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CrazyPerson 2011-06-08 02:01

Just throwing the thought out there about the jetpack. Maybe the jetpack is only for EVA usage and could never enhance any jump worth a damn in gravity situations.

(It was safer to walk on the mac cannons, he wanted to preserve the limited jet fuel when he returned the bomb, yadda yadda. 343 better have a better explanations than I do.)

Roger Rambo 2011-06-08 06:48

I somewhat doubt that they're going to stop the action in the middle of the game to explain the jet packs. They certainly didn't explain in Halo 2 where the Assault Rifle disappeared to, and how it returned in Halo 3.


Originally Posted by Ithekro (Post 3643584)
The audience can handle energy weapons that have limited ammo. Dark Forces did that a long time ago.

OTOH, allot of the more basic guns in Dark Forces(Like most Star Wars guns) are bassically just *20th century weapons that fires glowy red light and makes pewpew noises* :p

Though again. It's a matter of familiarity in Halo. In the canon the Covenant are more advanced than the UNSC. So there needs to be a visual/effects differences between human and covenant weapons. The most blatant way to do this is to give the aliens colorful energy weapons, and the humans machine guns.

edit: On anther note...what exactly did they do to Cortana's hair?

Drake 2011-06-08 10:57


Originally Posted by SoldierOfDarkness (Post 3643663)
Except we don't know how long the chief had been in cryo. It could've been centuries in which everyone the Chief knew have died and the Spartans have passed into a legend.

I doubt it was very long as if you watch the legendary ending to halo 3 you see the rear section of the ship the chief is in drifting toward the mechanical/artificial looking planet seen in the new trailer.

Alchemist007 2011-06-08 11:01

Well that's not exactly an estimate of time. We don't know how long it was between him going into cryo at the end of the campaign and how long the ship was floating until it got to that planetoid object.

Roger Rambo 2011-06-08 11:23

One thing to consider about possible time elapsed. Many of the cyrotubes have accumulated piles of snow at their bases.

Drake 2011-06-08 11:37

Well from watching the ending again the speed of the rear section is pretty significant and looks like it would have taken just hours or days (depending on the actual size of the planet) to reach close proximity.

Spoiler for obvious spoilers from Halo 3:

The snow/ice cant be much to go on as the cryo pods where already in the cold vacuum of space.

Rennir 2011-06-08 11:46


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 3644184)
Well from watching the ending again the speed of the rear section is pretty significant and looks like it would have taken just hours or days (depending on the actual size of the planet) to reach close proximity.

Spoiler for obvious spoilers from Halo 3:

The snow/ice cant be much to go on as the cryo pods where already in the cold vacuum of space.

Well, they could always explain it by saying "It fell into orbit" or something along those lines.

Drake 2011-06-08 11:55

I was thinking they could say something along those lines but at the same time I don't really think the inhabitants (sentient or whatever) of the planet would really ignore about a huge flaming piece of alien debris in orbit for any notable length of time.

Alchemist007 2011-06-08 12:25


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 3644184)
Well from watching the ending again the speed of the rear section is pretty significant and looks like it would have taken just hours or days (depending on the actual size of the planet) to reach close proximity.

We have no idea where that planet is. It could be thousands of light years away from the Ark. And speed doesn't change in space unless it's acted upon by a new force, so that's not really any sort of estimate.

Drake 2011-06-08 14:03

Have you watched the video I posted above ?

Ive never once mentioned where the planet is or how far it is from the ark ? I'm pointing out how it looks me that Halo 4 picks up almost immediately after the events of Halo 3 rather than years or decades later.

In the legendary ending you can clearly see the rear section quickly drifting toward the large artificial looking planet before the video ends and then the sequence resumes again in the trailer for halo 4 with the rear section having reached the planet and being drawn into a huge opening.

Alchemist007 2011-06-08 14:18

Right, what I'm saying is that after Chief goes into cryo, there is a time skip before that planet show up. We don't know how long that skip is.

Kyero Fox 2011-06-08 14:24

The only complaint about the trailer is cortanna...what the hell...seriously.

Alchemist007 2011-06-08 14:27

I'm put it on lifespan instability...hopefully that's what they were thinking. The books describe lower powered states as looking much less impressive.

Drake 2011-06-08 14:47


Originally Posted by Alchemist007 (Post 3644407)
Right, what I'm saying is that after Chief goes into cryo, there is a time skip before that planet show up. We don't know how long that skip is.

When you put it like that then I suppose there could be a time skip when the camera fades to black after the view zooms out from the chief in the cryo tube.

However if you look at the star scape behind the ship at the start of the video right before we first see the chief theres a blue nebula in the background and then again when the ship is drifting toward the planet at the end its visible again which to me would indicate its just a change in camera view rather than a skip in time.

At the end of the day though its all just guesswork and assumptions we'll just have to wait a year and see =/

Roger Rambo 2011-06-08 15:42


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 3644431)
However if you look at the star scape behind the ship at the start of the video right before we first see the chief theres a blue nebula in the background and then again when the ship is drifting toward the planet at the end its visible again which to me would indicate its just a change in camera view rather than a skip in time.

That's not really a useful measure in determining that little time has past. Considering how far a Nebula is and how fast the Dawns wreckage is drifting unpowered, you could literally be drifting for years and your position relative to the Nebula via the naked eye wouldn't seem so different.

Space is BIG.

Drake 2011-06-08 16:18

Well I know that but this is a game after all rather than actual space so if they really wanted to convey an apparent sense that time had passed they'd make the surrounding space look different at the end rather than have it look relatively the same as it did at the start.

In my view there isn't anything in the final cut-scene that conveys any time has passed.

Again though everything is debatable at this point its just too early to tell.

Roger Rambo 2011-06-08 16:33


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 3644528)
Well I know that but this is a game after all rather than actual space so if they really wanted to convey an apparent sense that time had passed they'd make the surrounding space look different at the end rather than have it look relatively the same as it did at the start.

In my view there isn't anything in the final cut-scene that conveys any time has passed.

Again though everything is debatable at this point its just too early to tell.

Yes. It's just a game. Which means the developers probably didn't feel that huge of a need to leave clues/elaborations everywhere exactly how long Chief had been asleep.

In fact, how long Chief had been asleep could come into question, since the only person who might inform him of this (Cortana) could be an unreliable source of information.

Bonta Kun 2011-06-08 16:37

I don't think you should put too much thought into the background, I'd go with it's probably just recycled BG.
I think you just gotta push your imaganation a little and use Cortana as a indicator that time has passed.
With her thoughts and the way she speaks, I think is a good way of knowing a decent amount of time has passed.
I like to think that it shows that she does indeed miss the MC;)(yea I ship this pairing!:D)

Now I gotta wonder if we'll see the flood again cause god knows I really don't like them.
While at times it was kinda fun fighting agianst them, I much prefered fighting the Cov.
I kinda doubt they will show but you never know.

If we do get a new enemy, I hope they are similar to Cov tactics wise.
I always prefer fighting enemy with human like tactics instead of monster rush.
Monster rush is only good in small doses now and again.

Roger Rambo 2011-06-08 16:44

I honestly REALLY hope that the voice from the trailer isn't in the final game...cause I'm not sure that this is Jen Taylor, whose voiced Cortana for the last ten years. IMHO that's an integral part of the character. (the fact that in Legends Chief/Cortana/Halsey didn't use Downes and Taylor for Voice acting annoyed me)

But yes. After we spent an ENTIRE trilogy trying to deal with the damn flood, I'm ready for something else for awhile. The flood simply don't work as an enemy that gets reused constantly. Their thing is that they're an intergalactic threat that would annihilate galactic civilization if they got loose. Having them foiled every game by Master Chief kind of brings up major villain decay.

Rennir 2011-06-08 17:16

I'm hoping for something Forerunner related. Wasn't there speculation that the planet in question is one of the Forerunner's worlds?

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