur.

Kotomine vs Kiritsugu was ok but they didn't really show the use of Avalon.

I can't be helped with the amount of space they had.

It will probably be added in the Blue Ray version.

sento 2012-06-16 19:14

Well, it's rather obvious that they will expand this episode (as they even cut the OP) and I think that there is people saying they already confirmed that in the ufotable cafe (as they did with 11).

I will probably wait to the full version to rate it, but I loved the rest of the episode.

Ithekro 2012-06-16 19:27

"A" plot always trumps "B" plot and side plots if there is a lack of time.

And I don't think the Rin spot was wasted time. Given its position in the story, it appears to serve as either a break in the plot, or motivation for the Tokiomi-Kariya plot for the following half of the show (that they spent time on). And sets up Caster's big stand the ends the season. basically a background character for about the entire plot. Berserker is upfront, but with no story to tell that seems important to the main plot. There is no plot heavy method to him until the final fight and by then, "A" plot takes precidence over Lancelot and Saber. Besides, Saber not being at peace seems to be what is desired at this point in the plot.

And there is an entire episode left.

Touko 2012-06-16 19:30

Certainly there is an entire episode left, but it is not going to save this one.

Nothing from this episode will get wrapped up or elaborated next episode, since Sabre just blew up the Grail.

Next episode will just be the aftermath.

Triple_R 2012-06-16 19:42


Originally Posted by Ithekro (Post 4210116)
"A" plot always trumps "B" plot and side plots if there is a lack of time.

Are you seriously implying that the Loli-Rin episode was "A" plot material? :heh:


And I don't think the Rin spot was wasted time.
It's fine as a DVD/Blu-Ray extra. But if airing it on TV meant that the original TV airing of Fate/Zero was to have a rushed Saber vs. Berserker final fight, then yes, it is a waste of time, imo.


Given its position in the story, it appears to serve as either a break in the plot,
IIRC, the episodes surrounding it weren't terribly fast-paced as it was.


or motivation for the Tokiomi-Kariya plot for the following half of the show (that they spent time on).
I think that had been dealt with satisfactorily through content in other episodes. ...Which is more than what I can say for how Lancelot was dealt with here.

Quote: basically a background character for about the entire plot.
And Rin isn't? :heh:

No matter how important she may be in Nasuverse in general, she's not that important in Fate/Zero.

I definitely think that Fate/Zero's Berserker is a more important character than Fate/Zero's Rin Tohsaka.


Berserker is upfront, but with no story to tell that seems important to the main plot.
Which is why learning about who the man is behind the Beserker mask was a rather important plot point, imo. It would have been nice to have to seen that man explored a bit more deeply in the original airing of the anime.

Touko 2012-06-16 19:49


Originally Posted by Triple_R (Post 4210137)
Are you seriously implying that the Loli-Rin episode was "A" plot material? :heh:

It sure as hell is "A" material for fan-service and merchandising.

Triple_R 2012-06-16 19:51


Originally Posted by Touko (Post 4210142)
It sure as hell is "A" material for fan-service and merchandising.

Which is actually part of the reason why it would have been ideal for DVD/Blu-Ray only, imo.

mAc Chaos 2012-06-16 19:55

Berserker < Rin

it is a sacrifice i can accept

Kimidori 2012-06-16 20:00

come on, we all know that ufotable are trolling telling us to buy the BD/DVD if we want to see the full version of the best scene of the entire series :D

Flawfinder 2012-06-16 20:04

You mean a bunch of lines were cut from the original source material? All I can say to that is YES! Finally, this series got a good editor who can cut out unnecessary lines (Episode 4 still haunts me).

Kimidori 2012-06-16 20:20

just nocticed that this ep air on father day, quite fitting i guess. first mother day now this, ufotable must love to play around with mother and father day, whoever schedule the episode airing must hate their parent or something.

matapat 2012-06-16 20:29

Great episode from the main parts of what we got. The Kiritsugu/Kotomine fight was superbly animated, and really showcases what a monster of a villain Kotomine was and how badly DEEN's animation of Stay/Night butchered that. Kiritsugu had to use his Bullet Time magic numerous times and Avalon's 1-Up effect to just to barely hang on. And the Grail portion, Triple R put it great:


Originally Posted by Triple_R (Post 4210004)

And, I have to admit, while I felt sorry for Kiritsugu, there was a sort of poetic justice to the Grail throwing his own "The Ends Justify the Means" logic right back into his face. What made it especially poignant is how the Grail is essentially right: Where human life is abundant, conflict is inevitable. It's part of human nature, as some of us (including myself) have argued in recent weeks. Frankly, Kirei was right about the naivety of Kiritsugu's wish.

It was fantastic watching Angra Mainyu mindf*** Kiritsugu and deconstruct his childish wish to it's horrifyingly logical conclusion. Talk about the World's Most Sadistic Division Problem :heh:

It's a shame they so badly cut down Saber/Berserker to the point where Lancelot's character ended up having even less character development than cannon fodder Assassin did in season 1. I'd love to see the full fight fleshed out in BD, but after seeing the relatively good job they did cutting down the King's Feast in S1, seeing this hack job to Arturia/Lancelot was disappointing by comparison :(

mAc Chaos 2012-06-16 20:30

The end of the Fate route wasn't DEEN's fault. That's just what happened in the source material.

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