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felix 2010-02-04 01:58

I don't know. They could always call it Shiroshitsuji or something. Sebby/Ciel fans can bite their tongues when trolling then, hopefully.

Shiroth 2010-02-04 04:37

I think they'll still call it Kuroshitsuji, because at the end of the day it's the franchise name, and what they're obviously trying to do here is make just that, a franchise.

White Manju Bun 2010-02-04 10:58


Originally Posted by Cats (Post 2899140)
I don't know. They could always call it Shiroshitsuji

Dude if they did I'd so make Shiro change his name to that :heh:

Obviously they're trying to make a franchise but with the success of DVD sales and how popular the manga is and how crazy the fandom is I don't get why the scrapped what was successful. Maybe they thought cuz of how they ended it they needed to start over but the fans would love to see the Circus arc animated.

Ah well nothing we can do but wait and see.

Shiroth 2010-02-04 11:01


Originally Posted by White Manju Bun (Post 2899582)
Dude if they did I'd so make Shiro change his name to that :heh:

Oh don't worry, if they do i'd go get my name changed before you could suggest the idea. :heh:

White Manju Bun 2010-02-08 15:57

New scans have been posted to the Kuro comm I'm posting via my cell so I can't link them but new butler is HAWT!! Kami save me he looks like tutor!sebby. New master has blone hair. New scans do iclude Sebby and Ciel.

musume_no_hoshi 2010-02-08 16:33

Source + Credit:

(I hope it is allowed, I'm not used to the rules when it comes to LJ :confused:)

OH MY GOD. I SEE THE NEW MASTER WEARING AWESOME GRADE A ZETTAI RYOUIKI...I thought only fanarts ever draw guys in shorts+over the knee socks :heh:. Now if only Nana-chan can dress in something like that, I'm sure even the fanboys wouldn't complain if Nana-chan worn that.

/died from nosebleed

Yes, you probably noticed it's one of my sick fetish. :uhoh:

felix 2010-02-08 17:17

^ we sure that's a guy? (the master)

New butler is okey too. Nice improvement on both from the first season (given their personalities is what I think it will be). Don't even care for plot, first season was pretty filler quality xept for the shinigami bits in all honesty -- mostly character driven.

Shiroth 2010-02-08 17:30

New Master isn't nearly as adorable as Ciel, though i like the look of him. Now if only we see him in a dress, so i can compare.

But i don't care about them Jesus Christ that official image of Sebastian and Ciel in the top left please tell me someone has an bigger version of that image please.

/me takes deep breath

Kanon 2010-02-08 17:53

A boy with zettai ryouiki? Haha oh wow, the fangirls are gonna love this :heh:

Do we have a name for the master? With the cast change I really don't know what to expect of this series... except homoerotic undertones.

@ Shiroth:

Don't forget to breathe :uhoh:

Shiroth 2010-02-08 17:56


Originally Posted by Kanon_ (Post 2905916)
@ Shiroth:

Don't forget to breathe :uhoh:

God damnit Ciel in that attire. <333

Oh my you have just made my month with this image. Hands down my favorite official piece from the series, and that's saying a lot going by how much i love what's come before this.

Thanks a lot!

musume_no_hoshi 2010-02-08 18:01


Originally Posted by Cats
we sure that's a guy?

Ah...I forgot the possibility of a trap...:heh:

Originally Posted by Kanon_
A boy with zettai ryouiki? Haha oh wow, the fangirls are gonna love this

Count me in...

Originally Posted by ANN
The new cast of Takahiro Sakurai as the butler Claude Faustas and Nana Mizuki as the master Alois Trancy

So yea...the new master is called Alois Trancy.

Shiroth 2010-02-08 18:04


Originally Posted by musume_no_hoshi (Post 2905931)
Ah...I forgot the possibility of a trap...:heh:

Would be quite interesting if they made the Master a trap, though we'd have oh so many original fans against it. Would be fun if they had the guts to pull it off though.

I myself wouldn't mind either way. <3

White Manju Bun 2010-02-08 18:15

Ok here's a link to the new scans, though Hoshi did post one.

These two were my faves

Oh dear, TakaSaku's voice coming out of that bishie...I will die :heh:

Shiroth 2010-02-08 18:18

The more i look at the new Master, the more his design reminds me of a vampires. Especially in the image Bun linked. :p

White Manju Bun 2010-02-08 18:37


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 2905950)
The more i look at the new Master, the more his design reminds me of a vampires. Especially in the image Bun linked. :p

Yeah ppl on the comm said that too or theyre thinking he might be the demon. If thats true the series name wouldnt fit anymore but meh :heh:

Im smitten with Claude, at this point I dont even care about plot, I just want to stare at him all day.

Shiroth 2010-02-08 18:41


Originally Posted by White Manju Bun (Post 2905967)
Yeah ppl on the comm said that too or theyre thinking he might be the demon. If thats true the series name wouldnt fit anymore but meh :heh:

Now the Master being the demon would be quite the twist. Butler does look a bit plain to be a demon, though i know personally not to trust a book by a cover. Just saying now, that i wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that way. :p

Do wonder if they'll get back Taku Iwasaki for the score, of if they'll bring in a new composer. Personally his first series score is easily my favorite from his large works, so i'd love more from him.

Haladflire65 2010-02-08 18:44

I really like the look of Claude... He's a cross between Will and Sebastian :heh:

As for Alois... I dunno. Ciel's a lot cuter, this Alios guy looks kinda sinister.

Good designs, all in all, though.

CMSensei 2010-02-08 19:40


Originally Posted by White Manju Bun (Post 2905945)
Ok here's a link to the new scans, though Hoshi did post one.

These two were my faves

Oh dear, TakaSaku's voice coming out of that bishie...I will die :heh:

I have to agree the new master looks like a vampire XD
*sigh* i am really gonna miss Ciel and Sebby..

Shiroth 2010-02-09 04:41


Originally Posted by CMHerrera (Post 2906038)
*sigh* i am really gonna miss Ciel and Sebby..

We still have the manga for them. :p

Kanon 2010-02-09 07:48


Originally Posted by White Manju Bun (Post 2905945)
Ok here's a link to the new scans, though Hoshi did post one.

Wow, even his boots are girly as hell. If it weren't Kuroshitsuji, I would have been 100% sure Alois is a girl. I guess it's possible he is a reverse trap as some suspect, I for one certainly wouldn't mind :p
But what would the girls think of it though?

@ Shiroth: you're welcome :)

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