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Tempester 2009-02-01 17:33

Who has the feeling that Little Busters will have a bigger budget than other Key works? The game had numerous fight scenes and other "action" (e.g. Masato and Kengo throwing Rin up to a window, all those fun baseball games, etc.) that will probably be animated into the show. Plus it makes it much more exciting. It seems that Key is "preparing" for the Little Busters fights with the two fights in Clannad After Story and the shounen action in Munto TV.

I just want to see Mio fighting. :heh:

Noe 2009-02-01 18:19

A lot of my favorite shows are KyoAni-made, they have my approval and respect.

kasumicc 2009-02-02 01:30

Uh? o.o What does Hagaren have to do with KyoAni? The remake will be made by BONES, just as the first season :P

I like Haruhi, but the whole "we want new season" thing really bothers me. I mean, FMP fans have been waiting for longer. Haruhi fans should be grateful that at least, they'll receive something for now! Myself, I'm really satisfied with the upcoming miniseries.

I think the comparison with Nodame was directed to the fact that Nodame is indeed a series well liked even among non-otaku people. The manga and the live action were very popular even before the anime started.
On the other hand, Haruhi is a purely otaku phenomenon. No surprise with that; Haruhi has many elements specially directed to an otaku audience. Haruhi's popularity could be based, then, on the fact that almost every person with a little of anime culture, has watched the series. But I just don't see how Haruhi could be likeable to a non-otaku person.
Anyway, Nodame and Haruhi are different cases. Haruhi is a phenomenon on a small scale (the otaku people), but because of being that, it gets the mainstream attention. Nodame is a even massiver series, but it doesn't get a lot of attention. That doesn't mean that it isn't popular.

Now, with Key. Considering that the PS2 version of Tomoyo After is quite long, I don't think that an OVA would be enough. A 12 episode series would be better, and maybe even with that, it would be too fast. I really want KyoAni to do Tomoyo After, but not now. They shouldn't bring Key works one after another ^^'
As for Planetarian, an OVA or Movie would be OK, indeed. I hope KyoAni could make it someday.

And about it just me, or After Story looks like it had a smaller bucket than the first season? Maybe it has to to with KyoAni doing Munto at the same time...

brocko 2009-02-02 03:01


Originally Posted by kasumicc (Post 2193698)
I like Haruhi, but the whole "we want new season" thing really bothers me. I mean, FMP fans have been waiting for longer. Haruhi fans should be grateful that at least, they'll receive something for now! Myself, I'm really satisfied with the upcoming miniseries.

I think part of the reason is due to the fact that they've been repeatedly advertising this second season over and over for about 2 years now with nothing to show for it... (yet that is, the March Newtype might change that. But even then I'm not going to get my hopes up anytime soon unless it's absolute and set in stone)

If they had remain quiet about it, then I doubt fans would've been as anxious as they are now but it seems like Kadokawa/KyoAni/Whoever is pulling the strings behind all this viral marketing crap just can't resist nor put off the slightest opportunities and urges to do so. They're just being too much of a tease for their own good imo.

Vegard Aune 2009-02-02 05:33


Originally Posted by kasumicc (Post 2193698)
And about it just me, or After Story looks like it had a smaller bucket than the first season? Maybe it has to to with KyoAni doing Munto at the same time...

It's not just you. I especially noticed it in the latest episode, where the Illusionary World-scenes looked considerably worse than usual... Not like it detracted from the fact that it was an utterly amazing (and inconcievably depressing :upset: ) episode, but I still couldn't help but notice it. But so far, I kinda doubt Munto has a whole lot to do with it, as they're basically just reusing the OVA-footage with just a couple of added scenes so far...

Antinonymous 2009-02-02 07:07

hands down the best studio ever. Clannad and Clannad After Story. Haruhi Suzumiya. Lucky Star. Full Metal Panic Fumoffu! All masterpieces, desho? :D

Tempester 2009-02-02 07:43


Originally Posted by Antinonymous (Post 2194003)
hands down the best studio ever. Clannad and Clannad After Story. Haruhi Suzumiya. Lucky Star. Full Metal Panic Fumoffu! All masterpieces, desho? :D

They've been very consistent with their output of high-quality anime.

I wouldn't call the first Clannad season a masterpiece. All it does basically is setting up the characters and surroundings for the OMG masterpiece After Story, which could very well end up the best anime of 2009.

Haruhi Suzumiya is pretty much a masterpiece of wit and humor. The characters are all endearing and memorable. But as much as I love it, I think it is a tad bit overrated, what with Haruhiists going around calling it "da best animu eva or haruhi-sama ain't god".

Lucky Star = not a masterpiece in my opinion. It's a casual sweet show with some good humor, the funniest jokes of which strangely don't come from the main characters but from Lucky Channel and Anime Tencho.

I haven't seen any Full Metal Panic so I can't comment on it. Doesn't look bad though.

You left out poor Air and Kanon. Have you not watched them? They are both excellent, both better than Clannad S1 but paling in the face of After Story.

C.A. 2009-02-02 07:44

I wouldn't say best studio, even though I love it very much. This studio targets niche audiences with the moe anime it does, it can't be best if it doesn't expand. Because the other companies who target other forms of niche audiences are extremely strong as well.

Compared to the sucesses of Sunrise and Toei, Kyoani is still far from their achievements. When it comes to mecha and shounen, Sunrise and Toei owns the industry. No one has better success in mecha compared to Sunrise, and Toei picking up and winning with One Piece, even Pretty Cure series still works.

Even when put side by side with Gainax, an opponent of similar weight category, they still can't beat how Gainax ignores fan response and kick budget to the curb. When not adapting a manga, Gainax totally ignores any form of control and only produces works that are totally unique.

Antinonymous 2009-02-02 07:49


Originally Posted by Tempester (Post 2194034)
You left out poor Air and Kanon. Have you not watched them? They are both excellent, both better than Clannad S1 but paling in the face of After Story.

gomen nasai. my bad. i just blurted out the top-notch anime that comes out immediately on top of my head. hai, i watched them too, but i think the first few that i say were better in my honest opinion. :)

Ottocycle 2009-02-03 00:47

To the guy who negged me for the opening post, I'm so sorry I got into anime, and its discussion boards too late to see Gainax's reputation rise.

Not to mention, I've already stood corrected by Westlo as well.

Vexx 2009-02-03 00:54

Meh, generally fanboi worshipping or hating of a particular studio doesn't lead to rational discussion anyway.

Every studio out there has its share of failure or mediocrity. Kyo-Ani has some outstanding entries, quite a lot of them. So do a few handfuls of other studios as well - both in the present and the past.

Really, it often depends on the specific team and director anymore more than the studio name.

Ottocycle 2009-02-03 00:59

I certainly didn't intend for this thread to become a centre of fanboy worshipping when I made the OP, in fact I was pretty ticked off by too many sequel discussions where I actually want to read information and opinions on the show itself.

ZephyrLeanne 2009-02-03 06:29


Originally Posted by Tempester (Post 2193072)
Who has the feeling that Little Busters will have a bigger budget than other Key works?

Not me, given the economic crisis.


The game had numerous fight scenes and other "action" (e.g. Masato and Kengo throwing Rin up to a window, all those fun baseball games, etc.) that will probably be animated into the show. Plus it makes it much more exciting. It seems that Key is "preparing" for the Little Busters fights with the two fights in Clannad After Story and the shounen action in Munto TV.

I just want to see Mio fighting. :heh:
If such, we'd have to wait till 2011, because that's a HUGE budget required.

cyth 2009-02-03 06:39


Originally Posted by ShimatheKat (Post 2195801)
Not me, given the economic crisis.

Sometimes I wonder...

Sheba 2009-02-03 06:57

Back on the topic, we have a tendency to forget that the studios owes their fame to the directors.
Sunrise? Yoshiyuki Tomino. Madhouse? Yoshiaki Kawajiri. Gainax? Hideaki Anno. Kyoto Animation? Tatsuya Ishihara. And a lot more to name. While they have not singlehandedly made the studios the way they are, their contributions surely helped a lot to make the studio's "touch" or "identity". That little thing that made viewers go, "Ah, this is a series by Gainax", "This have the Bones flair", etc...

Ottocycle 2009-02-03 07:50


Originally Posted by Sheba (Post 2195832)
Back on the topic, we have a tendency to forget that the studios owes their fame to the directors.

While Ishihara's style has made its indelible mark on the otaku audience, I must certainly say that Yamamoto Yutaka made his impression with all the sensations he's created over there, attracting mass attention throughout the demographic, whether positive or not.

No dancing OPs without him, that's for sure.

OffTopic - Add in Shinbo for SHAFT as well, but that's for another topic.

Tempester 2009-02-03 07:56


Originally Posted by ShimatheKat (Post 2195801)
Not me, given the economic crisis. If such, we'd have to wait till 2011, because that's a HUGE budget required.

You've raised a good point. So does that mean the (numerous) fights and baseball games will be cut out or skipped? Meh, I wonder if it'll be worth watching in that case, especially since the theme and spirit of the game just about revolves around baseball.

Sheba 2009-02-03 08:22


Originally Posted by humbug23 (Post 2195875)
While Ishihara's style has made its indelible mark on the otaku audience, I must certainly say that Yamamoto Yutaka made his impression with all the sensations he's created over there, attracting mass attention throughout the demographic, whether positive or not.

No dancing OPs without him, that's for sure.

OffTopic - Add in Shinbo for SHAFT as well, but that's for another topic.

IMO, KyoAni certainly shot themselves in the foot by sacking Yamamoto. However, I'll wait and see more of their products to see how they recover and move on from it.

(I think that Kannagi has shown Yamamoto's abilities as a director when given the full powers)

Proto 2009-02-03 08:35

They don't need to recover though, since Yamamoto had little influence in KyoAni's works prior Lucky Star as I said in my previous post regarding him.

Tempester 2009-02-03 10:36

What about K-On!, an anime airing in April? The animation studio producing K-On is not known, and it is thought to be either KyoAni or A-1 Pictures.

IMO, I would be delighted if KyoAni is producing K-On, because it will be something outside of the Haruhi/Key madness that KyoAni has been making lately. It looks really cute also. :hyper-^v^:

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