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krisslanza 2008-01-11 12:21


Originally Posted by Keroko
So you've placed a rude, smoking, tomboyish girl in Fate's house? Although it does seem she can be nice if she feels like it. Hmm, I wonder how much Yuuno/Nanoha/Fate triangle drama we'll get.

I guess that about sums Rune up. Admit it, you love her. :D :heh: I wanted to try a totally new kind of character concept. Most of my OCs tend to be rather... Similar. I always tinkered with a character that smokes, but since I usually write in a sort of fantasy setting it kind of doesn't fit. Plus I haven't ever done a tomboy before (I pondered one, but she ended up altered in the end), I'm pleased with how I've made her turn out. Much better then the original concept (A bitchy but tsundere-type character).

I'm attempting to get quite a bit myself... This might be maybe about... 6 chapters long? Maybe more. I'd think at most 10 chapters. Really I have a journal with 200 pages in it. I have a lot of time to think and I don't want it to feel rushed... The only limitation is how far I can keep it going. I have a lot of things in mind... And I'll attempt some dramaz for once rather then some straight-forward fluff. This is indeed new ground for me here. :nod:


School of Lyrical
I can't wait to read more of this but
Spoiler for Spoilering comments:

:D I was kind of waiting for someone to get that reaction there... It pleases me when I get the reaction I want from things. :heh:
I make no promises. Muhahahahahahaha. >3

Yay page-claim! I dedicate this page to NanoFate and cake.

BPHaru 2008-01-11 12:26


Originally Posted by Tormenk (Post 1337962)
If the ending turns out not to be your liking, all I can say is that it can be partially attributed to the single-minded pursuit which backfired in the end.

If it doesn't end as we wanted the fault won't be of the people who voted; you said it by yourself: "There's no clear option set for a single route", so from this point of view we are voting and choosing the routes completely as random, because even if the author has each scenario ready before the selection is done, we don’t know what it will be; furthermore from a probabilistic point of view our single vote would be irrelevant due to the uncertainly principle (direct translation form Spanish, I don’t know it’s called in English). That way we’re not “choosing our own path” as the game proclaims, we’re only waiting to see what the author will write based on the most voted option and in her own scenario planned by forehand.

Saludos, Haru

ghazghkull 2008-01-11 12:35


Originally Posted by BPHaru (Post 1338008)
If it doesn't end as we wanted the fault won't be of the people who voted; you said it by yourself: "There's no clear option set for a single route", so from this point of view we are voting and choosing the routes completely as random, because even if the author has each scenario ready before the selection is done, we don’t know what it will be; furthermore from a probabilistic point of view our single vote would be irrelevant due to the uncertainly principle (direct translation form Spanish, I don’t know it’s called in English). That way we’re not “choosing our own path” as the game proclaims, we’re only waiting to see what the author will write based on the most voted option and in her own scenario planned by forehand.

Saludos, Haru

I believe Satashi even said that each choice only has a general outline. With that in mind, it is possible that each route only has a set guideline as so Satashi has an idea of what to write, and then tailors it a bit to meet the expectations of those who voted.

Although yes a dating sim usually has a preset storyline and can only have so many alternatives since each answer is scripted, this is a fanfic dating sim, therefore this adds that flair that it can at least turn out somewhat like how we wanted.

Am I making any sense here? :twitch:

Sam the Onion 2008-01-11 12:46


Originally Posted by BPHaru (Post 1338008)
If it doesn't end as we wanted the fault won't be of the people who voted; you said it by yourself: "There's no clear option set for a single route", so from this point of view we are voting and choosing the routes completely as random, because even if the author has each scenario ready before the selection is done, we don’t know what it will be; furthermore from a probabilistic point of view our single vote would be irrelevant due to the uncertainly principle (direct translation form Spanish, I don’t know it’s called in English). That way we’re not “choosing our own path” as the game proclaims, we’re only waiting to see what the author will write based on the most voted option and in her own scenario planned by forehand.

Saludos, Haru

Actually I think that Lyrical Days has the most clearest choices of all 'games'. (Not that it would be a bad thing)
A) Fate
B) Nanoha
C) Hayate
D) None of the above
Only vague choices were the Fate's confession scene, which is still somewhat unclear, or what route to take home choices.
Sure the famed NxF route isn't as linear but that's just a dessert. Yuuno is the 'player', so choosing for other characters would be just dumb.

Thing is that this game is played by many people simotaneously and only one choice can be taken at the time, otherwise it would start pyramid effect that every choice would spread into two or more scenarios, which would end up in a fairly good game script but you would get updated to 'your' route once a week or so. And besides, you don't really know what happens in 'real' games either as they, too, have been created in someone's head and can be just as or more vague and unpredictable as Lyrical Days. Only difference is that they have save option for screw ups.

Argh... The teasing :eyespin:

krisslanza 2008-01-11 12:56

In best case scenario the teasing will end on Monday when I get chapter 3 out :heh:
It'll probably be rather lengthy since it has to cover that first "date" and some other stuff. :eyespin:
I better make sure I have enough pencil lead to write it all out. It'd be a lot easier if I had a desk in my room. I write everything laying down on my bed, it gets really annoying near the end of the page.

But I have many things planned. Many. Things planned that I think people may not expect I hope. :D

And of course then I still have my Arc-en-Ciel project... Which should be full of things none of you even imagined I'd be capable of. ^_^

Sam the Onion 2008-01-11 13:10


Originally Posted by krisslanza (Post 1338044)
In best case scenario the teasing will end on Monday when I get chapter 3 out :heh:
It'll probably be rather lengthy since it has to cover that first "date" and some other stuff. :eyespin:

If you're going to make 10 chapters, the third isn't going to relief me from my anxiety. :heh::uhoh:


I better make sure I have enough pencil lead to write it all out. It'd be a lot easier if I had a desk in my room. I write everything laying down on my bed, it gets really annoying near the end of the page.
I use my trusty OpenOffice for writing and roms for backup :p No pencil leads or paper wasted.


But I have many things planned. Many. Things planned that I think people may not expect I hope. :D

And of course then I still have my Arc-en-Ciel project... Which should be full of things none of you even imagined I'd be capable of. ^_^
I love suprises unless they abuse Fate or any other character dear to me :p

Satashi 2008-01-11 13:21


Originally Posted by Sam the Onion (Post 1337943)
Did this also count the ErioxCaro that was suppose to be possible or was that an exception to the 'Everybody digs Yuuno'?

YEs, they were an option ^^

Voting last for another little while, so everyone can get over thier "omg is it safe to post and discuss/"Argue" again here? @_@"

Tonight I'm going to work on SbtB and tryyyyyy to get it going to be posted.... which means I have to write 5k words tonight after work >< gonna be rough.

About Haru, he's always been like that :) If he reads to vote or not is up to him, I just want to make sure everyone has an opinion. If that's his view, I respect it. Although I wish he WOULD read before voting, I won't not count his ( just pelase don't tell me you're not reading ><) the point of this story is to get everyone here together and have a chance to guide a fic as a group. :)

Actually I think that Lyrical Days has the most clearest choices of all 'games'. (Not that it would be a bad thing)
A) Fate
B) Nanoha
C) Hayate
D) None of the above
Actually, it's deeper than that. Choices being made are more clear right now ( because I'm working on two fics, it's hard to be as vauge) but for the most part, the people who see "this choice leads no where" are the ones missing out.

Example: Elio died because no one wanted to just "walk around town, because nothing will happen there" and also "Not buying a present will lead to a wasted choice", but in reality, walking around town would have kept Elio alive, and NOT buying a present would lead to a more expensive date that would yield a better end result.

So yes, it looks simple on the outside, but there are things I know that you don't. Keep that in mind :P

I believe Satashi even said that each choice only has a general outline. With that in mind, it is possible that each route only has a set guideline as so Satashi has an idea of what to write, and then tailors it a bit to meet the expectations of those who voted.
Yeah, I only know each girl's storyline. weither hey live long enough to get there, like Yuuno enough to get there, ect, relies on you. Right now each girl likes Yuuno enough to date him. To go farther than that is up to you guys.

If it doesn't end as we wanted the fault won't be of the people who voted; you said it by yourself: "There's no clear option set for a single route", so from this point of view we are voting and choosing the routes completely as random, because even if the author has each scenario ready before the selection is done, we don’t know what it will be; furthermore from a probabilistic point of view our single vote would be irrelevant due to the uncertainly principle (direct translation form Spanish, I don’t know it’s called in English). That way we’re not “choosing our own path” as the game proclaims, we’re only waiting to see what the author will write based on the most voted option and in her own scenario planned by forehand.
Wrong :p Each girl has an affection meter that goes up. each point opens more scenerios. Right now Fate is close to 'making love' point. Hayate crossed the 'date' point, and my favourite girl, Nanoha, just now got to the point where she is open to liking Yuuno. That being said, this story isn't going down the path I myself would choose. It's all you guys 100%

krisslanza 2008-01-11 13:22

Trust me I'd LOVE to use a computer to do this but I don't own a laptop and my computer is still locked up in a storage shed until I have good grades :uhoh: So I have to settle for pencil and a journal.

Then it'll be a mixed basket of surprises. :P
Have you seen the Arc-en-Ciel teaser written by my friend?

I think Satashi-sama just pwned everyone's minds with that example revelation. :P

ghazghkull 2008-01-11 13:23


Originally Posted by Sam the Onion (Post 1338063)
I love suprises unless they abuse Fate or any other character dear to me :p


I have an idea! :naughty::heh::D

Nanoha and Fate in an abusive relationship with their husbands (not Yuuno and Chrono mind you since they're still cool in my book) and meet each other at some point through said boys, and start an affair of some sorts ;)

What you think? Think that could possibly be pulled off well?

Satashi 2008-01-11 13:25


Originally Posted by ghazghkull (Post 1338077)

I have an idea! :naughty::heh::D

Nanoha and Fate in an abusive relationship with their husbands (not Yuuno and Chrono mind you since they're still cool in my book) and meet each other at some point through said boys, and start an affair of some sorts ;)

What you think? Think that could possibly be pulled off well?

I don't think they'd cheat on their husbands....... but then again I don't think they'd take abuse..... It's be challenging and an interesting read to say the least. Go for it :D

krisslanza 2008-01-11 13:29

That is a interesting idea I'll say. Try it out! You won't know until you try, you know what I mean? I didn't think my idea would've turned out so well but it's turning out to be doing quite well.

ghazghkull 2008-01-11 13:29


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1338079)
I don't think they'd cheat on their husbands....... but then again I don't think they'd take abuse..... It's be challenging and an interesting read to say the least. Go for it :D

Well if I can set up a good premise of how they even got into such situations, then it could work out ^^

I might come up with a draft or outline later when I'm off work. I'm just glad I have comp access here ^^

Sam the Onion 2008-01-11 13:32


Originally Posted by ghazghkull (Post 1338077)

I have an idea! :naughty::heh::D

Nanoha and Fate in an abusive relationship with their husbands (not Yuuno and Chrono mind you since they're still cool in my book) and meet each other at some point through said boys, and start an affair of some sorts ;)

What you think? Think that could possibly be pulled off well?

Interesting idea and I think it could be done with success.
Quoting Satashi-sama's: Go for it


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1338075)
Example: Elio died because no one wanted to just "walk around town, because nothing will happen there"

Not knowing who you're going to meet is a major turnoff for most.

Satashi 2008-01-11 13:43


Originally Posted by ghazghkull (Post 1338089)
Well if I can set up a good premise of how they even got into such situations, then it could work out ^^

I might come up with a draft or outline later when I'm off work. I'm just glad I have comp access here ^^

If you get a draft going I'll take a look at it if you want


Originally Posted by Sam the Onion (Post 1338090)
Interesting idea and I think it could be done with success.
Quoting Satashi-sama's: Go for it

Not knowing who you're going to meet is a major turnoff for most.

You have to take risk sometimes :D

BPHaru 2008-01-11 13:59


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1338075)
Wrong :p Each girl has an affection meter that goes up.

Wrong? I know how that works, I have one of those for you too, but it goes down, not up :)

Originally Posted by ghazghkull (Post 1338077)

I have an idea! :naughty::heh::D

Nanoha and Fate in an abusive relationship with their husbands (not Yuuno and Chrono mind you since they're still cool in my book) and meet each other at some point through said boys, and start an affair of some sorts ;)

What you think? Think that could possibly be pulled off well?

If you ask me, I can’t see that plot happening with those characters, and for a NanoFate fic it doesn’t seems attractive to me, even if I read every NanoFate fic I would have my doubts about reading that one.
I’m more interested in your other fic, Road of Love, can I ask you if you’re planning to continue it?

Saludos, Haru

Satashi 2008-01-11 14:01


Originally Posted by BPHaru (Post 1338119)
Wrong? I know how that works, I have one of those for you too, but it goes down, not up :)

That hurts T_T no more fics for joo

SpaceBrotha 2008-01-11 14:08


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1338120)
That hurts T_T no more fics for joo

*pats satashi on the head* there there, it's just haru being haru... :bash:

Edit: :D okay, that looks like i'm patting satashi with a hammer, but i'll leave it for laughs :D

ghazghkull 2008-01-11 14:09


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1338097)
If you get a draft going I'll take a look at it if you want

That would be great if you could. Mind you it's once I have time and I'm on break or something. Trying to get used to working in an office atm.


Originally Posted by BPHaru (Post 1338119)
If you ask me, I can’t see that plot happening with those characters, and for a NanoFate fic it doesn’t seems attractive to me, even if I read every NanoFate fic I would have my doubts about reading that one.
I’m more interested in your other fic, Road of Love, can I ask you if you’re planning to continue it?

Saludos, Haru

If you don't want to read it, it's fine. It's just an idea at the moment, but hey this is a fanfic, and I can exercise a bit of poetic and creative licence to actually make it work out, without distorting the characters beyond who and what they are.

As for Road of Love, that depends if I can get the mood back, considering I'm still reeling from Satashi-sama's comments. (No offense intended Satashi-sama, but I need to get that out of my system otherwise I won't be able to write them out like how I want them to turn out).

But as soon as I can regain my muse on that particular story, I'll probably be back and at it.

Satashi 2008-01-11 15:17


Originally Posted by ghazghkull (Post 1338137)
As for Road of Love, that depends if I can get the mood back, considering I'm still reeling from Satashi-sama's comments. (No offense intended Satashi-sama, but I need to get that out of my system otherwise I won't be able to write them out like how I want them to turn out).

But as soon as I can regain my muse on that particular story, I'll probably be back and at it.

^^; I'm sorry, I guess they were a little harsh without meaning for them to be >< Please don't forget that it's just one person's opinion. writing comes from you, so go with what you want.

ghazghkull 2008-01-11 15:21


Originally Posted by Satashi (Post 1338212)
^^; I'm sorry, I guess they were a little harsh without meaning for them to be >< Please don't forget that it's just one person's opinion. writing comes from you, so go with what you want.

As soon as I can get that back into my system and get over the shock, I'll probably be dolling it out again.

Spoiler for blarg:


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