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Flora20709 2007-08-07 13:52

Don't really like her, don't really hate her Thats wat i voted for
Well If They Made a Rukia Thread just like this I would have voted the same way
Well I say make 1 for Ishida and Ulquoria {mind spelling} Hence there my favorite

Partygal1914 2007-08-14 10:27

I actually happen to like Orihime. Yeah she can be annoying when she whines and complains about how useless she is but doesn't Ichigo do the same thing? i don't see nobody hating on him when he gets down in the dumps and dogs himself out for being weak and not being able to help his friends (he does this more than once). I think it is just a typical part of a shonen anime series where the main characters always go through this "I'm not good enough" phase. She does come through several other times during the anime to help out when most needed. And if you read the current manga out on Bleach right now she isn't as weak and pathetic as everyone likes to believe she is. Even Ulquiorra admits in the manga that she is a strong woman.

Thats all I wanted to say. Thanks!!

Partygal1914 2007-08-14 10:33

Partygal1914 is on a distinguished road

I actually happen to like Orihime. Yeah she can be annoying when she whines and complains about how useless she is but doesn't Ichigo do the same thing? i don't see nobody hating on him when he gets down in the dumps and dogs himself out for being weak and not being able to help his friends (he does this more than once). I think it is just a typical part of a shonen anime series where the main characters always go through this "I'm not good enough" phase. She does come through several other times during the anime to help out when most needed. And if you read the current manga out on Bleach right now she isn't as weak and pathetic as everyone likes to believe she is. Even Ulquiorra admits in the manga that she is a strong woman.

Thats all I wanted to say. Thanks!!

Also for all those people who simply hate her because of the last few chapters of the manga...its really not her fault. She was given like no options... its was either go with Aizen or watch all your friends die...not alot of options there. I mean come on! What would you do!! I hardly count what she did as betrayal to her friends!

WhiteWings 2007-08-14 16:56

I wonder if people just want her to stop getting other people in trouble or at a disadvantage in battles because of her.

kirose 2007-08-15 00:20

I like orihime. but in the latest manga chapters, she is horrible. She is driving me insane. she needs to get over the whole not good enough thing and MAKE herself better in some way. or she can use her healing powers instead of trying to fight, becouse healing is needed more at this point.

Deathwing 2007-08-15 00:29

Orihime used to be a very funny character and most people liked her that way its just when the soul society arc started she became more of a main character thus she couldn't be goofy 24/7 and had to get some character depth and she just became much more of a serious (and rather depressing) character. Then she was kidnapped giving the whole damsel in distress angle along with her now depressing personality made people unsympathetic to her and start to hate her.

Black_Rose 2007-08-26 15:29

I dont knoe i have a bad bad fealing about her I feal that ichigo and rukiha or however you spell her name...should be together and its gona become one of those stupid love triangles that i hate(exept for fruits basket)hee hee hee She needs to be left out of the picture so that we can see more ichigo and rukiha!!!!

Ichigo_Strife728 2007-08-28 15:46

Sorry, Tomboys never get the guy.

SaraPandora27 2007-08-28 19:59


Originally Posted by Ichigo_Strife728 (Post 1119346)
Sorry, Tomboys never get the guy.

Eh? What do you mean tomboys never get the guy? Do you mean Rukia? Or you just have this thing against tomboy-ish girls in the first place?

Geez, that explains a lot about you then. Just because she doesn't go aflutter at the sight of Ichigo, does not scream Ichigo's name at any given time or focus all her attention on Ichigo, that doesn't make Rukia a tomboy AND hence, have NO chance of getting the main man.

And HELLO, who went all green-eyed with jealousy when she discovered Rukia & Ichigo's relationship goes deeper than she thought it could be? Sheesh. Rukia can kick Inoue's a## and give Inoue a run for her money. Hell, she ALREADY DID! :D

AmbiDextrose 2007-08-29 00:44

I think a lot of the negativity around Orihime is the fact that here's a character that has great potential and has a cool set of powers but Kubo isn't letting her do squat which leaves a lot of the fanbase frustrated with her characterization. All the flack directed at Orihime is actually intended for the character's creator- Kubo Tite. This ultimately begs the question why did Kubo create her character in the first place and/or what does he intend to do with her?

Ichigo_Strife728 2007-08-29 16:22


Originally Posted by SaraPandora27 (Post 1119715)
Eh? What do you mean tomboys never get the guy? Do you mean Rukia? Or you just have this thing against tomboy-ish girls in the first place?

Geez, that explains a lot about you then. Just because she doesn't go aflutter at the sight of Ichigo, does not scream Ichigo's name at any given time or focus all her attention on Ichigo, that doesn't make Rukia a tomboy AND hence, have NO chance of getting the main man.

And HELLO, who went all green-eyed with jealousy when she discovered Rukia & Ichigo's relationship goes deeper than she thought it could be? Sheesh. Rukia can kick Inoue's a## and give Inoue a run for her money. Hell, she ALREADY DID! :D

I'm saying that IchigoXOrihime is more of the PrinceXPrincess type couple.

SaraPandora27 2007-08-29 23:15


Originally Posted by Ichigo_Strife728 (Post 1121222)
I'm saying that IchigoXOrihime is more of the PrinceXPrincess type couple.

Oh. My. God. You DID NOT just say that. What kind of a fantasy land are you living in?

You did not answer my question though. Typical, you're so prejudiced.

evenex 2007-08-30 00:06


Originally Posted by Ichigo_Strife728 (Post 1121222)
I'm saying that IchigoXOrihime is more of the PrinceXPrincess type couple.

Lol! PrinceXPrincess! That cracked me up! Lol. Ichigo = Prince

Anyway this is a Orihime discussion thread so let's leave this whole couple debate

Kayin 2007-08-30 22:04

Ok, this is beginning to get ridiculous. If you want to dislike Orihime for her own character flaws, that's fine. But if you're getting upset because she's a focus in the current story and that this will somehow magically get her romantically involved with Ichigo, then you're being stupid.

Bleach is an action series, romance is not a concern with the storyline. Ichigo doesn't protect for romantic reasons, he does it just because he cares about people overall.

It's amazing how many people are missing the point behind the current situation with Orihime.

Anyway, get over the romance stuff, its not important in this series. If you're disliking characters because they're evolving in a way that works with the plotline rather then your fan fiction, then you have issues.

BleachOD 2007-08-30 23:09

Personally, I can't stand the sight of Orihime. It's not because I see her as a potential rival, for Ichigo's affections...That's just ludicrous. It's because she's weak, and pathetic and her constant "Kurosaki Kun" "Kurosaki Kun" makes me want to smash my TV every time I see her. I used to love her. I thought she was funny and cute. Then we went to SS and suddenly I began to hate her. Her sickening infatuation with Ichigo, that she foolishly sees as love really bugs me.
Spoiler for As far as HM seems to me that:
Other than that, she serves no purpose at all and I really wish Kubo will kill her off. If he did, I don't think it would take away from bleach at all...

evenex 2007-08-30 23:56

Not all people hate Orihime cause she gets a little more attention compared to the SS arc.


BleachOD 2007-08-31 00:39


Originally Posted by evenex (Post 1123937)
Not all people hate Orihime cause she gets a little more attention compared to the SS arc.


I kinda disagree...I think Tatsuki is just as obsessive,as Orihime when it comes to Ichigo.(I mean she's followed him around a few times)

But she's somehow convinced herself that Orihime is better off with Ichigo than she is, and doesn't act on her feelings for Ichigo. I think this is in part to her feeling that somehow Orihime deserves this, because she has no one. And partly due to gender confusion, and is unsure on just how she loves Orihime. But I like Tatsuki! In truth I wish she was given Orihime's spot and and Orihime was back-burner like she is...

She is strong and I could see her with Ichigo and as a strong rival of Rukia's, for Ichigo's affections.
Orhime's character, is based on one thing...Ichigo. Take him away and she has no dimensions, and serves no purpose.

Tatsuki realizing that there no sense in waiting around for unrequited love and actually has other interest than Ichigo. So she doesn't trail after Ichigo, like an abused dog who was finally shown kindness, and mistook it for love...Just because a passerby rubbed it's head, instead of kicking it.

evenex 2007-08-31 00:59

But the chapter was all about Tatsuki and Ichigo and it said nothing about Orihime nor Rukia, besides, I wouldn't say Tatsuki is just as obsessived about Ichigo than Orihime. She more strong and independant.

BleachOD 2007-08-31 01:57


Originally Posted by evenex (Post 1124005)
But the chapter was all about Tatsuki and Ichigo and it said nothing about Orihime nor Rukia, besides, I wouldn't say Tatsuki is just as obsessived about Ichigo than Orihime. She more strong and independant.

Really? I think she's kinda stalkerish...

Since he was little she's followed him around. She's always there, when something major goes down. Not to mention everything Orihime knows she learned from Tatsuki...She told his whole life story.

When I say she's weak...I meant power-wise. Otherwise I think Orihime is actually as brave, and has much heart as anyone. However, she'd rather Ichigo save her instead of saving herself and that's what irks me about her. She so hung on Ichigo being Knight-in-shining-armor to her Damsel...that she doesn't really try to fight.

She just sits and waits for Ichigo...

Scarlett_Rain55 2007-08-31 21:33

Well let's hope she'll improve! Otherwise this arc hasn't done anything for her character...I don't think it's her fault, it's probably Kubo's writing skills.

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